Avatar of RisenDead
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 264 (0.08 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. RisenDead 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Assume Nothing, Believe No One, Check Everything



Welcome to my very vague and, I have no doubt, hardly inspiring profile. If I were to drop you a little bit of information on myself it would be the following. I'm just past thirty, served my country for eight years in the military, and I am now working in another Federal Government branch that is less camouflage and more leaning towards Investigative work.

I have attended University, earned a degree, and travel as often as possible, especially if the destination has castles, love castles. I work hard, I play hard, and writing essentially allows me an opportunity to refocus energy away from my job and into something that keeps me sane.

I despise fancy talking know-it-all assholes and everyone who talks a good game from behind the safety of their monitor. It's the internet ladies and gentleman, you aren't tough, clever, or mysterious simply because you spend countless hours crafting thinly veiled insults to people.

If you have an RP idea, hit me up. I am interested in Nation States Roleplay, and Advanced Roleplaying. Truth be told, I'd probably try anything once, to the point I enjoy played a Professor at Hogwarts once. The poor fellow ended up getting eaten by a Dragon, it was aweful.

Want someone who will get into a roleplay and not give a damn if his character dies as long as it advances the plot? Someone who will not give two hoots if his nation gets overrun and his people enslaved as long as it was awesomely done? Someone who doesn't mind playing a bad guy that's going to lose in the end anyway? Someone who just enjoys writing for the sake of story telling?

Call me.

I am here to enjoy myself, create worlds, and basically have a place to forget the real world. If you're looking for someone like that, I'm your man.



Most Recent Posts


Just let me know where you want your main gate and I'll add it in! I'll also try for a cooler font...

Done and done


No worries, I get it. Sorry for the approach! Looking forward to seeing your guys!

You're green.


I live to serve and obey! Alrighty folks, doors open then, who wants what?

I apologize if you think I am being heavy handed. I am just hoping to motivate people to get posting! Right now it's a rather small group of us despite the interest. No harm in trying to get everyone to get cracking is there?


Um... Check the new map, let me know what you think, and if you don't like it I'll update with your request, providing you fill that sheet out some more...
@Brithwyr@wxps350@POOHEAD189@Lauder@Aristo@Vocab@Ophidian@TemplarKnight07@Supreme Commander@ClockTowerEchos

I will now take requests for other regions, you will need to include your character sheet please.

Thank you
Just throwing it out there but I only have five accepted applications and two of them don't have "home territory", chop chop people.
@Brithwyr@wxps350@POOHEAD189@Lauder@Aristo@Vocab@Ophidian@TemplarKnight07@Supreme Commander@ClockTowerEchos

I am going to attempt to work the current map into the new map as best I can. Priority goes to those who have finished their character sheets, as it should. You are welcome to comment on the changes once the new map is up but I think it will be to everyones liking.

The Rats and Beastboys will NOT be given their own territory as they are, in theory, pretty much damned well everywhere. If you would like to select an area on the map where your capital might be located please let me know where and I will happily mark it down so at least we know where to find your King.

Question, comments or concerns will be ignored until the new map is updated, which should be tonight.
1)I'm finishing it up today
2)1/3rd of every Dwarf hold is above ground, and they're tech wizzes. I'm pretty much making them after Warhammer Dwarfs with a few twists, and Warhammer Dwarfs got Steam Tanks. Maybe not in the Total War game, but everyone makes mistakes.
3) Thank you!

It's almost like we're neighbours/allies or something!

I just saw this and I don't know if Clock addressed it yet. First off, hurry up and finish it! secondly, stop stealing my technology! I don't want to be a debby downer but how on earth did you get steamtanks underground??

Otherwise, looking solid, finish it up!
Version 2.1 "Work in Progress" Edition!

Failed State (Reboot)

Original Concept by: @Wernher
Failed State

Games Master: @Gorgenmast
Co-Games Master: @RisenDead

Hello and welcome to a short interest check being created as both Gorgenmast and myself look to create a Reboot of the now deceased Roleplay, Failed State. We are looking for three to four Roleplayers with good or better writing skills to join us as warring factions in a fictional, yet unnamed, state that has recently collapsed into civil war following the death of a long serving political leader. Inspiration is being drawn from Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and Austria-Hungary, as well as the original concept created in Failed State.

You, as the player, would be taking control of one of six factions. Factions will be divided along ethnic, cultural or religious lines and have good reason to hate each other. None will of course be willing to share their homeland with the other, because why would they? Games Masters will control an NPC multi-nation entity that exists as a peace keeping force that will serve to muddy things even worse than they are.

So, we need four to five willing participants interested in getting down and dirty with us as we wage ourselves a war! We want drama, death, destruction, romance, political intrigue, lots of tears, maybe some hope, and some all around awesome posts to read.

If you've got what it takes to do that, put your name down here and we will be in touch with more information and more detail when we some more player numbers.

Thanks for your interest and we look forward to working with you!
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