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<Snipped quote by Spiritblitz>

COOL!! Magic exists then! *I look at the tesseract conspicuously* And prolly this thing is of that domain then... *I proceed to manifest another gold ingot for Rhoan* Well then mister Rhoan! Here ya go!

<Snipped quote by Memory>

*Lifts my hands up in surrender* Hey promise i won't do that again then! -- You needed some force to get you out of the box you were looping in, but okay! No more touchy feely!

Knowing Rhoan he might have a taste for that object you have.
<Snipped quote by Spiritblitz>

So what's the samurai guy's name? I do indeed love his style to be completely honest, and i would love to learn some sword fighting techniques... Also... since you all essentially plopped into existence out of the void, would you show me how you did that?

His name is Rhoan. I wouldn’t call him a samurai conventionally as his style of fighting more of uses the sword as a glorified stick. But he utilizes magic in a very complex and combat oriented manner. And I can definitely show you how we entered.
<Snipped quote by Spiritblitz>

Well then... tis yours to have mam!

*takes it*
Thank you. It is much appreciated.
<Snipped quote by Spiritblitz>

Well, that's nice... i like you Meredy, and Prism, you are both good people!

*I start coalescing blinding light in my hand as a 10 KG ingot of pure gold of the highest karat manifests*

Is Gold at least a... multiversal currency?

I’d say it’s more valuable as a resource rather than a currency, but yes.
<Snipped quote by Spiritblitz>

Counterfeit is a strong word for an exact and indistinguishable copy ain't it? I just wanted to repay you for your efforts in currency you can actually use in your world... mine, we have digitised credit system across the galaxy, so that, i don't know it is of any actual use for you... but suit yourself...

<Snipped quote by Memory>

Mah man! If i were to roll with the "what if's" of life, i would never do one single thing due to the paralysis that kind of thinking would do.

My payment is the safety of you all.
<Snipped quote by Asce>

Gotcha! I wanna do an experiment, if you will, since i just adopted Prism's and Akella's powers it seems, cos why not i guess... Can the both of you just hand me a bag of all your money?

*I say with a thoughtful expression as i look at the healer gun that essentially was cloned with me*

I’m not gonna let you counterfeit my currency.
<Snipped quote by Spiritblitz>

*The powers of the gun are basically energy regeneration, it is used as emmergency healing in battle, can regenerate even mutilated bodies if they are still within an inch of life, and is even able to bring back people from the brink of death, rejuvenate, cure sickness, etc... 1 blast per 10 minutes of recharge or so...*

*I blink at the display and grin with glee*

Damn! I feel i'm only beginning to live life now with such changes in the meaning of what is real... pfff hahahah!

Hey, what's your name again?, Your sword guy said you will take a look at my tesseract to make sure it's safe? Let me tell you from the changes around here and even to Prism, it most definitely AIN'T safe. Also, if you will be able to pick it up or even interact with it, i'll be solely impressed to say the least...

I am Meredy, and I don't deal with hazardous materials, only biological beings. I am a medic at the least, a jack of all trades physician at best. Materials can be handled by my guard, Rhoan.
<Snipped quote by Spiritblitz>

I mean i gave one to Prism when we first prepared to fight, then i broke it when i use its core to blow up the tesseract and essentialy unravel the universe... but i think i must have a few in my storage, hey darling? could you please zip by and get me a healer gun?

*Akella with her face sunk in a pillow moans:* mmmmmmmppphhhh!!! fiiiine! *She lifted up her head for that last word as a clone immediately emmerged from her and with a lightning trail she zipped across the estate and in a second came and dropped that gun in my hands shortly after which her clone also dropped on another corner of the sofa with her face sinking in another pillow*

*I offer it, but then i thin k for a second, i look at prism with a raised eyebrow, then i scratch my chin for a second*

Hmmmmm.... what if... huh...

*I split into two copies of myself, then we proceed to laugh at each other as we both hold a healer gun, to which one of me offers you the gun and the other is kept in my hands*

I guess this power is now mine as well now?

Oh, okay. Just one is enough though. Thank you,

*picks up the gun and raises my hand over it, and a green light scans the gun as it slowly digitizes into nothing*

This could prove very useful in the future for me.
<Snipped quote by Memory>

*I nudge you teasingly* C'mooon, admit that you had at least a little bit of fun through this whole madness, i know i did!

So... Any plans? Do you still wanna travel through Terran Dominion and see some planets'n stuff?

<Snipped quote by Spiritblitz>

Medical assistance, roger... Uuuh... how would you like to hear about a gun that can pretty much insta-heal you from nearly anything?

<Snipped quote by Asce>

A reverse Misty! Cool! *I grin stupidly at the insinuation i just made*

I have many ways to treat others, but if you are willing to part with one of those devices I would greatly appreciate it.
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

We are fine. My priority is Meredy.

<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

*You see and feel out the corner of your eye, a snickering image of Gemini just mocking you and laughing at every single one of your joys here, he is surrounded in a halo of light*

I came along as I thought I was needed for medical assistance. I am not qualified to fight.
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