Avatar of Slypheed


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Ya know, I didn't think the start of March would be greeted with a some guy in HD2 falsly accusing me of stealing his machinegun and tking me as well. But here we are.
1 yr ago
Just found out my left kidney wasn't done and decided I needed to deal with a second stone before I even passed the first one.
1 yr ago
Kidney stone blocking the ureter...yay...thankfully only 4mm so it don't need surgery, just some meds. But that pain I felt is certainly not an ideal way to wake up.
2 yrs ago
Lightly fried fish fillets
4 yrs ago
And I was 'round when Jesus Christ, had his moment of doubt and pain


User has no bio, yet

Most Recent Posts

Oh ok. Never seen him before.
Then who's this in your house?
<Snipped quote by Raven_Operative>

I can handle it. Shouldn't be too difficult after all XD

*peers into Zarkun's house, seems him panicking*
Ah ok.
I'll get workin' on my new character tomorrow.
A quick curiosity.
Is 655 still active or did Lennon drop it?
Holy shit, well if it isn't @Slypheed! It's been months, mate! Well, I don't think we've transfered Brenna yet if you want to join back in.

Well, what's most likely gonna happen is that I'll drop playing Brenna and make a new character.
Alright, I messaged Lennon and he said he's going to be too busy to post in the RP for a while.

Him and his damn waifus.
The moment I get free enough to come back to RPing, he goes and disappears again.
Also, because we lost Slypheed

You haven't lost me.
I'm just temporarily unavailable.
I am coming back Soontm.
Due to complications in life, I'll be dropping out. As life has prevented me from making any progress on a post, and have given me very little time to do much else on the site or anything else of leisure.

I wish you all luck, and hope you all have fun.
Being Swedish, is Draken rough field rated?

>Sees draken pull up behind his MiG on taxiway.

Any aircraft can be rough field rated if the pilot is brave enough. (Aka, I'm not entirely sure)
Though they were purpose built to operate from reinforced roads and highways if the situation called for it.
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