Avatar of Scribe of Thoth


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25 min ago
Current I only saw the awful trailer and all my interest evaporated I'm ngl
9 days ago
Apparently adding "udm=14" to the end of a google search turns off the AI but idk if they patched that yet
11 days ago
She puzzle on my tip till I hint
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23 days ago
Somebody dm me what happened and if it's not funny enough I'll take my frustrations out on you
2 mos ago
I think thatโ€™s just called playing dnd


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@SubjectVision Weโ€™re still accepting afaik
Third time's the charm

Max turned his nose up as the apologetic boy simply vanished before his eyes. Good riddance.

"And how about he watches where he's going." He grumbled as the girl walked away, turning on a heel to march toward his dorm. "Whatever."

He flexed his hand repeatedly as he walked, trying to replicate that spark from earlier. As it became increasingly apparent that Max wasn't going to get results, he opted to start grumbling to himself for lack of a better outlet for his frustration.

"Stupid bitch, thinks she's better than me because she can disappear. I guess she is since I can't even do anything yet." He blew air out of his nose in a derisive snort, clenching the hand he was flexing into a rigid fist, "Useless orientation. Useless school." He threw open the door to his dorm with unnecessary force, and then slammed it shut even more harshly before stomping off to his room. He planted himself face down on the bed, burying his face in a pillow before letting out a muffled wail of frustration. It was cathartic, in a way.

After some time, he rose from the bed and started peeling off clothes, lazily throwing them onto the floor of his room en route to the bathroom before turning on the shower. He stepped in after the water heated up, leaning his head against the wall lethargically as the water dripped down his body at an awkward angle. There was no point in showering again today, but he doubted the academy would send him a water bill, so he was going to enjoy the heat. Max let out a sigh, lazily trailing his eyes around the featureless interior of the shower in idle boredom. Better than reflecting on the day he'd just had. What a terrible day. He, Maxwell Alderman, simply wanted to have a quiet academic career, but these shithead vampires keep bothering him.

Focus on the positives. Class starts tomorrow. Hopefully he'll be performing magic by the end of the week. After that, he can spend all his time on honing his skill rather than wandering aimlessly around campus or entertaining anyone else's stupid whims when they feel like bothering him. At the very least he'd have an excuse to isolate himself from the leeches, if not his fellow mages.

Max planted himself casually as he was unsubtly cornered by the group, hands still in his pockets and legs spread wide. Annoying sycophants. It wasn't enough for leeches to be content with their own pets, they needed to seek out other toys to play with too. He opened his mouth to snap at them when he was cut off by the feeling of a sudden rush of wind.

Did he do that? Maybe that feeling from earlier had done something after all. He pulled his hands from his pockets and flexed his fingers again as he refocused on the group in front of him. And... himself? Was he, like, astrally projecting or something? His body - not his body, but him nonetheless - moved on its own accord. It was running? Why was not-him such a coward? Max looked down, brow furrowed in perplexion. He - real him - was still there. He didn't look like some disembodied spirit. What would that even look like? Would be be transparent? Was this an illusion? Then where did the wind come from? This was obviously magic, but he didn't even know where to begin to classify it.

โ€œI could only give you an hour or so.โ€ Max jumped slightly at the sudden noise, frowning sourly as the female mage became visible. So it wasn't his doing at all. Useless. โ€œDo with it what you will. Just remember, you arenโ€™t actually invisible. People just donโ€™t realize theyโ€™ve seen you.โ€

"Is there a functional difference?" He gruffly asked before waving his hand dismissively, "Whatever, doesn't matter. Thanks, Eyebags." said the pot to the kettle. She did him a favor, he could at least be grateful. Invisibility was probably the greatest boon Max could've been gifted at that moment. No distractions, no vampires, no retrievers. He needed to learn how to do that on his own. Max finally turned his gaze back to the lanky mage from earlier, anger only partially tempered by the thrilling prospect of finally getting some guaranteed peace and quiet for the next hour. "And you - don't drag me into your stupid problems again, or I'll be joining those idiots when they start beating you up."


Flower Boy was following him. Great. At least he hadn't opened his mouth and knew to keep a respectable distance between them. Maybe Max would just pretend he wasn't there; it'd work out better for everyone involved. There were too many people around, and given that a couple neckbiters thought their last tame interaction warranted intervention, he couldn't imagine the crowd he'd draw by blowing up on the plant mage now.

"Have a good day! Hopefully I'll see you around more!"

"Good day, my ass. Fuck you." Max grumbled almost inaudibly under his breath after Salem had walked off. That whole fiasco was his fault, and Max got nothing from that interaction but a bad mood. Useless.

At least the crowds were starting to thin out. Hopefully they'd be too busy fawning over the Queen to bother him any more tonight. He hoped there wouldn't be some mandatory assembly to listen to her drone on about the Academy; on the off chance that there were some mind-reading mages wandering about, he couldn't imagine involuntary thoughts of regicide would be particularly welcome. Well, maybe not entirely involuntary. He'd have to occupy his thoughts with something to amuse him while that stupid hag talke-

He was on the ground. There were some loud noises, and then he was on the ground. How did he end up on his knees? He glanced over in the direction he came from. Some lanky idiot was babbling out apologies like a battered wife. Max pointedly ignored any aid offered his way as he got to his feet, glaring coldly all the while.

"Watch it." He muttered tersely through gritted teeth. He shouldn't engage, it would just keep him here longer. If Max punched this clumsy moron, the vampires would swoop in to play mother hen to these poor, misguided mortals who can't get along. Pretentious parasites.

Speaking of the devil, apparently Lanky had friends. Maybe he was a battered wife, some guy dressed up like a deadbeat dad was leading the charge. How do vampires even get fat? They don't eat. Why were those two idiots earlier bothering him and not these losers? He didn't even bother responding.

If Max had known vamps were going to get involved regardless, he would've just decked the guy that bumped into him in the first place. Maybe he still should. Maybe he could send Lanky running off in the other direction and get those six tagalongs to chase after him and beat him up or whatever. Max had magic, right? He could at least make a show of force, right? Retriever did it easily enough. What was the trick? Willpower? He had plenty of that. The fact that he still hadn't thrown a punch was a testament to that. Emotion? Anger surely counts. He glared at Lanky for lack of a better target, willing something, anything horrible to befall him for locking Max in this situation. A fireball, a lightning bolt, a mildly uncomfortable breeze; he wasn't picky. He flexed his fingers at his side until they were trembling. Nothing. Some school this was. He should've headed to the library instead of trying to get invested in arena fights. Surely some dog-earred copy of Spellcraft For Dummies would've served him better than the absolute waste of time that was orientation day.

Max stuffed his hands in his pocket with a grunt as he prepared to walk off, pausing only as he felt a tingle shoot up his arm as his fingers brushed past the metal of his dorm key. Did he do it? What kind of affinity was that? Pocket lint? Was that just how magic always started out? Was it a freak accident? Did that idiot bumping into him result in some crippling nerve damage that he was just now starting to feel the effects of? He pulled his hand in and out of his pocket again, seemingly oblivious to the other people around him. No tingle. Nothing. Useless.


Shun stared at the sealed envelope sitting on his desk like a predatory cat. He was crouched, keeping the unassuming postage at eye level as if he was waiting for it to invariably leap up and attack him. What could the Academy possibly have sent him? A conciliatory letter about how his efforts were commendable but ultimately futile? A scathing critique of his performance and how he let both a dummy and a villain slip through his fingers? An invitation to be retested due to the first exam having to be abruptly cut short?

He couldn't take it anymore. Shun grabbed the letter and ripped it open. He was pretty sure he stopped breathing halfway through reading it. He had to look over it again. His name was at the top, no mistaking that. This was, in fact, his letter. And... Yep, it still said the same thing the second time he read it. He did good on the exam? And was commended by a teacher, no less! Well, if you ignore the "almost".

He bounced up and down in the center of his room, clutching the letter like it was his lost baby or something, all the while squealing "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" repeatedly.

"Shun, stop yelling!" His mother chided loudly from the other room, seemingly not noticing the irony.

"S-sorry! But I got in! I passed!"

"That's great, honey, but keep it down!"

Shun hummed dejectedly as he deflated a bit, still pressing the letter against himself like his life depended on it. He guessed that was supportive. Although Jigokuraku wasn't exactly prestigious, so maybe that was the response he deserved. The academy had dorms, right? He'd have to start packing. He needed to be ready by... uh... there was no date, just a time. Did that mean tomorrow? He let out a yelp, for lack of a dignified response to the scenario.



What was he supposed to bring? What was he supposed to wear? Were they going to give him a uniform? Hero schools had uniforms, right? Or did the students just walk around in their costumes all day? No, that would be silly. Would his middle school gakuran work? Or could he just slip a jacket over himself and hope no one questioned what was underneath?

He groaned as paced around the room, fidgeting with his hands anxiously. This letter left too many unknowns and not enough time to ask. No wonder Jigokuraku had such a bad reputation, it was an administrative trainwreck! Or... buswreck, in their case.

In the end, Shun barely managed to get himself ready before he left. He put a few essentials in his bag just in case, under the assumption he could come back and pack the rest when he wasn't on a time crunch and had a better idea of what would be happening. In terms of attire, he decided on his old uniform pants with a thick jacket covering the fact that his upper body wasn't quite up to formal standards. If everyone else was underdressed, he could just take the jacket off. Problem solved.

It was still early when Shun arrived in Kirisama, but he didn't really feel like he had time to linger before he made the climb up to the Academy. What was the point of it being so isolated? Wasn't like there was a lack of space here, half the city was rubble. As he made his way ever-closer to the mountain that Jigokuraku Academy sat upon, he peeked in the nearest store he could for a can of coffee - he woke up far too early for his tastes in order to even get to the city on time - before starting up the stairs. If getting there alone was a workout, Shun couldn't imagine what they'd be doing once classes started. The anticipation would've been exciting enough to get him to start running up the stairs, if not for the fact that he still had a drink in his hand. He settled for warping up a few steps periodically, taking care not to use his quirk at a tiring frequency. It wouldn't do to exhaust himself before he even got to school.

Shun craned his head around as he crossed the threshold of the gate, a stupid grin plastered on his face from ear to ear. He was actually standing in a hero school. As a student. Take that, muscle quirk guy from that one kickboxing tournament who said he couldn't one time. Wow, he really needed better rivals. He passed by the two-toned girl he recognized from the exam on the way in, but quickly kept walking. She looked like she was in the middle of a workout, and from her behavior at the exam, Shun doubted she wanted to be disturbed from that. He meandered around the grounds a bit, poking around for anything that gave clues as to the curriculum. Naturally, given the plainness of the school, he found nothing he could interpret.

When he passed the main building again, he noticed Inkblot had started conversing, and luckily to people he knew. Shun crept up behind Airplane Arms at the tail end of what he was saying, announcing his arrival by finishing the last of his coffee with a audibly grating slurping noise.

"Disappearing nerd? Somebody has an invisibility quirk?! That's so cool!" He interjected off the bits of the conversation he had gathered on the walk up. The devil may appear when you speak of him, but there's no guarantee he won't be too dense to notice you did.

@Delta44@ShwiggityShwah@Stern Algorithm
Isaac LaBelle

Isaac jerked Algernon forward as his controls became responsive again, not even getting a moment catch his breath as Zahra's drones were rapidly approaching. He needed a plan in case Osamu tried that stunt again; Isaac didn't believe for a minute that the Red Star pilot would keep his word. But first, he needed to get himself out of danger.

"I'm okay! I'm okay! Call these things off, s'il vous plaรฎt!" he stammered into the comm frantically as Algernon dropped to all fours and raced for cover in the face of incoming fire. Looks like Red Star was shooting at him too - you'd think Osamu would've at least given an order not to target the NC doing Red Star a perverted favor. What a horrible deal this was. That smug brat was going to pay for threatening him. Algernon's claws dug in to the ground as its armor started getting clipped by incoming coilgun fire, sending its "tail" up to collide with one of the overzealous drones that swooped low for a disabling shot on the mech's legs. The EMP generator sparked on impact, sending the little machine to the ground like a moth on a bug zapper.

Isaac raised Algernon's rifle for a dedicated counter-offensive before the drones paused and diverted their flight path, apparently having been called off. Would've been nice if they'd gotten that order before they started shredding Algernon's plating. Battle damage already, and from his own allies, no less! Isaac was fuming. He gripped his controls tightly, falling back and away from the increasingly-near battle line. As far as he could assess, the Haven forces were already in a state of disarray, and it looked like that NC that was clashing with Alexander was going to end up disabled; not to mention, with the way Sahaquiel was erratically moving, he'd never get a clean shot on the Red Star ace. Wonderful, just when he'd been given a stake in this conflict, Haven started losing. He switched his comm back on, careful to keep the anger out of his voice when he spoke.

"Erm, thank you. I saw Akiyama inside their flagship, but I'm not entirely certain if that's his true location." Isaac hesitated; should he warn Alexei? No, too risky. "I'm- I'm not sure if I should say anymore, in case he's listening. Just try not to get pinned down, I think he's eager for slaves."

Deep breath. Focus.

He needed a target, lest he just start taking potshots at the supercarrier on the off-chance he somehow hits Osamu out of frustration. Isaac switched Algernon's lancer to its secondary firing mode, unloading a suppressive spray of plasma bolts on the largest group of Red Star forces in his line of fire. He'd need to thin their numbers for now, wait for an opportunity to strike at an enemy NC. And, worst case scenario, he could always just shoot Alexei and flee if the battle turned out unquestionably in Red Star's favor. Maybe if he overemphasized Osamu's importance to the Red Star war machine in his report, Paragon would harass him with assassins for the rest of his hopefully-short life.

"Wanna walk with me back to the dorms? Wouldn't mind the company."

Max would've given Salem a flat stare in response, but he was too preoccupied glaring daggers into the back of Trenchcoat's head to be bothered. His nostrils flared distastefully before he turned away. Who did that horny idiot think he was? Bad enough that he didn't mind his own business, he had the audacity to flirt afterward, as if Max was just going to humbly submit himself after being accused of ill intent just to be wooed by the lavish and charming Declan. What a stupid name. What a stupid outfit. What a stupid face. He needed something to yell at. Maybe give those leeches a real reason to pull him away from someone. But, unfortunately, all he had to work with was some floral-scented loser. He fixed his glare onto Flower Boy. Nope, that was an inadequate void to scream into, and it would probably end with the Retriever bothering him for picking on his... whatever the hell you call someone who randomly kisses you at orientation.

"Why do I even bother?" He huffed, turning pointedly away from the other mage and stomping off in the direction of the dorms. It wasn't an acceptance of Salem's invitation, but it could easily be construed as one. Max clearly wasn't thinking.

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