Avatar of Shadow Dragon


Recent Statuses

17 days ago
Current My kitty is about to die......11 years of the most perfect kitty I ever could have asked for....
4 mos ago
I watched the monster, the one that had ruined my life. Always watching, never resting. Then I struck. And the mirror shattered.
1 like
4 mos ago
Ready the deathray!
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5 mos ago
My poor kitty is dying......her lungs are full of fluid
6 mos ago
1 like


I'm a 23 year old RPer trying to get back into this site lol. Here's a link to my interest checks if you want to know more. If you want to talk to me on discord, msg Shadow_Dragon#0908, though I may take a while to reply. Shio vinult wer darastrix plisoic.



Most Recent Posts

Blackpelt:Willowclan Camp (Camp Borders)

Medicine Den


"We're going to meet some noble, and legendary, cats. Me and you, that is. Sadly, the others can't join us at the Pool itself. I don't control that, Starclan told me that." He whispers to Fernstar, "Firestar, Sandstorm, Bluestar, Yellowfang, Cinderheart, Onestar, Tallstar, Skystar, and Ravenpaw." He nods. "It's a large pool in a cave. On the half and full moons, the moon lights up the pool for a few hours, and that's when we have to get there. He looks up at the sky. "We need to hurry. This way." He walks down a long, barely visible path.
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>


I assumed as much.

*Turns looks to all guests*

Feel free to explore my keep

*Strides away*

*Turns into a ball of smoke*
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

Interesting...then why don't you come with me? Maybe you would like to see if your will is stronger than his?
*Stands and bows*
I need a moment of repose alone...
*Exits room walking towards fireplace*

*He bares his teeth in a grin, fangs clean and sharp*
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

Well almost...
*Paper disappears*
You see Dedregen the entity within the tome tries to consume it's users will and force the reader to free it and kill the reader...then everything in Existence...
*Laces hands*

I can't die.
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

Dedregen dictates what is and what isn't
*Paper appears on the table and a pen hand*
You see the book is like this blank piece of paper...
*Breaks pen splashing ink over the paper*
Its reader must fill in the details while...
*Holds paper to candle lighting the page*
Dedregen tries to destroy the book and its user like the fire!

Like this?

*Blood fills the paper like red ink, sketching out a picture of a scythe*
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

When I used the book to search for something I felt something odd like reality reweaved itself...
*Gently sets teacup on table*

Like the book itself dictates what is fact and fiction?
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

*A moment passes*

Honest answer: over a million years old...Truthfully I lost count...

*Sips tea*

Do you feel different yet?

A bit.
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

*Struggles to sit up straight and bones creak*
I may be a Thespian but that was no act...It is taxing to use the Books power and important to know for those stupid enough to release it from its prison!
*Straightens and leans on arm*

How old are you?
<Snipped quote by Legend>

My thoughts exactly!

<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

The book spoke not I...
*Sits and stirs candy cane in tea*
An entity is trapped in that tome and I'm it's Keeper...a Pact Guardian as the Elder Liches explained it back when they ran things here in this world...
*Shakes head and sighs*
As a Guardian of the Black Book I am to maintain its imprisonment or...lets just say bad things will happen!
*Slumps suddenly on arm and groans in pain*

That was dramatic.
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