Avatar of Squirrel98


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I am Squirrel98 (25 years old), a woman from Belgium (Europe).
One can always message me to chat or start a roleplay.
These are the things you should know about me.

I am a university student (last year) and already working, so I don't have a lot of time. However, I always inform my partners when I am not interested anymore or when I want to stop the roleplay because of another reason. That means: if I don't answer you, then I don't have the time yet. By the way, I rarely forget a roleplay, so you don't have to worry about that.

Even though I can be pretty busy, I love to chat and often check the site on my phone. If you do worry about me not answering or you just want to chat, send me a pm and you'll get a fast answer in normal circumstances.

I am able to write as both male and female. In addition, I can play several characters at a time.

I absolutely love romance in my roleplays (although it is not necessary), but I don't write out smut. The reason for that is that it easily takes over the whole plot and that becomes very boring very quickly. I have experience with both MxF and MxM. I have never done a FxF pairing, but I am open to try!

I prefer to avoid roleplays which are situated in the past or in existing countries. I probably haven't been there, so I don't know the rules well enough to roleplay it.

I have a hard time writing fighting scenes. That means that I prefer the role of human in roleplays where magic is involved and that I prefer the innocent roles in violent roleplays. I have made exceptions though, so don't be afraid to pitch your ideas.

I have no limits with dark themes. All that you have in mind, I can handle it (just make sure that it doesn't contain smut).

I can work with long character sheets, short character sheets and no character sheets. I don't have a preference.

You will do the intro post. It happened too often that I put in a lot of effort in the intro post, made it quite long even and the partner never gave me an answer.

Current cravings (using OC's, not canon's):
- Miraculous (tv-show)
- Mia and me / Unicorn academy (our own version; not necessarily with unicorns)
- Fairy Tail (anime)
- Shrek (movie)
- Tell The Machine Goodnight (book)

Most Recent Posts

@RumikoOhara I trust your opinion ;) he's all welcome!
@RumikoOhara @JiskDockey @ShovelKnight @Mr Braxton

Do you want to let me know if you are still part of this RP or not?
the looks and orders of the classes can be a bit up to your imagination as there are different classes and different lessons
races who have some kind of magic will have magic lessons, but races who don't have that don't have that classes, that's why ;)

Ally Taylor

She turned her head to Trent and smiled at him. His words calmed her down immediatly, which made her whisper the words: "Thank you..." She was still standing there with his arm around her shoulder, when she touched Kyles shoulder. "Euhm... You seem to know... her... Is that how she always behaves?" She asked him, while she signed towards Ivy. She wasn't used to someone with so much energy, it made her feel a bit uneasy. Out of the fact that she was a bit shy, she pressed her body a bit against Trents, as she was used to hide behind someone else when she felt like this.

@jakeb1993 Ow, I am very sorry :)

@jakeb1993 I made the history somewhat longer like you asked, what do you think? :)

@jakeb1993 I am not going to have time today (it's late in the evening out here) or tomorrow, but Sunday or at least Monday I will be back :)
Serena Paddinson

The moment she saw that people were coming in, she stood up and had a very enthusiastic smile on her face. She had been waiting for quite some time, so she was happy that the moment she had been looking forward to finally arrived. She went to greet multiple people before she got on a platform and started adressing everyone, just the simple welcoming part. As she saw more and more people arriving, she repeated her speech again and again. One of the things she discussed were the rooms and who was on which room.

In cabin number 5 are staying: Anastasia Mary Serine (@Animera) and Solana Nicole "Nickie" James (@Ejected)
In cabin number 8 are staying: Isley (Icy) Castle (@RumikoOhara) and Jeon Seolhyun "Halla" (@KatKook)
In cabin number 10 are staying: Edward Chris Masen (@Animera) and Alex Warborn (@Squirrel98)
And finally: I am staying in cabin number 13: Serena Paddinson (@Squirrel98).

"I will give you the time you have now for searching your cabin, meeting your new roommate and unpacking your stuff. When you need to come together at the campfire in the center of the camp, exactly where we are now, I will play on my trumpet."

Alex Warborn

He stepped outside of the bus and walked the last bit to the camp himself with his hands hiding in his pockets. He was happy that finally he was free of that bus: too many people and too much noise. But as he came closer and closer to the camp, he noticed that there was at least as much noise as he had heard before, if it wasn't worse than that.

The moment he heard his name, he wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. So he walked on a fast pace to cabin number 10, went inside and quickly closed the door and sat on the bed. Finally he could sigh out of relieve. His backpack fell on the ground, next to his back and a newly bought pack of sigarettes fell out of it. He still had the one that he had on the bus in his mouth, it was still burning. He didn't knew if smoking inside was allowed and if his roommate would care or not, but he didn't care himself.
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