Avatar of SouffleGirl123


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Cheers to 3000 days on the guild. I love you all 3000
1 yr ago
Y'all ever write something and just be shook about what you wrote? Cus damn it turns out I can write sometimes
1 yr ago
I drink water now, like lots of water. The only reason it hasn't made me too powerful is because I always have to pee now and idk if that payoff is fair tbh
2 yrs ago
No one remembers when corn kid said 'not everyone has to love it for it to be the best' and that quote hits deep
5 yrs ago
Never did I think I'd be avoiding my roommates to avoid getting asked why there was a fake wedding in the lounge room but here we are, thanks DnD


Most Recent Posts

Nicola Perez

"I have a job to do, I'm gonna do it, simple as that,"

Name: Nicola Laura Perez
Gender Female
Age: 28
Alignment: Guild
Rank within Organisation: Lieutenant

Birthmark Shape
Location of Birthmark Inside of the left arm. Starts an inch above her wrist and travels up about two-thirds of her lower arm (wrist to elbow).
Magical Abilities Storms- Black clouds, pelting rain, loud rumbles of thunders and bolts of lightening can work within the limitations of Nicola desire and summons. She can conjure up a bit of wind to accompany it but only enough to blow some leaves other than of gigantic proportions.

Place of Birth: Barranquilla, Columbia
Currently Residing: New York City, New York
Nicola is super secretive when it comes to her personal life outside the Guild. From things as simple as where she lives to some of the most significant parts of her childhood Nicola with withhold all the information she can to anyone. Occasionally her motives may seem questionable, sometimes her ideals may even seem mildly sadistic, but all in all Nicola believes deeply in the Guild's cause and is ready to fight tooth and nail for it.

Nicola is bold, outspoken and completely willing to verbalise her opinions even if it contests every person in the room. She is very straight forward and honest and is likely to not sugar coat anything for anyone. She is very set on getting tasks done quickly and right and can appear very no-nonsense at time but does enjoy fooling around every now and again. She is rather clever and can be really witty but does like to resort to aggression (sometimes just verbal), especially when dealing with those from the Dark Shadows or are rebelling against or breaking the Guild's rules

Her father was only meant to be in Columbia for a handful of months. His parents were both very active members of The Guild for the vast majority of their lives and his mother came from a linage of one of the Guild's founders. The plan was to recruit both of their sons. Michael's younger brother had already joined and Michael was meant to after his 'soul-searching' trip overseas. That was before he meant Andrea, a Columbian woman who later discovered to also be a magic user- metamorphic magic to be exact. The pair fell for each other and Michael's 'few months away' quickly turned into a lifetime.

Michael and Andrea had 2 children, Nicola and Issac (3 years younger than Nicola). The couple found a generally abandoned area about an hour from the city and there taught their kids how to use their powers from a rather early age, however, they also drilled the importance of only using their powers when absolutely necessary. Their parents also taught their children to be bold, most likely where Nicola got her outspoken attitude from. Nicola lived a pretty average life and eventually went on to train to be a security guard.

As time went on both of Michael's parent's left the guild in their old age and Michael's brother (who was a captain) was all that was left in their family to be an active member of the Guild. However, when Nicola was 19 he uncle was killed in a fight against a Dark Shadow and Michael's parents begged for someone to continue the lineage.

Nicola looked into the Guild, their cause and what they did and it seemed right up her ally so she complied with her grandparents wishes and moved to New York and joined their ranks. Due to mixture of her commitment, hard work and results (and most likely her lineage as well) it was only 3 or so years before Nicola became a captain then at the departure of the Lieutenant, Nicola was given the position.

"Why should I give shit about what others think? I just want to have my fun and y'all can just deal with it,"

Name: Emily Florence Waring
Gender Female
Age: 24
Alignment: Dark Shadows
Rank within Organisation: Captain

Birthmark Shape
Location of Birthmark Just to the right of her left shoulder blade on the back.
Magical Abilities Emily can manipulate fire. She can form flames in her hands and throw fireballs but to do something larger scale she needs to work off a larger fire. (In saying that, she won't hesitate to light the nearest thing on fire to do so).

Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts
Currently Residing: New York, USA
If you hadn't gathered Emily is definitely not the best of people, nor does she pretend or try to be. She is wild, rebellious and reckless- and loves being this way. Not for a day has she taken life seriously and doubts she ever will. She does what pleases and entertains her, no matter how reckless it is. Emily has no filter between her mind and her mouth nor between her mind and her actions. She speaks and acts without considering the consequences for herself or anyone else and tends to wear those consequences like a badge. She is a master liar and will tell as many lies as possible to get out of a bad situation or being caught. She will say or do anything to get her will or her way. She's not afraid to use another's confidences against them.

Emily is very much an extrovert and often the life of the party. She will push her friends into uncomfortable situations for fun. She's fun-loving and does possess a heart for her friends, however, she’ll never admit it She'll happily take the blame for people she's close too, but would prefer assisting them lie their way out of punishment. Emily is open about who she is, she will be the first to tell you she's a bitch and often proclaims she's whore. She wears her worst traits as her crown and armour.

Her ways make her seem heartless to a majority of people. Inside she does possess a soft heart towards those she's close to however, an almost impossible to break shell is in the way caused by her upbringing and past. Inside she’s still broken by the past, something she turned to a rebellious, wild nature to cover the wounds. She’d never admit so, she’s come to a point where she fools herself constantly. On top of her grief she has a form of vengeance toward her parents and past relationships.

Emily’s mother never liked her. Born an only child of a CEO of a large accounting firm and his unemployed wife, Martha The money Michael earned paid enough for the family of three to live a rather luxurious life and Emily hadn't known a life without such a lifestyle until adulthood. While most parents cooed over their children Martha groaned. It wasn’t that Martha didn’t like children, she loved them in fact, but seemed to possess some dislike toward Emily.

Perhaps a reason for Martha’s displeasure in her daughter was Emily’s knack at not excelling… at anything. She was never a high achiever in school, never excelled on piano when her mum bought her lessons, wasn’t the standout in ballet. The list goes on. As time went on the pair started arguing, it became evident there was problems between them and, as Emily’s father was either away on a work trip or too busy to deal with her Emily was practically left to fend for herself.

With little guidance Emily mixed with the wrong crowd, however, she had fun. Soon enough she was known for a bad reputation among people. She was always misbehaving and arrogant. The only notice she took to rules was how to break them. She was often in trouble for graffiting, defacing properties and even minor thefts. As time went on she had learnt the best tactics to not being caught.

Emily was 15 when she snuck out to a party, of course it wasn't her first rebellious or misbehaving act. She found to fit in perfectly and it was there she had her first try of alcohol and intimacy to a new degree. Since then the sneaking off to parties has become more common.

Although her parents were both magic users they mainly kept it hidden. They tried to live as normal as possible and never told Emily but she found out. One day randomly flames burst across her hands. She somewhat taught herself to control it, enough at least. For some time she did some digging through her parent's stuff and listening to hushed late night conversations and from there heard about the Guild and the Dark Shadows. From there (for the first time in her life) Emily did some research. From that she learnt about the Guild and the Dark Shadows, the rules and what both sides stand for and she needed no more. Em couldn't really care less about taking over the world but full right to use magic? Besides, if she was part if the group that took over the world think of all the attention! And it was against her parents morals. Perfect. They seemed to have great ideals for her reckless mindset.

At 18 she packed her things and left, but not without leaving her mother a gift but setting the flower garden alight. From there she set off for New York where she joined the Dark Shadows and never looked back.


@jakeb1993 Even the Tim Tams? Lol, JK
<Snipped quote by SouffleGirl123>


Also, posted my approved character into the CS thread.

And character 2
Here's the real one xD That was a total mistake xD sorry

Fuck, that was actually my half asleep ass forget I copied something else between putting it here xD
Here is my Dark Shadows CS. I'll have one for the Guild after sleep
@Cerces22 It's not just the amount of mayhem and spam but the content too xD. Good luck
@Cerces22 I mean, you can try I guess but the havoc Haley and I cause is legendary for a reason XD
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