Avatar of SleepingSilence


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My Very Brief Bio

Male, 31 years old. (So I'm practically dead, as we speak.)

Likes (other than writing and roleplaying): I'm into all genres of music. I love to cook. I love the outdoors, and walking through the park near my house. (Yes, really.) I read a lot of thriller/mystery novels. And I usually watch seasonal anime. (Or cooking shows. Because Western Media provides even fewer things that are worth watching.)

But as for my many other neglected hobbies, I've played basically every sport. (Soccer and Bowling being my favorite of the bunch.) And I'm trying to play more video games. (Going through my never-ending Steam library.) Plus, I've dabbled in making electronic & metal music, and I used to play a number of instruments. (Guitar, French Horn, etc.)

My 1X1 Interest Check: SleepingSilence's Tavern (Want 1x1 RP's? Please come in.)

Hope you have a wonderful day!

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I hope you don't find my argument to be an emotional one. I also hope that you recognize my desire for people to both live and die as they please, so long as they don't harm other people.

What you said, is solely an emotional argument...there is no facts or evidence presented in what you replied to me with. You also clearly ignored parts or didn't read the inconvenient truths that this isn't a victimless crime. The law knows that, and people who aren't moral cowards or duplicitous know that too.


(Just one of many examples/stories.)

Even fucking Vox.com knows it. vox.com/2015/1/23/7868621/suicide-help

1) We don't have the right to suicide

Suicide hurts other people terribly. For some it is fatal: Throughout history people have noted that one suicide can lead to more suicides, in all sorts of groups. After the publication of Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther, some young men across Europe killed themselves dressed as Werther, or holding the book, and by many accounts there was a rise in suicide in countries where the book was available.

Now modern statistical studies repeatedly demonstrate the existence of suicide clusters, each representing a real rise in the suicide rate in certain high schools, colleges, regiments, and towns, age groups, and professions. You may remember headlines, over the past few decades, about suicides among farmers, policemen, among teens in the eighties; at certain colleges, or in a particular college dorm. Recently there have been major headlines about a shocking rise in suicide rates among baby boomers, military personnel, and Native Americans (especially the young).

There are a variety of indications of the significance of influence. In the 1970s researcher David Philips, now a sociology professor at University of California San Diego, followed the rise in suicides after the death of Marylyn Monroe and other celebrities and called it the Werther Effect. The rise is strongest for those of the same age and gender as the celebrity. Beyond celebrities, studies show a robust correlation between media reports about suicide and an increase in actual suicide in the area that hears about it, again especially among people of the same age and gender. Media influence on suicide seems especially potent with adolescents and young adults. There is even a dose response, such that more exposure to such news leads to more suicidal behavior.

Victor Hugo rejected suicide because, "As soon as it touches your neighbors, suicide is murder." And Jean Jacques Rousseau had a wise character tell a younger, suicidal friend that suicide must be rejected for many reasons, including that it might cause more suicide. Suicide is too harmful to be a right.

4) Suicide is among the top ten killers of Americans

In 2000 the number of American suicides was 30,000, and it began rising. The last full count was in 2012, and it was up to 40,600. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for people between the ages of 15 and 24. In a recent study of college students, suicide beat out alcohol as a cause of death.

Meanwhile, most suicides are older white men. Women attempt suicide more, but men die of it more. That's most likely because men have more access to guns; in 2010 suicide accounted for 61 percent of gun deaths in the US. Suicide kills more than murder.

When people try to kill themselves and survive, they overwhelmingly report being glad they lived
As for war, a 2012 study showed that more US military personnel died of suicide than of combat or transport accidents that year. (The numbers for 2013 just came out this week: while active military suicides are down, there has been a rise in suicide among reservists.) In the general population suicide recently out-killed car accidents.

The World Health Organization estimated that the global rate of suicide is up 60 percent since 1945. In 2010, in the developed world, suicide became the number-one killer of people ages 15 to 49. Except for the three worst years of the disease, it has killed more people annually than AIDS. Worldwide we are at a million suicides a year.

5) Suicide is often impulsive, such that if the impulse is thwarted, the person lives

When people try to kill themselves and survive, they overwhelmingly report being glad they lived, according to studies and observations by suicidologists. A follow-up on 25 years of people who tried to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge showed 96 percent alive or having died of other causes. We often think of suicide as the unavoidable end point of a life-long battle with agonizing depression, but it often isn't that, or isn't only that. Recent humiliation or loss is very often a determinant.

We think of military suicide as the result of PTSD and other direct results of the wars, but note that the study on military suicides in 2012 showed that a full third of the deceased had never been deployed, while more than half had recently suffered the loss of an important relationship, or a humiliation at work. A recent study of police suicides showed that 64 percent were described as "a surprise." There are news reports of popular and successful college students who gave little sign of depression suddenly ending their lives. If part of the problem is that in certain groups, at certain times, suicide seems like a popular option, it is useful to name that and to be ready to resist it. If you do not want to someday die of suicide, tell yourself now that you are on the lookout for such inclinations and that you are prepared to reject them.

But I don't really feeling like dwelling on this, because I'll be repeating myself. So, I'll just again point out while keeping it purposely brief. If anyone wants to die so bad, they can wait to die like everyone else. Hell you even have the right, to drug and drink your way into an early grave. But suicide, is harming others. Society in general, ones close to you emotionally and the medical field limited resources. All my sources are already available. Look at the cost suicide burdens the medical field, when that is actively taking money away from other ventures of sick people who need care, because according to Penny. Religious sacrifice basically is just as substantiated as cancer, or not getting an Xbox for Christmas for getting the axe, when it comes to allowing and wishing people to die just to bring down society by having everyone witnessing raised fatality rates.

And if you think suicide bombers are something that shouldn't be judged, because they have the right. You're just as abhorrently wrong (and just as morally repugnant) as Penny.

Even pretending to think this is a sensible idea, shows complete utter lack of tact or secondhand knowledge of human relationships, society or the medical field. (also I know this isn't coming from the religious lense, but when I know atheists out there have minds like this...really hard to take the atheists have morals thing very seriously at times.)
Bastian headed outside, sounds of thunder crashing in the distance. Rain pelting them both, with the chill of wind whistling loudly. Bastian released her hand, rushing toward and leaning over the chest still outside, clear signs that it was already tampered with. Opening it and shuffling through, noticing the bag of coins were missing. His ears twitching, keeping himself aware of his surroundings, knowing these streets were usually patrolled.

“Unsurprisingly, they couldn’t stop at murder, they stole his belongings too.” Bastian thought. Praying to the gods that he didn’t believe in, eventually letting out a sigh of relief. Finding a small rusty bronze triangle, marked with the beastkind’s initials and putting it inside his pouch. Bastian stood back up, thinking for a moment before heading off in haste, taking her hand again. He kept quiet while they headed off in a direction that wasn’t going toward the stables. Instead, going through a darkened alleyway that reeked of garbage and spoiled milk. Stopping in front of a large wooden door, with a warning sign written in something's blood. Bastian's nose could detect that it came from cattle.

‘Keep away or be eviscerated.’

Bastian rolled his eyes a bit, seemingly disregarding the threat. He looked at Elizabeth. “Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” He assured before honesty escaped from his lips. “I think…”
@Penny That wasn't my quote. It also is taking a sentence out of context. It's not even saying, what you're mocking it for. It's only saying nobody can predict when people will live and die. Because as it said in it's very next sentence, some people on the verge of death get better. It's factoring time, not the finality of death. (Though the link, which I know you didn't click or you wouldn't have bothered with that since it points that out later on.) So you nitpicking this random sentence (incorrectly) genuinely made me want to disregard you entirely.

But since you've made like several outlandish statements against me, I feel justified in giving you this response.

People doing it all the time, doesn't give them the right to it. It's literally illegal and a crime. And not stopping them isn't a justifiable answer either. And we already actively do that as a society, as best as possible. Like all crimes. Just because we cannot stop all rapists, doesn't mean it's not a crime. This "it's my right to kill what's inconvenient to me" is the same argument I see with abortion and it's also just as wrong. This isn't based in anything but your emotions. (which while I'm bringing that up...)

Your argument doesn't have a leg to stand on. And what made it ten times worse, is you aren't even trying to pretend there's a legal/moral grey area anymore. You're not weighing pro's and con's whatsoever. You barely seem to give a damn how vast the list of evidence goes on. You're making this a black and white case. But that stubborn opinion is so ass backwards. You tried to cast me as the black, multiple times.

And the white in this scenario, is wanting someone to kill themselves and allowing people to commit willing acts of murder...(that's the GOOD side.) And the black's crime is wanting survival and that not to happen as much as possible.

I would have agreed to disagree long ago, but you're so incorrect. That when I point out how gun to the head suicide doesn't work. You make a statement along the lines of. "Well do you just want people to buy guns at walmart to kill themselves? You sick fuck." No, have you been reading a word I've typed? But you certainly seem to...(You're attributing motives to direct contradictions and making hypocritical statements.) Now, even though you just got through a negative scenario about a way of suicide you wanted to pin on me. Now, you're trying to say "I don't want to sound judgmental."

Give a break. Suicide is worth judging. Because it's selfish. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if we got into defending suicide bombers next. Why not? It's their right according to you? Can't stop people like that, they happen all the time. (I'll even add a qualifier you never did, it can only destroy buildings. No innocent lives can get caught in the crossfire.) Because whether you meant to or not. You literally just advocated for increasing the suicide rate, and you gave no qualifiers on who shouldn't kill themselves. Or even ways that could destroy property or become easily public, as selfish bitter cries for attention. (like jumping off of buildings.) So I'm sure if we gave every emotionally irrational teen, an affordable free healthcare and then allowed them to kill themselves. I'm certain the rate would go up plenty.

I've said my peace. There's nothing more I can add to these conversations, there's very little you've added. Just assuming I want death, when you're the person advocating for the suicide rate to go up. And saying "right" over and over again, when it's an actual crime. So law says otherwise and that you're wrong. There is no "right to Life, Liberty, Bridge Jumping." You can backtrack, about bridge jumping to make my bombing scenario not be true to the ground work you've laid out already. And yeah, unless you backtrack, there's nothing else that can be done. You want suicide to be legal, let alone assisted, and you probably want free healthcare for all. And no limits on age or health or trivial reason, you can't judge those who kills themselves. And you'd like the suicide success rate to go up. Fantastic.
@catchamber I refer you to all the information I sent Penny. No. Nay. Persona Non Grata.
So an individual dosen't have the right to kill themselves in your mind? Or your just for 100% DIY?

No, sorry. You don't "have that right." Disregarding religion, and the fact most suicide isn't successful and this mystical dying of death disease isn't the highest percentage of why people do try committing suicide. It's almost always linked to mental health and it's often something that CAN be treated. Suicide is reckless, because it will inherently cost another person money, suffering and time dealing with it.


Here's even, Huffpo explaining why it's not a good idea through a progressive lense.


Here's another. But someone you may be able to take seriously.


Reason #18- No on Assisted Suicide
October 21
Today’s AD-Assisted suicide laws put poor people at risk.

This is the Martin Sheen argument against assisted suicide. He is making radio ads in Washington partly because he believes that assisted suicide laws will put poor people and those without health insurance at an extreme disadvantage within the medical system. Think of the money we’d save on CAT scans, x-rays, medicine, nursing care, rehabilitation, disability payments, etc if we had this cheap alternative: suicide.

Martin Sheen is right.

Reason #16- No on Assisted Suicide
October 19
Today’s AD-The first Nazi victims were terminally ill people.

The Nazi party used very emotional propaganda films about terminally ill people who needed the compassion of assisted suicide. Today we Americans are watching similar movies like “Million Dollar Baby,” which got the 2004 Academy Award for Best Picture. The most effective Nazi film told the heart-breaking story of a doctor’s wife who begged her husband to kill her.

Once they sold the German people on assisted suicide and had some doctors on board, the Nazi party moved into the concept of “useless eaters.” Germany was in a terrible depression in the 1930s, worse than America’s. “Useless eaters” were criminally insane, severely handicapped children, very very elderly, etc. Once they eliminated “useless eaters,” the Nazis went on to killing —- well, you’ve got the idea.

For more information, go to article “Hitler, the Nazis and Four Arguments Against Assisted Suicide.”

Reason #30- No on Assisted Suicide
Sunday, November 2

Today’s AD-Some terminally ill people recover and get well.

A hospice nurse told me about a lovely 24-year-old given three months to live. Five years later, she is still with us and the mother of a child.

Every good doctor knows that medicine is an art as well as a science. No one can predict with 100% certainty who will live and who will die. Although it is rare, some terminally ill people can and do get better. Everyone who works in hospice can tell you at least one story attesting to that. They personally knew a patient who beat the odds and is still vertical today.

Offer them suicide and you take everything away from them. You take away hope. You take away their lives.

Reason 29: No on Assisted Suicide
Saturday, November 1
Today’s Ad: Doctors make mistakes in medical care.

This week, the Mississippi Supreme Court upheld a $4 million award to the family of a woman misdiagnosed with cancer and then given a lethal dose of painkillers.The 66-year-old woman received massive doses of painkillers at a hospice for cancer, which an autopsy showed she never had, according to court records.

That’s just this week’s news. It happens all the time.

For more horror stories from families who suffered this way, see kaiserpapers.org.

The JOURNAL of the AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (JAMA) Vol 284, No 4, reports that medical errors may be the third leading cause of death in the United States at 225,000 deaths per year. Half are medical mistakes, including 2,000 deaths/year from unnecessary surgery; 7000 deaths/year from medication errors in hospitals; 20,000 deaths/year from other errors in hospitals; and 80,000 deaths/year from infections in hospitals.

Do you want to give doctors the right to administer suicide medications? Hey, mistakes happen.

Here's more.


You have no argument but a grandstanding emotional argument. But your morality is backwards, if you think you can lecture me about not wanting/allowing those to commit a willing act of murder on the innocent.
@Dynamo Frokane But? I'm not debating about religion like that or like anyone on here. Don't group me with peeps. If you think I have a negative outlook on Christianity, or even religion as a concept. You have it incredibly off base. Also the 5,000 year thing was never said in the bible. Now I'm even more confused, are you saying this is a debate between MDK/me or both of us arguing for? Or against? None of it makes sense. Halp.
How online squabbles tend to go, or whenever I roleplay battle against my roommate. (My roommate was never very good at roleplaying...Sorry. ^3^')

I've had a bad habit picking unfortunate usernames online, that get witted at by every absolute cretin on the face of the earth. Honestly when going through my usernames. SleepingSilence is the most innocuous, but probably the most boring. I don't have any personal story or connection with the username. It's not something I just made up for this site, but might as well be.

I was also considering changing the random icon, to be art I commissioned, so I can stop stealing images like a lazy hack that can't just open up photoshop. (I mean I guess, I did -barely- alter the picture...) But I don't need people going through identity crisis, or showing off that I'm the type of nerd that commissions art. <.<

...Oh, it's too late for that now isn't it?
@Penny That's a twist on words that also doesn't make much sense...it's like telling others not to kill people is playing god...oh wait that is what that is isn't it? Better let the murderers go free...

Hyperbole is hyperbole, but is also being acknowledged as such.

Frivolous lawsuits and the cost of suicide leads to others suffering. But suicide is selfish, so you usually don't care about others when doing it. (And since it's often done because of emotional stuff like that. It's also very ironic too.)

Note: I've been suicidal before, I don't need a circle jerk comment about me being lectured about not getting it. Please? Not saying you. Just laying out the groundwork for the next possible comment.
So rather than having a professional give you a painless and reliable barbituate to drink, its better that you buy a shotgun at walmart? In either case the individual makes the choice to act not the physician or the walmart clerk.

No, I don't want suicide. Period. Hence the entire spiel about self gun wound to head thing. (Also that sentence confuses me, but I get the point.)

And I also already mentioned lawsuits...
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