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23 days ago
Current Some of y'all are either too old to act the way you act, or too young to be taken seriously. Hard to tell some days.


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I'm definitely intrigued, to say the least.
Consider me interested.

Stark Mansion, Malibu, California - 7 Years Ago
Issue 1.01.03: Come Fly with Me

Interaction(s): None
Previously: Issue 1.01.02: All or Nothing at All

"Alright, this is test number thirty nine for the Battle Suit Mark II, name pending." Standing among the various tools and spare metal components was Tony in a silver, somewhat sleek suit of body armor that lacked a helmet. He stood absolutely still, calling out into the armory. "FRIDAY, can you run a flight diagnostic for me?"

"Just a moment..." The armory was filled with awkward silence for a moment, until the cheery female voice once again filled the room. "Flight systems are operational."

Tony nodded, giving a small smile as he looked down. With a small jet of energy, the suit slowly rose off the ground for a brief moment, before slowly falling back to the ground. "Alright, I haven't blown up yet." Tony took a deep breath before looking straight ahead. "Alright... one final test... let's let all the plumes out."

"Are you sure?"

"Just do it."

Tony screwed his eyes shut as whirring emerged from his suit and he extended his arms forward. The palms of the suit slowly lit up as other small weapons began to emerge around the suit. A single missile emerged from the top of the right wrist, while the muzzle of a flamethrower emerged from the left. The right shoulder revealed a miniature missile launcher, and the calves revealed flare launchers. And, to Tony's surprise, nothing exploded. The inventor smiled wildly. "I am a genius, and we are good to give this baby a test drive. FRIDAY, what are the odds of paying back Raza?"

"Corporal Rhodes did relay the intel this morning, but it is going to be a 10 hour flight. Assuming they haven't mobilized by then-"

"I don't need a lecture, FRIDAY. Just tell me the odds."

"Well, sir..."

4,500 feet above the Atlantic Ocean - Present Day

"With all due respect... this is a terrible plan." Bethany Cabe sat with her arms folded sternly. She had chosen a formal black jumpsuit for today's occasion, which happened to work perfectly with her bright red hair and the large sidearm strapped to a holster on her belt. Her expression was unimpressed, which made even Tony Stark nervous.

"I'll have your back." While Happy's resting face was rather stoic and unamused, the upturned corners of his mouth and cheery language made it clear that Stark's "bodyguard" was trying his damnedest to be the optimistic voice on the private jet.

"JARVIS will be doing a lot of the legwork once we're in there. Stick to the plan, and we should be able to get in and out with time to stop in Rome for pizza on the way home." Despite attempting to be reassuring, Tony's grip on the suitcase sitting in his lap tightened as his knuckles appeared white.

JARVIS' voice called out over the private jet's intercom in that moment. "We will be touching down on New Mideaum momentarily. Prepare for VTOL mode." As the three passengers rested back in their seats, the jet began to rapidly slow down. Within a few minutes, the jet had practically slowed to a stop and was slowly descending vertically. Tony looked out of his window and down towards the small Mediterranean island they were approaching. It had a couple sparse buildings on it and a large stretch of ground paved to form a makeshift helipad. As the jet approached the helipad, Tony could make out a couple of figures waiting below.

Once the jet touched down, Tony was the first to make his way down the stairs. Waiting just a few yards away were a woman in white wearing a golden mask and the man of the hour. Mordecai Midas was wearing a golden colored suit, shirt, and tie. The tan skinned business mogul smiled and held out his arms for an embrace. Stark internalized his eye rolling as he put on a fake smile and moved in to meet the embrace after setting his briefcase on the ground for a moment. Midas was the first to break the silence over the sounds of the dying jet engines. "It is a pleasant surprise to have you visit us, Mr. Stark. I trust your flight was pleasant?"

Tony gave a curt nod as he broke the embrace, giving Midas a brief pat on the arm. "Of course, and I do believe I owe you some introductions." Tony turned and motioned to his two compatriots, who were being carefully eyed up by the woman in the mask. "This is my personal bodyguard Happy Hogan, and this is my chief of security Bethany Cabe."

Midas held out his hand to greet each one individually. Happy's grip was firm and brief, while Bethany's held a hair longer as her gaze examined each feature on the business mogul's face. With those brief greetings out of the way, Midas paused a moment to finally address the proverbial masked mystery woman on the helipad. "Ahhh, and I almost forgot. Mr. Stark and company, this is Ms. Whitney Frost. She is the chief of security for Midas Management."

Tony held out his hand to Whitney for a handshake, but she simply stood in place with her arms folded. After what felt like an eternity of awkward silence, Stark shook his head and lowered his hand to pick up the briefcase at his feet. "Right... well, do you mind if we start the tour?"

"Of course, Mr. Stark. Please, follow me." Midas turned on his heels and began walking from the helipad out towards the shoreline. Tony tilted his head slightly as he followed and his compatriots followed. Just as the business mogul approached the shoreline, a carefully crafted rock pathway rose up from the water. At the end of it, a glass elevator was waiting with the doors open. Mordecai Midas looked back over his shoulder with a smile. "I hope no one is claustrophobic."
I'll toss in some interest, and can try to piece together a sheet in the next couple of days if you've got room.
H A W K E Y E / H U N T R E S S

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Witty Quote"

This is where you outline your vision for the character including any notable changes or differences from the regularly accepted canon. This should be a short summary that provides insight into where the character is in terms of their overall progress and development.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Why do you want to play this character, what is the driving motivation behind both this desire and the character themselves. What do you hope to accomplish and where do you want the character's story/stories to go?

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Any additional notes you want to put either for yourself, the GM's or other players to help clarify your vision or continuity.

S A M P L E P O S T:

A sample post that can be used in the IC if you so desire upon acceptance. This post should provide an example of your vision for the desired character. This sample post should meet all standards outline in the rules and additionally include dialogue, mannerisms and other actions representative of your intended portrayal.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.


K A T E B I S H O P A G E N T W A S H I N G T O N D . C . S H I E L D
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Witty Quote"

Kate Bishop was one of my favorite parts of Fraction's Hawkeye run, though this concept of the character sees her more aged and taking some of the backstory and role of her comics mentor. Some things remain the same: Kate Bishop is the daughter of the rich publishing magnate Derek Bishop, and she was an excellent archer. In this continuity, Kate was an Olympic athlete who was recruited into SHIELD for similar reasons Hawkeye would have been: immense skill and a desire to do good.

A few major changes to Kate's backstory begin here: Her SHIELD codename is Huntress, she works with Mockingbird and Havok, and was trained by the Swordsman early in her SHIELD career. She has very little to do with this universe's Hawkeye (who is currently Wonder Woman's parole officer), instead forging her own path. This version of Kate is also meant to be well connected to the universe at large, and should be available for collaborations and guest appearances throughout a variety of stories.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

For the most part, my intent with playing this version of Huntress is to have a refreshing take on a concept I love: an ordinary person with a sharp tongue being a heroine in a world where there are super soldiers and gods on Earth. Kate's motivations are rather simple: she wants to help out the little guy. She knows that she is just a woman with a bow and arrow, but she is willing to fight with everything she's got to make sure the world is a safe place for everyone else to live in.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

S A M P L E P O S T:

A sample post that can be used in the IC if you so desire upon acceptance. This post should provide an example of your vision for the desired character. This sample post should meet all standards outline in the rules and additionally include dialogue, mannerisms and other actions representative of your intended portrayal.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.
Let's get working.

Stark Mansion, Malibu, California - Present Day
Issue 1.01.02: All or Nothing at All

Interaction(s): None
Previously: Issue 1.01.01: The Wee Small Hours of the Morning

The sound of sparks flying off welded steel filled the Armory in the basement, mixing well with the beats of AC/DC blaring in the background. Sweat was practically pouring through his black t-shirt, causing it to cling around the frame of the arc reactor emerging from the center of his chest. But the inventor took a step back to admire his work. The red and gold device sitting on the workbench seemed like a seamless metal briefcase. Suddenly, the music was cut short as a familiarly calm voice washed over the Armory. "Sir, Miss Potts is here to see you."

Stark sighed and lifted up the visor of his welding mask, taking a moment to acknowledge his drenched shirt just long enough to begin panicking. He ripped off his shirt and mask, tossing them aside so he could grab a towel to begin mopping up the lake of sweat attached to his skin from the combined lack of proper filtration and the welding. "Tell Pepper I'll be there in a minute."

"There's a slight problem with that, sir."

Just as Tony had managed to throw a graphic t-shirt on, a rapid knocking emanated from the glass door behind him. A woman with straight red hair wrapped up into a ponytail and wearing a white pantsuit was leaning to her right side with her arms folded, giving Stark Unlimited's Founder and CEO a glare that he was all too familiar with. Tony shook his head, forcing an awkward smile. "Why did you let her in?"

"She's still your emergency contact and on the permanent guest list, sir."

"Take her name off!" Tony continued his awkward smile while barking the order through grit teeth as he rushed towards the door, opening it to let the already irritated Pepper into the Armory. "Pepper, what brings-"

"Business." She walked right past Tony and out into the open floor space at the center of the Armory, her eyes seeming to examine in a mere moment all the tools, components, prototypes, and suits that were scattered or displayed throughout the place. "I see you haven't changed a bit."

Tony lifted his hand and opened his mouth to speak, only to fall slack as soon as Pepper's eyes met his again. It took him only a moment to shake off the nervousness he felt to mutter out a few words. "You look... great..."

Pepper rolled her eyes, readjusting the work bag on her shoulder. "Thank you. Can we just cut the small talk? I'm only here because you're ignoring my calls."

Tony raised an eyebrow for a moment, before walking past Pepper to the counter along the far wall. He picked up his phone, and shook his head a little at the information overload. The first realization is that Tony had been in the Armory for twenty seven hours, having only eaten whatever leftovers he had in the minifridge in the back and sleeping on the futon shoved in the corner like he was a freshman in college all over again. The second, of course, were the seven missed calls from Pepper over that period of time. The inventor turned on his heels to face his ex, the same old surprised and sarcastic look on his face that made her blood boil. "In my defense, I've been working."

"I noticed. What is it this time?"

Tony once again found that words wouldn't come from his lips as he was speechless under Pepper's cold gaze. Stark picked up a wrench lying on a bench next to him, tapping it against his hand nervously for a moment. "Just a... security breach. Trying to figure out who did it."

Pepper nodded, folding her arms once again and giving her foot a subconscious tap for a moment. "Well... do you think you'll be free in time for the Stark Next Conference? We... well, I was hoping you'd be the keynote speaker."

Tony tossed the wrench aside and scratched his goatee, his brow furrowing for a moment. "I thought you didn't want me around any Stark Industries events?"

"I want you at this one."


Pepper's grip around her own forearms tightened as she closed her eyes, her voice tightening up. "It's your name on the conference, Tony." Her grip and throat relaxed as she opened her eyes, her cold gaze replaced instead with a pleading look. "I might not like you getting in the suit of armor, but people still look up to you. A hero's endorsement would mean a lot. The biggest hospital networks are coming in for this conference, and we need them to know that we know what we're talking about when it comes to robotics."

Tony couldn't bear to look Pepper in the eye, his gaze instead intensifying on a small crack in the concrete a few inches from her feet. The spot in the Armory where he had first tested the Mark II. After a deep breath, he nodded. "Yeah, I'll be there."

Pepper too nodded in response, and the two stood there motionless for a moment. As the first female CEO of Stark Industries turned to walk back towards the glass staircase and leave, a million thoughts shot through Tony's mind. A year of unspoken thoughts and feelings. Thoughts that remained unspoken as Pepper left and Tony silently went back to inspecting his work.
As if either of you will be around midseason.
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