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@NecroKnight Ah, ok. Hmm, I could see that either the Minotaur leaders or whoever personally going to Dathon to secure an alliance, or perhaps both the Minotaur and Dathu delegations in the Peace Conference can arrange the alliance in the aftermath.
@NecroKnight Like in an alliance or the greater war as a whole?
@Oraculum Perhaps :P

The Conglomerate and Dathu do indeed have a common enemy in the Terrans.
So far regarding recent major events:

The Dathu are in the process of invading Terran Space, a Gaian-controlled system among the taking systems.
The Ithican Civil War has just begun.
The Gaians will soon begin a counter-offensive against the Dathu with the help of the Terran Federation.
@Willy Vereb That's alright with me :) You can move the sheet over to the Character tab and can post in the IC whenever. Also the pictures for your ships are broken :p
Dathu Space
Occupied Territories
Regional Capital of Rendilla

Dozens of large holo-projection screens hung over throughout the Capital City Crishi as they broadcasted war footage of Yanthu forces overtaking worlds of the Border Regions, all the various and far off battles strung together to form a cohesive story of propaganda and Dathu-centric nationalism, loud and victorious music booming throughout the skyscrapers of Crishi, as the footage cycled through wartorn and devastated cities littered with the corpse of dead terrans and non-dathu xenos that dare stand in their way, battalions of Yanthu servitors marching through the streets triumphantly, led by their victorious Dathu Overseers, followed by the Dathu Hiivefleets looming over the shattered remains of overwhelmed enemy star fleets, many more images of similar in nature cycled through and through, all the the while, chorus cheering rang out throughout the city as millions of Dathu citizens were gathering around these holo-screens.

"Our Empire grows ever more stronger!" A disembodied voice cried out. "Our valiant brothers and sisters lead the the front in our grand crusade! Terran Worlds fall one by one in the face of our renewed military might!" More cheers followed. "The War, however, is far from over! The Terrans will do whatever it takes to stall our advance! But we will not relent! We will not be stopped! We need Warriors and Leaders like you to keep the Cause alive! Glory to the Cause! Glory to the Queen-Mother! Glory to to the New Empire!"


Somewhere among the hundreds of transport ships and other assorted vehicles and ships, a lone prisoner transport was passing over the city, the cries loud enough to reach pass the hull for all to hear. John Grispin, the Gaian miner from the Kausis battle, was among such prisoners, for most of the trip between Kausis and Rendilia, John had been completely knocked out from the near constant beatings, his bunk mates suspecting if he was even alive half of the time. The loud cheering rang from the intercom, disrupting his "rest" as he woke up, sore in all sorts of places. "Welcome back to the land of the living." An older man spoke in a grizzled similar southern accent, he walked towards john as he knelt down and extended his hand towards him. "Need help?"

"Uh....Much appreciated." he replied thankfully. "Shit...where are we?"

"Far from home." Another , more feminine prisoner spoke with a strange accent, john turned to face the woman, and much to his disgust, was a xeno, a purple-skinned Narasheen woman, flanking her was a white-furred Aldzir. The older human took notice of John's hostile facial expression. "Easy now fella, we're all in this together. Last we need is killing each other."

"Easy for you for to say.." John said. "We're here because of goddamn xenos!" the Narasheen woman frowned at such a generalization. "Terran, I'd much appreciate it if you didn't lump me and my friend with the bugs. We're no friends of 'em either. Fuckers razed my home just like yours.."

John simply didn't reply, for now, he couldn't care less of the xeno woman's woes and turned his attention back to the other human. "Where they taking us?"

"The "Workers" District.." The old man replied, followed by light chuckle. "Don't let the name fool you, it's pretty much a slave camp and slaughter house rolled in one."

"What in god's name are you on about?!?!" John exclaimed in shock and surprise. "Slaughter house?!!?"

"They work you literally to death." The Narasheen replied. "When you're of no use or too much to handle, they ship you off to be "processed" as they say."

"How the hell do you people even know this..." John asked, trembling.

"Rrrright, forgot to introduce ourselves. " The human man spoke. "Names Ian, Ian Zaamil." Ian then pointed at his Xeno cohorts. "The Narasheen is Jerau and the big fella is Guzia. We're members of the Free Argonis Sector Army."
@Willy Vereb I remember the solarians. I'd say you're good on using them, of course the background and history will need changing, but pretty good :)
@Serpentine88 A good point, yes.

@Willy Vereb Maybe the Solarians(if you decide to go with them), could be among the leagues of the middle powers.
@Damo021 I think you'll have plenty of time :P might take a while for the conference.

@Willy Vereb Well we do have our own star trekkie-like federation in the form of the United Nations, although they're a minor power in Terran Space. Although the Morte sound pretty good for the setting.
*Returns from the dead*

Alrighty, with Christmas passed and all. Any progress with posts anyone?
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