Avatar of Solace


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Current I love sixteen hour flights
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Birthday, officially twenty years old today! yikes
7 yrs ago
Happy Holidays, everyone! Enjoy the time with your families, and stay safe on your travels!
8 yrs ago
It's my birthday! Another year towards twenty, woooooo
8 yrs ago
For whoever comes to read this, continue being awesome. I'm rooting for you.


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Credit to Poi in creating this for us! Thank you so much.

I do feel the need to vent slightly, but gonna try to keep it brief since I try not to get too hung up on things.

If you're the only person in a roleplay to have a differing opinion towards the direction of the plot, by all means, you can give that dissenting opinion. As a GM, I'll listen and see what I can do to try and improve communication next time.

But when your communication to me is rude and you begin to insult me, that's not how you get your point across, and extending beyond writing boundaries, is not how you talk to people. Just because something doesn't go your way after everyone else agreed on it, does not give you the grounds to cry "wolf!"

My standpoint on roleplaying has always been the matter of adaptation, and if you can not go beyond your own personal belief and adapt to the roleplay on the behalf of the other participants and the people who put actual work into their posts and ideas, then you've lost my respect. Which is impressive, to say the least, since I don't try to make myself out to be serious or overbearing until something like this.

I wouldn't have felt the need to vent if this dissenting opinion wasn't a constant fruit of negativity. It's been days since it was discussed and you're still moping over it. Get over it, already.

And if not, then actually talk to me about it again if you're that willing to hold this childish animosity over a different choice of events. At the very least, don't be such an immature cunt about it.

rant over woo
Grant and Olivia sitting in a tree,
First comes love,
Then comes marriage,
Then comes the baby in the baby carriage!

more like Granting her a death wish
The time skip post is donezo after much time! It is chronologically six months after the enlistment date, and the characters are hiking up a hill to get to the camp at the top of a plateau. They should be almost there, though the pacing will be left up to interpretation as posts come in to respond.

The characters have been split into two groups, which are the following (decided by a random number generator pls it's rigged af I didn't do it):

Group 1: Gabriel, Reese, Olivia, Tanner, Emil, Connor, NPC (named as "Jay")

Group 2: Sano, Jade, Mora, Grant, Lauren

In the time skip post, you may notice under-lined stuff throughout the writing; this is detailing the important things that you should consider and include within your response to the time skip! Don't think there's anything else left to say, go crazy nerds
Six Months Later

She was a young girl with nothing else but the fist clenched to her heart, her family and possessions taken away by the toil that was humanity's war with the titans.

Every single day of training had always been another challenge to conquer, another test to pass. There were the naturally-gifted who carried on with flying colors, and there were those like herself who found it an ongoing obstacle to carry themselves onward.

That fury was the very same that drove her towards vengeance, on the path to avenging the lost. To her jubilation, there were several like-minded individuals that shared her anger, those of whom she stood between within her division of recruits during the enlistment phase.

But the transition was imperfect, and one could only desire so much without possessing the strength needed to carry the weight of that animosity. Young and unprepared for the difficulties of their trials, she could only muster enough resolve to drag herself just over the finish line. She was among several to suffer failure at the Gear Compatibility Test, her career starting with a blemish as she could only barely balance herself.

To be feeble was not a positive trait within the military, and through squeezing past the Close-Quarters Combat and 3D Maneuver Gear training in the Forest of Giant Trees, it was clear that she was only suitable for a supportive role within the military. Regardless, her determination remained stoutly, showing her aptitude in the classroom, where the 104th Training Corps spent most of their days besides honing themselves physically.

She had become an expert of sorts on Titan Terminology and Physiology, her capacity of knowledge impressing even Schulz, himself. In place of this weakness, she had found a crutch of strength, her curiosity for information extending into the classes of Military Terminology and Equipment, as well as the lessons of the Walls and Districts.

Their time within the classroom was limited by the military's demand for bolstering its soldiers, and they were in constant travel all throughout, the concurrent hours of horseback training serving to prepare them for their primary method of transportation. She had felt her vitality begin to wane with the third month, but there was nothing left for her if she left. The first true test of her determination would come six months after the burning sun, in the wake of winter.

The 104th Training Corps had traveled to the northernmost point between Wall Rose and Wall Sina, where the weather had been unlike anything the soldiers had ever seen before. An unruly blizzard stormed around the camp stationed at the base of a steep plateau, and even through the soldiers' preparations in thick clothing, the wintry weather remained a deadly flurry. The instructors had given them only one objective; to hike up the hills and reach the camp at the top of the plateau, their enemy being labelled as nature itself.

Left with only an objective, the soldiers-in-training dispatched into several collectives, each supporting one another in the event of an emergency. The purpose of the training was trust, and for the girl, the climb was only another obstruction to her vengeance. Yet, each step taken sapped what little strength remained, her feet sinking deeper into the snow until there was nothing left to stand for. She had been too slow to keep up, inevitably left behind by her comrades.

She was a young girl with nothing else but the frost-bitten fingers clenched to her sides, her own life taken away by the winter storm.

Reese Kestrel

"I hope that the others are alright."

It was natural for Reese Kestrel to worry about the well-being of his friends, and the dangerous weather only served to bolster the matter much further. He had shuffled into the first group formed out of his acquaintances, in which he was joined by Gabriel, Olivia, Tanner, Emil, Connor, and Jay. The trek up the hill was a long one, the smaller boy's body under more pressure from the heavier backpack of supplies that they were required to carry. On the contrary of his initial excitement for seeing the wintry weather, the boy was fast to reconsider his anticipation as they approached the blizzard, and he was continually pelted by snow.

Six months had seemed to pass quickly, and over that time period, Reese focused heavily on developing himself in the areas where he lacked expertise. Beating out a number of the other trainees during hand-to-hand combat training had seemingly given him the determination to pass the Gear Compatibility Test, and starting his path towards becoming a full-fledged soldier would only grow more difficult. Balancing himself on the makeshift harness had been one thing, but actually flying through the air and trying not to crash into gigantic trees had been another when they began their actual 3D Maneuver Gear training.

At the very least, Reese was able to complete the exercises with enough effort, finding himself better in coordinating with the others more often than not. During the occasional lesson within the classroom, the boy was only rivaled by Tanner at the end of the day, though it was not exactly the type of competition that he sought recognition for. Unlike almost the entirety of the class, however, he was unfazed by the long hours or days of travel on horseback, having adjusted to the wear and tear of wayfaring many years ago.

Though, Reese was certainly not adjusted to the blistering cold, that was for sure. The boy shivered as his teeth clattered, attempting to snug deeper into his winter coat as he was shoulder-to-shoulder with Gabriel and Olivia. There was a lingering fear that some of the trainees would be left behind in the blizzard, hoping that it would not be the case for anyone within their class.
"Are we there yet?" he could barely make out through the chills, bumping his head against Gabriel.
In place of Bells, I'll be writing up the time skip sometime tomorrow! If anyone had any last posts that they wanted to squeeze in before that, now's the time! I'll likely have it finished by mid-day of tomorrow.
Reese Kestrel

Only two sessions of spars into the company's hand-to-hand combat training, and already, Reese felt as if the supernatural beings within the heavens were working against him. It certainly did not fare well for his mentality that he was at a severe disadvantage with his lack of knowledge, his mind continually recycling the demonstrations from the instructor but being unable to replicate said presentations. After his attempt of Lauren's technique resulted in a narrow failure, the boy fumbled backwards as he was caught breathless for a moment, viewing the direct strike to his neck as an unethical strike.

Choking violently, Reese painfully cleared his throat as a hint of anger arose within his spirit, having been taken aback by such an attack that could have convinced the boy that it had been a personal one. His eyes narrowed, tossing out the inhibition that had festered from his insecurities and forgoing Lauren's request. While he had much more to learn and even more to refine, he was beginning to understand Schulz' lecture of never holding back. While there was not much for him to be restraining in the first place, he could see that his fear of potentially hurting his friends was detrimental.

And from that attack, it was clear to Reese that Mora, or anyone else, did not intend to allow the fact to deter their own strategy, either.

Allowing Mora to make the next step, the boy prepared himself to pay careful attention to the redhead's motions; if his own raw power was not enough to defeat her, Reese would have to rely on the lessons imparted to them. Reciting Schulz' techniques once more within his mind, he anticipated his opponent's charge, quickly devising his only method of a victory. Knowing that she would take the bait, he ensured that his feet stumbled for a clumsy dodge.

Reese felt confident as Mora rushed him once more, taking a step back and raising his hands to catch her left first for a grab. That was when he realized that he had also fallen into her own plan, suddenly pulled towards her while the wind kicked from his lungs, a splatter of blood expelling from his mouth. His strategy had faltered, but the boy did not allow the misstep to end in his defeat. He fought through the pain that fluttered around his torso, sending the momentum to his right foot.

He jumped with the step, arching his left shoulder back and spinning in a half-revolution as Reese landed swiftly behind Mora. The boy did not allow her to set herself steadily as he stood himself firmly, his right arm locking around her neck in the motion of landing, the hold solidified through his left elbow scissoring his right fist. For the moment, Reese felt the hymn of victory sound within his ears as Mora was about to stumble entirely from his unexpected retaliation, only for her to break free in the nick of time, causing him to decline backwards.

Sweat beaded his face, blood continuing to trickle from the side of Reese's mouth as he took a seat to the ground, cycling the pain along his torso through heavy breathing.
"Close one," the boy could only manage, his thumb wiping the blood but unsuccessful in stopping its leakage.
hey that looks familiar
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