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19 days ago
Current So sorry for the double post
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19 days ago
I'm tired. So so tired. I don't know how I'm going to manage to go on. Everything is so heavy. Everything is so loud.
19 days ago
I'm tired. So so tired. I don't know how I'm going to manage to go on. Everything is so heavy. Everything is so loud.
27 days ago
Bored bored boreddddd
29 days ago
Nobody seems to be on this late at night. It's quiet, and lonely.


Work in progress

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Yeah, but I need a break from rping for a little-

I'm severely unmotivated right now and just need a break.
I was thinking just a few days in the roleplay until she is well enough to be out of the hospital. That's when I will pop back in.
You two go ahead and go back and forth. Bee won't be doing much except for getting healed anyways.
She relaxed after hearing that. Allowing herself to lay down and be taken to the hospital. Her tail and mane a mix of white. Pain. And whatever worried was.
"The building collasped?!?!" She asked, coughing hard and wincing. Her chest hurt so much. Her vision blurred as she kinda went limp. "is everyone inside ok?.." She asked.
That is true. Welp, once we have the 14 members, I'll hold applications.
Bee woke up a few minutes later, trying to sit up, buzzing with panic as she tried to look around, tried to figure out what had happened, her chest hurt and she coughed, wincing as she took a sharp inhale. She couldn't see where she was because she couldn't quite sit up.
@Twisted Mind In terms of who is playing who that will be up to the players! But I'm almost certain that Bailey will probably play the god since they are the best at playing coldhearted characters lol, and if they don't want to then I'll find someone else.

@Qia I love the show lol. And I'm thinking that's where it will be just a little farther off to where the person has no relatives and that's why they are possibly living in the woods.
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