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Dead inside, but somehow still kicking.

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A @smarty0114 & @Silent Observer collab
Featuring: Jamie Callaghan & Marshall Radley
Location: Radley Home

Jamie Callaghan had fucked up. He was aware. He had let school politics interfere with his life. He’d been stupid and he’d fucked up. Above all of that though, he knew that if he let this tear him and Marshall apart he’d regret it. So, here he was, seated in his car in front of the Radley’s less than humble abode. In his passenger seat were a bouquet of purple hyacinth, because roses were cliche, and Jamie had no clue what Marshall’s favorite flower really was.

Taking a deep breath, Jamie stepped out of his car and walked up to the Radley’s front door and rapped his knuckles three times against the dark wood door. After a moment, Martelle Radley opened the door, clad in a black tank top and holding a cereal bowl in her left hand. “I was wondering when I’d see you,” she said, smirking at Jamie as she took a bite of mint-chocolate chip ice cream.

“Hey Marty, can I, uh, talk to Marshall?” Jamie asked, chewing his lip in anticipation of her answer. He hoped he’d been right about surprising Marshall like this. If he’d been wrong...well he didn’t want to think about where else they could go from here. All he knew was that it wasn’t good.

Marty grinned at Jamie’s request, and stepped aside, waving Jamie in with a flourish. “He’s upstairs, first door on the left,” she said, giving Jamie an encouraging smile. “Good luck, you’re gonna need it.”

With that ominous warning hanging over him, Jamie steadily climbed the stairs, and calmly walked to Marshall’s door, where he knocked twice, and waited, prayed, for Marshall to answer.

Behind that closed door, Marshall was doing what a Marshall does in the very few hours of free time he has. After days filled with drama club, yearbook and dance committees, vocal lessons, dance, and schoolwork, it is nice to come home and unwind. Despite being quite the social butterfly during all of these activities, Marshall tends to keep his door closed at home during these recharge sessions. Presently, he was relaxing in a gray chaise lounge, one hand propping open his current novel of choice and the other hand holding a mug of steaming tea while soft acoustic music played through his Assistant set up in the room.

When there was a knock on his door, Marshall didn’t even look up from his book before responding, “Come in…” Assuming that it was just his sister. Maybe she had a snack, that would be a divine addition to this moment of peace he was enjoying.

With one, shaky, deep breath, Jamie stepped through the door, and into Marshall’s room, holding the flowers out in front of him like some form of protection. “It occurred to me, while I was lying in bed this afternoon, that I had a very exciting date to look forward to, and also an apology to give,” Jamie said, smiling nervously down at Marshall before extending his hand out to offer him the flowers. “These are for both.”

Distinctly not Martelle. Marshall looked up from his reading and immediately closed the book and held the cover flush against his chest, as if he had something to hide. He blinked as he stared at the unexpected person in the doorway of his bedroom. Alarm bells sounded in the back of his mind… Jamie was here, in his room, he was not prepared, is it clean enough, did he look cute enough, panic! Despite the alarms, Marshall kept his facial expression cool. “Nathan, we’re talking.” He said, and his Assistant lowered the music volume to ambient background noise at his pre-programmed command. Nathan heard that one quite frequently.

Marshall sat up a little straighter, putting his book cover-side down on the table next to his chaise lounge, beside the mug of tea that read “Drama Queen” with a sparkly pink crown — a birthday gift from Ophelia in years passed. He took in the site of Jamie, looking dashingly dressed and slightly hidden behind a bouquet of purple flowers. “How did you—” Marshall began to ask, before answering his own question. “Marty.” Moving over on the lounge, Marsh put his feet to the floor and patted the spot next to him, beckoning Jamie over.

Jamie smiled, and took Marshall’s invitation to sit. Grinning, he looked over at Marshall, and sighed, before launching into the speech he’d rehearsed in the car. “Look, we are very, very different people, and we have very different friends. And you and I both know, our school can get...messy. That said, just because you and I are in the center of it, doesn’t me youandI, have to be at the center of it. I don’t want our relationship to hinge on what happens at school. So, can we just agree, to keep politics in the hallways?”

“Our relationship?” Marshall inquired with a raised brow. It was the phrase that stuck out the most in Jamie’s sudden word vomit of an apology. Perhaps he didn’t mean it like that, or he was just getting ahead of himself, but that was a conversation that they had yet to have. Letting the rest of Jamie’s word sit in his mind before responding, Marshall gently took the flowers from his date’s hand. He sniffed them and then let out a small laugh as he appraised the bouquet, “This is a first…”

Jamie smiled. “And hopefully not the last,” he said, placing his hand on top of Marshall’s and squeezing gently. “So, can we go on our date now? I have a reservation at a very nice restaurant that I would hate to see go to waste.”

“I meant the flowers. No one’s ever brought me flowers before, unless it was after a show.” Marshall set them down on the table gently. Before they went anywhere, Marsh had something to say first. “Politics in the hallways, I can get behind that. But, no more writing about me or my friends without talking to me first, okay? I don’t want to stand in the way of your passion, but I also don’t want to be surprised by being pounced on by nosey underclassmen fishing for details about my personal life…” In Marshall’s mind, that seemed like a fair enough request. He then sighed and looked down at his lap, “But… I’m also sorry. I shouldn’t have implied that you don’t have friends, I felt really gross after. Despite the recent revelations about the people I associate with, I don’t take pleasure in being mean. I was just… hurting.”

At that, Marshall stood up and smoothed his shirt down. He was dressed nicely in a pair of gray dress pants and lavender cashmere sweater with a white collared shirt underneath and the sleeves rolled up to quarter length. It was the outfit he had originally planned to wear for their date, and he had put it on after school wishfully thinking that he might still have a date. Some wishes do come true, it seems. “How nice of a restaurant, exactly? Because I can up the bougie if I need to. I feel like you look way better.” That wasn’t too much of a surprise. Jamie always dressed well, Marshall wasn’t sure if it was his own fashion sense, or all of the shopping trips with Selena, but whatever it was definitely worked for him.

Jamie smiled a leaned in to plant a kiss on Marshall’s lips. “Mr. Radley, tonight we are going full bougie.”
Jamie & AJ
Collab with @Lovely Complex
Flashback: Thursday, end of school day.

Jamie’s fight with Marshall had left him with a bad taste in his mouth for the rest of the day. Marsh’s words had stung, and the way they’d left things had Jamie pretty unsure as to where they stood. The last thing Jamie wanted was to see AJ Tyler. Of course, the universe saw fit to throw that exact person at him as he was leaving school.

His head dropped down, looking at his phone, Jamie walked straight into the Gearhead, resulting in a startled noise from the journalist, and a muttered apology, until he saw the familiar brunette locks of his ex boyfriend, and panicked.

“Uh-I...Hi.” he said, after considerable difficulty. Whenever AJ was around, Jamie seemed to get awkward. Those butterflies hadn’t ever gone away, not really. They were just a different breed now.

The Gearhead himself had a lot going on in his headspace, having not expressed his stress and turmoil to his best friend, because his best friend was going through his own shit. Shit that involved a girl. That same girl who was related to none other than the boy that just crashed into him. Jamie-fucking-Callaghan.

Usually, AJ would either be a asshole or a prick or both, solely because he was still into Jamie. A boy who was clever as the devil and twice as hot. That new article of his, where he teared HOT a new one, was cruel and full of hearsay, but you know what? AJ loved it. It was juice and full of spite, which was hot. The only downside was it brought Owen more down than he already was, and that would only make the Lyon more angry. Owen was already angry. Make him even more...what?

Rest in peace, Jamie. Eh, but that wasn’t AJ’s problem, even if he cared about the kid. Jamie chose to break things off, which meant the Gearhead wasn’t obligated to protect him. The backlash Jamie would receive from Owen was a personal problem and as far as AJ was concerned, they — Jamie and him — were not personal.

Who knows, though? Maybe the halls would get chaotic enough to where he could skip school to spend hours on end in his garage with his cars. With the school newspaper tucked in his back pant’s pocket, so that he could cut out Jamie’s article… for something, AJ was actually ready to compliment his ex on the success of his story, but instead immediately caught the signs of bad feels.

Ah, fuck.

His Jamie senses were tingling.

AJ leaned in, pulling up his sunglasses. His eyes stared intently into Jamie’s for a moment too long, before he genuinely and softly asked, “Rough day?” There was a pause, his unwavering gaze watching Jamie like a hawk, before he leaned back up and gestured his head towards the parked sports car, right by the front entrance, “If you got a few, we can talk.” That was the considerate, kind, and willing-to-listen side of AJ coming out. The side only those close to him knew about. If Jamie asked, AJ would even offer to take him home. Regardless of how awkward things were with them, AJ was still a good friend.

One thing Jamie would know was the reason why AJ’s car was brought close to the front door, sitting in the drop off area. It was because he liked showing off his hot wheels while kids left the building. As the Gearhead that got all the Gearheads together, it was in his job description to peacock.

Jamie sighed at AJ’s question. Of course he could tell that Jamie was in a mood. Jamie often forgot that just because you broke up with someone, that didn’t mean they stopped caring. AJ knew him better than just about anyone. Hell, he probably knew some things even Katie didn’t know. Hell, he definitely knew things that Katie didn’t.

Looking out at AJ’s car, one of his many pride and joys, Jamie was reminded of late night drives and a number of thrilling, against the hood make-out sessions. He couldn’t help but grin a bit. Things with AJ had been simpler. He was his first love, his first everything. He hadn’t been hurt yet. It was easier in a lot of ways. Maybe it was this nostalgia, or maybe it was something else, but for some reason, Jamie agreed to talk.

The interior of AJ’s car was warmer than the outside, but not by much. Breathing warmth into his chilled hands, Jamie shook his head and began to chuckle. After a moment, the chuckle became a sigh, and he rested his head back against the seat. “I’m guessing you read the worst article ever written?” Jamie asked. What had been his favorite piece from his time as the school’s resident gossip columnist had slowly but surely become his biggest regret.

“Are you looking for validation?” Answering a question, with a question. Classic. Before AJ had taken his seat behind the wheel, he slipped the newspaper in the backseat, where it couldn’t get crumpled.The silence lingered afterwards, as the speed racer switched the heat on, instinctively, to warm his ex up. “Everyone loves gossip until it involves them. You just happen to be the one that spreads it. Fast.” Taking off his sunglasses, he slipped it in his overhead glasses holder. “Do I hate that?”

Intentionally, he leaned back in his reclined chair, turning his head towards Jamie, pausing, always with those unnerving pauses, “Fuck no.” His lips slyly curved into a grin, “You’re a damn snake, and to get what you need done, you play the game, like everyone else has played it. You hurt people.” AJ’s words weren’t necessarily trying to cheer him up or bring him down. He simply was speaking in a matter-of-fact way. “But that doesn’t make you special, because well, we’ve all hurt someone.” The gearhead’s gaze softened, and in silence, his eyes conveyed his own regret for hurting Jamie. “Your writing is phenomanal. You don’t need me to tell you that and if someone has a problem with your story? They can kiss your ass. Own it. You did it. Be unapologetically you.” Because at the end of the day, all they had were themselves.

Jamie sighed. He was remembering what had drawn him to AJ in the first place. That complete disregard for what everybody else thought, it was hot, especially for someone like Jamie, who often cared way too much about what other people thought. Or at least he had. AJ had taught him some stuff, whether he admitted it or not. “I hurt people. Huh. Did I...did I hurt you, AJ? Like, I mean, when we broke up, did I hurt you?” Jamie was wallowing, and when he wallowed, he was a bit of a masochist.

Jamie knew the answer to it already. “Not as much as I hurt you.” AJ lied through his teeth. Arrogantly prideful. Although his actions spoke louder than his words, like the kiss in the hallway, in front of Marshall, AJ would never admit how badly he was affected by the break up. He would never say he spent nights crying in his mom’s arms and asking what was wrong with him? No.There were somethings better left unsaid. “But why would you care? It’s over. No use in thinking of a time that didn’t last.” Unfortunately, AJ was shielding his heart and so his nonchalance gave off the vibe that maybe, just maybe, he was finally getting over Jamie. Sighing to himself, he ran his fingers through his hair, wondering if he should take this conversation somewhere he knew would cheer his ex up. Words were useless. And yet, he waited to hear more.

“I…” Jamie paused, his words stuck in his throat. Here they were again, that same impassable canyon that AJ always seemed to lead him too. On one side, him and some mirage of AJ, and on the other, every other part that AJ wouldn’t let him see. Somewhere at the bottom of that abyss was bits and pieces of Jamie, who’d tried in vain to reach the AJ on the other side. “I don’t want to hurt anymore people. At least, not like I hurt you. Marshall...he read that article. And it upset him. And I feel bad. Because...y’know,” Jamie explained, unable to tell the boy he once loved, the boy he very well might still love, that he was moving on.

“You love him, I get it.” If AJ hadn’t been so preoccupied with his erratic emotions dealing with Bailee, getting her so emo to the point that she almost got alcohol poisoning, he would’ve dealt with this situation differently. Extremely differently. He would’ve made Jamie worse. The boy was already sinking in his own self pity and usually, AJ would’ve pulled him down deeper. But not today.

Adjusting himself, to where his body was turned to Jamie, AJ shook his head in reluctant agreement, demandingly saying, “Stop.” AJ brought his finger to Jamie’s forehead and flicked it, “You’ve already wrote the article, you can’t take it back. But if you want to change, then do it. Stop thinking about it. Just do it. You hurt Marshall? Fix it. You don’t like hurting people? Stop writing gossip, write things to lift people up, not bring them down. You want to be happy? Stop being so hard on yourself and just be.” Why was he helping Jamie again? He wasn’t getting anything out of this besides false hope.

Jamie blinked, and looked at AJ for a moment, before nodding, quietly mulling over AJ’s words. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but, you’re right. You, are absolutely right.” Jamie paused for a moment, struggling to find the words, to articulate the complicated mess of feelings he had at the moment. “I don’t love him. Marshall, I mean. I like him a lot, but I don’t know if I love him yet. It’s complicated, and I care about him very, very much, but there’s only one boy I’ve loved. At least, so far.”

“Well, there’s only one boy I’ve loved too.” There were so many things he wanted to do right now. So many things. Like pull that strand of hair out of Jamie’s face. Or grab his hand and kiss it. Or trace his fingers on that leg of his...

To resist pulling a typical AJ surprise kiss was incredibly hard, but he was trying to change for the better. Trying to not be this constant puppy that wants Jamie and would go out of his way for him. No matter what, AJ Tyler was no one’s bitch.“But hey, thanks for the memories, right? There was a smug grin on AJ’s face and the nostalgic feeling of the past crept into the car, as they stared into each other’s eyes.

AJ knew it was time.

Time to change where they stood.

“This boy can only hope he treats his girl right.” Okay. He did it. He confirmed a rumor spreading through the halls this very day. “That’s all we can do! Learn from our mistakes and try to make it work with someone else. If I want to keep a girl like her at my side… I have to be better.” Sting. Intentionally, he refrained from saying the girl’s name, not just yet. Bailee Helmsley was AJ’s weapon, regardless if she was aware of it or not.

That was a shock. A girl? Like, a girlfriend? It wasn’t necessarily that Jamie was jealous or anything. It was just that he had gotten used to the idea of AJ always wanting him. And now, he didn’t. That was the shock. “Thank you, for listening, but I should go.” Jamie collected his bag and stepped out of the car, pausing for a moment to say, “Bye, AJ.” He shut the door behind him with a loud thud, and walked over to his car, even more confused than before.

“Bye.” AJ whispered, and for once, he didn't say Jamie's name. After revving up his engine, AJ pat himself on the back. “You did good." It was rough, but he survived temptation.

What was Bailee doing anyways? He glanced at his phone, wondering if she had texted him.

Before Jamie knew it, the yellow sports car, car number five in AJ's large collection, sped off and disappeared in seconds.
I'm intrigued

Featuring: Katie Callaghan & Jamie Callaghan
Location: The Callaghan Home - Friday Night

Katie Callaghan sat, as she had every evening since Wednesday, staring at the DM from one Scott Lyon. She hadn’t told anyone about it, she hadn’t responded to it, and she was beginning to feel like she was running out of time. This, was not ideal.

Suddenly, Katie’s bedroom door opened, startling her and sending her phone flying across the room, as her brother walked in, shirtless and holding up a black jacket and two dress shirts. “FUCKING HELL!” Katie screamed, her nerves rattled. Jamie tossed the clothing he was holding onto the bed and went to grab Katie’s phone, muttering something about her being high strung, Katie released an anguished “NOOOO!” from her lips.

As he picked up the phone and his eyes darted across the screen, his eyes widened in shock. “Scott Lyon huh? Took you long enough,” he taunted, tossing the phone back to her. Katie scowled at his jest. “He needs my help on an assignment. That’s it,” Katie said, to which Jamie laughed. “Katie, you guys don’t even share a class. Someone is distracted,” he said, grinning. His sister never lied that bad, unless her mind was elsewhere.

Katie sighed and fell back into the pillows that rested at the head of her bed. “I’ve been ignoring him, for two days. Two. Days. It’s done. I killed it. We’re through,” she moaned.

Jamie shook his head and picked up his clothes again. “Okay, but real quick, which one goes better with the jacket,” Jamie asked. Katie rolled her eyes and pointed out her favorite, a pure, white shirt that went nicely with the dark green suit he was going with. As Jamie put the shirt on, he returned his focus to Katie.

“Look, you and Scott have some whack sexual tension, that I don’t even want to talk about, but you clearly like him. Just text the boy, there’s no need to be stupid,” he said as he shrugged into his suit jacket, and looked himself over in the mirror.

“Says you, the boy who is the most unlucky in love person I know,” Katie said, her tone spiced with annoyance. Jamie rolled his eyes, a spitting image of his sister. “Oh my god, we’ve been through this a hundred times! I fucked up, get over it and go get your man you hag!”

Katie pursed her lips, before taking the phone in her hands and typing out a long overdue message.

To: Scott
lets talk...pick me up?

Katie gave the bird to Jamie’s knowing smirk, before getting up and going to her closet. “I need a new outfit, I need to shower, I need so many things!” Jamie laughed from his position in front of the mirror. “Good luck!” he shouted, before walking out, leaving Katie to fend for herself.
Flashback: Wednesday, nearing the end of the school day.
Collab with @Lovely Complex

Click title.

As usual, when someone sought Joy out, when they truly needed her, it was during the times she was in the library, as coincidental as that may be. This time was different, though. It was fifteen minutes before last period, where both Joy and Katie made sure if they hadn’t seen each other for most of their days, minus the times they had class, obviously, they would meet at the library to give each other an update. Talking in person was so much more personal than text. This time specifically, the library was like a barren desert. No students came to the library near the end of the day unless they had a project to print.

Neither girls cared if they were late to their last period, since it was an easy class and their teacher didn’t really do attendance, so more often than not, they had their own little short picnic in their safe place. Even the librarian stepped out around this time, giving them the entire room to themselves. Only Joy and other librarian assistants were given access to the library when the librarian was on a break or went home for the day. It was a trust policy and if anything went missing, the librarian knew who to interrogate first.

In the library, there was a hidden area, where most of the older books were tossed. Piles and piles of books hiding this little nook. An area that no student, besides Joy (and Katie, by association), ever explored. It was dim and the lightbulb surely needed to be replaced, but it was Joy’s private place on school grounds. The place where she could breathe and even take naps, if she so desperately needed one. There sat two, large bean bags, a blanket (merchandise from her Uncle’s gaming team ‘RD’) laying out with food of the best kind on top of it, a computer for gaming, a tv (with a couple of consoles surrounding it) for gaming, and small decor that was added over time. Like glow-in-the-dark stars. Joy took a liking to astronomy because of her second cousin Freya, basically an aunt figure, who owns an observatory.

This was their place, away from the chaos and stress that was their school. Just for two best friends. No other people, including Joy’s boyfriend, were allowed here. Even if some did find this place, Joy wouldn’t care if anything got stolen. Most of the tech she brought here was her old stuff that would’ve been given to Goodwill anyways.

Sitting on her blue bean bag, criss-cross applesauce, Joy munched on some cheetos, as she stared at her distressed friend, finishing up telling her everything that had transpired the night before and the morning of with Damian, “Yeah… so that happened. Still a virgin, but at least parents approve and Melody, or my dad, didn’t kill him, amiright? I honestly couldn’t believe he refrained from having sex with me and actually woke up early just to talk to my dad. I guess he isn’t always thinking with his penis. He must really like me…” Joy trailed off briefly, before shaking her head, “Enough about me! How are you, Katie? You okay? Something feels a bit off. Like, yeah I’ve been seeing you smiling throughout the day but it doesn’t feel… genuine. I could be looking way too into it, but I worry.”

If she was being completely honest, Katie had been in and out of the conversation since it began. Really, she’d been stuck in her own head all day it felt like. “Huh? Oh...I’m...okay, I’m gonna say something, and you have to keep it a secret. You can’t tell Damian, or Noah, or literally anyone.” Katie paused for a moment and took a deep breath.

“Last night, at the party, me and Scott had this...moment. It was weird, and stupid, but for a second we were just, connected, I guess? I don’t know. It was confusing, and strange, and I planned to completely ignore it, but then I may or may not have had a sex dream about him,” Katie said, wincing. God, what was her life coming to?

“Oh wow.” Joy munched on another chip, contemplating her friend’s words. Was Katie having feelings for someone? Scott, specifically? “So… do you like him?” Joy was never one to beat around the bush. They could dance around the subject, but that gets old real quick. “There’s nothing wrong with what you’re feeling. Being confused is okay. I mean I’m still figuring out this whole romance thing myself.” Munch.

“No! Nononono! I do not have feelings for Scott Lyon! He is arrogant, and annoying, and rude, and spoiled! I mean, he sucks! He’s my arch-nemesis! I can’t have feelings for him!” Katie hissed, her face flushing red. “And, it’s not like that matters, cause today he decided that we shouldn’t be talking anymore. Which like, yeah, I agree, but also, who is he to make those decisions? He just assumes he’s right all the time, that’s what I hate. It’s like, God, grow up!” Katie said, her ranting distracting her from less welcome thoughts of a certain Lyon.

Joy’s plain expression turned into a smug. Munch. “If he was all those things, which I’m sure he can be, would you still give him the time of day? Y’know. Damian, he’s prideful, a manwhore, and cares way too much about looking swole, I mean I don’t mind, but still... he isn’t just that. He’s actually too sweet for his own good.” She paused, wanting Katie to take in her words, “You two have been at it for as long as you’ve guys known each other. I’ve never met someone that could keep up with you and your argumentative self like he can.” Munch. “Let me ask you this, are you okay with this stopping? No more chess fights. No more run ins in the hallway where he teases you and you backfire. No more heated debates in the parking lot by ‘the G spot’. No more seeing him. At all.” The G spot stood for the Gearheads spot.

Katie pondered Joys words for a moment. Her first instinct was to deny the heresy that Joy was insinuating. Of course she wouldn’t miss any of it. She hated Scott! Except, maybe she didn’t. Groaning, she let her head fall backwards, her exasperation clear. “Katie Callaghan has been broken. She stood strong for many years against the Male Threat, but Scott Lyon was too fucking much!” Katie said dramatically, lolling her head back to it’s normal position. “The Boy Boycott is over.”

After wiping her fingers on a napkin, placing it on her plate of cheese (yes just cheese), Joy rolled out of her bean bag, taking her chips with her, of course, and crawled to her friend, still grinning. Lowly, she chuckled, “Operation ‘get Scott? or… Operation ‘get laid’.” Joy was thinking way ahead of herself. Thanks to Damian, Joy may have obtained a dirty mind. “We could do both. Yes, definitely both. What’d you say?”

Katie sighed. “It’s the end of an era Joy. That’s what.” Katie fished a cheeto from Joy’s bag and with a deep sigh, popped it into her mouth.


Interacting With: Tilly@Poleski

Austin nodded his head as Mr. Summers explained the current state of things to him and his fellow classmates. He was a complicated mix of emotions. Becoming the new X-Men? Now that sounded great. Of course he was familiar with the X-Men, how could you be a young mutant and not know about them. Austin had read practically every article there was about their adventures, used to dream of joining them, and now, he was.

The part that really caught his attention though? Purifiers. Now there was a name that rung a bell. After his mutation had manifested, Austin had been terrified that the Purifiers would find him, take him away from his home. He’d spent his childhood in fear of them. When William Stryker had died, he’d gone up into his room, and jumped up and down with excitement. Now, they’d come back, and made some other little kids nightmares come true.

Austin looked over at the others, watched as Roxy joined up, followed by Heidi, Madison and Clarice. Tilly, the amnesiac, began questioning the whole thing, though he was already tuning out by this point. Something nagged at him. For a moment, he couldn’t place it, the feeling in his gut that held him there. Worry? No, that wasn’t it. He wasn’t afraid of this, in fact, he welcomed it. He was born to help people, to protect them. No, this wasn’t fear.

Like a light bulb flickering on, Austin’s mind suddenly burst into overdrive, signalling the problem. It was in fact fear, fear and anger. Fear of himself, fear of his powers, fear of what he might do if he saw one of those Purifiers and he lost control. How was it that he’d been cursed with a power meant to protect people, that only seemed to harm them?

Shoving that fear down, that loathing for his DNA, Austin stepped forward. “Tilly, speak for yourself, but I’m all in. I’m not gonna stand here and watch the world go up in flames, not when I can do something about it.”
Collab with @Lovely Complex
Sometime during the morning, in a hallway...

“Ellie, just go talk to him already!”

Elliott was pulled out of what was definitely not a daydream about Miles Michaelson by his sisters voice in his ear, a stage whisper that damn near gave him a heart attack. He turned to face his twin, his usual look of annoyance plain as day. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Elliott said, glancing down to the book he held in his hand, and focusing on the pages rather than his sister.

Ivy let out a guttural groan, one that drew the attention of other students for a moment, before they realized it was Ivy and continued about their day, plenty used to her theatrics by now. Shaking her head, she kept talking, despite Elliott’s obvious attempts to ignore her. “You are insufferable. He is a boy! Not a monster! Boys are easy! Just go talk to him!” Ivy exclaimed, her arms flailing about, expressive as ever.

Elliott looked up from his book and over at Miles, feeling his stomach clench as he pictured himself walking over to him. He looked back at Ivy, her expression having morphed into one that he knew all too well, the classic ‘You know I’m right’ face. Shutting his book with a harumph, Elliott walked over to where Miles was standing, putting up some flyer. “Heyyyyy! Miles! Nice...flyer. Really cool, uh, bear.” Holy shit this was a disaster.

Turning his head, his mess of blonde hair following along with him, the artist gave that cheesy, adorable smile he was known for, “Really, man? Thanks!” After stapling the flyer on the board, he smoothly turned on his heel to face his junior, who gave him some good pointers in his writing and sophomore Shakespeare essays, “It’s cute, not one of my best stuff, but hey. I’m a boy that helps his friends. Nero needed me, so how could I decline? Plus, doesn’t he remind you of a teddy?! Or is that just me…” That was probably just him. Thanks, mom. His mom compared people to stuffed animals all the time, so in return, he does it too. “Anyways!” He took a step closer to the boy he was chatting with, his eyes finally meeting with Elliott’s. “What’s poppin’?”

Elliott’s breathing hitched. What’s poppin? What was poppin? Nothing, that’s what. Elliott had gone into this conversation with absolutely nothing prepared. “Oh, you know...stuff.” Down the hall a few feet, Ivy’s face fell into the palm of her hand. How was her brother this hopeless? As Ivy resisted the urge to barge in, Elliott’s face flushed crimson, and he did something he hated doing. He looked to Ivy for help. It was a quick glance, but enough for his sister to understand, their unspoken communication practically impeccable by this point. ASK TO HANG OUT Ivy mouthed to her brother, about as conspicuously as could be.

Elliott looked back to Miles, an awkward grin now plastered across his face. “So, y’know, I was thinking, we could like hang out sometime? I don’t know, there’s that movie night at Captain Cuddles on Friday, could be fun?” Elliott said, praying that Miles was oblivious to the fact that he was the most awkward person on the planet.

“Star Wars!” Excitably, and loudly, Miles shouted. “Dude, I’d be so down. CC’s got the best pizza out there, AND I can bring my pillow.” He loved his pillow. He needed to retrieve it from his locker. He’s been away from her for far too long.

Why did Elliott like this child? “Yo, what if I see if some of my boys want to come along and then we can totally hit the arcade after the movie. From what I hear it’s open late and milkshakes are being served alllll night.” ‘His boys’ were a bunch of geeks.

How did he respond? Say no? That seemed rude. He didn’t want to seem rude. Elliott, in his best impression of someone who has their life together, smiled awkwardly. “Uh yeah, totally. Ivy and Victoria are probably gonna come too, so like, it’ll be a big thing,” Elliott said. “So, uh, yeah. It’s a date. I mean, like, it’s a plan. An event. A rendezvous if you will.”

“Radical!” Miles grabbed Elliott’s shoulder and gave it a gentle shake, “Star Wars, pizza, milkshakes, and chill vibes. Can’t get any better than that. Oh! One last thing.” Miles, after what seemed to feel like forever, took his hand off of Elliott’s shoulder and ran it through his unruly hair, cooly, too cooly, “Sometime soon let’s share our work, yeah? Maybe go to The Secret Tea Garden. My mom just added to the menu, but she hasn’t told me what’s new so I got to go and find out.”

Two dates in one, do you say yes?

Elliott very nearly fainted. The hand on his shoulder, and then the way Miles ran his hand through his hair, it should’ve been illegal it was so hot. Breathe, Elliott. Breathe. Collecting his thoughts, Elliott smiled one last time at MIles, this one genuine, the awkwardness cleared away by the invitation to tea. “That sounds like fun,” he said simply.

Off to the side, Ivy shot him a thumbs up. Maybe she had been right.

Ah, man. Suddenly, and unexpectedly, Miles hit his own head with the stack of flyers. He would’ve face palmed, but his hand held a bunch of paper. “Speaking of my work, I totally forgot it…” He had to go to the library and make sure no one stole his pencils. And yes, his work. BUT. Those pencils were EXPENSIVE. His mom would kill him. Okay, she wouldn’t. She’d give him a pouty face and whine a lot, but even so! Those were his favorite pencils and he didn’t have back up sketches for that volume! “I will see you later, Elliott. You, me, a few other people, Friday. Fun times to be had!” Before Miles started to wheely away, he gave that charming, goofy smile of his and an adoring, playful wink, “See ya!”

As Miles rolled off, Ivy sauntered over to where a very smitten Elliott was still standing.

“So was I right, or was I right?”

Location: The Courtyard

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Austin rested his chin in his palm as he listened to the second hand drag it’s way around the clock, tick after sickening tick. How much longer was he going to have to sit through this lecture about some subject he couldn’t be bothered to give a fuck about. Sighing, he looked up at the clock. An hour still remained between him and lunch. Fuuuuuuck

Just as Austin was beginning to debate whether or not he could subtly induce vomiting, Ms. Lee opened the door to the classroom, stepping in so that her frame obscured the hall from view. This was enough to prompt Austin from his sedated state of boredom. There was something about the sound of the classroom door opening that broke the haze that seemed to cloud the room, and his mind.

“Hey, I just need to grab Austin Anderson,” Jubilee said, scanning the room, her eyes eventually landing on him. Austin looked at her for a moment, before getting up and out of his seat, packing his things away. A million thoughts raced through his head as he pondered why he was being called out of class. He never got called out, never. So what made today any different?

Austin followed Jubilee out into the courtyard, his bag slung over one shoulder. Austin recognized some of the other kids in the yard. Micah, Roxy, Hayden, Basil, that one girl who was always forgetting shit. Austin had been around long enough that he really got to know everybody it felt like, at least a little bit. Austin took a spot near the others, folding his arms across his chest as he looked them all over. They were going over ideas of why they were there, but no one seemed to have any ideas.

Turning around, Austin watched Jubilee go back inside the mansion. Weird. What the hell is going on? Austin thought, looking around the courtyard expecting the answer to leap out at him. He waited a moment. No such luck. Well, there was one bright side to this, Austin was pretty sure they wouldn’t be kicking all of them out, so that meant it was something cooler. Probably.

@Universorum @Fabricant451
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