Avatar of Tyler Night


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Reubens are my favorite sandwich and I am heavy handed with the kraut lol But pastrami or roast beef on Irish soda bread would be amazing. When I made it, I used caraway seed and raisins for mine.
1 mo ago
Classic is always nice. Irish Soda bread uses baking soda as the levening agent instead of yeast. It comes out much denser and darker, it is not the usual bread for it but it makes amazing reubens.
1 like
1 mo ago
Way to go on joining us in the bread baking club, have fun learning more and more stuff. Should get an Irish soda bread recipe and try that out. Make sure you get a recipe with raisins and caraway.
1 like
5 mos ago
Not me, I use adblock
6 mos ago
it is always active, just the bulk of roleplayers are horny on main so they are in private :P


I am a big country boy with a love for all things country, cars and cooking. I am easy going so if you look me up feel free to drop a message, I don't bite.


Most Recent Posts

Yup, Yahoo overnight just removed user rooms and said that all the 13-15 14-16 and whatever else teen chat rooms you would see packed to the brim with people at the top of the lists of user rooms were being run by a ring of Pedo's trying to make CP. They ended up getting with the FBI and taking down a network of thousands of people. Chatrooms took a big hit and now Yahoo doesn't even have a messenger anymore though they are making a new style of messenger no clue when it is actually coming out.

Yeah, I do miss those days when RP was truly in its prime. I would start a chat room usually and have anywhere from 4 to 15 people join in the first couple of minutes. It was a blast, 15 years later and I still love it.
Welcome Brethren of the old days, I was one of those that would do the Yahoo chat rp. I quite often would run my own chat rooms. User rooms got deleted back in 2004 cuz some of the teen chat rooms were actually predatory pedophiles trying to hook up with actual teens. So, yeah, yahoo rp chats are long gone now lol.
In Heya 6 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
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You should just stick around here, the site is one of the biggest rp sites you will find.
You are too cute.
So Kawaii and adorkable!
Welcome hun :) @BoyMom69035
Looking good as always @BoyMom69035
Well, I don't know if I need help per se...

I'm just reading up on the BBCode thing. Trying to properly format an interest check from another site. Not sure where to post that though

General Interest check or the interest checks that it would fit in.
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