Avatar of Silver Fox
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Silver Fox
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 13768 (3.63 / day)
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    1. Silver Fox 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Okay I know I said I would reply today everyone. Gonna have to push it either tomorrow or Saturday
7 yrs ago
Will try replying tomorrow night. Will be tired tho so don't bet on it. But I will attempt
7 yrs ago
Make that either tomorrow or Monday night
7 yrs ago
Ok. Said I'd reply today. But I'm super tired. Might be tomorrow or the day after so I can play catch up
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7 yrs ago
Posting may be iffy because puppy had surgery today. Gotta watch him


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Ashton Griffone || Coffee Pot || Wednesday Afternoon ||

Victoria @PrinceAlexus. Slight smile and wave in turn to Dustynn@MissCapnCrunch and Leo@CaptainSully

Ashton smiled goofily at the comment about her sweet tooth compared with Victoria's sister. The blonde did quite have a sweet tooth. Listening to Victoria who seemed quite glad to get a little more clear, the tall blonde gave a silent chuckle, curling her index finger and thumb and pressing the tips together to form the OK symbol for the fact that assistance with moving was not needed and gave a bright smile. Taking another sip of her drink, she listened to Victoria explain how she was having a nice time at her job, which the raven haired girl gave little to no detail about. But the firefighter didn't mind too much, even though she was quite a bit curious what Victoria could be doing. Something that required to be quiet with information apparently.

Blinking at the questions Ashton gave a thumbs up before gingerly tapping in her phone. Occasionally having to delete back because her big thumbs ruined the word she was trying to type. 'I'm good! Coworkers won't let me get back to work for awhile so I've just been taking walks instead. And sure! Lets ask each other questions to get to know each other better then ^-^ What is your first question? Don't worry, I'll eventually find my way back to the station, no need to trouble yourself.' Ashton texted with a big bright cheerful smile.

It was always nice to make friends! Blinking as she saw Victoria seeming to look at something, she followed her gaze towards couple seated not too far away. They looked like they were having fun. They had seemed to notice Victoria's gaze since the girl smiled and the man saluted. Ashton just gave a bright smile when they did and gave a cheerful friendly wave of greeting before looking toward Victoria once more.

Ship To Tenrou Island

@Crimson Raven@Demon Shinobi@MarshiestMallow@CitrusArms

Karn gulped a little, listening to Trinity's comforting words before taking deep breaths as he tried to calm down from his panic attack. He could hear Edarn giving a sigh within his mind but he paid it no mind. Slowly nodding, he tried to focus long enough so he could properly transform. Pulling away from Trinity, the blonde transformed into a beautifully snow white Pegasus.

"What about your other friend?" Edarn's voice spoke within his head.

Pausing, Karn thought for a moment before looking to Trinity. "Mithy's here too... should we bring her? She looked tired though." he said, giving a soft neigh as he thoughtfully wondered if he should go and try wake her up or not, or let her rest on the boat.


Ship to Tenrou Island


Watching Trinity and Karn, Prince gave a soft whistle and a cheeky grin towards their direction. Although he didn't get to tease the cute duo before his ears perked as he heard Michael's quiet voice speak up. Turning his head, Prince gave a bright smile as he saw his teammate. Giving a loud purr and promptly glomping the shorter male, purring and nuzzling his cheek against the top of the blue hair.

"Mikey! It's good to see you! Did you and your bro have a good conversation?" Prince chirped curiously, his one teal eye looking at Michael with interest. He knew that Michael would probably take this chance to speak to his brother since it had probably been a little while now. Though, that didn't stop Prince from being happy at the fact the cute boy would come up to him. Usually, Prince was the one that stalked and pounced on Michael. So this was a lovely change of pace.
Ashton Griffone || Coffee Pot || Wednesday Afternoon ||

Victoria @PrinceAlexus

Ashton gave a soft smile as it seemed Victoria was sure it was fine for the firefighter to pick out whatever she liked. Glancing over the menu curiously, her amethyst eyes flicked as a waitress came over to see if they were alright. The dirty blonde giving another bright cheerful smile and running her finger underneath what she so desired. Which was a pretty sugary combination of a cup of coffee. Turning her gaze back to Victoria, the taller woman gave a cheerful congratulatory clap of her hands as the now raven haired woman explained things were going better now and even had a job. That was great!

Scar face flushing a bit at the praise, Ashton scratched her cheek with a index finger shyly while the other hand ruffled the back of her head in embarrassment. She wouldn't say she was a hero or anything. She was just doing what she thought was right and helping people she could. Marine was scolding her over the rash actions. The tall firefighter probably shouldn't mention that this wasn't the first time she's been a dangerous situation that landed her in the hospital.

It was worth it if she could help people. It was her goal in life.

It was a little unsettling with how much crime seemed to arisen however. A arsonist was now on the loose and someone with enough skill to even set fire to the wealthier parts of Sol City.

Perking up as Victoria wrote down her number, Ashton gave a gleeful smile as she took out her phone and added the contact, before sending a text message saying 'Yay! Eager for our future talks! ^-^ Do you want help with your moving?' mostly in order to give Victoria Ashton's phone number. But also ask if she'd like some assistance in her movement. Moving was never a fun or easy task.

Smiling as she got her cup of coffee, Ashton gleefully took a sip as her eyes curiously looked at Victoria. Thinking for a moment and gingerly texting her, 'So what's your job like?' before setting the phone on the table and took another sip of her coffee.
Ashton Griffone || Coffee Pot || Wednesday Afternoon ||

Victoria @PrinceAlexus

The moment Victoria spoke, Ashton was positive it was Victoria, with quite the different pallet change. Still, the tall dirty blonde beamed cheerfully as reconnecting with the woman brimming with elegance. Although, she supposed Viky wasn't a snow flower anymore... Maybe a Calla Lily then? Giving a nod at the offer, the giant firefighter took a seat across from Victoria. Slipping off her baggy black jacket to allow it to rest at her hips on the seat. Wearing a simple gray tank top, her well toned and worked shoulders and arms from years of being a firefighter showed. The side of her arms had the newly obtained burns upon them, though they were about healed now.

At the explanation, Ashton's expression was a little surprised but soon gave a wide smile and clapped her hands together excitedly in congratulations over the accomplishment. Glad that it seemed Victoria was feeling better.

With a smile, Ashton gave a double thumbs up with her black fingerless gloved hands before holding her left hand horizontally just above her eyes as if searching. Then pointed with the same hand toward the raven haired girl. Trying to indicate that it was very nice to see Victoria again.

Ashton was about to protest of Victoria paying for anything, but perhaps it be rude to do so. It was after all a bit of a thanks from the last time they saw one another, so it should be fine. So Ashton gave a thumbs up and a nod of a approval before putting her hands together and bowing a little as a show of thanks.

Scratching her left index finger against her scarred left cheek with a cheerful smile, a little embarrassed as she saw Victoria look a little concerned toward the cane. Ashton didn't really mind talking about it or anything, she just didn't want people to worry to much. Patting the palm of her hands against her almost non existent chest, she held up her left hand with tip her index finger and thumb pressed together to form a 'o' while the three others were held up. The hand forming the 'ok' sign to try and explain that she was fine.

Victoria must haven't gotten the news, so Ashton shuffled with her jacket, pulling out some folded papers. Opening them up and flattening them up a bit, she set it on the table and pushed it toward the Raven haired to allow her to examine it, which turned out to be newspaper articles about the incident.

'Tensions rise that one night after the Romus Family party, wealthy business owner Shaun Deen's five story apartment bursts into flames from a explosion with himself and his daughter Elly Deen still inside their loving home. Did not for true heroics of local Firefighter Ashton Griffone, they would have surely perished. Off duty, Griffone was seen charging into the building. Soon coming out with Shaun Deen over the shoulder with his little girl's hand in the the other.

It doesn't stop there however as Firefighter Griffone returns into the burning building! She was then seen jumping out of the window five stories up and into the river with fire bursting behind. Medics and the rest of Sol City's Fire Deparment had managed to arrive during that time and fish out Firefighter Griffone from the river. A cat was found in her protection and returned to Elly Deen. Both Griffone and Deen had been rushed to the hospital. It's been reported Deen has suffered several burns and a concussion but will recover within a month.

Firefighter Griffone suffered from burns on her arms after having to remove her jacket to protect Elly Deen. Broken ribs, and broken and burned leg from a collapsing chandelier, as well as suffering such a fall. However, Thanks to her training, she most likely would have suffered worst without it.

When Griffone awoke, she reported that she suspected the fire was caused by arson by a timed bomb hidden behind the oven. Police are already on high alert with the risen crime and now seems to need to worry about a arsonist. Is this city truly safe?'

Ashton gave a soft silent chuckle rubbing the back of her head a little bit, clenching her hands on either side of her head before opening them up and waving them a little like making a 'mind blown' motion. Before waving her left hand in a 'no big deal motion' with the same cheerful smile on her face. After all, she was just doing what she thought was right. She didn't see why newspaper had to blow everything out of proportion.
@Silver Fox

Your reply be later today won, t make you wait too long :)

No worries :)
Ashton Griffone || Coffee Pot || Wednesday Afternoon ||

Victoria @PrinceAlexus

The sun had been slowly starting to sink and Ashton mumbled as she slowly opened her amethyst colored eyes. Seeing the edges of her fluff trimmed hoodie that had been pulled mostly over her head to hide away the sunshine allow sleep to overtake her. With a yawn, the tall androgynous firefighter stretched out from her sleeping position on the bench she had taken over for some few hours. Sitting upright, she ran a calloused hand through the messy dirty blonde hair, promptly knocking the hoodie part of her jacket off of the mop head. Rubbing the sandman's magic from her eyes with the back of her left hand, she used her right to scan the messages on her phone. Which consisted of missed calls and angry texts from Marine that nagged that she should be sleeping at the station and not wandering around the city all night long. As well as reminding Ashton to take her medications the doctors ordered and to take things easy.

Also texting in caps demanding Ashton doesn't go running into buildings on fire without the proper gear. And still don't do that without back up from the team. And don't go jumping out of five story buildings.

Giving amused smile, Ashton just texted back that she was fine and was overall relaxing to the best of her abilities. She liked relaxing outdoors, where she could hear the sounds of the outside. Plus, it's not her fault that this city was hard to navigate.... Well maybe a little.

Standing up, Ashton stumbled a little as pain shot through her left leg. It was a lot better than it was, but it was still sore. Grabbing the black came she had resting with her, she used it as support for her leg leg before continuing her wandering around. Stomach growling and still a little groggy, Ashton couldn't help but perk up as she spotted the Coffee Pot and decided to head inside there to get a bite to eat. The burns on her arms and damage to her leg still hurt even after a few weeks... But she can deal through the pain. Better than sitting around at the hospital.

Walking inside, Ashton mentally hummed as her amethyst gaze looked around before perking up as she spotted a pretty raven haired woman sitting at a table with a laptop. What caught her attention was the fact she felt like she had seen this woman before. So of course, the friendly giant moved over to the table. Curiously examining the pretty girl up close, amethyst eyes narrowed as she tried to dig through all the faces she knew. Just about everything seemed unfamiliar... But her face....

Ashton tapped the table gingerly, leaning on the cane as she did so, giving a bright goofy smile of a greeting as the scar face woman's free right hand waved energetically in a cheerful hello. Perhaps if she heard her voice? Maybe she'd recongize the firefighter. Ashton hardly changes and it's hard to miss someone as tall as her. She was aware of this, and sometimes it was helpful.
Note: As Ashton is a orphan, her bio family is open for any characters (bio siblings, half sibling, etc). Just let me know if you want any part of that :)

Ash makes money, but chooses to pretty much live a poorer life than she has to :p
<Snipped quote by Silver Fox>

I wouldn't say that most were evil as far as the characters went in Chapter One. Some behaved worse than others though.

Bye evil, I mean players lol

Characters were more drama than anything actually evil
<Snipped quote by Silver Fox>

Yeah, she kinda keeps her divide between the two sides that might make Ashton uncomfortable. Yeah she falls in a intresting position.

Victoria is not nasty... Just kinda is in one side freindly. On other pretty cold about designing security and counter security and helping systems that kill people...

Not just black and white. She, d offer Ashton a bed if she was stuck out one night...

Yeah, difficult situation XD

Honestly, Ashton's naivety to want to believe wholeheartedly the good in every person will probably get her shot XD
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