Avatar of The Irish Tree


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
7 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts


Magnus had a smile on his face as Freyr donated some of their coinage to the old woman's charity...and then felt a little bad that he didn't even think to do that, far too worried about the old nun's safety rather than the work she was doing. His whisper to not worry only made Magnus smile wider, and once Freyr looked to him for help, the Minotaur cleared his throat, doing his best to not seem intimidating to the poor old nun. "W-Well Ma'am...we were heard you were considering making a pilgrimage to Varjo. We...w-well, we don't think you should go." he said, trying his best to sound understanding, but firm.

"...Why do you need to go to Varjo anyways, Ma'am? I-If you don't mind me asking, that is." the minotaur said, crouching to be on eye level with the elderly woman. "Its full of bandits a-and...just...bad people looking to do bad things to good people. I've seen what the military does to people they don't like..." he said, noticeably looking a little scared, his mind unable to not imagine this poor old lady suffering some kind of horrible abuse by bandits or soldiers...or even wild animals. It clearly wasn't making him happy to talk about Varjo.


A small smile formed on Nephele's face as he admitted her dragonhood, a smile that was quickly turned into a frown as she heard Ian proclaim that they might be able to dig about in the muck of the river beneath the bridge, in the hopes of finding treasure. He proclaimed to have watched "Shows" with similar events, but she simply thought that meant plays. She'd read about a few theatrical presentations...and even participated in one just a few nights ago, but she had to wonder if everything was alright in Ian's head. Sighing as she followed her armored companion into the river, the dragoness gently picked up the hem of her skirt to walk into the water, not even getting a foot in before she heard heavy breathing, trying to reach out for Ian before he was snatched up by the gargantuan monstrosity that had been slumbering beneath the ruined bridge.

Staring up at it, Nephele felt a sense of inexplicable dread as she gazed at it. Not from fear, but rather an innate lack of...understanding. Monsters were easy enough to understand, given the presence of demonic energy within them, but this...thing. This monstrous creature was neither monster or man, yet exuded the same type of sentience that a man had. She had read in an old dusty book that there was once a process by which dark sorcerers created Flesh Golems to do their bidding but...

Shaking her head, she uncurled her fingers and let her claws cast a glint of light off of them, before she began climbing the side of the bridge with incredible speed, figuring the villagers wouldn't mind the claw marks as much as the giant monster. Now at something of a vantage point, Nephele began scanning for a weak point in its shoulder armor before diving from above, her mouth exuding a thick stream of white fog as she descended. Her claws sunk into the flush of the monster, shredding the muscle beneath before she started descending the arm, keeping an eye on the free hanging arm as she attempted to free Ian. "Hang on! I'll get you free and draw its attention!" she said, now starting to completely enshroud the area in her fog.
Will have a post up shortly.
@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree

Sorry for the delay. College stuff (and a particularly annoying teacher who seems to dislike me... a lot... and is doing everything he can to make me fail his next test T_T)

I'll have my post done tomorrow! Promise!

S'all good man. I understand that situation perfectly. Education is insanely important, and I hope that you stick it to that shithead professor and pass his test with flying colors, then shove a perfectly rounded turd down his throat to wash out the taste of "WRONG ASS BITCH" in his mouth.

You have already received my support.


@AdmrlStalfos19 @Demon Shinobi

"It seems to be a trend going on; Famous historical figures suddenly being found to be women. We can assume Ixveria's information was based on interpreted history...or maybe this little thing before us is just something he made on his deathbed." Auriola said, before she relized that they'd been spotted.

The tiny observer in Auriola's image was delighted as the tiny suit of armor chased after her, giggling slightly before it stopped, flinging itself into a hug. Regardless of whether it was impaled by a sword or not, the doll would suddenly glow brightly. "Bye-Bye!" it sung in Auriola's voice before detonating, the force of the blast completely destroying the armored thing before her, the doll left as nothing but a pile of ash. Feeling her connection sever, Auriola recalled all her dolls in an instant, before returning to her Zero Drive.

"Hakuryu. Do not worry about us. Right now, we are in need of someone to stop whatever it is that Prelati is doing." she said, before she held her right arm out, the mass turning into a gargantuan sword once more, before a bubbly air overtook Auriola's disposition. "Don't worry Demi! Chastity-chan's got your back!" she almost sang, swinging her sword hard against the stomach of one of the knight armors, completely cleaving it in two as if it were made of paper. Dancing gracefully through the battlefield, her sword aim could use a bit of work, given that a few of Dimitri's bats would find themselves almost split in two as well. Hakuryu might find it safer to go after Prelati than to stick close to Chastity at this rate...

Regardless, she'd cover Dimitri to the best of her abilities. And cover the ground in scraps of metal. And almost collapse the building from all the collateral damage.
Posted an update since I'm going to be out for the next few days and I don't want a too long delay.

I...why am I always so late?


A displeased frown set on Magnus' face, the red horned minotaur turning after he heard both suggestions from the blonde-Neil-look-alike. "...Its obvious which one we're going to do. We're going to get her a bodyguard- A-A whole bunch even! We'll protect her if we have to." he said, clenching his fist as he looked to Freyr, the bag of gold in his hand as he nodded to him. "...Whether we help her ourselves, hire someone, or talk her down, we have to hurry to Ambran anyways. S-She might leave before we get a chance. Let's get going as soon as possible."

Magnus...clearly didn't care much for that joke from their "client". Honestly...what self-respecting warrior robbed old ladies? Besides...if he wanted his son to grow up to be like them, why would he encourage them to rob her, as if that was just as valid an option as helping her out? It didn't make sense, and Magnus definitely didn't like it. Shaking his head, he once again looked to Freyr, saying: "I'm ready to go whenever." as a sign that he'd wait for Freyr to take the lead in proceeding to Ambran. Thinking on it, Magnus wondered why the man always seemed to give the reward in full and in advance...normally, the standard would be about a quarter or a half of the actual reward, but the heft of the gold made him doubt that it was anything but all of it. And...if they came back...would he disappear again? And would the dwarves also say that no such man had come by. Wracking his brain as he held his face in his palm, he genuinely wondered if this wasn't just some illusion...but Freyr saw him too.

Fed up with thinking, Magnus simply shook his head side to side, his massive locks of hair whipping around his head as he did so. "Its all so weird Freyr..."


Nephele had nodded at Ian's question of her being a dragon...boy what a mistake that was. Launching into a rather narrow-minded long winded explanation of what HE thought dragons could only be ticked her off a bit, evidenced by her picking up the pace as he yammered on. Interrupting him with a clawed finger placed over where his mouth would be relative to the helmet, the barest tip of her claw visible through his visor. "While you are necessarily correct, the fact of the matter of my species, being Caverna Draco is not of a personal designation, but rather one set by mankind. In the bygone years of civilization, Cave Dragons, Caverna Draco, were known for being massive reptilian beings that breathed poisonous smoke that killed a man in seconds, resulting in the sulfurous smell of our breath being associated with fire, ergo dragons. However, it is not entirely thought that we are 100% dissociated from our regular Draconic brethren, as the Wurm types of dragons were often thought to be a missing link to the cave dwelling dragons, the sky faring ones, and the wyvernian ones. Also, due to the nature of my wings being vestigial, it is not accurate to classify me as a Wyvern, as a typical Wyvern has the entirety of their forearm being the wing, whereas mine are smaller, and bound to my forearm and not extending further past my shoulder."

Taking maybe half a second to inhale, Nephele launched into her own massive tirade once again, maybe feeling that Ian would realize now that blurting out whatever first came to mind was a bad idea. "In addition, Cave Dragons have also been noted to be similar in behavior to the normal Draconic race, typically in their habits of collection and boastfulness, often exacting revenge upon people who wrong them, resulting in many tales of Cave Dragons kidnapping princesses being instead replaced with the more popularized Normal Dragon." Finishing her statement, Nephele took in a deep breath, before her cheeks turned a smidge red. "...M-My sincerest apologies...I didn't mean to talk so much on this... she said, clutching her hands at her stomach and squeezing them together. She was absolutely embarrassed by her...rather esoteric and nonsensical outburst. "...I just...my apologies, sir Ian. Shall we continue?" he requested, looking down more than she had before, appalled at her own lack of composure.

Just as a heads up, finals are winding down, so I likely won't be able to post until next week once they conclude. If I do post, it likely won't be big.

wow I really make a lot of excuses huh


"Thanks for letting us know, Neil!" Magnus said, feeling glad that he might have a chance to thank all the dwarves in person. Thinking of something else to say before finally turning to leave proper, Magnus said: "H-Hey, Neil...Do you...have anything you want me to ask this guy who looks like you? I just...I-I dunno. He reminded me of you."

Once Neil had said what he wanted, Magnus would leave, wondering why Freyr wanted him to tell Haley about what happened instead of himself...was he allergic to feathers?

Presently, Magnus was following Freyr through the path to Valoras Woods, nearly tripping over himself in search of the flowers Kyle needed. So much so that he noticed the cabin later than Freyr had, looking up at it. "Wow! I-It really does look like how they built our guild hall up." he commented, nearly jumping as he heard the mystery man before seeing him. Reconfirming what he had at once thought was pure coincidence, he was absolutely sure that this man had some sort of relationship with Neil. Were they brothers? Cousins? Some other form of family? He had no idea, though...right now he needed to instead act as a professional adventurer.

"N-Nice to meet you again Sir! Erm...W-We did go to Varjo, but that was...w-well, complicated." he tried to explain, stumbling over his explanation and rubbing the back of his neck with his palm. When he saw that Freyr turned to him for confirmation, Magnus nodded emphatically. "For sure. I'd never forget someone that looks just like Niel." he said with confidence, ears flicking up as he recalled that the mystery man mentioned "his boy". Could...Could Neil be his son!? Swallowing that thought for now, Magnus put his fist to his chest and stood up so straight that it was awkward to look at. "W-What do you need us to do sir?" he questioned, exhaling a small puff of steam out of his nose.


Stretching her leathery arm-bound wings, Nephele smiled to herself as she felt the gentle ocean breeze wash over her, an unfamiliar wind and the slight sting of salt carried on it brushing against her skin and hair. Of course, despite the newness of the sight before her, she had to restrain herself. Adjusting her hair with a single claw, as if it were a comb, she flicked her motley feathery-do back into place. It seemed that some sort of preparation was going on...perhaps some sort of holiday was approaching, or going on today.

Hear ears perked up as the metallic clank of armored footsteps, and turning her head around she spied the man approaching her. She was about to say something before he blurted out a shortened version of her name, and immediately stated the obvious. The...lack of arms was somewhat strange, she had to admit, but figuring that he was mentioned in the commentary placed by Neil on the quest by name, she supposed he must be some sort of high profile repeat client. Or...something. Regardless, she had to make an excellent first impression and as such placed a hand over her chest and offered him a small smile, saying: "It is nice to meet you, Ian. I am Nephele Francine Megalos, and I will guard you with my life. Give me a few minutes, I need to purchase rations and other necessities," with every ounce of professionalism in her blood. Hurriedly heading to the market stalls, Nephele had to keep herself under control to keep from peering into all the stalls, to see what goods were available in such a trade hub.

Returning with enough rations for two days for the both of them, as well as a burlap sack slung over her back carrying a tinderbox within. Just in case. Regardless, she was very much prepared to escort her client, feeling that to question why he needed an escort would lead to a story he didn't want to tell. It wasn't pleasant to imagine a warrior losing his arms...though his cheery disposition made her think perhaps he was just an unfortunate, cautious fool. However, she would guard him with her life, standing at his side and saying: "We may leave when you are ready."

@PaulHaynek,@Eviledd1984(MAR) (LIL),@13org(FYR),[@Restelaan](DTZ), @Dealdric

Magnus felt the night drag on, and opened his coinpurse of pay to give 50 coins to the guild's funds. That would leave him with 25, which was certainly enough to get by on for a week or so. Literally too tired from the whole ordeal, he barely heard Maria ask about his interests before he left. Turning back to her, he scratched the back of his head to think on it, saying: "I like hunting and cooking." he said, letting out a massive yawn before turning back to the guild, wiping sleep from his eyes as he went straight to bed.

It wouldn't be until the morning that he realized he never asked her interests back...which frankly was awfully rude of him.

Getting up in a hurry to go downstairs to ask Maria what her interests were, he was sidetracked by the arrival of new guild members, one of which showed off an impressive feat of strength. Well, I mean, it was just crushing rocks, but still, that was pretty cool to Magnus! Giving a moment of greeting to the newcomers, Magnus stood before them all before Bart would give them a breakdown. "H-Hi, I'm Magnus! I hope you all like it here and that we can get along. I-If you guys want." he managed, heading over to the guild board, having forgotten that he had his helmet on, that was probably pretty creepy.

However, upon seeing the jobs posted, Magnus' eyes widened as he saw one posted by the same man that looked like Neil...well, now it wasn't even a question of which one to take. Even better yet, was that Freyr was also going...and that it was in a forest! Having spent a bit of time researching what the flowers Kyle needed looked like, he felt confident that he'd be able to find any that they came across in their foray into the forest. Even if Morning Light flowers were kinda rare, he at least knew what they looked like now. Running over to Freyr, and not noticing that Nephele had been peering over his shoulder at the jobs, Magnus greeted his first friend at the guild. "Freyr! Mind if I come with you? I-I need to find some flowers for another request and I figured...going to a forest would be perfect. And I've got some questions for this man anyways." he said, no doubt smiling behind his mask from the positive energy he radiated. Freyr seemed a bit down, but maybe some adventure and exploration would put some pep in his step.

...Halfway down the road, Magnus would remember that he forgot to reply to Maria AGAIN. But now it was way too late to not be awkward.

@PaulHaynek,[@Restelaan](DTZ), @Dealdric, @Eviledd1984(LIL)

Another day began with the morning light cracking through the window of the room Nephele and Neil shared, the young man having already left to go post the new jobs. Taking a moment to stretch and rake her hair into place with her claws, Nephele got dressed and headed downstairs. Oddities aplenty seemed to gather at the guild, seeing as now there was a lizardkin, another mothwoman, and of all things another male monster. Smiling slightly at the new guildmates, she hoped to get along with the lizard woman, seeing as they were both cold-blooded and all. As flimsy a reasoning as that was to figure they could get along, she had a general idea of their dispositions watching them. From the handkerchief's cleanliness and fine fabric, she assumed the moth was a rich, haughty type that didn't socialize well. Ditzy, as he had proclaimed himself, was rather energetic, but seemed a bit on the simple side. Still, she'd never heard of a goblin, hob or not crushing rocks with their bare hands. Lastly, the lizard woman seemed all business and confident in her skills, immediately asking for the proper facilities to get straight to it.

Taking a second glance to the small moth girl, Nephele couldn't help but notice a faint resemblance to Maria...were they perhaps siblings? Perhaps it was just coincidence...shaking the feeling off, she was about to go engage Maria in conversation to find out, but saw that she had already engaged Rebecca in conversation. Figuring this might lead to them going on a job together, Nephele simply went to the job board and examined the available quests. One stood out however, primarily due to Neil's comments...a man that looked like him? Intriguing...perhaps this would give her a clue as to what secret Neil was trying to conceive. Or perhaps a hint at his heritage. However, seeing as Magnus was already moving to take that request, she instead silently poked over the others, settling on [Escort Quest.]

"Bart, I will be assisting this "Ian" in escorting someone. Please excuse me." she said in passing, giving the newcomers a faint greeting smile, walking past as she said: "I hope you all enjoy it here." Heading out onto the road, she didn't give much time to reply to her greeting before she was off to meet with Ian in Boreal Port.
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