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Thracius Laufey and Svanna Laufey

Location: The Bifrost; Nine Kingdoms.
Interacting With: Each other, and Loki Laufey.

Thracius checked that he had everything he thought he would need, and was sure that through whatever means, he could seek what else he required. Although he hoped he wouldn’t have to search far for the answers he sought, and the means to free Svanna from the cruelty their Uncle was putting her through. All because of the precious, soft Midgardians. As he headed out to meet with his father and sister, Thracius summoned to his side Fenrir, the large white wolf, calm for the moment, flashing his fangs as he fell into step beside Thracius.

He was pretty sure Thor would disapprove of bringing him along, and insist that the wolf be chained up. Which Thracius wasn’t about to do. Running a hand through the wolf’s fur, Thracius stopped in the entrance way, glancing about. Leaving for the Academy was only tolerable because it was something Svanna wanted. And there was the chance to cause trouble on Midgard.

Dropping his things as he waited, Thracius contemplated the task ahead of him. Or rather, tasks. Free Svanna, and make sure she stayed on the right path.

Touch soft, almost delicate, as she ran her fingers lovingly through the thick mane of her steed, Svanna allowed her eyes to flutter to a close, her soft lips parting ever slightly as she leant closer, pressing her forehead gently against the horse's snout. She wasn’t ready for this. Eyes opening slowly, she did her best to ignore the ever quickening beating of her heart against her rib cage. Three days… that was all they had to prepare. A mere three days.

She trusted her brother… though even she had her doubts.

“..what if I am unable to do this..?” Her voice barely more than a whisper as she spoke, she paused, taking a moment to allow the words to hang within the air before turning her head, her beautiful gaze moving to linger upon her brother’s figure as he stood apart from her, “..what if the choice I have made is the wrong one..?”

Thracius turned his gaze to Svanna, silently studying her. Always one to doubt, or question. She lacked a certain confidence, but Thracius was hoping to change that. "If it is the wrong one, we can always return home. There is no choice that cannot be reversed. Well. Except the ones that involve death, of course.” He said, "And I doubt any of the Midgardians, even those with extra abilities, can kill us. Our biggest threat would probably be Soren, and its doubtful he’d even kill a bug.” He said, his tone rather contemptuous in regards to their cousin.

”In any case, you are able to do this, Svanna. You are a Goddess, after all.”

“And it’s high time you started to act like it, Svanna.” Thracius flicked a glance towards their father, as he descended down the stairs, “After all, Thor wouldn’t fear you if you weren’t a powerful Goddess in your own right.” He said, sounding quite pleased about that, “Of course, he does tend to underestimate things. Not the brightest spark out there, my brother.”

Her head lifting from where it had been rested against Sleipner’s snout, Svanna’s attention was drawn to her father as he spoke, her gaze holding his for only a moment before she lowered it to the ground between them; her voice soft and unsure as she greeted him, “..father…”

Loki stopped at the bottom of the stairs, studying his children, ”You’ll learn and see once we are there just how different we are from the Midgardian’s, Svanna. But that doesn’t mean you should underestimate them, both of you.” He added, looking to Thracius, who resisted, barely, the urge to roll his eyes, "Now, we should get moving. Last time I made your mother mad, it was rather unpleasant.”

Thracius retrieved his belongings, laying his hand once more on Fenrir, glancing back to Svanna. It would soon be time for her to wear the rather vile contraption that would make her 'harmless' to the Midgardians. Thracius had hoped for the time to study it, even briefly, and figure out a way to remove it without the key. He doubted he’d get that time.


Fear flickering behind her eyes at the question, her heartbeat increasing in pace, Svanna shifted awkwardly on the spot in which she stood. They all knew what he was asking. Her fingers curling lightly through the thick black mane of her faithful companion, she shook her head quickly from side to side; the animal, sensing her distress, moving about on the spot in turn, “..I-I cannot…”

Thracius watched his sister, before sighing softly, stepping towards her, setting his bags down once more. "Yes, you can.” He said, his voice calm as he continued, "It won’t be for long, Svanna. I will get you out of it.” He promised her once more, ”For now, we need to be seen to be cooperating.”, although he rather wished it wasn’t necessary, it wasn’t something he could tell Svanna, or even let show. She wouldn’t go through with it otherwise.

Eyes growing wet, her body shifting closer to that of her horse, Svanna lowered her head, once more shaking it, though vastly slower than she had before. She didn’t want to put it on- she couldn’t. The mere thought of it causing her heart to ache with the fear of what might happen should her brother fail, “..p-please… please do not make me do this…”

"It is not us that is making you do it, Svanna.” Loki said, a hint of anger in his voice as he regarded the distress his daughter was in. Perhaps he ought to make his brother pay for that.

"It will be okay, Svanna.” Thracius said softly, encouraging her, "You wished to see how Misgard was, Svanna. Trust me… or would you rather stay home now?”

Shutting her eyes tightly, her heart torn, Svanna hesitated. She wanted to go… her parents had both had a fascination with Midgard; each of them choosing to descend for one reason or another. She wanted- no, she needed to know what it was they found there… Their time with the Midgardian’s had only helped to shape them into who they were today… she needed to know if it was going to do the same for her…

“..I-... I wish to go…”

”Good.” Thracius said, stepping back so that their father could come forward with the silencer, glaring at the thing.

Loki held the silencer up, silent himself as he approached Svanna, "It will be uncomfortable, but try not to fight it, Svanna. With luck, you shan’t wear it long.”

Glancing over at the collar, the sting of tears once more hitting her eyes, Svanna hesitated before slowly, she nodded her head in understanding. She wasn’t the first in her family to be subjected to such a thing; though she vastly different to her mother… in almost all senses. Pausing a moment longer, her gaze flicking first to her brother before turning to their father, she pulled her hands back from Sleipnir, using them to instead gather her long beautiful golden locks together in her palm as she stepped toward her father.

Loki placed the silencer around Svanna’s neck, ensuring that it was secured before he stepped back, frowning slightly. The injustice of the silencer was just something else he’d have to ensure was paid back.

Thracius watched as their father collared Svanna, studying what he could of the thing, thoughtful. While it locked, it did have a key, but he did wonder if there was damage to it, would it be able to stay locked? Of course, that held a danger in itself. He sighed softly, stepping back and grabbing his bags once more, watching Svanna.

Her eyes shutting upon hearing the soft ‘click’ of the two ends of the collar meeting, her hands falling back to her side, Svanna held back no longer- she couldn’t. Allowing the tears to fall freely down her face as the silencer set to work. The contraption expanding up and over the lower half of her face before finally, it locked into place, leaving her stood before her father and brother quiet, and shaken; fear and pain clear behind her gaze as she looked to them both.

Thracius stepped towards Svanna, shifting his bags so he could hug her, "I will remove it as soon as possible.” He said, wishing he had had more time to research the silencers, but they simply hadn’t been given much time to prepare, "You are strong, you can survive this.”

Her heart breaking, wanting desperately to respond though knowing that any attempt would be futile, Svanna lifted her arms, wrapping them tightly around the back of his neck; the tears silent as they continued to roll down her cheeks.

Thracius waited for a few moments, letting her cry, not wanting to be cruel. At least, not to her. He didn’t like seeing her like this, especially when he couldn’t do anything to prevent the suffering, until he’d learn how to remove the vile thing, "It is going to be okay. Have I lied to you before?” He said, knowing she couldn’t really answer, "No, and I’m not now. I’ll see you free.”

Yes, he’d set her free, and then… then he’d find a way to make Thor pay.
So sorry..!

I haven't been having the best of times lately, and I've been neglecting the guild because of it... v.v

You have my approval on both of your female characters. Again, sorry it took so long...
@Almalthia; haii..! One of your friendly Co-GM's here. Would have responded yesterday, but I was busy running around looking after some friends who maybe had a little too much to drink, and who have fallen in love with my pug @.@;;

I had a read over both of your darling girls; I would, personally (this is just me), would like to see more information about your characters, especially a little more elaboration in both the personality and the powers sections. Don't be afraid to go a little more in-depth with it, hun. :'3

@Zarkun; my oh my... I can see my Ky' vie and Jason getting along, though butting heads quite a bit due to their big personalities. I'm sure we're going to have a lot of fun writing interactions with these two; especially if they end up lab partners in something like his father's class xD

I'm more than happy with accepting him..!
My turn..! My turn..!

~some still being worked on~

So sorry..! Christmas holidays and New Years are usually pretty hectic for me- and what made it worse is my family have just run off to enjoy a cruise without me... -.-;;

..bloody pains...

Working on something now though guys :D
Thry followed through the door, and didn't make it all the way up the second staircase before it began to fall. She got thrown, hit her head against the wall and tumbled down the stairs they just climbed. She's back at the door theu just went through.

Isaura and Theodore

Location:The Lighthouse; Atlantic Ocean.
Interacting With: Each other.

Unable to stand it anymore, Theodore reached out for Juliette, gently extracting her from the man’s shirt, whether he let him or not, immediately pressing her to his own chest and hugging her tightly, shifting so he could slip her into his own shirt, stroking her hair. ”I love you, Julie… I have you” he said softly, retreating now that he had one of the two most dear people to him, trotting back to Isuara’s side, hugging his sister to him all the way, before sitting down besides Isuara, and wrapping his arms around her, as well, happy to have them both right where they belonged.

”We’re okay… “

His words barely registered in her mind; all she could think about was the fact that he had her… he had Juliette, and she was safe; she was alive- she could see clear as day the gentle rise and fall of the child’s chest with each breath the young girl brought into and expelled from her lungs.

The mere sight had the strain on her own heart easing slightly as a soft sigh of relief fell out through her lips.

“..s-she’s okay… she’s o-... okay…” Muttering, though mostly to herself, Isaura reached out a shaky hand as he sat down at her side, her touch light… full of love and worry as she ran her fingertips gently over the child’s cheek, her dark eyes filling with concern, “..s-she’s freezing… we need-... we need to warm her up… quickly…”

Despite the fact that he had both of them within reach, Theodore still felt helpless. There wasn’t anything that he could do to warm any of them up- no firewood… nothing. Any clothes they had would be wet, and he wasn’t much warmer himself, but he just had to hope that his body heat would be enough to keep her warm, until they could find someway of warming themselves.

”I know… but I don’t know how… everything is wet, and you’re just as cold as she is” He said softly, reaching out to take her in his arms too, being careful of Juliette. To have them both so close, and still know that it was possible to lose them in the next few hours was too much. ”We will figure it out, as long as we are together”

Her heart broke at his words. She was so cold… her body was shaking against his, and she was still having trouble feeling anything but the ice-cold touch of the sea anywhere in her legs; and yet... even after everything, he was still so worried about her.

“..if it comes to it; Theo… you need to forget about me… and you need to do everything to make sure that Julie is safe…” Her gaze tearing away from the girl held close against the both of them, Isaura lifted her head, her blue-tinged lips parting ever so slightly from one another as she met with his eyes, “..she-... she’s just a child… your sister… you need her more than you n-need me…”

”Isuara! It won’t come to that! I’m not losing either of you!” Theodore said, his words rushed. He couldn’t believe she’d suggest that… it would never be something he could do… he wouldn’t lose either of them. Somehow, he’d find a way. ”We both need you, Izzy… so very much. We probably would have been screwed without you this last year, so don’t ever say we don’t need you, please? Because we do” he said softly,

”We’ll find a way, I promise. We’ll survive, all of us” Would that be the same for all of them, who had found their way here? Suddenly the prospect of it just beeing the three of them was daunting, and he had to hope that everyone pulled through. ”When we’ve warmed a bit together, I’ll see if I can find anything for a fire”

He couldn’t promise that… he couldn’t know that all three of them would get through this in one piece; but she knew arguing with him about it would only lead to their hearts breaking more than they already had…

Closing her eyes, Isaura dropped her head, her own breathing quick… shallow as she let it come to a rest over his shoulder, burying down into the nape of his neck. He wasn’t willing to let either of them go… he was so strong, especially when they both knew she couldn’t be; it was one of the many things she loved about him. How he could be so confident in a situation like this… when everything seemed so bleak…

“..I love you…”

Theodore hugged her closer, shifting so Julie was between them- trying to give her as much warmth as possible, while also making sure that Isuara was okay. There had to be a way…

”I love you too” He said, making his voice as strong as he could, although it was still rather raw, ”As long as we stay awake, we will be okay… “ He said, not sure why going to sleep was a bad idea, just knowing that it was.

He cast his gaze about them, looking for any option, but asides from the lighthouse, nothing seemed like it would provide any warmth. He turned his gaze back to Isuara and Juliette, checking on Julie to make sure she was still alright.

“..my-... my eyelids are so heavy…”

”I know… “ how were they going to stay awake until they found warmth? ”Just… lets just keep talking” It was really all they could do, until everyone else was ready to seek out potential warmth.

“..a-about what..?”

Theodore thought a moment, ”How about what we are going to do when we get home?”

What they were going to do..? Forcing her eyes to open, even just a little, Isaura tilted her head slightly, her gaze lifting to try and meet with his own as his words played over in her mind, lingering and causing her mind to focus on that rather than the current situation which fell to the back of her train of thought, “..what-... what are we going to do..?”

Thoughtful a moment, Theodore tried to think how to put everything in words… there was so much, and yet…. There was one thing he knew for certain. He didn’t want to ever lose either of them. ”Well, spend our lives together” That seemed so simple, and yet, there was just about a whole world in there.

Ky' vie Morgan

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Deon Alexander and Alan Carpenter (@YoshiSkittlez), and Chiron.

A second dull thud ringing out through the area, Ky’ vie narrowed her eyes; her body stood clearly between both Deon and Alan, and the heavy golden ring held down at her side giving a clear indication as to what it was that had just happened.

“Fair dinkum- ya such a mongrel, Deon..!”

Tossing the ring to the side, the heavy metal clunking slightly as it fell to the hard ground at her feet, she stalked forward, her actions angry as she lifted her hands up, using them to shove rather violently against his chest as she continued to lash out; completely irritated at just how blase he was being about the whole situation, “He’s bein’ a fuckin’ champ ‘bout this crap; an’ compared ta him, ya nothin’ but a bloody brown-eyed mullet..!”

Her hands balling into fists, she brought them down over his chest, looking as though she wanted to cause him pain; the fire in her eyes something she had long ago reigned in and brought under control, but there was just something about him… there was just something so damn irritating- so damn infuriating about Deon that brought that anger she had worked so hard to get rid of, back into her life, “Why don’ ya buy yaself a clue; an’ start thinkin’ ‘bout others for once in ya goddamn pathetic life..!”

“Ms. Morgan..! I won’t tell you agai-...”

“Lemmie go in his place, Chiron.” The words clear, precise, and without hesitation, Ky turned her attention over to the centaur; her jaw clenching slightly as she felt the stares of all in the crowd drawing over to her, though she didn’t care. The only one who mattered in this moment was Alan. Her gaze torn away from Chiron to instead meet with Alan’s, she nodded her head lightly, doing her best to be encouraging… comforting as she spoke again, “..I’ll go in his place… I’ll go an’ I’ll find the damn bird; an I’ll fuckin’ bring it back before the week’s out- there ain’t no way I’m gunna let ya take shit for somethin’ ya didn’ even do. It ain’t right.”

Juliette Morrison

Location: Ghal-Priyam; The Obelisk.
Post In Collaboration With: None.
Interacting With: Raymond Rahlei.

Every breath… it was strained.

Struggling to keep up pace with Raymond as they ascended the stairs, following in the path the other two had taken, Julie slowed to a stop, a single hand lifting to press gently against her chest, taking a moment to catch her breath as the warmth of a hand came to rest over her shoulder, lingering for a moment before her head was lifted.

“..we need to keep moving, Julie… the others… I cannot even see them anymore…” His finger slipping from under her chin, Raymond gently caressed her cheek, daring a glance behind him and up the stairs to where he knew the others had disappeared off to.

“..I-I know… forgive me… I just-...” Her voice soft, Juliette let her sentence trail off into nothing, her chest heaving lightly up and down with each and every breath that she let slip in through her lips. Hesitating, unsure if she would be able to make it on her own, she shook her head lightly, her hand lifting, reaching out to take a gentle hold of the front of his top as she forced herself to take another step, letting him know that she was willing to push on; to keep moving, though as quickly as her foot met the step, it was gone.


Her body torn from his as the whole construct gave a lurch, pain shot through the back of her head, as she was thrown against the wall, her hair growing warm… wet as she fell to the steps below, her body rolling down them until eventually it drew to a stop at the bottom.

“..Juliette..! Julie..!” Struggling to keep on his feet, Raymond watched the scene helplessly, his eyes flashing with worry as he dropped as close to the steps as he could, clinging to them as he searched for a safe way down to her, his body sliding down step by step without once letting go as he tried to reach her.

Sombra Burke

Location: Cedar Ash Inn.
Interacting With: Alexander Flores (@Crono).

“..maldita sea, Alex…”

A rather pained, though obviously put on expression flickering over her beautiful features, Sombra lifted her dark gaze up to once more meet with her brother’s, holding it for a few moments before she looked away, her eyes rolling, “..you know… gone five years and already replaced. I see how it is.”

Turning back so that she was able to catch his attention from out the corner of her eye, she relaxed, her body resting lightly against his as she gave his hand a gentle squeeze; her smile softening as she dropped her head, gazing down at the puppy who seemed more than a little curious with sniffing at the scent he caught coming from her direction, “..I’ve missed you… Alex… really… You know; I never stopped watching over you… I just-... I’m sorry it took me so long…”
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