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5 mos ago
5 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
5 mos ago
6 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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6 mos ago
Men of the Internet! TRIPLE N IS OVER! The month was long and the challenge hard. To those who faltered, I wish you better luck next year. And to those who stayed strong, I say... enjoy your freedom!


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Quick question, does Talogan know of anyone in Red Shard who provides the Altar Armament enchantment?
"And how might we go about doing that?" Taz asked when Nuada said they needed to put a stop to the pills. "What's our next step here?"
"Thanks." Taz said in reply to Rollen's words before taking the guy's hand and giving it a good firm shake. "It's nice to meet you too." Once the greetings were finished, Taz looked back at Nuada. "So, we've got some pictures, some pills, and a guy who won't talk." Taz said. "There anything else we should know about or is that all we have to go on?"
Taz gave Rollen a look that one would usually reserve for those who said or did something utterly nonsensical. Pills that made people normal... not a problem? Taz wondered if the guy was even speaking english at that moment. "You might want to call it quits on the alcohol for tonight." Taz said. "I think you're starting to get a little delirious."
"These things suppress Rift powers?" Taz asked as he looked at the two photos. "Damn. I wasn't happy about not being able to get one before. But I certainly am now."
Taz raised an eyebrow when the baggy of pills was presented. "I've seen these before." He said once Nuada was done talking. "I saw a guy taking one of these at a party. The results were nothing to scoff at. And that came as quite a shock to me. The guy who took the pill was no lightweight and that was the first thing he'd taken all night, so there wasn't anything else in his system already." Taz looked up from the pills and back at Nuada. "So you wanna find out who's behind these pills and the missing Rifts?" Taz asked. "What comes next when you have? Do you just wanna run 'em off your turf? Do you wanna stamp 'em out altogether? What's your endgame here?"
"So he's a part of this as well?" Taz asked as he looked from the woman to, the other man at the bar, and then back to the woman. "Fair enough." He was a bit apprehensive about working with a drunk. But if Nuada thought the guy was good to bring along, then Taz wasn't about to argue. She had more than proven that she knew what she was doing in the time he'd known her for.
"Have you ever known me to turn down a drink, Nuada?" Taz asked the woman as he followed her to the bar. Taz hummed approvingly when the conversation turned to a business proposition that concerned his affinity for breaking things. "That does sound like an interesting proposition already." Taz remarked before the drunkard sitting near them decided to start speaking with them. "Maybe we should talk about this somewhere else though. The bar seems a little busy right now."
A tattooed man entered the casino. With the way he was dressed, he looked somewhat out of place among the more well dressed patrons of the casino. But the man didn't care. He wasn't here to be a patron. The man looked around the ground floor of the casino, but couldn't find who he was looking for. Scratching his head, he turned his gaze upwards to the first floor. Eventually, he spotted who he was here for. A woman was standing on the stairway connecting the ground floor to the first. Both of her hands, one of which was made of silver along with the arm it was connected to, rested on the banister in front of her.

The man owed this woman a favor for past services and tonight the woman had called it in. She refused to go into details as to what the favor was over the phone, insisting instead that she tell him in person. Eager to hear what the woman had to say, the man walked over to the stairway and climbed up to her. "Heya." The man said in a friendly manner as he got in speaking range with the silver armed woman. "Here I am. Like you asked. I'm ready to even things between us. All you need to do is tell me how I do that."
Name: Tassilo 'Taz' Davidson
Age: 23
• Criminal Connections
• Ecclesiastical Affiliations
• Highly Destructive
• Utterly Terrifying
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