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    1. WingsOfBronze 7 yrs ago


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A lone warrior surviving hundreds of battles, when it comes to losing, I'm the strongest.


Bio means life.

Boi means here come dat boiii. (o shit waddup!)

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Shanna nodded at Luna's words. It made sense, of course. But to close to the light, your wings might burn. She intended to leave the cloth from her to retrieve later as it has hwr name at the lower right corner of the cloth. It was embroidered by her late mother.

"Thank you for the tip." Shanna said before waving her hand in the blank air, creating a portal that she could only fit. She leaped towards it and was immediately sent to her room in the Four Winds.

Portal making is no joke and the warp makes her a bit woozy, but there's no time to waste. She was in a bedroom of her own. Rented for the night of course, with a large bed that was sheethed in rose red, it was actually attracting her to lay on it and call it a day. She shook her head and floated to the window beside, where the wooden table was stationed. She took her purse and gazed at her treasures from the underground. She can't try to trade them with merchants with the fight now going on and how long has it been was a mystery. That was enough reason to rush. She took a piece of paper that she found in one of the drawers and placed a note that says: "Take one for the payment of my room. ONLY ONE. I COUNTED IT." She changed clothes in a quick time- her normal outfit to her white war ourfit. It can handle a strike from a blade- but yet she'll get a few ribs broken. With her stave ready on her back, she jumped on the table and leapt off the window.

She opened a portal in front of her as she leapt, a white light shaped like an a rotated eye with purple swirls that makes you dizzy and has hypnotical traits. It was directing her outside Sunfire. Once Shanna appeared outside the city, she stayed afloat for a minute to try remove the side effects of portal-jumping. She then flew away to one direction. Above the trees and creepy insects that shevwas thankful she didn't need to cross.

It was at least half an hour when she was still flying. Then she saw a dragon! This should be exciting! She looked down at the war below. The whole field is bloody, limbs and dead bodies flew in her wake. aand the latest limbs are legs that splattered blood on her white armor. She looked down and found Vrondi soldiers that have encountered a funny looking guy with a big sword. She smirked at this and laughed loud. He looked hilarious!

She was behind the funny man and it's cultists. "Ohohoho! Why did you not invite me in this clown party?" She asked loud enough for them to hear. Then she took her stave behind her and spun it around in front of her. She threw her stave to one of the cultists, to the man's chest, making him stagger backward, the stave boomeranged back to Shanna and her stave's glass orb shined a fiery red.

"Singe-!" Shanna yelled as three flame balls appeared from her palm and shot towards the staggering cultist in an instant it appeared at her hand. The cultist burned, his shouts of pain muffled by the flames engulfing him. The cultists around her just watched, Shanna frowned at that.

"Never fear! Your little mighty is here! Sent by Vrondi, I guess." She said as her right hand made some movement in the air, a loop, then bowed with her head with her left hand stretched away. A bow of respect.

She jumped away as a sword sliced towards Shanna's head downwards- a blow that will split her in half clean. She moved away in ease, as a reflex, her light body making it easy to run around and jump high with her air walking abilitie. The cultist's sword hit the grassy dirt. She jumped up and floated, facing the cultists as her she was standing horizontally on the air, her stave's orb glowed into a vibrant blue.

"Sink-!" Shanna stretched her arms to her left and right, her hands glowing a little light blue. Water formed itself infront of Shanna, a huge orb of water. She released it and it splashed made a very loud crashing sound of waves, making all the cultists wet. With a smirk, Shanna closed her hands together and pointed her palm towards the cultists. Her stave's orb glowing a flashing yellow.

With a last cry: "Spark-!" A bolt of thunder came from the cloudy sky, towards the wet foes under her that she was sure that they have already pissed themselves. With a deafing crack from the sky, a single bolt of thunder snaked to the wet ground. Puddles of water popping and roasted flesh started make its way to her nostrils. She was used to it, she do it almost everyday. Screams died down after half of a minute or less. She then floated on top of her victims with a proud smirk. Shanna crossed her arms and laughed.

"Ohohohoho-! Gorilla man, class is in session!" She called and placed her stave at her back.

" An A-double-plus if you made me unleash my third level and survived. Wait?. You're the perfect test dummy!" She laughed again, boastful smirk never leaving the little lady's lips. "I might try to test my fifth level spells. What you saw earlier? First level. For beginners." She rolled her eyes then watched the funny man.

Bring it on!

Day/Time: Day 2, Morning
Location: Mario's Funeral
Tag(s):@Guardian Angel Haruki [@Holy Soldier@] @Lugubrious @Bright_Ops @DracoLunaris @Zarkun

Bartz let out a sigh of relief as the kid started laughing. 'Oh, yeah. Lovely. Won't do it next time, sure.' He thought and his mouth curved upwards and laughed along with Frisk at least for a little while. The laughter died down in respects for the dead legendary hero- as the kid said it. 'I wonder if every each one of us is a legend. If they're heroes, maybe they are. If not.. maybe a legendary citizen?' He said to himself with a chuckle.

He turned to face Frisk. "Man. You made me nervous a while back there, kid. Your face frozen in disbelief or something. Thought I'll get my butt kicked today." He grinned as he sat in silence.

That was until he caught something at the corner of his good brown eyes. A running cat with all eyes in the garden trained at the thief, grasping a red hat of sorts and Bartz was sure it has a gigantic 'M' in it. The thief stuffed it in its bag as the critter dashed away. That must be Mario's. Different colored stars followed the thief which made a smirk slowly crawl at Bartz' lips. What followed was someone who looked like a green plumber that was probably Mario's brother (he can tell because of the hat), Cloud- 'The hair was really still a distraction.. maybe I would suggest a cu- no.' He shook his head and found some people he really didn't know who but went after the cat, the one at the shadows kind of made him remember the Cloud Of Darkness. Nah. That was rude.

'Whoa, some guys don't really hold things back!' Bartz yanked his hand away- like a pull - and tried to materialize Firion's axe.. but nothing happened. 'Curses!' His eyes caught Frisk approaching his chocobo and the child asked if they could ride Boko to go after the thief. Bartz jumped on the chair he was sitting, made a front-flip, then landed in front of Frisk as he glanced at them. Bartz called his chocobo that instantly was beside him. '[color=slateblue]Good boy..[/colot] Bartz patted the chocobo's head and moved his hands to the part where the end of the bird's neck would be; to where the neck and the body should connect then Bartz leaped with his hands staying on Boko's body. The bird supported his master's weight and handled it easy. Bartz riding Boko again was nostalgic, he smiled at the thought.

"Kid! Wanna chase a cat?Bartz asked the kid, offering his hand towards Frisk, the few colored stones at his wrist dangling. "And anyway! My name is Bartz Klauser! Nice to meet 'cha!" He added with a huge smile.

Thanks! It really does.

I'm just bad at making character backstories and characters lol.
@Holy Soldier

Thanks for lending your time. I'm sticking to Dissidia.

I'm adding Sans to the Smash and Spyro's world and switching Bartz to Kirby's World if you allow.
@Letter Bee


what's the matter? Lack of backstory?(pretty sure it was)
The characters themselves?
@Holy Soldier

Thanks for the help, Sans won't have one hp: problem solved.

As for Bartz, I want to make his mimicry special, so I want to try a way to do so. But if that can't be I can just take his mimicry attacks from Dissidia as he levels up- and the attacks came from different people and the way how he did it was a sparring course with the characters. (I played a scene where Bartz fought against Laguna Loire to copy his Ragnarok Blade attack so I assumed that's how he did it.) In FFVI, a playable blue mage can copy the spells/attacks of enemy characters just by watching it and calling it Lores, like pictomancy and rage.
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