Avatar of vietmyke


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12 mos ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
1 yr ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
1 yr ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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Interesting concept. I'll be writing a character sheet inbetween my studies for finals.

Question: is telekinesis a possibility for a gift? It doesn't really follow any particular element. Would kinesis of a specific element be better?
Not needed necessarily as I know working around each other's schedules can be difficult, but I always view collaboration as an excellent learning experience for writing and co-operation.

If a collab is not your preferred tune, just be sure to check in with your wing partner so the two of you know the order you guys plan on writing in, or details the other should know.

Echo wing has it a bit easier - since there's so many of them - they don't need to be super in sync either, as they're just chilling so it'd be similar to standard group posting.

Oh, also everyone add "(Alphanumeric) Wing" and the (hr) line seperator to the tops of their posts for easier identification

The majority of the squadron managed to fill in with a minute or so to spare. The conversation wasn't loud, but managed to keep itself at around a dull roar, as some of the more veteran pilots jocked with each other. On the other hand, no one really seemed to pay attention to any of the rookies or newcomers. Not exactly a cold shoulder, but one or two of the rookies might have thought they saw eyes being rolled as they entered the room. The room quieted for a moment as Williamson entered- a sign of respect for the older officer, before someone called him a stuffy old fogey- jokingly of course, and the general conversation continued.

In front of Elizabeth, a young man turned around and gave her a wry grin, his big hair looking like it was probably a bit longer than most regulations allowed. His face was a light mocha and his dark eyes looked intense, yet friendly.

"Hey, you're new too right? Name's Logan, Logan White." Logan said, introducing himself. His eyes gave a quick scan of the room. "Talk about a warm welcome huh? Some of these guys look like they'd rather we didn't exist."

At exactly -0030, the doors of the briefing room opened, revealing a rather stocky, yet tall man. With his hair flared high and his beard kept to a fine stubble, he didn't look too different from some of the other pilots in the room, though from his confident demeanor, it was obvious that he was in charge. Conversation in the room quieted down as he floated to the front, but no one stood- at least none of the veterans stood. Some of the rookies, like Logan, tensed in his chair, ready to propel himself into a standing position but it appeared not to be necessary.

Marcus grabbed at a handrail and pushed his feet to the ground, where his boots connected with the podium with a magnetic clack. Almost immediately, the lights in the briefing room began to dim, the blue glow of the display in the front replacing the role of the overhead lights. At the same time, the datapads on the chairs- likely having scanned its occupant's bio-metrics, began reading out data that was both mission and individual exclusive.

"Alright Direwolves listen up." Marcus said as he placed his hands behind his back. His voice was loud and authoritative, booming almost, but didn't have the bite of a drill sergeant's bark.

"First things first, I'm sure you're all aware, but we have some newcomers joining us. I'm sure some of you are less than enthused, but I will remind you that hazing is not permitted. You're all adults and I expect you to act like one. Rookies, for your first few sorties, you'll be accompanied by more senior members of the squadron. Follow their lead, and you'll probably come back in one piece."

A couple of the quiet whispers and sniggers behind Logan gave him the dreading feeling that despite it not being permitted, some hazing would likely occur within the next few weeks.

"Anyway, getting back on track." Marcus segued, as a holo display appeared in front of him featuring a digital representation of the Galatia and the rest of its fleet. "The 7th Battlegroup, consisting of the Galatia, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Zeuss will be rendezvousing with elements of the 11th Battlegroup, who arrived in the Vega System 72 hours ago to establish a beachhead."

The display changed in realtime to match what Marcus said, showing the 7th fleet traveling and reaching a considerably smaller group of ships- presumably the 11th. Consisting of 2 capital ships and some 7 escort ships. After a moment, the display showed one of the capital ships and two of the escort ships in flames, with another escort ship just disappearing.

"Now, from all reports and accounts, the 11th have not had a very good time waiting for us. Reports suggest that the size of the enemy is considerably larger than we had expected. As a result, the advance force have lost roughly 40% of their of their fighting power. The TNS Verdun has retreated to the Sol jump node to undergo emergency repairs, and is for all intents and purposes out of the fight. Likewise, both of its escort ships have been disabled and one has gone missing. This leaves the TNS Athena and its escort ships as the remainder of the forward element still in play."

"Command is currently rallying another elements from fringe lines to form a second battlegroup to join us in Vega, but with our fleet stretched quite thin and the other fronts of the war heating up, it isn't likely we'll be seeing notable backup for a while. The 7th Battlegroup will be arriving via the Sol Jump node. We will leave one escort ship behind to guard the Verdun, while the rest of the battlegroup moves on to assist the Athena."

The fleet display disappeared, and was replaced by an image of just the Galatia and several smaller triangles- signifying fighters.

"Onto our specific orders. The Direwolves pulled the short straw so we'll be engaging in recon missions immediately after exiting hyperspace. You should be seeing individual assignments on your datapads now."

Logan looked down, and sure enough, data began scrolling across his datapad.

>Alpha Wing
  • LCDR Adrien Travers
    • ENS Clint Grayson

>Bravo Wing
  • ENS Molly Stork
    • ENS Logan White

>Charlie Wing
  • LTJG Rezzik Valana
    • ENS Kira Lawrence

>Delta Wing
  • LTJG Michael Kapp
    • ENS Elizabeth Reed

>Echo Wing
  • CDR Moe Williamson
    • LCDR Anu Varakjit
    • ENS Thomas Sanders
    • ENS Severin Renault

At this point, the display zoomed out considerably, to show the ship as a considerably smaller model, and several glowing points highlighted in space, marked Nav 1-12.

"Simple recon plan," Knight stated.

"Alpha Wing will hit Nav 1 on their way to Nav 2, hitting Nav 3 on their way home."
"Bravo Wing will do the go to Nav 4 as they make their way to Nav 5, and hit Nav 6 as they return."
"Charlie Wing hits Nav 7 on their way to Nav 8, and Nav 9 on their way back."
"Delta Wing loops through Nav 10 and Nav 11, hitting Nav 12 as they return."

"Pilots of these wings will be flying T-88 Seers, be sure to put in a request to your flight crew about which guns and secondaries you want on your craft, or you might be going out with none."

"Echo Wing will be held in reserve as an emergency response force. Echo Wing will be flying Aegis II's and will remain with the Galatia unless there is trouble. If any recon flight finds themselves faced with considerable opposition, begin evasive maneuvers and request backup. Extra wings will be scrambled as necessary."

"Ask questions if you have them, if not, suit up and report to the flight deck."
@CollectorOfMyst Volkov is @13org's character.
@everyone, here is a visual representation of what we'll be flying on

"Huh? Oh, yeah, right." Sam replied, as he shoved his heavy boots off the table, hitting the floor with a loud clunk before he sat up straight.

"The IRIO have provided us with a Nautilus Cargo Freighter, the 'Ascendō'. Not particularly glamorous, so it'll help us blend in while we travel." Sam began, with a casual, almost careless wave of a hand. Nautilus freighters were fairly common in the airspace of most countries. Among the smallest types of vessels in the sky, apart from single seater or small transport ships, Nautilus freighters were often used for shipping by budding or mid-sized international businesses, merchants, and even pirates. They were versatile, Upper Luft-capable, and about as non-descript as it came. Naturally, Sam couldn't help but make his own personalized additions to the ship to make it more unique, but even with its own colors, it would still fall into the background of most searching eyes.

"Normally, these ships are cramped and uncomfortable, as crew typically have to share space with cargo, but seeing as we're not traders, we've got it lucky. I've taken the liberty of bringing on a few crates of weapons, medical supplies, and ship parts so we at least look the part of traders if someone decides to check us out. We've got food and water for a few weeks, and I gutted and replaced the engine and turbines, so it should be able to outrun almost any ship we come across- which is good, because it doesn't have much in the way of weapons: a pair of mounted rifles and a harpoon launcher for scaring off pirates. As good as you can expect, being a civilian ship and all."

"That's about it."
Sam said with a shrug, looking back at Daniel."I would've preferred a combat capable ship, but chances are if we get into a fight in the sky, we're fucked anyway." There wasn't much else to say about the ship that they couldn't easily find out as soon as they stepped onto it. It was unfortunate, but they couldn't exactly leave port with a military frigate or corvette, not to mention they didn't have enough dedicated crew to operate any larger ship.

"Anyway, dunno about you all, but I've had enough of sitting around. Lets get questions over with and get going."
Oh, @Bazmund, Idunno if you caught it, but several pages back I made some talk about airships:

I thought this looked like a good representation of the Iron Dominion Navy (and is what I had in mind while I was writing Sam)

On the otherhand, for our little crew's skiff, I was thinking something a bit fancier, but smaller.

Unless you already had a ship in mind for us- a dirty looking dingy would be fun too.
Sam made a point of gauging the response of the others as Daniel and the General spoke. The two of them always insisted on using such a flowery turn of phrase that sounded like they had a stick up their own asses and were taking themselves too seriously. In fact, everyone in the room- with the exception of the half-elf, looked to be a mercenary- or a freelancer, whichever term they preferred. From looking at the receipt for his cut of the advance pay they'd shared with him, Sam doubted many of them would be joining on with the mission- the pay was low by most standards.

The mission was fairly important, Sam concluded as he listened to Daniel. While he didn't care much about the politics of the other two nations, his siblings had subtly expressed their discomfort with the current Prime Minister's increasingly aggressive political policies. The factories they worked at had been getting increasingly large requisition orders for more airship parts- some smaller airships being built from the ground up within the factory itself. There was also talk of conscription policies becoming more strict, with there being some talk of taking entire towns worth of men into the armed forces at any moment. Of course, most of the aristocrats wouldn't be forced to serve- a few would probably take the roles as officers for glory, leaving the common man to die in droves in foreign skies.

That fact alone solidified Sam's resolve in the IRIO's mission, though it wasn't like Sam had much choice in the matter, being a contractor and all. It was the responses of the others that surprised Sam the most.

Two of the Mercenaries were obviously pair- at least in regards to their profession. The male, was young- around Sam's age probably. He was also enthusiastic, and a self-proclaimed idealist. He hadn't been in the mercenary business long- couldn't have been. Most mercenaries were an older, gruffer bunch; they needed to be to survive. The young and enthusiastic ones were always had more of a spring to their movements sure, but they always took off more than they could handle. The oldest mercenaries were the ones lucky and skilled enough to get through their younger phase intact. The woman of the pair was a much more dangerous prospect. She looked the look, and talked the talk of a killer, one that was probably fairly good at it. The idea of someone like that on his ship was a little nerve wracking, but he supposed it was better having her on his side than not.

The half-elf was another interesting pick. He seemed a good enough sort of folk, if a bit stuffy. He seemed a well-to-do sort of fellow, and was probably well educated, and was unique in the fact that he was so plain, that in comparison to the others, he actually stood out.

The one with the red hair had an endearing look to her, with a pretty, round face and bright eyes- not to mention her upbeat voice; but the ornamentally inscribed and battleworn rifle looked like it had seen a fairly large amount of use.

"Jeezus General, you sure know how to pick 'em." Sam remarked with a slight grin as he snubbed out his cigarette on the table's ashtray.
@Bazmund Guess I'll write up a post now then and get it up before yours
@Kessir Tarkin are you working on a post by any chance? I'd like everyone to get a chance to put up intros before I move us on.
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