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Salem clicked his phone back onto the lock screen after sending his final message to the group. He slowly made his way towards the bed and sat at the edge of it, hands held in his lap as he looked around the room in silence and then down onto the floor. He knew he was under investigation, it would make sense if his more dangerous ingredients were taken away, hopefully held by a plant mage who could take care of then in his stead rather than being discarded or abandoned. But to take everything away? That didnt make any sense. He slowly stood up off from the bed and began to make his way towards the front door, it was time to meet the administration and hopefully shed some light onto the situation. Though, if it was tied to his investigation then they may not be able to say much. Salem looked over his shoulder one last time, seeing the spot where he had burned his hand and then looking forward to his bandages. He slowly turned the knob and exited to make way to the front office when a loud bell could be heard ringing. Right, class.

Salem began to jog towards Cerulean Hall, trying to make up some the time lost by the large distance he now had to cover. After a short while he made his way to the classroom, silently walking in and taking an empty seat where he could. He removed a blue notepad and his pencil, placing them on his desk to be ready to take notes once the class started. The professor seemed peculiar, and he'd be lying if he said he wasnt curious as to what his affinity was. Once the lecture seemed to come to a pause Salem raised his hand, pencil in hand, and when called upon said "So that covers what is magic and how do we categorize it, but what about how does magic work? I was also curious as to another thing...why is it that 'organisms' can wield magic but not vampires? What makes a mage lose their magic when turned or the more common outcome, death?"
Maximillian Gray

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
New Outfit

Max felt her hand as she patted his tuft of hair. Normally he would feel belittled, treated like some sort of dog, but he had to admit, it felt...comforting. He lifted his his head off of her shoulder and wiped his leather sleeve across his cheeks, clearing away any tears that may have been present. Right, there was still so much more to do, but first they all needed to get away from the surface. Huh, such an odd thought now, the fact that he actually wanted to hide. Max nodded towards Blink and apologized for having her keep it open for so long as he stepped in. There he was faced with a corpse, a purifier corpse.

"Alright. Well. Ok. Sunshine did he have any weapons on him? We may want to take them for our own use and protection." Leighton seemed to check on him, being more caring than he previously knew, but then again hes only known her in bad circumstances such as running from cops due to an awakening of powers. He ensured her he was fine before he began to pace back and forth on the hard concrete, his boots resonating throughout the cavernous sewer tunnels. No longer using his cane for a crutch, it was held to his side, swinging wide every time he turned to pace anew. "I can see two options at least, not sure how good they are. Either he gets portaled somewhere very far and it just appears he died of an illness suddenly. Or I can attempt to cremate him with my flames. Itd be a first but...its a shot?"

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: The Luxury

Pj slowly waltzed with himself, making long strides to imaginary music as he twirled circles around some of the staff. He kept humming a tune to himself as he made his way towards Shaw and the place where theyd sit, listening to what the man was saying but acting as if he wasnt paying full attention. When he finally made his way to his chair, PJ collapsed backwards onto it so that his legs would hang off of the right arm of the chair and his back would rest on the left. He clapped his hands in an almost mocking manner after Shaw finished speaking. "Garçon! I too would like a drink. Make me a cocktail that tastes like bubblegum or cotton candy. Something sweet." Pj tilted his back back, viewing Requiem in the seat to his left as he rolled his eyes at him. "Must we talk business so soon?" he huffed out in a dramatic sigh.

Pj twisted and turned in his seat, swinging his legs around and landing them on the nearest clear spot on the table, crossing his ankles. His hands were now folded on his stomach as he tilted his head down so that his sunglasses would slide halfway down his nose. "Fine. Let's talk shop. As our lovely songstress over hear has said, it sounds as if we will be making these vacancies. I, ofcourse, am sure that that means we will be free from persecution when we dispatch of those members, correct?" PJ chewed the gum in his mouth giving enough pause to make it seem as if he was waiting for an answer before continuing forward. "What's more, I am curious as to just who would fill these new spots, and as well as how you want it done. Do we want a little...accident, to occur?" PJ wiggled his eyes brows at Shaw as he posed his question, then began chewing his gum again, the loud smacking sound audible to all. " I am ofcourse always willing to demonstrate." He eyed one of the servers that stood near the railings before he blew a large bubble with his gum, waiting for it to pop before pulling it back in and chewing, awaiting Shaws answers.

Salem sat in silence for a few moments, inspecting the meal before him. Such a curious thing, assuredly he had had a sandwhich before, but the idea of a beef patty placed within one? Why stop there, why not a steak? Or ribs? He chuckled to himself at the idea, could you imagine anyone putting ribs into a sandwhich? How absurd. Well, the moment of truth. Salem took a bite into his burger, the soft squish of the bun, the crunch of lettuce as the tomatoe squelched and its juices mingled with the savory ones created by the tender meat. Each component complimenting the last into a symphony of flavors. Such a delicious piece of food, he would have to bring it back to his house during break for the chefs to make. Oh...right...he wasnt going home for break, nor could he talk to his family about any of the new experiences he was having at the academy or the nee people he was meeting. His mood quickly soured as these thoughts began to settle in and he glanced over at Aaron, who undoubtably couldnt help if he wanted to, yet the fact that he wouldnt even attempt to stand up for him? But why would he?

Max had come back and sat a space away from where he was originally as the rest spoke of their affinity and how the classes went. A new mage had taken a chair by them, Lilies affinity partner it would seem, a fire mage who would be a great match for Lilie and their excersises. For the most part it appeared that all the pairings should work together, fire and water, plants and light, it must be part of why comradery is so important for the class. The topic changed once more, this time to Treaty Law and who was partnered with whom. The voices resonated in his head for a moment as he lazily ate half a frie then tossed it back onto his plate. He looked up and noticed a lime forming at the late student from earlier and couldn't help but notice everyone else's freedom but his own. His tray clattered for a moment as he absentmindedly hit it with his elbow, knocking him back into reality and with those around him. "Sorry. I have to go, see you later I suppose."

Salem stood up,leaving his tray behind, and pushed through a few of the people in line to see the over ambitious vampire. He seethed for a short portion of the walk, angry at himself and at the situation that he found himself in. This academy was meant to be a good thing, yet now all it's done is stripped him of his freedom. Why couldnt he just be paired with a Marivaldi? At least they were similar in nature to his own families vampires. Salem made his way to the dormitory, opening the door into the same empty hallway as before, but when he turned to enter his room everything was gone. He rushed outside and checked the plaque for the dorm number to make sure he had the right building. It was his, so why was there nothing in there? He rushed back in, hoping his eyes had played tricks on him but it would seem the saw true. Salem quickly pulled out his phone, texting Lilie and Aaron. Somethings Wrong! All of my stuff, its missing!"
Maximillian Gray

Location: The Palace: New York City, New York.

"Right. Ofcourse. Thank you for your time Prince Flynn. May the party find you well and your hannukah be joyous." Max gave Flynn a bow as he walked backwards a few steps before turning around and leaving towards the direction of the Queen. He snapped his fingers loudly as he made his way towards her, calling on his servant to follow along. "Why are you never *ready*?" he said, elongating the finaly word to put emphasis on his annoyance to the man. "You would think that your own father should be able to anticipate your needs, but nooooo. It seems that without the xgene coursing through you, you are just another incompetent human. But, never the less, you did praise me and help me as you should whilst I grew up and so now I must deal with your idiocy as a form of mercy." Max never once made eye contact with the man as he moved around the dance floor in an attempt to reach Queen Miranda.

Max could hear his father opening his mouth, the sound of the Neanderthals mouth gasping for air as he dared to think he could speak back to his master. Max simply held his hand up to halt both him and his father for a moment before saying "Let's get one thing clear, you do not speak tonight. Especially not when we are this close to royalty do you hear me? Now, let's go I dont want to keep the Queen waiting." Max finally reached Queen Miranda and he gave her a bow as he did the other royals. "Queen Miranda what an honor it is to meet you. I come bearing Hannukah gifts for you and your family. I do hope you can accept and enjoy my gift to you." Max straightened up after speaking, turning to take a small blue box with a silver bow on it. The box was about thr size of a watch box. Max handed it towards the Queen in a presentery manner. "I do hope you domt already have one, it is a...multi-tool if you will. Nanobots stuffed within a handle so as to shape and form into any tool you may desire, helping ease engineering by saving the time it would take to gather and grab the appropriate tools."

As soon as S'venia said her peace and Beatrix gave her wards, River dug into his satchel and pulled out his tome which was wrapped in a large piece of leather to protect it from the elements. He hurriedly went to wrap the butchers tome in the leather, being sure not to touch it himself and only use the leather to handle, wrap and then store it. Kharne however had other plans, announcing their presence to the enemy and then bolting off. River wouldve been surprised had it not been for the fact that his people knew that the bigger they were they less they had between the ears. A long sigh escaped his lips as he made his way towards the front door of the house and followed out after the others. Cyteruis appeared to lull behind, no doubt taking the rear position to help protect the casters a bit more.

As River ran through the snow he looked about and noticed the soldiers, frozen, images of the bloodshed he witnessed flashed through his mind once more as it appeared to be happening again, only this time to his own people. The enchantments were beyond his study of magic, but not beyond his astrologins. If only there weren't frozen as well. His eyes darted back and forth, searching for any of the white coats that signified his armies healers, or that of the star speckled wardrobes of the astrologins, healers who used time to aid wounds. Finally he happened upon a coat of white, breaking off slightly from the group as this tiny legs ran towards the nearby ally and spiriting away his spellbook full of geometric designs. River opened it up, reading and running as he made his way back to the group, holding the book open in his right hand as his left fiddled around his pocket in search of small round spectacles that sat on his button nose. "Curse his horrid writing, I can scarcely make heads or tails of these designs. Is that the line of the Fey or the fray? This may be more difficult than I anticipated." he grumbled to himself as he examined the book, attempting to learn even the most basic of healing from the tome.

Once they reached the large buffon, River stood back in awe as a large slender creature built of pure muscle stood before them. Its body akin to that of a panther or other predatory large cat, slender yet muscular and most likely agile. Cyteruis cast several bolts at the creature, catching both it and River by surprise. Soon a cacophony of laughter began to fill the air, magic permeating it, filling River with the unsettling feeling of its archaic nature. The tome he held slammed shut and he quickly swapped it out with that of his own. The pages seemed to dance and move to exactly where he needed as his hand fluttered over the geometric runes and a glow began anew. The snow around him began to swirl and flurry, melting and forming into an orb above him. Once it reached to one and a half the size of Kharne, it began to form and bend before River, creating a duplicate of water and ice, yet it was more lithe, agile looking. A nimble beast to combat a nimble beast after all. Before River could order an attack, the beast revealed a red jewel that glistened and attacked his allies. Red streaks flew forth and made gouges into the areas they hit, bit River stood his ground and began to analyze the jewel and blast to see if he could find a weakness or at least ascertain what they were dealing with. Once the barrage ended he commanded his beast to attack. Its hind, catlike legs bent before it kept forward, darting to the enemy and using its clawed hands to strike where the jewel was held.
Maximillian Gray

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
New Outfit

Max looked at Ward as he asked him about his father's absence. He stayed quiet for a moment before finally saying "At the age of 12, but he did teach me how to bat!" emphasizing the last word as he kicked up his cane and swung it hard at Wards balls. The lunk of a man doubled over, then quickly rising up and upper cutting Max square in the jaws. Sending him off the ground 2 inches before colliding back onto the concrete. Max could hear some words being spoken behind him, snapping himself out of his daydream and back into reality where the purifiers were walking to Cold Stone and the rest of the mutants were heading towards the alley. Right, it wouldn't do to start a fight after they had just defused the situation...after Leighton just diffused the situation. Even if the scumbags did deserve it.

When he turned around to walk towards the group he noticed Jack looked...different. A bit stunned, Max chose to ignore the elephant in the room and walked towards the rest. Max used his cane for support as he walked over to them wide eyed, he was shaken up by the events that has just transpired and began to feel weight upon his shoulders. These purifiers, these threats, they weren't the same as just defending some kid in the schoolyard. Others lives were at stake, people could've been harmed and all based on a single careless act that he did, a wrong call he made. As soon as he made it to the group he almost fell into Leightons arms, holding her and hugging her tightly as tears began to well up from beneath the sunglasses. He whispered to her "I'm so sorry. I-I- I'm just sorry...Thank you so much for all that you did." his voice was shakey as he spoke to her.

Salem doubled over, hands on his knees as he took a breath."Gotta get that speed up if you plan on staying in that arena." Salem said in a playful voice. He stood up, moving a stray hair out of his face and behind his left ear. He followed quietly for a moment, waiting to see what Aaron had to say about the note or the earlier debacle with the Astorio vampire. A lecture, no doubt, on how he should compose himself better and how he needs to address the nobles from a kneeling position or something. They finally reached a table, and Aaron introduced the mystery mage as Max. Maxwell Alderman if he recalled Varis' previous mention of the mages last name. This must be his Treaty Law partner for the Sinnenodels. "Pleasure to meet you Max, I'm Salem. I think you're our partner for the Treaty Law class. So I guess it's a good thing we are together now." Salem offered the group a smile as he continued to stand awkwardly at the table. "Well, I think I'm going to go and try out what a school has to offer for Lunch. I'm excited to see what I can find."

Salem jogged over towards the Lunch line, grabbing a tray to ser his food onto. After a moment he was attended to and he inquired about an item on the menu. The sound of it intrigued him, something akin to a beef Wellington but not properly done at all. He ordered two, not knowing how big the portions were and took the recommended side of fries as well as a small side caesar salad, and a iced green tea. Finally making his way back to the table and sitting next to Max. "Guys look, I got something called a Hamburger it looks so interesting! Like a big sandwhich. I think I got too much however..." It was then that Lilie mentioned the rumor that he had heard previously in class. Salem almost choked on his fury as she spoke. Pounding his fist against his chest as he coughed. "Not possible, Aaron's been preoccupied with a lot of things and they involved me as well. So unless I was drugged and he either slipped out and had a quick bit of fun or i was in a uh... menage a trois, then I doubt the validity of this claim." Salem shot Aaron a look that could only read as squash this rumor now He quickly put on a smile and attempted to change the subject "So Max, Lilie, how were your affinity classes? Ours was...interesting to say the least. Apparently bonding with your crystal partner is important and it may come into play later on. Otherwise I dont see why they asked the pair of us to stop the training and start working on our friendship."
Maximillian Gray

Location: The Palace: New York City, New York.

Mas smiled at Prince Flynn's warm words of encouragement. Hed never been so close to the royalty, to speak to them was going far better than he could ever imagine. He counted himself lucky for choosing the appropriate descendant to approach first, as he doubted Wanda or the others would be as inviting. Max's shoulder began to relax a little, the breathe he seemed to be holding since the start of the conversation finally releasing as his chest began to rid itself of that tight feeling. "Wise words from a wise man. I think that I'll take you up on that advice and wait a while to see if they either separate or approach me personally. I would hate to grab the ire of King Eric after all." Max placed the drinks down and was silent for a moment. "So, you mentioned knowing what it's like to have your powers act up while under pressure? I'd never thought you, nor any of the royalty, could falter under such circumstances. But I suppose...it must be harder being held up so high, the worlds eyes looking at you, placing so much pressure and burden onto tour shoulders. I'm sorry, I'm rambling."

Max moved over slightly, now standing to Flynn's side as he looked outward onto the crowd, trying to get his mind back into the party. He gave a slight glance over to Prince Flynn, noticing he wasnt with anyone and then recalling that his betrothed was likely to be away on a mission rather than here with him. He felt and understood what it must be like, having to choose work over family events and finding it hard to find the time when other matters pressed onto you called. So Max put on his best smile and turned to face Flynn. "There's no reason to bring the mood down, so hows about we move over to the dance floor?" He began to mock dance for a moment as he attempted to convince Flynn to join him. "It'll be fuuuun. And should loosen us up a little huh?"
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