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With those points, I understand. So how about this one:

Well, here ya go:

There. Let know if there's anything I need to change.
Y'all still open? I got character that you won't see comin'.

@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree (VIV) @AzureKnight (VRA)

Unseen in the fog, Zeka smirked as her only remaining clone scored a hit on the ronin. However, her moment of triumph would be short-lived as she realized the toll this "spar" was taking out of her. Between maintaining the fog, summoning the rat swarm and creating dark clones, she could feel her mana pool running low and without the fog, Kazenosuke would have the freedom to move around. Knowing they can't let that happen, Zeka quickly moved to Vivian and Vară's position.

"Girls, I can't keep this up forever. We need to wrap this up now.", Zeka urged as she sent another wave of shadow rats, as well as two more clones to back up the clone that managed to hit their target. "Between Vară's dragon buddy and me throwing everything but the kitchen sink, I think Kazenosuke is pressured enough for you two to go in and finish it."
@PaulHaynek @Enkryption


Kerry looked at Takamori after he made that request. Actually looked at him, dead in the eye, to see he really meant what he said. Upon seeing that he indeed stood by his statement...

".....Heh...Heheheh.....Wow.......The fucking gall you have of asking me to honor that..."

Kerry began to approach Takamori, smirking but the archer could tell there was nothing jovial behind her expression.

"The man is moving heaven and earth for your countrymen, Takamori."

Her trek continued, her smirk slowly being replaced with an intense scowl, along anger now creeping into her voice.

"Putting his life on the line every day, going against your rules and traditions just so your people can have even a morsel of a fighting chance in this war and doing it all with a smile to inspire hope and courage!"

The anger was now brimming in her tone as she closed in on the human, her hands twitching in a clear display of restraint as she fought the urge to pull out one of her spears.

"Takeshi is doing everything in his power and ability to save this speck of dirt you call home......and you would have him killed for it!?"

Kerry now stood before Takamori, noses almost touching as she stared him down, as if trying to burn a hole in his soul.

"I should sting you in the fucking gut for asking me that!"

Silence followed as the mamono and human stood glaring at each other, the breeze whistling through the air and the birds chirping in the nearby forest. After a tense minute, Kerry turned and began walking away.

"I take it we're done here.", she spoke, curt and to the point. "If you got nothing else you need help with, then I'm heading back. Thanks for showing me a reason why Shizuyama shouldn't be saved."

Without even waiting(and not caring, to be honest) for a reply, Kerry took flight and made her way back toward the temple.

"Look, that's all I know. I swear!"

"Thanks for the info. As a reward, a bit of advice...", Kerry began before suddenly tossing the Varjan up in the air, kicking him with a well-aimed wind-infused foot to the rear and launching him toward the trees and beyond. "...Remember to roll!"

With that taken care of, the hornet landed by Takamori's side, the man still peering out over the valley. His expression indicated his mind was somewhere else. The reason being was quite obvious.

"Well, you may be right about one thing, Takamori: I may very well end up fighting Setsuna at this rate.", she spoke with a sigh, chuckling humorlessly. "Gotta give your girl credit: She works hella fast. You sure know how to teach'em. Still...if push comes to shove, I will do what I must."

Kerry turned to the archer, a gravely serious demeanor on her face.

"Can you live with that?"
@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree (VIV)@AzureKnight (VAR)

"I don't know a single thing about your powers, but...utilize your range as best you can. Don't let him breathe between our attacks."

"Very much NOTED!", Zeka responded, yelping on the last word as she narrowly ducked a burning ember Kazenosuke kicked in her general direction, which kinda threw the mouse girl for a loop because how the hell did he know where she was in the fog? "And I agree with Vivian, Vară! He wants you to be angry, chill out!"

The fight had just recently began, but from Zeka can already observe, Kazenosuke was skilled. Incredibly so. Fend off a strong mamono in combat was already challenge to humans, but taking on three? And still be confidently standing?

Well, despite that mouth of his, he can back it up. No wonder this Takeshi guy wants him., she thought to herself before focusing back on the fight. Okay, my swarm isn't enough. So maybe....

Once more, new wave of shadow rats scurried from out of the fog, only this time...

"Umbra Art: Shadow Clones."

Four shadowy copies of Zeka herself rushed out of the fog as well, wisps of darkness emitting from their forms as they locked onto the ronin, glowing spectral claws at the ready.
@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree (VIV) @AzureKnight (VRA)

”You…asshole vagabond! All we’ve done is bleed and struggle to ensure your country is saved, and you question if it’s even worth it?! You disgrace Lord Takeshi and your people! BUT! If all you want now is to fight, I’ll give you one more than you bargained for! Camael and I alone will crush you! The others won’t even need to get involved, they can sit back and watch you whimper as my flames cook you! If you fight as badly as you tell jokes, this won’t take long. Prepare yourself, vagabond!”

"....Okay, yeah. He is a bit of an asshole and his integrity is questionable but-WHOA!", Zeka commented before yelping and jumping out of the way as Vară shifted into a more intimidating form and charged at Kazenosuke, battle axe blazing.

"He's deadly serious, little mouse. And it looks like he's riled Vară up enough that we can't talk about it further."

"Y-Yeah.....I can see that.", the mouse girl responded in a deadpanned tone, sighing as Vivian joined the inevitable fray. "And this is why I prefer doing these jobs solo."

Closing her eyes for a moment, she hovered her hand over her Umbral Orb and channeled her mana. The amulet gave a soft violet glow in response before spewing forth a dark fog that circled the surrounding area, aiding Vivian in limiting the ronin's movement while Vară poured on the pressure. Zeka's opened eyes glowed vibrant violet as well before stepping back into the fog, disappearing from sight.

"Umbra Art: Chaos Tide."

Emerging from the fog came a small spectral rat, its entire body glowing dark purple. Then came another rat. And then another....and another....and another...

Soon, a swarming mischief of spectral rats scurried toward Kazenosuke, looking to overwhelm him through sheer numbers. Or, at the very least, distract him from the fire demon's hellish assault.
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