Avatar of Squirrel98


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I am Squirrel98 (25 years old), a woman from Belgium (Europe).
One can always message me to chat or start a roleplay.
These are the things you should know about me.

I am a university student (last year) and already working, so I don't have a lot of time. However, I always inform my partners when I am not interested anymore or when I want to stop the roleplay because of another reason. That means: if I don't answer you, then I don't have the time yet. By the way, I rarely forget a roleplay, so you don't have to worry about that.

Even though I can be pretty busy, I love to chat and often check the site on my phone. If you do worry about me not answering or you just want to chat, send me a pm and you'll get a fast answer in normal circumstances.

I am able to write as both male and female. In addition, I can play several characters at a time.

I absolutely love romance in my roleplays (although it is not necessary), but I don't write out smut. The reason for that is that it easily takes over the whole plot and that becomes very boring very quickly. I have experience with both MxF and MxM. I have never done a FxF pairing, but I am open to try!

I prefer to avoid roleplays which are situated in the past or in existing countries. I probably haven't been there, so I don't know the rules well enough to roleplay it.

I have a hard time writing fighting scenes. That means that I prefer the role of human in roleplays where magic is involved and that I prefer the innocent roles in violent roleplays. I have made exceptions though, so don't be afraid to pitch your ideas.

I have no limits with dark themes. All that you have in mind, I can handle it (just make sure that it doesn't contain smut).

I can work with long character sheets, short character sheets and no character sheets. I don't have a preference.

You will do the intro post. It happened too often that I put in a lot of effort in the intro post, made it quite long even and the partner never gave me an answer.

Current cravings (using OC's, not canon's):
- Miraculous (tv-show)
- Mia and me / Unicorn academy (our own version; not necessarily with unicorns)
- Fairy Tail (anime)
- Shrek (movie)
- Tell The Machine Goodnight (book)

Most Recent Posts

@Dark Light You're not supposed to know anything about it or find it immediately. I will write a narrator post in which I describe the bird, but it's too soon to do it right now.

For non magical people, the bird would be quite strong. However, the enemy in this roleplay is Catamount, a guild of magicians, so in that case the bird wouldn't be too strong. ;)
@alexfangtalon @Pandan You haven't done your first posts yet, are you still interested in this roleplay?

@Hammerman @Reshy134 @Spectral @Barioth @Dark Light Everything alright?

After everyone had received their guild mark, he stepped on the rock again, so that everyone was able to see him. "I guess it's time to end the introductions. Everyone has received their guild mark and talked to the other members. Now it is time to test your abilities as a true inhabitant of the island Kaia. Somewhere in this wood, a bird that I created is flying around with a red strap around its leg. Your goal is to take the strap and bring it back to me. There are a couple of rules you should follow: you cannot use magic under any circumstances and you have to come back with all of you. If someone is missing, comes back alone or uses magic, their guild mark will be removed. You will truly get to know each other on this quest and after you are ready, the meeting will be over. Our next meeting will be in about two days at the same time and the same hour. Good luck!" A soft grin appeared on his face as he stepped down the rock.

There were a couple of things that he didn't tell the members of White Gull. The skin of the bird was made of a special kind of metal that wouldn't let normal weapons go through. That means that the bird can only be killed by magic. He used this kind of lie to make sure that every member of his guild was strong enough to ignore orders of members of Catamount or anybody else and do what was right. To encourage them to use magic, even if it was against the rules, he made sure that the bird would catch one of the members. The others should consider a live more important than some kind of stupid rule they were told to follow. He was very interested in what they would do. Follow the rules to protect themselves or ignore the rules to save the life of a comrade?

He looked around at every member. Deep inside his heart he hoped that every single one of them would succeed at his secret plan. "I will be waiting out here" He yelled. His feet moved him some distance away from the rock, so that he could call Cecily Waters without any of the members noticing. "Cecily, I am happy that you could come so fast. I want you to do something for me. I told you about the test, right? You must follow them secretly. If they break the rules, don't interrupt them immediately. After they get the strap as a team, as a family, then you should introduce yourself, tell them the true purpose of the quest and lead them back to this place." The little girl nodded, smiled and hid herself behind some trees, while her eyes were focused on the members of the new guild. Zane walked back to the rock, took a seat and let out a deep sigh. The only thing he could do, was waiting for them to be ready and hoping that they wouldn't leave someone behind or he would truly remove someone's guild mark. He hoped that they would use magic to save their comrade and come back as a family.

@CelesteEste @Hammerman @Reshy134 @datadogie @Spectral @Pandan @Barioth @Dark Light @alexfangtalon
@CelesteEste @Hammerman @Reshy134 @datadogie @Spectral @Pandan @Barioth @Dark Light @alexfangtalon

I'm sorry. Something unexpected happened and made me lose much time today. I can't post now.
I will post tomorrow morning as school begins in the afternoon.
@CelesteEste @Hammerman @Reshy134 @datadogie @Spectral @Pandan @Barioth @Dark Light @alexfangtalon

I'm sorry. Something unexpected happened and made me lose much time today. I can't post now.
I will post tomorrow morning as school begins in the afternoon.

I totally get the feeling, so take the time you need.
Thank you for letting me know!
@CelesteEste @Hammerman @Reshy134 @datadogie @Spectral @Pandan @Barioth @Dark Light @alexfangtalon

I am free tomorrow, so I will do my next post.
I will make an end to the introductions as they are indeed lasting long.
My next post will be quite long as Zane will end the introductions and explain the quest for the members.

After the quest is done and Zane will tell everyone when the next meeting is (where everyone will train their skills and show each other what they can do), we will skip to the morning of the next day, where everyone does their jobs in their own groups (you can control members of Catamount if that fits better with your post). That way your character can process what happens, introduce their daily routine, maybe speak to another member in the same group.


Is everything alright with you?
@CelesteEste I understand what you're getting at, I am still thinking what the next step would be as a meeting won't be over after just the introductions. That is why I was still doing the introductions. I am thinking that showing each other your powers is maybe too soon and doing something to a member of Catamount is also too soon.

@CelesteEste @Hammerman @Reshy134 @datadogie @Spectral @Pandan @Barioth @Dark Light @alexfangtalon

Maybe it's an idea to do some kind of quest with as one rule to not use your magic. The goal would be to get to know each other and really become one. There is also an underlying goal, which I won't tell you immediately.
@alexfangtalon @Pandan
Are you still interested in this roleplay?
You have posted your characters more than two weeks ago and you haven't done your first posts yet.

His smile faded the moment he realised that Helena wasn't as enthusiastic about the word 'family' as he had hoped for. However, maybe her feelings would change over time. He quickly manipulated the color of the stamp and put it at the place she showed. As he had a good sight at her cleavage, but was to innocent to take a look at it, he moved his head in an opposite direction. He looked away as far as possible, but to a point where he could still see where he was putting the mark. "Here, I hope you will enjoy your time here", he said right before she left.

Right after Helena had left, Killian appeared before him. He immediately showed him where he wanted the stamp, but even though it looked like he wanted it to be over quickly, it seemed that he had a more positive attitude. "Killian, of course." He changed the color of the stamp again and didn't even ask which one he wanted. It was obvious enough which one he meant. The guy already told Zane that he wanted payback for forcing him to live in poverty for such a long time and the most important element of his magic was gold, so he put the guildmark on the place Killian had asked him to and gave it a gold color. "I totally understand. I hope you don't mind the color."

He chuckled at the last part. It came out more as a joke than as a serious question. "What do you think about all of this?" This was the chance to find out what everyone was thinking. He had practiced his speech a couple of times and didn't catch much sleep, because he was thinking everything through. However, that didn't mean automatically that he had conveyed all of that to the others. "I know that we don't have many people, but I know that we can beat them eventually. I have faith and trust in all of us." He said, commenting on Killian's first reaction before Zane gave his speech.

@Hammerman @Barioth
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