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Salem stared blankly at the attendant whilst absent-mindedly grappling the list that they had produced for him. His gaze just met off into space as thoughts and emotions ran through his head, trying as hard as he could to make sense out of anything that was just said to him. He could feel his right eye threatening to twitch, a fake plastered smile stuck onto his face while he momentarily shut down inside and waited for it all to come back up. Finally after what seemed like an eternity to him he said weakly ”Thank you. That should be all I suppose.” It was barely noticeable, only to the most astute eyes could one see the slight quiver of his lip as he spoke. His emotions ran somewhere from anger to fear to confusion as he still held the paper out in front of him. Clearing his throat, Salem turned to give Lilie another smile as he thanked her for her presence and company during this mess.

”Well now, it appears that the Astorio I mouthed off to earlier is now my partner, and Lucian, although a Knight, didn’t have the balls to tell me to my face, figuring I’d find out sooner or later i suppose. No matter, my stuff is relatively safe, though it appears I’ll have to make a stop to the plant mages after my next class in order to see about acquiring back some, if not all, of my plants that I use on a daily basis.” Salem knew that this school was going to open him up to new possibilities, new adventures, and change his life. He did not however, think that any of those things should happen so soon, nor to such a drastic measure as they have so far. He almost wished that he had the stone cold silence of his previous partner so that he wouldn’t have to deal with what could only be described as a feral brute with the brain of a walnut, run purely on instinct most likely. ”Was there anything else you’d like to attend to before my next class starts Lilie?”
Maximillian Gray

Location: Mutant Underground
New Outfit

In preparation for the upcoming mission, Max took to his bag and changed out his clothes the old fashioned way. Taking off the newly made outfit of yesterday, folding it onto his bed area, and then changing into his Kevlar outfit he had been wearing previously. Sure this was meerly a surveillance mission, but anything could end in an altercation, and with non x-gene bearers that usually means guns. He’d heard one of his mission partners had a motorcycle, and figured the leather looking outfit would appear more natural on it; That is until Veil announced that the team would take a singular vehicle with Sapphire driving. Max watched as the bruised leader failed to put up her hair, lifting his hand to create a new hair tie in its place then opting to create it in his hand first, best not to make things on others without permission, trust is something that is to be earned with groups such as these, Erg taught him that.

He walked up to Veil and held his hand out. ”Here, wouldn’t do to have our fearless leader thwarted by some hair in her face, I know it bothers me when it has happened so...” With that he created a hair tie in the palm of his hand. The minuscule hues of energy swirling about in his palm until the shape was made and took form for her to grab. With that he picked up his pace a bit and turned to face the group as he walked backwards a bit ”If she gets to drive then I call dibs on sitting next to that heart throb.” Max said as he motioned towards Havock. ”I know this is a surveillance mission but, Incase it comes to it I’d like to know your powers, get a feel for potential team singers and see what we can and cant achieve together.” He beemed a smile at them, genuinely interested in what his current team could accomplish together and separately.

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Hellfire Club

Jinx sat there on the couch, lazing about upside down as he thought on how best to approach the subject. He didn’t really know Anastasia, only that she was young, powerful, and gone for a while. The two queens stood outside the balcony, but he could care less as to what they were saying at the moment. If anything it was some boring talk about finances or fine wines using the biggest words possible to see which telepath could out brain the other. Blegh. No, he had other matters in mind and thus decided to amuse himself with a quick jest. He began to think on the balcony’s door handles, attempting to jinx them so that they’d fall off at next use, the look on their faces would be hysterical if not murderous. The poor maintence guy wouldn’t hear the end of it. But no, the fates weren’t kind and thus they decided the doors would remain as is, unjinxed.

He quickly flipped himself over, now sitting upright on the couch and pulling out a ball of bubble gum and plopping it into his mouth. Stress chewing wasn’t the best habit to have, but it was better than drinking, or drugs, which reminded him that he needed to get in contact with a junkie or a middle man. No, there was only one person that this would truly need to go to, and no middle man could do the job justice. Jinx pulled out his phone and sent a text to Casper; a cute mutant who had a most impressive father that Jinxy just was dying to know more about.
Hey! Casper! My main man what’re you up to? Listen I have a GOLDEN opportunity for you right here. I just scored some premo shit and it’s practically calling your name, don’t worry about the cost too much, i think I have a good deal worked out for you ;)

Jinxed pocketed his phone and looked onto his group of misfits. ”We can either move this to my room, or wait till the grownups leave, but I don’t feel safe speaking with anyone but us three present. The less people who know what we do the better. Isn’t that how Reeva conducts her business?”
Maximillian Gray

Location: Human Resistance HQ: New York City, New York.
Conjuration, New Outfit

Max watched as a cute brunette guy made his way through the portal, seeing him shiver as he shifted from the hot Australian air to the cold East Coast winter. Poor thing, not only to be plucked out of whatever life he was previously living, but to also be thrown into a cold winter with nothing appropriate and people who seem too keen to kill. ”Hey pretty boy, have this.” He said as he eyed the mans torso for a moment, trying to get the right size before snapping his fingers in the air. Particles of purple,blue,pink, and black swirled around Lances torso for a short time before finally turning into a decent jacket. ”Damn, I’m getting sloppy. Should’ve been a faux fur lined leather jacket but either way that should help you fight the cold for now.” He took a few steps closer towards Runa, seeing her attempt more magic while already under so much strain.

Max turned to face the others that were currently present, being a bit star struck when Wolverine made an appearance. ”So we have Cass, Maria, Lance, and you need no introduction Wolverine. Pleasure to be in the presence of an X-men, truly I’m honored. Now lets see here...” Max looked through the portal, trying to gauge their surroundings in order to create another rift for them to cross over, it was clear the asgardian not only was tiring herself out, but that her pride wouldn’t allow her to ask for help from a stranger. He held his hands palm to palm, the energy swelling up within as he slowly spread them apart much like how Blink would back in the tunnels. A rift began to form but two things caught Max’s attention. The first being the mention of alternate realities, not just by one of the new girls, but also by Maria herself. The second was how that other girl was doing it, very similar to how the Queen gave him back his. He began to wonder if she was ok, hoping she made it through the attack.

The rift opened and Max could see inside the Sydney Tower. ”Whoops, bit off on my trajectory, let me try that again.” Max swiped his hands back together, closing the portal before attempting it once more. This time the rift opened some 30 feet away from Runa. ”I don’t know what a sling ring is, but you can keep it. There’s another portal leading here a bit behind you. The others are free to take it so you can come through and rest, seems like you need it.” A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips as he maintained the portal open and spoke to the others in the room. ”The only person who’s insane here is you Klara. Though i will say, full glad i am that there are others who know of the alternate reality, capable of not only backing up my defense earlier, but also to help prove to me that I’m not going insane. Kind of refreshing really. You, with the glasses, your x-gene wouldn’t by any chance allow you to view the past of others would it? Ran into another mutant with that ability and they did exactly what you’re doing right now.”
Maximillian Gray

Location: Mutant Underground
New Outfit

Max shook his hand in the air for a bit, trying to shake off the tinge of pain the colossal man accidentally gave him. His accent was thick, Russian it seemed. How was someone like him so far from home? Or was this home and yet he maintains an accent? Max shrugged it off, just grateful that he wasn’t in the sewers anymore. There was talks about a recent mission, children saved with no where to go. Xaviers school was mentioned, yet Max didn’t think the X-men still did that sort of thing; if they did, then why not just send them all there? Surely the training would be necessary to attempt a normal life. Another was searching for a place to park a vehicle, must be a somewhat new arrival to the scene, much like they were. ”I appreciate your hospitality...Colossus was it? You’ve got one strong handshake there.”

Max turned his head towards the portal when it opened up once more. This time James stepped through, practically radiating with happiness. Someone clearly got a date soon. He cast his eyes downward for a second, thinking more on that thought. He’d never actually been on a date with someone, never truly had the chance. If being a mutant wasn’t bad enough, being gay was, at least where he’s from. He never came out, never told a soul, and thus lived vicariously through the romances of others. The thought lingered longer than he cared to admit and finally he dismissed it once Colossus had brought him their sleeping arrangements. ”One second if you would.” He beamed a smile at the man and then muttered some words, his eyes glowing with hues of blues, pinks, purples and blacks once again; while the cosmic mist flowed around him and down onto the ground where now lay three fluffy pillows and three sets of fluffy sheets. Max clutched the cane in his right hand tightly, holding himself steady as he took a breath, he really needed to slow down for the day. One final long breath and he was at it again, only this time he accidentally created Swiss rolls instead of bed rolls. That must of been the fatigue. ”I appreciate all the kind gestures, if you don’t mind I would take the sleeping bags, but the pillows and sheets you may feel free to utilize with others. Catch” Max tossed a set of pillows and sheets to Leighton and then James, keeping the third for himself.

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Frost International.

Jinx gave Emma a funny look, thinking to himself why Magneto would bring and leave some metallic shards here. He took the tablet that Requiem offered him, to see the security footage that was on it. He watched as Shaw, Emma, and Magneto all made use of the room. Shaw couldn’t of done it because he was the one hiring them, Magneto could’ve done it, but then why all the drag marks? Unless ofcourse they were a red herring, something to throw them off his trail. But that also made little sense to the carni. The thought that Emma could’ve done it never fully crossed his mind, partially because he wouldn’t dare to think of such things in her presence. There did seem to be quite a bit of footage missing. ”Hey, uh, so these shards belong to The White King yes? Meaning they’re most likely magnetic...now I’m no scientist but I know that when i place a magnet onto a computer it begins to act all funny.”

At this point Jinx had stood up from the couch he was reviewing the footage on. Looking about the room where he saw no form of security before. Emma mentioned they were cloaked, hidden to the naked eye so that others wouldn’t be aware of their sight. It was already suspected that someone from the inside did this job, but the peices were showing that it was either that or a very well informed their. But what motive would they have for stealing the tech they already had? He’d realized he had been quite for too long after the last remark, making almost seem as if he was accusing the White King. ”Where exactly are your cameras if i can ask? I want to see if anyone had left any magnetic stuff behind, something like a scrape or a scuff created by these shards that were left behind. I’m not saying I think the White King did it, because I’m sure he could just like...manipulate them from a distance, what i do think is that someone is either framing him or using similar materials in order knock out the cameras and then leave a fake trail.”
Maximillian Gray

Location: Human Resistance HQ: New York City, New York.
Conjuration, New Outfit

Max just rolled his eyes as hard as he could towards Klara. It was a good thing she wasn’t a leader because boy did she lack in many qualities. Sure she didn’t have to be the most polite person in the world, but some form of decorum would probably help. Max watched as, what he could only assume was, a Red Guard soldier walked through the portal, and almost immediately disarmed themselves, kicking the gun towards him and Klara. Oh good, my disguise is working well enough for them to actually think that I’m part of this shit fest. He didn’t know much about guns, nor how exactly they functioned, but he was more than worried that kicking one could possibly set it off. Another woman approached and jumped the portal, this time sporting a bow. Watching as she did the same thing he began to see a trend in training for these guards. Interesting, an elite guard made up of only woman? Go this universe I guess.

Max stepped forward towards the two new recruits. ”Names Tome. Smart of you to disarm upon entry, or this one would likely have a sword at your throat in a matter of seconds.” he said as he pointed towards Klara. ”I’ve so far gathered that you’re Cass, possibly short for Cassandra, Cassidy, uh...sorry that’s all the Cass names I know. But what about you? What’s your name?” It was at this moment that he noticed Runas arm seemed to shake, her portal remained stable, but the strain was clearly getting to her as she informed the others to hurry. ”Excuse that thought. Hey, asgardian, you seem tired. What manner of magick do you deploy and is it teachable or useable to others? If so, perhaps I can take over for you so that you may rest from holding this portal, if not I can attempt to create one myself so that you may rest regardless.”


As the pair made their way towards the docks, River received two messages. The first was a system message stating
Thinning the Herd
Kill 20 Chitters and bring back their tails as proof.
Speak to Shaman Rania for a reward.

Rania’s Bonus: Increased XP, Increased Reputation
Shared from: Cecelia Tonitrus

”Well then, looks like we got our first quest on this floor. Kinda excited to see what these chitters that everyone keeps talking about are. I’m guessing some form of vermin? Perhaps gigantic rats? Or rat hybrids, maybe some massive bugs like chiggers but the size of dogs. Either way it gives bonus experience as well as a reputation bonus so I’m down.” River was practically beaming from ear to ear, new floors meant new adventures and new adventures created newer memories to help forget the morbid ness of this death game. After all, what good is being trapped in a fantasy if you cant make some good memories along the way?

His thoughts were interrupted by a second message, a much larger one sent by Cecilia in the guild chat. It made sense that she had run into the trainer Rania at the guild house, seeing as how the quest that was just displayed across his screen seemed to have come from her. Taking note that the trainer had left the guild house however, made him wonder if perhaps they were on the way back to their hut where he could hopefully catch her.
”Thanks for the tip Cecilia. I’m heading to her hut now to see if we can cross paths so i can pick up my subclass finally. Thanks for the quest too, should help us gain a few levels so we don’t struggle too much on this floor. You and I should go on a stealth mission first, try and see if I cant get these Chitter stats before we engage them, just Incase they have a nasty trick up their sleeve.”

With that out of the way, River accepted the 3 copper price for the ferry over to the Shamans Hut, excitement washing over him with every passing second.

Salem turned to face the employee that spoke to the pair. Steeling himself for what may come, and worrying about what they might say on the situation. He took a few steps forward, stopping just before the desk ”Hi, um, I noticed the head office was out for lunch and thought that maybe this department would be who I am meant to speak to? I went into my dorm today and found that all of my belongings are missing, everything that wasn’t on my person is now gone and I’d like to know where they are as well as why they were moved.” He shot a nervous glance towards Lilie, unsure of how his response came across and hoping that he wouldn’t sink into any further trouble. His hand was fidgeting with his pants pocket out of nervousness, tapping his fingers every once in a while.

”Oh, my name is Salem Spellman by the way, my partner is Lucan Bordelaux. His stuff is also missing, however it was never really unpacked in the first place. I’m missing several plant species, a pet, and well everything else such as clothing, some books, equipment...” Salem ruffled through his bag, pulling out the information he was given when he first entered the school. His dorm number, partners name, image, as well as his class schedule, and handed it over to the receptionist. Anything he could do to make this process go faster as well as smoother so that he wouldn’t end up late for his etiquette class that he now had to take.

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Frost International.

As soon as Emma Frost began to speak, Jinx’s head started to hurt. He tried his hardest to follow along but quickly lost both interest in what she had to say as well as losing any meaning to the words she was saying. He chuckled nervously as he was thinking of a way to feign some semblance of understanding when Requiem stepped in and saved his hide. Jinx quickly stepped into attention, heels clicking together, hand raised in a rigid salute as he proclaimed ”Sir yes Sir!” With that, Jinx took one step back, heel tripping over the other as he stumbled and giggled to himself. Giving a childish wave goodbye as he sprung backwards and back flipped his way towards the medical room, running straight into the wall and spinning to catch himself on the door frame. ”Now who put this door here.” he grumbled as he made his way into the room. Looking around it appeared they had the latest of the latest in technology, things no other hospital may even carry. There was blood on hand of someone named Logan but aside from that the room appeared to be quite uninterrupted from anything else. As Jinx searched the area, checking drawers and cabnits for missing supplies that would help a would be assailant, he found a full shelf full of high end opiates. Jack pot. He looked left to right, making sure there was no one watching him before he decided to swipe a bottle and hide it in his bags pouch.

Moving on over towards the theatre. Jinx noted the movie playing, Imitation Game, seemed like some boring film about some historical guy or something. What they should be playing is Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Now that’s a good movie. As Jinx made his way around the theatre, he ended up finding a few metallic shards laying on the ground. He picked one up and inspected it, looking to see if he could identify the material it was made of...metal, definitely metal. Jinx sauntered over to the medical room once more, searching the area for a container to place the shards in. Perfect, he thought as he found an appropriately sized vessel, and went back into the theatre, placing all the shards within except for one. As he stepped out of the room, having placed the container back into his bag, he held up the shard facing Requiem and Emma Frost. ”Uh...Daddy...I found some metallic shards which definitely shouldn’t be within the theatre room I think.”
Maximillian Gray

Location: The Palace: New York City, New York.
Conjuration, New Outfit

Max stood behind Klara, hands on his hips as he mouthed what she’d just said to him, silently mocking her after she asked him why he should care. He paid close attention to the conversation however, trying to gain any knowledge he could about the situation even if his help wasn’t wanted. Max caught the fact that Klara called Runa her cousin; great, another asgardian who he may have to deal with if Klara gets her way. His hands dropped to his side, tapping his finger on his pant leg as he waited for their little chat to end and to see if this Runa was any kinder than her cousin with a cane so far up her bum Max doubted even he could’ve conjured something of that size. Then he heard two very interesting points, one was that the Hulk was with them, the second being that they were in Australia. That got him thinking as he realized he didn’t even know what city he was in, sure the chances were great that it was still in New York, but being that he didn’t recognize the area, for all he knew he flew states away with that portal.

The portal closed shut for a moment and that was that. Max was left with what he could only assume was the worst of the two cousins, granted he didn’t have much to go by as Runa never even spoke to him. Ofcourse Max wasn’t quite sure how to take much of this, electing to wait until her cousin came back before speaking again so that he wouldn’t have to repeat himself. As soon as Runa stepped on through a grin overcame him as he could finally speak up a bit. ”This weirdo, as you so eloquently put it, cares because the potential fate of his reality is at stake. Sure I may not know how to fix this issue yet, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to lay around while innocents, I’ll be it of another reality, are potentially in danger. It’s great that you were able to find them a safe space here but this is the Red Guard we are talking about. Chances are they’ll not only find what they’re looking for, but now thanks to your inane sense of thinking, they can most likely track the Hulks gamma radiation in order to find what I can only assume is the headquarters to the Human Resistance. But sure, keep painting me like I’m the bad guy and ignoring my want to help. Now given you’re major anti-mutant stance, can I safely assume you don’t have a single person here who can alter the Red Guards memories so they forget this whole fiasco?”
Maximillian Gray

Location: Morlock Tunnels > Mutant Underground
New Outfit

Max’s head was spinning with all the directions that James was giving him. Go around what? Detach what now and who are we stripping? He’d say that it was like Latin to him, but that might actually be easier to understand than any of what was spewing from Jame’s mouth. He did, however, do the best that he could to help out. Following his instructions and making sure to pay close attention to the actions and movements that Jame’s was doing so as to slim down the chance for errors. Once all was said and done, Max stood up silently telling Jame’s and Casper ”Hey, I’m gonna go change before I head on over to the Underground. Wouldn’t be a good impression to go over smelling of day old sewer right? Besides, you two seem like you could use some alone time.” Max gently nudged Casper with his elbow and then gave the pair a wink as he set off to find a vacant tent.

After some time of searching, he found that his old tent was still unoccupied and so he took to closing the flaps for a bit of privacy. Taking off his current Kevlar attire and folding them neatly into his bag. As he stood there for a moment with only his shoes one (because seriously who would dare to step onto this floor barefoot) Max thought about what sort of look he wanted to go for. He decided that the best option might be his “signature” suit; an editorial piece from L’official Hommes de Poland. He concentrated for a moment on his all too familiar outfit, eyes closed for a brief second before opening up into their cosmic glow. Snapping his fingers, the cloud of energy swirled around him giving him a fresh and clean new look. He grabbed his bag and cane, then made his way over towards Blink. ”Thanks for everything, but I think if I stay any longer Erg will be all grays and there may be several rounds of ammunition lost. I’m ready.” The portal rippled open once more, as it started to stretch and form Max called out to Jame’s ”I’m heading over now, don’t wait up too long ok? And Jack, don’t be a stranger.”

With that he stepped on through and oh my could you cut the tension in this room. Most of the people who were seen through he portal earlier seemed to have left. Others stood around like they just seen a cat fight and all Max had caught was a Russian man mentioning something about a tour of the grounds. ”A tour? Oh goodie, I love tours. Names Maximilian, but you can call me Max or Tome. My powers I classify as Conjuration and Magic, though really it should be being a gay disaster cuz I seem to make a mess of things when I try to help.” He extended his hand out to Colossus for him to shake and gave a smile to Leighton. ”Hope I didn’t miss much, though it seems like the welcoming party just ended.”

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Frost International.

An aux-i-llary space? So like...an aux cord? Oh sweet this must be a party room with sound systems, little late night raves to get the mood going for missions. Jinx bend his arms slightly as he let himself fall onto his back and roll into a sitting position, legs crossed on the floor. Damn, I wish she’d stop using such big words...makes it really hard to follow what’s going on. As she began to list the forms of security that they had in place, he quickly began to think that perhaps this ‘auxillary’ didn’t mean rad party room at all. He’d have to ask Requiem later about it. The mention of the Terregan Gas caused one of his eyebrows to perk up. That could be loads of fun if he managed to get his hands on it. Imagine the havoc he could wreak in a densely populated area. A wicked grin began to form on his lips as he thought more on the subject.

”So, listen, I know you two like to beat around bushes and just talk in circles more than that one dude liked to make run on sentences but we’re all busy people and I’m sure you have things to do with your company aside from baby sit us. So I’ll just ask, what’s with the scuff marks over here? From the sounds of it, this isn’t a party room and well...if it was it looks like someone crashed your party.” At this point Jinx had stood up and made his way to the nearest surface that he could sit on and proceeded to do so, blowing a large pink bubble before the loud Pop and Smack of it against his lips. ”While we’re at it, I was curious on if we’d ever get to do more exploring sans baby sitter? As you just stated, you have telepaths all over so they could easily pick up an malicious intent should we stray too far from line right?”
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