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4 yrs ago
Current Space: The final frontier. The womb: The first frontier. Somewhere between those two: the ocean.
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4 yrs ago
Lost? Confused? Lacking direction? Need to find a purpose in your life?
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@Shadow Dragon no doubt. You will at least lose a challenge. Considering you write all your characters as the same entity, who always ends up being over powered.
then ducked and slid underneath the sword stroke

Don’t you dare try to lie to me.
I’m curious how long you are gonna let this drag out though. Since there is no way Quincy can win.
@Jasper19 Quincy ducked under an attack that was targeting him when he was ducked? That doesn’t make sense. Deo would have targeted his legs on account of expecting him to duck the thrown knife. Not something he could have ducked.
“You sure?” He asked, “you look...” without missing a beat, he threw the knife he had pulled from his shoulder at Quincy’s head. “Tired.” He continued as he rushed forward, only a mere moment after the knife. He expected Quincy to duck, if he didn’t, he’d end up with a knife in his face. The duck would put Quincy right in the path Deo’s blade coming around, planning to strike with the blunt edge. This wasn’t the end of the technique though, as the sword stroke followed through, Deo shifted into a squat, and launched upwards. Literally jumping over where Quincy was standing. Landing on the other side, just far enough away that the knife could reach him, but close enough to rest his sword blade under Quincy’s chin.
Deo casually pulled the knife from his shoulder and smirked. “Give up yet?” He asked. He looked the Medic in the eyes. Something was different there. Something darker lurked beneath the surface now.
The throwing knife embedded in his shoulder, but he didn’t flinch. Instead he merely caught Quincy’s wrist in his free hand. He looked at the blade sticking out of his shoulder and back at Quincy. “Gonna take a little more than that,” he said launching a solid front kick to get Quincy away from him, before leaping back again to create even more distance between them.
Several rocks pelted the wolf. They didn’t come from Boulder though.
He turned to see four other Earth Mages. “Your stance is too shallow to properly cast.” One of them said. “Earth magic requires a deep stance, and a strong core.” Another continued. “We are the Land Slides.” One stepped forward. “We noticed the logout error, and decided We Earth Mages should stick together.” The supposed leader continued. “Come with us, we’ll help you level up and stay alive.” He said, gesturing for Boulder to join them.
Boulder nodded and went with them.
Deo leapt backwards again. The knife landing in front of him, and the Medic in front of that. “Hey, stop saying Barbarian like it’s a bad thing. I have a good friends from the tribes of Barbaria.”
Standing alone in a field, Boulder noticed a wolf approaching. “Oh come on. Not even a tutorial.” He complained. He deepened his stance. Glad he had watched a couple videos about the game before logging in.
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