Avatar of XoXKieroBombXoX


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Trying to get back in the swing of things
1 yr ago
Finals suck. End of story.
2 yrs ago
Curious... He turned himself to a pickle you say? Pretty funny
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2 yrs ago
I crave cheesecake
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2 yrs ago
Solitufde in E minor
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I just want to see you shine
'cause I know you are a star, girl.

Most Recent Posts

Lt. Dice Amaro

On Comm. Chat: @Lmpkio, Direct Mention:

Amaro would lower the volume on his headset after the fall of the Terrorkeet. He felt as though he and his troops had failed the military. He would curb stomp the floor of the building in frustration before he took off his helmet and shouted unforgiving words towards what others called the Heavens. He threw his helmet violently on the ground before brushing off the dust that clung to his armor. He picked up his helmet and placed it back on top of his head before looking to the sky at what he assumed what was a meteor. When it hit the ground, he saw the monstrous Kaiju people referred to as the Dragon Queen. He would clench his fist before pressing a deep silver button on the side of his weighty helmet.

"All units, fall back!" the Commander's voiced boom onto the comms with a slightly metallic overlay, "Fall back to central command and prepare to mount a possible defense!"

He would open up comms with his division and relay the message that Commander Yashiro had ordered. Holstering his Horder, he spoke to his troops, saying "Fall back, guys! There's no fighting this thing. Rescue squads are being dispatched, if you need assistance, fire a lavender-colored flare, they'll know you're from my division." He would then switch back to the comm channel that he had been speaking to Yashiro had been on. He would speak with a clear and unfrightened voice.

"All my troops are retreating from the threat, I have my side of the crew fixed, now I just need to distract the threat. Going low armor."

Amaro would turn off his helmet comms off before compacting his first layer armor into its portable cube. He now walked out in a thin metal sheet of black armor and he would put up his metal breathing mask. He turned on his armor's thrusters, able to now move more freely but still decently restricted. He would reach into his bag and pulled out his Rationalizer, setting it to Minor Atom reduction, which would not completely reduce the threat, but enough to shock it and temporarily paralyze it. He would look at the GMG with a mild anger for what they had done to him. Shaking the rage out of his system, he would put a headset on, and open up comms with the Commander again.

"My armor is stored. Pursuing the target. Please let me know if my squad makes it back alright."
Post is taking long to edit. Will have it up by tomorrow evening!
@Gliding Snake

Just a heads' up I'm sending to every GM. My mom is in a really horrid place, and I might end up stepping away for awhile after a few days depending on what happens. I won't go into detail, I just know I'm stuck between possibly never seeing her again, or watching her die in my home. If I'm less active or gone in the week, this is just a notification as to why.

Hey man, sorry to hear the negative news. Sending good wishes your way.

<Snipped quote by XoXKieroBombXoX>

Why would you use this in an RP?

That is just unfun to even look at. There's zero possibility for interaction or enjoyment involving this thing. I'm just gonna be straight and say it looks like you wanna come in and stomp on others with these sets and I don't like it.

Dreepy and Scraggy are both scrappy Pokemon and Pyukumuku is my favorite Pokemon and is based around self-protection. If you look at how the RP is going to be initiated, these are the lowest of the low.
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