Avatar of souleaterfan320


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9 mos ago
Current Stat....us.
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2 yrs ago
I need 100 cc's of Status, Stat!
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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*I follow close behind, my blade held ready off to the side*

*as we get closer, they become visible*

Ezra: Husks!

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*He turns on the com*

My hunger is getting out of control. I need blood.

Red: *sighs*

God damnit...

- *pulls out my phone*

Calling Red, come in?

Red: read you loud and clear, Command.

- just checking in. Whats the progess?

Red: code grey.

- *sighs* we're so close. Just do what you need to finish the job, go loud.

Red: understood.

- *hangs up, and chuckles*

Ah, he still isn't aware..
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

How do you do?

<Snipped quote by Legend>

I can’t afford to bring any less than the best of the best. And that’s for your sake. Think you fit that bill?

I am...alive. very tired.
No more work this week! Until sunday, that is.
@Galaxy Raider

Mierno: *waives*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

You missed out on the opportunity to get such valuable information?

Yeah. Yeah i did. Ill ask data before he turns all evil so we can nuke the dark dynamo and correct evil data. Wook, happy fun times.

*sits on the couch, upset*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

You didn't ask?


*looks away*

...didnt wanna know...
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

What happened after you left? Did Data win?

I....I don't know.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

I've never seen anything like that. He kind of blew both of you away, huh?

Like beating mice with a broom, yes.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Can I see it?


*checks it*

...Aha! Here it is.

*,hands a holo device to you, and presses play, showing you the footage*

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