Avatar of Shadow Dragon


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2 days ago
Current My kitty is about to die......11 years of the most perfect kitty I ever could have asked for....
4 mos ago
I watched the monster, the one that had ruined my life. Always watching, never resting. Then I struck. And the mirror shattered.
1 like
4 mos ago
Ready the deathray!
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4 mos ago
My poor kitty is dying......her lungs are full of fluid
6 mos ago
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I'm a 23 year old RPer trying to get back into this site lol. Here's a link to my interest checks if you want to know more. If you want to talk to me on discord, msg Shadow_Dragon#0908, though I may take a while to reply. Shio vinult wer darastrix plisoic.



Most Recent Posts

She smiles, gently cradling the small baby. "Thank you....it's been so long since I've held an infant." Her eyes glow slightly, but she just rocks the sleeping baby.
I know. He's trying to find out what happened to his master.
Can I make a Dark Paladin of Cthulhu?
She smiles. "I'm Daeva. It's been really nice to meet you."
He chuckles, and one of the demonesses smiles. "Do you want me to be a wet nurse?"
He goes quiet, and his shoulders slump.
He gently hugs her. "How can I make you happy love?"
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

*It roars in response, taking the hit. Its muscles seem to contract, then expand, as if gaining muscle mass from the energy of the hit. It lashes out at you, covering your chest, arms, and throat*

*He begins drawing away at it's power, not eating it, just ripping it to pieces*
Astarot licks his cheek, and slips out of the room to go see the older dragons. Haboorith watches him leave, then closes his eyes again, trying to find peace of mind, his head filled with violent memories of the chaos he caused. He shudders, and his breath quickens, his body trembling.
Devon sinks to one knee, and growls under his breath. The ground around him begins trembling, hairline cracks slowly spreading across the grass. He wraps his hands around the scythe, and he mutters a prayer under his breath in Greek. "Father Hades, why did you send me here? I contribute nothing to the group, and only seem to put them in danger."
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