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@Turboshitter Can I move Tiresias to the character tab, then?

Allow me. I have a master post up in the character sheet tab.
Black Faction

Black Faction Masters

Black Faction Servants

Red Faction

Red Faction Masters

Red Faction Servants

@Turboshitter This seems interesting, what Servant spots are still open?

Edit: Nevermind, saw all are closed. I'll be making a Master then.

Glad to have ya!
@vancexentan Oh, I meant for Okita.

@hatakekuroSorry, but I think all the Servant slots are filled now. You may still have the opportunity to play a Master though. It isn't a given that everyone making a Servant is going to want to play a Master as well. So keep poking your head in and I'll do my best to remember to let you know if any spots open up!
@SSW I'm happy to say that Caster is accepted! Yggdmillennia will certainly appreciate having someone as useful as them around.

@Reflection Berserker is accepted, though I would like to see more in the personality section soon! That is indeed something I neglected to make mandatory in the template and I'm glad you reminded me of that.

@vancexentan@Anza Assassin and Archer are accepted on account of being canon. As above vance, I'd like to see a personality section soon, but no rush. As for Ciel, he's looking good atm but there are a few things I'd like to workshop with you if possible.

@Blaze Gamma There's some stuff I'd like to ask you about and/or workshop in PMs. I'll message you shortly.

Keep it coming everyone! I can't guarantee a 0th post tonight because I am sadly no longer a young spring chicken with an abundance of free time, but I'll do my best to have it up soon!
@Turboshitter Yeah, obviously future sight is something that's subject to GM oversight, lots of ways you can rule it.

If Vlad's an Npc does that mean there's no Lancer slot, or is he there as an extra? Seems like an easy thing to switch out, have Darnic summon a different Servant. I imagine someone's probably going to have a Lancer they want to play, but I guess it is one of the less popular classes.

Also refer to above post.
O-oh. I did have a Lancer that's near completion who would also fill Vlad's role fairly well as far as territory-based Lancers go.

Oh. Well by all means, let’s see them first. Honestly, I’m not opposed to nixing Vlad if it’s in the interest of the RP. The only one who can’t really go is Darnic, considering he’s your mission control, more or less. But he can easily take a more backseat role than he did in canon, or you could just play his Servant and enjoy a slightly greater degree of autonomy.
Oh shit forgot to spell this out in the OP but Darnic and Lancer!Vlad are slotted as NPCs unless we have a unanimous push for all seven slots to be made available. Darnic will still be present in the RP regardless, but I figure Vlad could easily be counted as an “important war asset”.

I have heard of this guy/gal before and I always thought the story was interesting, so you get immediate brownie points there. I’m also not strictly opposed to precognition/divination as a toolkit on a Servant (mostly because I can see a lot of cool ways I as a GM can use this), but you will have to accept being under a couple of restrictions with such an ability. Fittingly enough for a seer of Greek mythology, your ability to divine fate is going to be somewhat at the mercy of the plot.

Still, I like. I’ll let you know yay or nay once I’ve had another opportunity to look at it. Also thumbs up for Byleth.
My policy on genderswapping is that it’s fine so long as the gender ratio is fairly balanced and not literally every female Servant was historically a dude. Basically just mind team comp and use your best judgment.
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