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I have been writing as a hobby for longer than you have been alive. I have been a regular member and roleplayer of no less than fourteen different online forums during that time (including the old RPG), five six eight of which no longer exist.

I was previously a regular on the Homestuck forums, but I became so sick of thread turnover there that I asked around and eventually found the Guild. Since joining, I have exclusively only participated in Advanced RPs. Before Mahz gave NRPs their own subforum, I used to be an NRP regular in the Advanced Subforum. I am a Guildfall survivor, and know/regularly write with a few others.

If you ask anybody who has written with me in previous RPs, they should tell you that I have a generally open schedule, I post regularly and in a timely fashion, and I never drop an RP once I join unless the thread dies. Some of them may tell you that I have extensive expertise within the realms of Biology, Psychology, and Physics, which I will make no effort to validate since there is no way I can provide hard proof of aforementioned alleged expertise to anybody over the internet (though I am happy to try and answer any questions you send my way).

My favorite fandom is the Myst franchise, which seemingly nobody other than me has ever heard of.

I was a Contest Moderator for the Writing Contests Subforum for just a little bit over two years. I wrote the Moderation Policy for that subforum and I ran a contest called the Twelve Labours; you can still go there and see all of them and the entries people wrote for them in the Contests Section and the Victory Archives.

I have been quadruple secret banned from the guild discord. That is not a joke.

Most Recent Posts

Anachronism makes the world go round.

<Snipped quote by Terminal>

Well, Kishimoto did directly state that there was a giant mountain-busting fox in Chapter 1 of the manga.....

Sure, of course, naturally.

But there is a difference between a Ninja and a Godlike Entity that throws multiple supernovas as their standard attack.

At the beginning of the story, the background threat of the tailed beasts is the actual Godzilla threshold I was referring to, the sort of cataclysmic force that signifies the ultimate eventual threat of the story. The core appeal of the story though is young ninjas in training going on adventures, getting into ninja battles, and showing off flashy/mystical abilities. That core appeal basically remained the same, at least to begin with, shortly after the time-skip.

At some point, that core appeal was traded away in an escalating series of power-plays until the story is no longer about Ninjas doing Ninja stuff and becomes more about people screaming at each other while they charge up massive energy rays (hence the comparison to Dragon Ball Z). In the later parts of the story, even the mountain-destroying demon fox becomes comparatively trivialized.

Which was what my question was getting at. Some people may prefer the direction the later parts of the story took, I personally prefer the parts of the story back when it was still about tricksy Ninja with more subdued mystic arts getting into fights and out-scheming one another, and I was asking which direction this particular story would take.
Alright, I will take your word for that. I have a few ideas I will run past you later.
Somewhat interested, though I do have a question.

While I like the setting and premise of Naruto, I am of the opinion that the show sort of swallowed itself by crossing over the Godzilla Threshold and abruptly turned into Dragon Ball Z crossed with Evangelion, what with the giant laser beams and piloted spirit mecha and the Mind Control Moon Superweapon.

(Whoops, spoilers everyone, oh no.)

Would this RP have any of that, or would we be focusing more on the actual roots of the setting?
Always a sucker for a space NRP :) . How do you feel about megascale engineering?

Until @Ekreture actually gets back to us with an answer, here's a thought.

The whole point of the RP is that the setting is supposed to be a Galactic Dark Ages analogue, right? Equivocal to Europe after the final fall of the Roman Empire. The big galactic Superpower has broken up, there's lots of revolt and unrest everywhere, and the tagline is all about *becoming* an Emperor in the big power vacuum.

In that vein, it would make sense if there were megascale structure remnants left over from that empire, but presently people might not be able to recreate them on their own. Does that work with what you had in mind @Marquise?
I will keep an eye on this.
I tried to get going on a collab with Torack yesterday, but we couldn't start since he apparently had no time. I know you're waiting for Hondem to strike first so if anyone thinks it would be better to abandon the collab idea in preference for speed please don't hesitate to tell.

We are still awaiting posts from @Ashen One or @MegaOscarPwn, while the others have indicated their characters are hanging back and waiting for the tanks to draw aggro observing for the moment. Perhaps either Galaren or Fernando might act?
I am under the impression I have to rethink my character concept. They were going to be an engineer/mad inventory Supervillain, whose ability would have let them synthesize exotic chemical compounds and fabricate powered armor. In the interest of not obviating the other characters, I am going to take a moment and retool.
Collab post by @Dusty and I coming in a little bit.
@Terminal I was away over the weekend, but now that I have returned would you be up to start that collab?

I would, and I have a pretty open schedule. When would you be up to start it?
Noted. Interested, will try and have a character profile for you by tonight.
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