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6 mos ago
6 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
6 mos ago
7 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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7 mos ago
Men of the Internet! TRIPLE N IS OVER! The month was long and the challenge hard. To those who faltered, I wish you better luck next year. And to those who stayed strong, I say... enjoy your freedom!


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Should the sea goblins do more than hide behind meat shields and a fight breaks out, this is what the crew is instructed to do:

If the enemy fights back only from range, everyone must find cover and hunker down before returning fire. With the exception of Derrick, who is under orders to draw as little attention to himself or the fact that he's a healer as he can so that the enemy don't prioritize killing him before he can tend to anyone's wounds or alert the captain if Talogan's closer to the wounded party in question. Having said that, enemy healers are to be killed on sight as quickly as possible, followed by any other caster, and finally any non-casters.

If the enemy manages to board and begin attacking at melee range, all hands save for Derrick, Nyx, Kulee, and Hurrik are to engage the foe in melee. Hurrik is to remain in the crow's nest and fire down at the enemy. Kulee and Nyx are to remain on the bridge, ready to hold against any foe that attempts to seize control of the helm. They are to provide fire support if possible, and alert the captain if any foe attempts to ascend to the bridge. Derrick is to keep his distance from the melee, shoot at any foe who is distracted by another crewman, and either provide healing to those who need it or point out those who aren't looking so good to Talogan if he's closer. Once again, enemy healers are at the top of the kill list, followed by non-healing casters, and then any mundane combatants.

If the enemy attacks with both melee and ranged, Nyx, Kulee, and Hurrik are to take cover and engage the ranged combatants at range while everyone else save Derrick engages the melee combatants. Derrick will make himself inconspicuous and either help the wounded or inform Talogan depending on who's closer. Kill priorities are the same.

Nyx is allowed to freely use any spell that isn't fog cloud, witch bolt, or a 2nd level spell. Those spells are only to be used with the captain's permission. Misty step can be used without prior permission if Nyx needs to escape a deadly situation.

Kulee is free to use Stone's Endurance at any time he feels it necessary.
Would it be allowed to say that Talogan has given his crew a preset battle plan follow during every fight without needing to hear it from the captain, so that he doesn't have to give their strategy away to the enemy?
Would I be correct in assuming that a 20 would hit the closest sea goblin and that it'd still be alive after 4 points of damage? And before you ask, Talogan's initiative is 21.
Out of curiosity, how much is the largest bounty any pirate in this world has had or currently has on their head?
When he turned to face his first mate, Talogan's usual look of cold stoicism was nowhere to be seen. Instead, his face was a picture of barely contained rage that could only a holy warrior who had encountered traitors to his faith could ever truly make. Talogan now knew why the Mighty One had guided him here. He had been sent to punish these Koalinth for their treason against their kind and their gods. Talogan was all to eager to do so. Especially if it meant elves would be slaughtered along with them. "Burn them all!" Talogan ordered "And be ready to pin cushion anything that tries to escape! Nothing on that ship is allowed to survive! NOTHING!". As the crew prepared the oil, glared hatefully at the ship. He would see those forsaken wretches burn for their treachery. When the oil was ready to be slung, Talogan looked to the ship and unleashed the full force of his fury. "MAGLUBIYET COMES FOR YOU!" Talogan bellowed in goblin "BURN HERETICS!". With that said, Talogan signaled for his crew to unleash hell as he readied himself to shoot anything that tried to escape the flames.

I think I may have had a little too much fun describing my flag.
"Give our sails a gust, Ms Orocho!" Talogan called back as he loaded his own crossbow "Time is of the essence! And I want to waste as little of it as possible!". Talogan then looked to his first mate and the four men with him. "One of you be ready to hoist the Colors high as we approach!" Talogan commanded. The Colors was the flag Talogan and his crew sailed under. Like many other pirate flags, it was used to satisfy the first tenant of the Transanic Pirate Code: to give fair warning to any prey encountered at sea. Also like other pirate flags, it featured a unique design to identify which pirate you were dealing with.

The Colors was a black flag, which signified that those who surrendered would be left alive. It featured a red axe with a blade dripping with blood running horizontally along the top of the flag. As the holy symbol of Maglubiyet, the bloody axe represented the ships devotion to the goblinoid god of war. Well, the captain's devotion at least. The bloody axe also represented that the crew was willing and able to fight, and that not surrendering would result in slow, violent, painful, and bloody death. Below the axe stood a red figure wearing a blue hat and a blue coat. This represented the ship's captain and his brutal yet civil nature. In the figure's left hand was a white glass raised in a toast to death and conquest, the blood that dripped from the axe was falling into the glass. In the figure's right hand was a white hour glass with blue sand in the top half and red sand in the bottom, to represent that the biggest difference between civility and brutality was how quickly surrender was offered. The figure was standing on a pair of skulls. A single red word lay beneath each skull. Beneath the left skull was the word 'Elf', and beneath the right skull was the word 'Orc'. This showed that no quarter would be given to elves or orcs. Finally, a sea of blood lay at the bottom of the flag. The sea of blood was filled with the desecrated holy symbols of various non-goblinoid deities, showing contempt for other pantheons and stating that no quarter would be offered to holy men of other gods either.
Talogan Malgrogar
Captain of Maglubiyet's Kraken

Bounty: 2000 Gold Pieces
Crew's Total Monthly Wages: 57 Gold Pieces
Days Until Payday: 3
Day Count: 5 (354)
Kill Count: 3
Most Kills in a Dungeon: 3
Most Kills in an Encounter: 3
Most Kills in a Round: 2
Shanty Count: 18
New Shanty DC: 18

I have two questions.

Fist, would casting gust of wind into the sails make the ship go faster?

Second, do the buccaneers of Keratia have any sort of Pirate's Code or is it just anything goes?
"Maglubiyet is with us this day!" Talogan declared as he looked to the smoke on the horizon. "Hard to starboard, Mr Fishbones!". He then descended from the bridge to join the men below. "All hands to battle stations!" Talogan commanded as he drew his rapier. "Ready your weapons! Bring us to full sail! Anyone caught dawdling will be shot on sight!". With his orders given, Talogan made his way to the bow of the ship and locked his eyes on the smoke rising in the distance.
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