Avatar of Rin


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1 yr ago
Knife of Evil is too great, prince of the robots meets his fate! Auchtertool no longer fight, killed by the wizard lord this night!
1 yr ago
Robot Prince of Aucthertool, over thy robot kingdom rule! Electronic lord of war, destined to reign forevermore!
1 yr ago
Happy Hogswatch!
2 yrs ago
Still not sure why Guel Jeturk is getting isekai'd to the Paldea region though but I can roll with it I guess.
1 like
2 yrs ago
The closest thing I can think of like that was that a scoop of ice cream in a glass of coke was a treat when I was a kid.


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She's not giant and robotic!

Hibiki is, by this point, basically a Super Robot. :D

"Basically"? >.>
Well it was nice knowing Menomaru I guess. XD
@Raineh DazeIt's really nice having an NP5 Andersen, y'know~ :D
@Demon ShinobiI mean I'm fine with either 1 or 2, really, and willing to go with whatever everyone else wants so... There is my unhelpful opinion on the matter. The setup sounds fine to me, since being able to switch between the "real" world and the digital world opens up a lot more room for developments than just setting it in one. And... I'd prefer to use Discord, really, mostly because I'm already using it for a few things anyways. XD

Ah, a fellow person of culture I see! Arash pretty much spells instant death for anything, doubly so if they're a Saber or Berserker. He's one of those bronze Servants that are actually a secret gold Servant (another one being Andersen). :D

...And don't worry too much about not having a Saber. The most common of those are silver, after all, and out of the two silver ones currently available Tubso Caesar is easily the better one. XD
Hmmm, I guess it's okay to start thinking up character ideas now, right? ^^; Not sure if I want to go with the obligatory gogglehead or aloof rival (even if one of them would be fun to try), so will probably try and figure out some other archetype like... I dunno, we'll see I guess. "Cool big sis" or "cutesy little sis" seem to be the two ideas that are popping into my head right now though, but knowing me that'll probably change when I actually get around to writing stuff up. XD


Well that was unexpected. Not that it wasn't without precedent, of course; Andersen had learned a thing or two about how magecraft worked during both times he'd been summoned as a Servant, and one thing he'd remembered (despite how perverse it was) was that magical contracts could be strengthened by... Ugh... Exchange of bodily fluids, although thankfully in this case it was just a kiss. He couldn't help but snort in amusement as Mordred flailed about, so flustered she forgot to take her revenge on him for that jibe about her heritage, and making wild claims that you didn't need to have Human Observation to realize were complete falsehoods.

Of course, his amusement quickly dissipated once he realized something utterly dreadful: he was next. Now unlike Mordred, he would freely admit that he'd never been kissed before. He'd been a lifelong batchelor after all, pining for those he felt were completely out of his reach and dying alone, unmarried and celibate. Thankfully despite her unpleasantness his first Master had never... And his current Master, the girl at Chaldea, well... The point was, when Evangeline pressed her lips against him as he was frozen in horror, it was something he'd never experienced before. Instinctively, as soon as she drew away from him, he spat in disgust.

"Bleeegh! Was that really necessary, you... You..." Really, he was so shocked by even such a tiny, insignificant kiss that he found it hard to respond, and was left dumbstruck even as his new Master decided that one particular tree had offended her. Noticing her change in appearance and size after she'd cast her spell, however, Andersen straightened his bowtie and tried to regain composure. "Heh... Well now! I suppose having to support two Servants was too much for you, and you've had to reveal your true form! You're even more of a minuscule, miniature, microscopic midget than I am! In fact I'm sure even Jack has a few inches on you, and she's... Heh, and going by that glamour of yours I can just tell that you hate being stuck in a child's body even more than I do, don't you?"

Of course, such a blatant display of magecraft in the open was bound to attract attention, and soon enough someone had approached them. Specifically, a young girl, looking about the same age as he did (and going by her tone and the way she held herself, probably the actual age she looked, which was something that had grown more and more unusual to him during his time at Chaldea)... And... Oh god... A costume like that... And a magical staff too... She wasn't going to start mouthing off about love and justice and friendship like that Einzbern girl, right? He really couldn't put up with that kind of thing with how sober he was... And with that in mind, and noticing the unusually large cloud of moths heading their way, he slowly backed off until he was behind Mordred.

"I'll, uh, let you handle this one, I suppose."

@Raineh Daze (Thank you for making that spiffy banner! :D )
@Demon ShinobiI'd be pretty fine with any of the first three I guess. Mind you, I'm old and got into the franchise via Adventure so I'd probably feel more at home with one of the first two, but I'm willing to try a Frontier-style thing if it comes down to it.
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