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Fell, she/they, English, currently obsessed with DnD and other ttrpgs. I do art sometimes.

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Kendra raised an eyebrow at the sarcophagus line, not sure whether it was Misty's sense of humour or a genuine fact, but decided it was best not to ask. Instead, they pointed with their thumb to outside the studio where they assumed Trinity was still waiting. "Well, err, I'd have to talk it out with my roommate, but we have a couch if you needed somewhere to crash," they said. "Our apartment has three living people and one ghost - you met Grace already. It'd be a bit crammed but..." They shrugged, clearly feeling awkward about offering a place to stay to someone they admittedly didn't know that well. However, they felt they at least owed Misty the option considering their less-than-stellar rescue attempt. "I don't know, considering what you've just been through, you might want the company."
The magic clothes trope? What is that?

They might be referring to this.

"Oh, err, right," Kendra said in response to Mitra asking for his jacket and gun back. She'd been so hyped on adrenaline and rage she'd completely forgotten. She handed his stuff back to him. "Thanks, by the way. For backing me up." They grimaced before adding, "Sorry it didn't go... quite the way I planned."

They turned back to Grace. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks to you." They wanted to say more than that. They were somewhere in between wanting to apologize profusely to Grace and wanting to scold her for her reckless behaviour, but as their companions had pointed out, this really wasn't the time.

Grace then decided to de-materialize, causing the gun she'd taken from Abberline to drop to the ground. Kendra immediately backed off, flinching in case the gun suddenly went off. When nothing happened, they lowered their arms and hissed a curse under their breath. They added 'gun-safety' to the list of things they'd have to talk to Grace about once they got out of here. However, there was one thing they wanted to address before they did anything else. They turned to Misty. "Hey, so, err, are you okay? Do you, erm, have anywhere else to stay since your hideout is now..." They gestured around themself. "You know, compromised?"

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" Kendra shouted in frustration as neither their nor Misty's shots seemed to do much damage to Abberline. She didn't seem to be shouting at the Hunter himself, rather the universe in general. Even the sound of the police and Abberline's supernatural disappearance didn't seem to quell their rage, as they turned to nearest table and gave it a small kick. "Fuck!" they shouted, again not at anyone in particular. "I. Fuckin'. Hate. Prophecies." They shook their head before turning to Grace, and at the sight of the injured ghost, their rage quickly disappated into a much more familiar mixture of exhaustion, frustration and concern. They went over to the spirit. "I am so sorry. I really didn't think things would go to such shit." They looked her up and down. "How... do you feel? Can you stand... or float, or whatever it is you do?" It was clear from their tone they had no idea what to do in this situation. Again, ghosts were very much not in Kendra's wheelhouse.
Oh, $#!+! Abberline’s a Ghost too?!

Kendra: Wow, so he's not just an asshole, he's a fucking hypocrite too. Truly I am shooketh.
Kendra is quick to realize what is happening. The Winds of Fate have kicked up a Vortex of Coincidence around Abberline. Unless he stands before the alliance fated to defeat him, no fatal blow may land. And from the look on his face, Abberline has just realized that Grace's words about Kendra being from Mortality aren't true.

Jub the Peculiar

Jub nodded in silent agreement as Aurora mentioned the benefits and handiness of the Prestidigitation spell, but conspicuously stopped doing so when she started getting into a debate with Brutrumukk about whether or not they were going to eat the rabbit bandits. He knew that she wasn't going to get anywhere with that argument, after all. He did, however, decide to point out something that he had noticed about the bugbear. "Given how much we've had to eat today, I'm surprised you're still hungry," Jub said between mouthfuls of his own meal. "Are you ever full, or is your stomach some bottomless void?"
Haven't heard from @Digizel in a while. Gonna give him a couple of days to respond before moving us along.

Short post. Flicker's battle banter isn't the best, but in their defense, they are tired xP
"By the Biumvirate, somebody save Yosef!"

"Or, and just hear me out, you could all just get lost instead!" Flicker called out. "I don't know about you, but that would be pretty nice." They raised their sword again, pointing it towards one of the attackers coming to Yosef's aid, and then moved to strike the nearest one.

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