Avatar of SleepingSilence


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My Very Brief Bio

Male, 31 years old. (So I'm practically dead, as we speak.)

Likes (other than writing and roleplaying): I'm into all genres of music. I love to cook. I love the outdoors, and walking through the park near my house. (Yes, really.) I read a lot of thriller/mystery novels. And I usually watch seasonal anime. (Or cooking shows. Because Western Media provides even fewer things that are worth watching.)

But as for my many other neglected hobbies, I've played basically every sport. (Soccer and Bowling being my favorite of the bunch.) And I'm trying to play more video games. (Going through my never-ending Steam library.) Plus, I've dabbled in making electronic & metal music, and I used to play a number of instruments. (Guitar, French Horn, etc.)

My 1X1 Interest Check: SleepingSilence's Tavern (Want 1x1 RP's? Please come in.)

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Most Recent Posts

Sometimes you wonder if certain people even roleplay on this roleplay site, or even try to...and not just act like shit awful human beings for no reason. <.<

People that drop their own RP's so quickly without being honest why. Why did you bother? I've dealt with someone who couldn't even spell and didn't want to even try fixing it. And I have people that do nothing but act like superior snide little bellends and expect me to ignore them. I ask because I don't care. Why the hell are you even here? Clearly not to make friends or improve writing or even to actually roleplay...So what is it? <.<
@POOHEAD189 I didn't go too far, I merely stated a fact that people (not singling anyone out.) were posting dumb things and it wasn't worth my time. Someone who enjoys to bait me, baited me. And now I have another person arguing semantics.

@Fabricant451 The problem was I wasn't seriously saying anything either. You'd have known I wasn't condemning shit posting, or anything you said outright like it was anything but a joke. If you actually read my paragraph long comment, it would've been clear.

Really? What was being discussed that needed to be serious? Whether or not that comment was appropriate with or without context? I get it, it's a joke. But jokes don't need to be discussed seriously. My original comment was a passing observation, that then merely used you as an example (after being purposefully accused.) I'd use several examples but then several people would be blowing it out of proportion. <.<

Now back to anime. Have a good rest of your afternoon.
@Fabricant451 I got 3 messages from you for some reason, my bad, blame the site I guess then. Blame Dynamo if you must. He wanted an example of a strawman, I gave him that quickest I could find. Simple as that. Also you shouldn't expect discourse, if you speak primarily in shitposting. -.-

Just sum it up to misunderstanding, and bait that I didn't feel like dealing with and leave it there eh?
Well if nothing else, maybe we'll find music for each other. Since no one else wants to participate. :P

@TheMadAsshatter 7.5/10 I enjoy most pop punk, so it's hard to judge it often. Just fun music. Though I guess to judge anything, the singer when comparing him to people like The Wonder Years or whoever else. The vocalist isn't the strongest singer, but I had no real problems with him either.

Good video to watch as well.

@Fabricant451 I want to live and let live, It wasn't meant to single you out, but you know that too.

Go ahead and pretend sexist generalizations aren't passive aggressive or things used in strawman arguments. Fine. Just don't bother me when I point it out as such. Why can't my statements be considered shitposts and left alone?
I know why. But neither of you have a legit reason for it.

Off topic, but did you really have to make that 3 separate posts? Spam me much? <.<

And if this somehow become 6 different replies in my inbox, I'll be done discussing with you as well.
I don't mind if the statement is a shitpost and the thread is fine with shitposting.

@Fabricant451 You people can't read. Actually I know you can, you guys just play stupid so often I can't imagine it not affecting your real IQ levels.

I already pointed out, I don't care that the whole place is shit posting. I know you're not the only that does it, you know, he knows. This false ignorance and baiting is beyond pathetic, I have more do than literally waste my time. <.<

Also shitposting, doesn't not make it a strawman. It just means you used a fallacy/stereotype/generalization in jest.

I'm not going to start a debate.

@Dynamo Frokane I refer all your terrible attempts at bait to this.
@Dynamo Frokane You really are trying to pretend that's a sensible thing aren't you? And speaking of straws, your grasping at them. I'm not going to start a debate on why that blanket statement isn't a viable statement in a political discussion thread. <.<
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