Avatar of Sanity43217


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4 yrs ago
Current Space: The final frontier. The womb: The first frontier. Somewhere between those two: the ocean.
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4 yrs ago
Lost? Confused? Lacking direction? Need to find a purpose in your life?
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Hey, this seems interesting, but if Pirates cannot fire unless fired upon, how exactly do they do piracy? It just seems like stealing from merchant's vessels is much harder if they know that if they don't fire on them, they can't really do anything.

"Sounds like execution with extra steps." He paused. Trying to think it over. "It'd be a pretty good spectacle." He turned to see the others who had accepted. "So, die in a blaze of glory, or get absolved of my crimes?" Looking up at the king, he smirked. His eyes becoming solid black. Standing up suddenly, straining against the chains. Causing a couple of knights to draw their swords and place them in front of his neck. "Damn, Son of a bitch, I'm in." Chuckling he relaxed back down, and the knights relaxed. "So, I guess, I, Razol, Sin of Greed accept your offer."

here is the ooc @Sanity43217 depending on if you are still interested and have discord Ill send you an invite to the group

Yeah, send me over that discord invite.

Razol winced as the hood was taken off. The light stinging his eyes. Taking a moment for his eyes to adjust. "So, these are the other prisoners." He said to no one in particular. Looking down and shaking his head in disgust. He had sensed them in the cells, where he had been for centuries. At least. Razol had lost track of time in there. These people were recent additions to the prison but could become friends in time. Maybe.
Looking up at the King. Flashing a smile. "Isn't it obvious." He said with a slight chuckle. His mind wasn't quite what it was when he was captured. Hundreds of years in the dark alone tended to do that to you. "At least make my execution exciting." The way Razol saw it, the only reason he would be brought out of his cell was to be executed. "Burning at the stake is so pedestrian. Beheading, so gauche." He said looking around at the Knights. A smile still on his face. He had accepted his death. Turning quickly back to the King. "I do love a spectacle. What will it be?"
Thinking of a high tech Jason Todd amalgam. Maybe part-time tech thief, part-time vigilante.

Jason squared off against the Shabti. "Come on." HE said gesturing for the training to start. Only to have to immediately doge to the left to prevent his head from being bashed in. Throwing a punch of his own, resulting in the Son of Zeus being thrown over the Shabti's shoulder. Landing flat on his back, he found a foot hovering over his head. Jason sighed as the Shabti relaxed and prepared to go again when Jason was ready.
Making his way back to his feet, he began to shift his weight from foot to foot. Gently rocking backwards and forwards. Trying to get a feel for the Movements of the martial art.

Ryan took to the Martial Art easily. Mostly because he was morphing it with the styles of fighting he had studied in Hotel Valhalla, and when he was alive. For a while, he held his own. Until the Shabti adapted to incorporate his unique style, and force him to focus more on Krav Maga. After suffering a flurry of blows that ended with a kick to the side of his knee. Ryan heard his knee pop. Wincing in pain, he backed away. The Shabti stopped as it realised it had gone too far on this one. Ryan waved it off. Limping off to the side of the room, to lean against a wall. "Fuck." He pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lighted it. Taking a drag, he gritted his teeth as he placed his hands either side of his knee. A sharp push, and a pop, and Ryan had popped his knee back into its socket. Pushing off the wall to put some weight back on it. He winced as pain arched up through his leg, but it held the weight. Raising his other leg to put all his weight on the recently dislocated knee, he did a couple of test hops to make sure it was fine. Despite still harbouring some pain, he would be able to continue the practice.
@Sanity43217, since Numair chose to continue towards Avveel, for the next turn it could be good chance to get to know more of his mind. Really dig in and introduce more of the character. Only a suggestion that came to mind! :) after all, it will take an hour or so to walk the distance. On that note, there isn’t much of interest during the rest of the way so if there is no interaction from other characters or you feel there isn’t anything to write about, you can choose to skip your turn. Just notify me here if you choose to do so. I will notify you if there is something from the NPC/Environment that requires your attention naturally.

Just skip me this rotation. Not really anything for me to add yet.
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