Avatar of yoshua171


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Current Just...drifting along.
5 yrs ago
The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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5 yrs ago
Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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Raelis Vaerkturian

Blade and shard alike met by the resistance of the purple projection, the knight narrowed his glowing eyes—which shone from deep within his helm. The tip of his blade lodged—intentionally—in the solidified energy, Raelis wasted no time. Through the transparent shield the blade could be seen to glow and ripple before an incandescent heat erupted from the blade. Far brighter than the blinding burst from before, the explosive light did more than sear the eyes, as it channeled heat in focused, cascading rays, which struck forth in radiating waves.

Stance braced, Raelis bent his knees further, and then pushed forwards, wings releasing pressurized air backwards to increase his acceleration. Extending his wings slightly, the wing armor was pulled to it, where it was once more fastened into place. With the cutting, burning light having almost certainly destroyed the shield, Raelis found his path free—as he'd intended it. Devene energy continuing to build and cycle back to his body in blinding funneling tendrils, Rhay's Chosen pressed the attack—continuing the thrusting attack from before, but with more vigor and momentum than before.

Their environment, having been set aflame, continued to create additional heat as the fire rapidly spread from Raelis' location.

Alright! Sent the friend request :)
Hehe, looking forwards to it. Um, it appears that I actually need the four numbers that come after your name (discord tag). You can find 'em if you go to your profile (typically by left clicking your own name). Feel free to send that in one of the PMs we have and then I'll add you! :D
Alrighty, thanks! I am curious of something. Do you, perchance, have a discord account?

Oh, and I hath responded! Let the battle continue!

Raelis Vaerkturian

Airborne several meters above Tharr's back, Raelis let his momentum carry him all the way up as he observed his opponent's response to the descending blade of pressurized air and heat. As one might expect of such an agile and powerful beast, it dodged. Its form lunging forwards in a short leap to new ground, Raelis found himself smiling as his gaze followed the warrior's incredible form. He was truly something to look upon, this Tharr. Of course, he gave himself only a moment to admire before focusing his attention on the crescent of superheated air as it struck the structure that Tharr had leapt from. Unlike one might expect though, the crescent did not cut or merely melt the material--though wood and thatch did immediately catch fire, which began to spread. The many metal lattice and struts that ran throughout found themselves absorbing a tremendous amount of heat as Rhay's Chosen channeled the energy through the material, altering his own angle in the air as he did so.

A wavering haze of heat surrounded the paladin as he released a burst of wind from his form and then let his mighty wings strike air to drive him forwards and down towards Tharr's tail. Bringing his blade back, elbow extended outwards so the butt of the blade could rest near his own chest, Raelis landed a few feet from Tharr as the beast warrior turned. One of Raelis' wing tips twitched forwards and a number of metal plates were ejected from it--edge first--directly at Tharr's face.

Raelis began the first part of a stabbing thrust at Tharr's muzzle, flicking his other wing as he did so, releasing more sharp-hot plates of metal in the great warrior's direction. His feet planted, senses stretched, Raelis felt every iota of heat and light as it channeled through the structure. More wood caught fire and the air grew sweltering hot as his mere presence excited its molecules. Quickly the battlefield was becoming a hellscape worthy of Rhay's Chosen.

Soon it would be even worse.


Nothing to really do, that's why.
@Griffintaur one clarification. You said he "bounded forth," I presume that he essentially lunged/jumped/pushed forwards in a smallish (taking his size into acount) jump. That would put Raelis above him, but with the closest part of Tharr's body being the end of his tail, rather than center mass as it was before the jump.

Is that right?
I'd be cool with that I suppose,
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