Avatar of Sanguine Rose


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5 mos ago
Current Wow three years since an update....well - I guess I've been busy. Finally getting back into real story writing instead of just editing and submitting old stuff.
4 yrs ago
Responses didn't come like I meant them to. I'm working on being able to get to them this week. Thank you for your patience with me.
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4 yrs ago
Responses to those waiting to hear from me will come tomorrow. Apologies.
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4 yrs ago
Shit happens, responses slow. Working on it. Please be patient.
4 yrs ago


I'm an adult with a family and responsibilities that take priority, as well as mental health issues that can cause me to not get on this site for periods of time. Just know I will get back to you within a few days. If I had something going with you at some point, and you're interested in either starting it back up or starting something fresh, just reach out.

I recently started working on getting published, and have self published one story so far. Check it out on Amazon - Into the Night by Alexia Wynd.

You can also check out more of my work - short stories and the like - at my recently started Patreon: patreon.com/storiestocaptivate

Also found on Twitter: @AlexiaWynd

Most Recent Posts

For clarification, it's okay to make Villain characters, right?
I'm still sorting through my ideas and just want to verify.
Sweet! Time to really start figuring out what to play.
The job read like it would be tough, but not impossible. Three rogue mages holed up in a small town needed to be brought in for evading investigation and arrest for a string of robberies. Not many in the guild seemed to like taking on three mages, let alone the fact there was the potential for collateral damage. It was the exact kind of thing Kali went for. That wasn't why Kali had taken the job though. It had no sooner gone up than Kali snatched it up and was approved for the job.

Helianthus wasn't a remarkable town. It wasn't exactly on the way to any destination unless one wanted it to be. There were faster means to any destination, roads built to be more direct travel to larger towns. One would assume that was why the mages hid there. One would also expect the job to be easy.

No one actually expected to hear that two days after setting out on the job, Helianthus was nothing more than ashes. That people had died in the catastrophic inferno that leveled the town. The guild kept it under wraps as best they could, but that didn't stop them from assigning a job to bring Kali in for questioning.

- - -

That was three weeks ago. Since then, she'd incapacitated four guildmates. It wasn't something Kali wanted to do. It certainly wasn't something that helped what she was trying to do. There was no way she could let someone bring her in. The job had been a set up. If someone brought her in, she would never be able to clear her name. She'd end up with more than just a bounty on her head if the dark guild that set her up had any say in it. That meant people that weren't bounty hunters coming for her - people that weren't required to bring her in alive.

She'd made it to Sakura and was hiding out there to buy herself some time to figure out her next move. She needed proof. She needed to find the survivors. Those buggers scattered like roaches in the light. She wanted to catch them all in the inferno, but it was a last ditch idea when the job went south. If she could find one of them and someone could verify the truth wasn't just her forcing the mage to tell her story, her slate could wipe clean. That was the best case she could hope for. The worst...she wasn't going to think about what would happen if she failed.
I'm up for something superhero.
I prefer OC universe, but like Marvel if using fandom. Marvel just...feels more real for anyone to step up to try to be a hero over DC's universe IMO


Sexual Orientation:

Height and Weight:
5’6” feet tall, and 145 lbs

Location and Color of Guild Mark:
Left side just over her hip, crimson

Hair Color:

Eye Color:
Crimson, kind of looks like pools of lava when she’s upset/angry

Any Other Physical Things of Note:
Has a large scar that wraps from the front of her right side around to the back of her right side - total length is about seven inches (pretty much looks like someone stabbed her in the side and sliced outward with the blade...because that’s what happened.)
A few other scars scattered around her body, mostly on her back and forearms.

Magic Type:
Phoenix Magic
Lost Caster Magic

Combat Style:
Kali is a tank. She hits hard, can deal a lot of damage, and can take a lot of damage. Considering she doesn’t look like she can take or give much of a hit, she tends to get underestimated going into combat with other wizards and definitely uses that to her advantage.

Kali watches and remembers details about things. Whether it’s how someone fights or smiles or phrases things, she picks up on things others might be hiding. Her ability to pick up on details helps with knowing what she needs to say or do to get what she wants, and definitely helps give her an advantage in a fight - especially when interactions are with the same people over a long period of time.

Not a lot of people know the name Kali Milya, but many know the name Firebird. Even people that are new to the guild have heard the name, and if they aren't in the guild and heard of her - they either have read articles in Sorcerer's Magazine (though there has only been one interview article in the 5 years she's worked) or aren't on the right side of the law. The reputation isn't always a good thing though. While many know how powerful a combatant Firebird can be, they also have heard exaggerated tales of how destructive her power is. Starting off as a barely contained inferno when she first joined, the stigma of going full out hung over her and it isn't hard to believe it when people say she over did it on one job or another (especially since many of the people she brings in are worse for the wear.)

Whether it’s trying to learn a new way to control her power, or trying to solve a problem, once she puts her mind to something, Kali isn’t willing to let anything get in her way to accomplish it. She puts her whole self into any undertaking, and doesn’t let anyone’s negativity (even her own) stop her.

This kind of plays off her determination, but if told she can’t do something, you better believe she plans on trying to prove you wrong. Kali doesn’t like hearing that she can’t do something, even if it’s simply because someone is looking out for her best interests. It stems back to her childhood, and didn’t really resolve when her situation improved. Especially for getting passed over for S-Class again.

Time Bomb:
It's not a concept she likes to think about, but she knows its true. She has a hair trigger temper, and it comes out more often than she likes. Maybe it's just her personality. Maybe its the fire in her gut. Her magic doesn't exactly instill patience, and she's usually eager to act and react than set up an elaborate plan to act upon. But it's not just her temperament that makes her a time bomb. Without careful control over herself to allow for just the right amount of action and power at any given time, she could become the epicenter of an immense inferno - something she very dearly does not want to do. Again.

Though she joined the guild, she’s always been a bit of a loner. She has trouble trying to socialize, even to the point of finding it hard to ask for help even if she needs it.

Bitch, coldhearted, elitist, loner - these are a few of the things that people have used to describe her. Kali is generally quiet. She gives people the cold shoulder more often than not, and when she is willing and able to engage, she generally does so in a crass and uncaring manner. Offhanded comments are usually more biting than they deserve to be. It doesn't seem to bother her that she ends up usually working alone unless forced to partner with someone, and even then - she usually ends up running the job alone and just splitting the cut a bit unfairly to get the other person to keep their mouth shut about it. No one in the guild currently has seen her have a nice interaction with someone, or even so much as smile. She knows what they say, and if it bothers her she doesn't seem to show it.

"Guys?" The ANP piped up as the group discussed how to get to Abeneraaa Harbor. The first time it seemed to be ignored. So it put up an arm and waved it as it tried again. "Guys! Hey. Pay attention to me!"

Kaden put a hand up to dismiss the offered cookie from Lavinia. He was perfectly happy to let her pay his way. Asher wanting to pay his own way was no matter to him. It was perfectly fine to him however they all got to the place together. Hell, it was fine with him if they all ended up in Abeneraaa Harbor separately as long as the job got done. The problem was, the stupid machine was flailing and trying to get someone's attention.

He sighed and turned his attention back down to the robot. "What is it now?"

"Well, it's great you guys want to get there fast, but Avedis said he didn't think commercial transportation was a good way to get there."

Kaden could almost feel the twitch start in his eye. "And why not?"

"Well I'm not exactly something everyone sees every day. So seeing me twice would bring more attention than you want."

Another sigh escaped Kaden as the mage hung his head. "Of course. Escort job," he muttered. Because it couldn't just be that easy. Looking at the other two, he crossed his arms and focused his attention on Asher. "Looks like you're lucky to save that hard earned coin." His attention divided between the two. "Okay, so we get a wagon to pull this stupid thing or one of you two can carry it, then we'll cut due east. There aren't much more than hiking trails through that wood without taking main roads, but it's the quickest way without buying passage on transport. Sound good?" He looked at Lavinia. "Up for a bit of walking?" He looked between the two mages and the machine before nodding. "Good."

"Who want's breakfast? Best way to start the day is with a large meal. Help build up your strength to fight off bandits and hooligans that might want to use me for their own nefarious purposes!"

Leon hadn't gotten a chance to really respond before the newest member of the guild approached to offer her services. Ria didn't manage to get much conversation out of the girl aside from learning her name and that she was trying to get in touch with Zenith, but by the time Ria had been able to get Zenith's attention to try to help make that work out she had forgotten about it. Until now, oh what awful timing since they both seemed to be set to go out on jobs. Maybe once they both returned from jobs she would be able to make sure the girl could actually talk to Zen.

Still, Ria's smile brightened at the prospect of working with the newest member too. "Yeah? That'd be great! Another set of hands would be great. The basics of the job is there's a bit of a student rebellion in Era University, and we've been requested by the Dean to go help disperse the rabble before it gets too out of hand. We would like the approach this with the intentions of ending it as nonviolent as possible, though there is a chance it will turn into a fight. If you are sure you want to help, then we can certainly have you come along."

It was only after she'd given the introduction of the job did she realize she was likely the only one at the table that knew who everyone was. An apologetic smile slid onto her face for a moment. "Oh, my, right. I don't think you two have met yet. Akemi Desdemona, this is Leon Aldehart. Akemi joined up with us just the other day. I think between the three of us we should definitely be able to take on some rebellious students." She stood, still smiling. "So if you both are ready, we can head out to make sure we get there as soon as possible."
Great set up
@Aeolian okay. Move him over

So you did well with making the changes J8 requested.
But I think with you listing his mother as apprehensive of him going out to become more skilled with magic, her handing over all her keys - as implied - might be a stretch still.

Reduce his starting keys to 2 gold, and 5 silver to start. The rest can go on a "waiting list" that will come with character development.

Only other edit is to add another weakness.
His heart condition and weak body are directly connected. If he didn't have the heart condition, he wouldn't be so weak according to his history. I do understand the point of highlighting them separate from each other, so you dont have to remove either weakness or combine them. Just add one unrelated to his physical health or him being a wimp.

If you want to discuss either of these edits, feel free to DM me and we can chat. Let me know here or ping me in chat when the changes are made and I'll give it another look for approval.

Asher followed. If only there'd been someone he could have placed a bet with, he could have made some money. Maybe some other time. Guy seemed like he had a good head. At least there was one bonus. If what he'd read about the weird chick was correct, at least there was someone else that could fight if it came to it. It wouldn't come to it, though. he'd heard about plenty of escort missions that were just paranoid people trying to make sure no one made off with their goods. This was going to be as simple as a walk through a city; if it turned out otherwise, well hopefully they were challenging enough to make it worth his attention.

"Guys! Hey, guys! Wait..." The ANP unit called as it bounced from one leg to the other in effort to catch up to all the taller beings that were supposed to be staying with it. "You know where you're going, right?"

"For now, we're getting out of here before the stupid becomes contagious." They had people standing outside their guild knocking on doors to be let in, like it were some private establishment, being tormented by little kids. Sure, he was taking some of the crazy but apparently that couldn't be helped.

Kaden stopped walking when Lavinia caught up to him with her crazy. He closed his eyes and let out a breath before turning to face the hooded mage. "Look, chick, I asked you to come along 'cause you were listed in the papers to be pretty handy in a fight and the chick I got info on the guild from said you were nice. So keep that crazy inside and this job will go easy as cake. If you can't manage, go back to whatever you were going to be doing, and this guy and I will take care of it. So eat the damn cookies, and just keep your mouth shut until we get back to the guild."

The ANP popped up between the two. "Cookies are ready." The machine handed off a plate of hot fried mini donut balls to Lavinia. It turned to acknowledge Kaden again. "Are we going to be walking the whole way to Abeneraaa Harbor?"

Kaden sighed. "No, just until we meet up with Avedis. Then we'll look at where we're at and determine best way to Abeneraaa Harbor. So where'd the old man tell you for us to meet him."

"Meet him? We're not supposed to meet him. You're supposed to get me to the orphanage."

Kaden pinched the bridge of his nose. "So where the hell did he go after he threw you through our window?" This whole thing made him regret not grabbing that stupid actress protection job. At least then he'd have something to look at on occasion.

"Back to his workshop I'd assume."

"And where is that?"

"Outside Abeneraaa Harbor. So that brings me back to the point. Are we walking all the way there? I'm meant for only short distance walking. That means I can't be expected to walk all the way there..."

Kaden let out a hard sigh. "We'll get transportation to Abeneraaa Harbor and you'll show us where Avedis' workshop is. Then we'll make sure you get to the orphanage." He looked at Lavinia and Asher. "Either of you have money to afford your own tickets?"

Leon was going to call his friend. Hopefully she would actually have some information on the group causing problems. That would certainly make it easier. Otherwise, Ria supposed they could interrupt Gwen preparing for her own job, or maybe get Lilliana to actually say more than a few words to them, regarding what they remembered of when they went there. It could be the same people, and if so they would have the best information about what might happen. Well, maybe not. They likely went in fighting, whereas Ria knew the best odds she and Leon had were to try talking things out.

While he was off getting ready, she went over to finally ask Torys to approve them taking the job. "Master Torys, Leon and I would like to take the job to help mitigate the student rebellion at Era university." She sported her usual cheerful smile as she handed over the flier to Torys.

Torys took the flier and looked at it then Ria. Putting the flier to the side, she shrugged lightly. "Sure, it could just be the two of you. I'm sure you'll be able to handle it if you are willing to fight and both of you put effort into it. Though you may want to discuss a potential fight strategy with Leon, just in case. It's broken down to fights every other time we've sent people. You shouldn't expect any less. But if you both buckle down and can both use your heads on how to deal with the students before you get into the fights, you should do fine."

Ria managed to keep her smile from slipping, despite the feeling of defeat kind of settling into her gut. Yes, everyone else that went ended up fighting, but...that could just be because that was their approach. Gwen and Lilliana were both fighters, not diplomats. "I'll be sure to talk things over with Leon before we finally set out. He's calling a friend now to double check what's going on at the campus right now." She put her hand up as a wave before heading off to where the two had planned to meet up.

She didn't have to wait long. Leon was back with information before she expected. He kicked off the list with a name she recognized all too well. Giselle Kaiser. The very mention of the name made the smile vanish from her face. Giselle Kaiser. She repeated the name in her head as her gaze grew distant. The other information passed through one ear and out the other. Giselle Kaiser, her cousin, was alive. She was alive, and she was in Era. For whatever reason she was helping with a revolt among students. What could have happened in the past four years that would lead to such unruly behavior? Oh no, is it because we didn't look for her? Surely she wasn't part of the last revolt. Gwen would have told me. She must have been hiding. This must be a new team.

Blinking back to life when the name Zana was repeated, Ria forced a smile back on her face and focused on Leon. "We might be able to have an edge in the fact we know what they can do and they don't know what we can. The idea still stands to try to reason with these individuals instead of fight." Especially Giselle; I couldn't bare the thought of having to fight her. "Is there a person you want to ask to join? Or just see if someone approaches us?"
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