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The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
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Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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Escaping alongside Sofia as the building collapsed, he had to resist his reflex to protect himself from the rubble and airborne detritus of the collapse. Navigating into the sight of his teammates he saw their clones. His eyes narrowed before he forced himself to relax. As he did so he said words that he didn't want to, but felt were necessary.

"Sofia, open your eyes. We're safe enough for now," he said, though he kept her hand in his. She seemed shaken and admittedly so was he.

Looking away from the girl he noticed Thunderbolt confronting their clones even as Headhunter made a beeline for them, clearly on his guard.

Good, he should be. His power was dangerous and he could feel the disgusting mimicry of it worming its way through his skull. He hated it.

"Stay close Sofia. I'm going to let go of your hand now," he said before doing just that. After all, his clone would be as brilliant and conniving as he was so it made sense for him to make even more of a show of good will.

He trained his gaze on Headhunter and, lowering his tone, responded to the man's query.

"Green Fever," he said, expression serious, tone grim. He looked away from the sharpshooter, staring daggers at his clone. "Headhunter. It occurs to me that none of you have really felt what my power is like. Now that there is another me walking around. I think when we're back at base, I am going to turn it on for a moment, then back off. You need to know what it feels like so you can notice it when it happens. I will remove the influence afterwards." He met the man's eyes again.

"Furthermore, I think we need further verification and a proper passcode system for the future. I don't want us to be caught off guard if something goes wrong in the future. As to the verification..." he paused, trolling his memory. One of the things that only they ought to know were the likely fake names they'd told eachother on that recruiting walk.

"My real name isn't James," he said—too quietly for anyone but Headhunter and Sofia to hear. It would only mean anything to Headhunter though. That had been the name he'd told the former mercenary before they'd recruited Arsenal. With any luck it would be something that his clone wouldn't know. "...and yours was Jack Selser." That said he turned his gaze away once more and tapped out code.

"One of our ways out is headed this way now. We need to get Thunderbolt away from the clones. Unlike me, that fake is willing to use my power on the lot of you. Headhunter, if you'd tell Thunderbolt to retreat from them, that would be stellar. The more time they spend listening to his voice, the worse this will be for us in the long term." That said, he'd realized just how much time he had spent getting to that point and he cursed himself internally at just how fitting his damned cape name was sometimes.

This was not turning out to be their best day, that was for sure.
Evelyn Chambers – Tulpa

Making her way over to the others, her body feeling like lead, she found that she couldn't make eye contact with a single one of her teammates. She'd really fucked this one up. Punctuating the thought, the building buckled and then outright collapsed under its own weight.

That was her fault, not just Messiah's. Her projection had--.... The silver light flashed into her mind's eye, followed by an image of Lillian and—No! Her grip on her arms, crossed under her chest, tightened as she dug her nails into skin, trying to interrupt the thought and banish the images.

She felt even heavier, but she somehow managed to get into the vehicle and sit down.

God she was exhausted.

The mission had really taken a toll on her. Unfortunately, that toll appeared to have been far greater for others....

She would be largely silent for the entire ride back, unwilling to talk or respond with anything aside from nodding or shaking her head. The whole time she would fail to meet anyone's gaze.

Even that small failure. The lack of courage to own what she had done and still face her teammates.

It was crushing and it would be a miracle if she didn't break into tears on their way back.

Paying close attention, Outsider rushed into action the moment he sensed the cape start to move again. He wasn't having it. However, he quickly slowed as another cape made their presence known. As the electromagnetic field around their body began acting bizarrely in tangent with his sense of the individual becoming slightly fuzzy, he knew it wasn't necessary for him to attack. Instead he let his huge form drift down to the street before—rather suddenly—swapping out. He stumbled slightly, falling from several feet above the ground as he switched forms. The disorientation hit him a moment after, but it only lasted a few moments.

Once it had settled he ended up just...kind of standing there for a few moments with a big ole grin on his face. Not only were Furnace's words something positive after a series of rather unfortunate circumstances, but the feeling of being—both in body and mind—so totally...present was just...it filled him with joy.

Recovering he cleared his throat and approached the unconscious cape and Furnace. Shaking his head a bit, keeping an eye on the kid, he spoke. "Thanks for the help," and the words were genuine, more full of emotion and presence than his words usually were. Glancing elsewhere he noted one of his teammates heading away. The set of her shoulders and general body language didn't say good things about her emotional state.

He glanced up at the huge hole in the side of the apartment that had been their headquarters. "I think I'll do just that, Furnace...though with how things are looking I'm not sure if there is much of a we anymore," as he said it the joy started draining from him, replaced by frustration and sadness and worry. He didn't want to operate alone, even if he didn't really have to worry about harm to himself it was better to have teammates rather than having to fight and risk excessive damage to your surroundings all the time.

Swallowing some of those emotions he considered how he was to call the PRT. He didn't want to use his personal phone, that was...not smart. Was there a payphone nearby perhaps? Damn. He really should have gotten something to call with, but to be fair he figured one of his teammates could.

He glanced at Furnace and smiled awkwardly, "Um, actually...I realize that I don't have anything to call with. Any chance you carry something around or should I just find a nearby Payphone while you keep an eye on the kid?" Unsureness, man how long had it been since he'd felt like this.

It was so strange being this aware of his emotions, but he liked it. He liked it better than them being far away. This all of it, with the bad and the good it brought, was far better than feeling detached all the time. It was too bad that it wouldn't last....

It never did.
Lilliana Merrycure

Nodding briefly to Boone, Lilli turned her attention to Reverse Mountain while the others prepared the ship. Intermittently she assisted with repairs and gave Bonesword some suggestions and encouragement. Her main suggestion was to create multiple layers, even if they were disposable, so that the ship would have a shell to work with. She also made sure he didn't overextend. She affixed something to the deck in front of him. It was a thermos full of milk and despite any of the ship's movement it would not be dislodged. Its lid made sure it wouldn't spill either. She informed Bone-chan that if he squeezed around the lid it would extend a straw out for him.

She had plans to make it something he could wear at some point. So he'd always have milk ready and available when he needed a boost. It was something to look forwards to.

Beyond that she looked about the ship and checked in on her nakama, making everyone was properly taken care of and on task. Whenever she wasn't needed, she'd return to looking at Reverse Mountain while standing near Bone-chan. All the while, B-MO built and disassembled things in the bag at her side.

She felt...antzy, but excited. The mountain was so intimidating, but she saw it like a gateway. It was looming and ominous, but once through it, well, who knew what one might find!

Smiling she called out in a cheer, “Crew, I know we can do this, I believe in you! On to the Grandline!” She cast a smile back at Boone as well before turning her focus back to the mountain once more.

Oh boy was this exciting.
Well.... Someone tag me if/when this gets back up and running. If it's a new thread, I'll probably gravitate my way there.
No u :3
Raelis Vaerkturian

Features hidden beneath his helm, Raelis smiled. Wings curling inwards, their forms armored from tip-to-tip, he guarded himself from the warrior's attack. The armor found itself essentially folded around the knight, with the blade of Rhay remaining extended through a single gap as he charged. Heat and light having gathered back to him in less than two seconds, the heat of Raelis' blade skyrocketed once more.

The beating strikes of Tharr's wings struck Raelis' own, but were slowed as they passed through dense blasts of air released at the last moment before contact. Tharr's senses had been matched. Noting a disturbance in the air as he guided light back to his eyes, Raelis got a flash of Tharr thrusting forth a polearm. On instinct he reacted.

The ground beneath Tharr, all at once, buckled. In the same instant, Raelis' wings opened, and they did so just as the polearm's blade came within inches of striking. As a result the wing that struck the blade, struck it along the flat and continued extending outwards with such force that it likely disarmed his opponent.

Now, with so little distance between them, the tip of Rhay's blade likely found its mark.

The lobby is almost always slower than the actual fights.
I'onriyi Stonehand

Nodding slightly as his guest commented on Brega Menrirl—which in the hands of a non-penin truly did appear to be a scepter rather than a staff proper—the enchanter found himself smiling slightly as he noticed her puzzlement over the object. Her confusion at his insistence she inspect it—and at the purpose of the exercise in general—brought to him a strange feeling of pride, something like amusement and appreciation rolled into one.

Taking the item back from her as she offered it, I'on considered demonstrating its capabilities. Of course, that might devalue the experience, as the staff was primarily an amplifier for his spellwork as well as a weapon he could wield on its own. After all, the staff's crystal was far more durable than any purely natural crystal ought to be and though he had not dared to test it to the point of breaking, the penin knew that its durability was similar—though not as extreme—as the metal that ran through its core and in some places constrained it.

Looking upon the piece fondly for a moment he spoke,

"This was my first major undertaking many years ago," he began, "...the first item I ever properly enchanted." His eyes rose to meet theirs and he held that gaze for a moment before setting the staff on a nearby table.

“I've been enchanting for many years, it's part of why I've some...mmm, fame, here.” He grimaced for the briefest moment before his expression softened once more. “That item, Brega Menrirl, is not a pass-time, and neither is enchantment itself, for though it does take time, I sincerely doubt that any mage who uses it does not do so merely to pass it. The process, regardless of the method used, is difficult, time-consuming, and if done improperly it is not even rewarding. It's not the sort of thing that you do just to pass the hours.” He glanced at his staff once more and something struck him.

He hadn't made anything for himself since he'd fashioned his gauntlets so many years ago. Nothing major at least...and now that he would be departing from the city soon he would hardly have the materials to do so, not until he reached another city that was. At the thought he cast a sidelong glance at the archangel's vessel, a small grin taking over a corner of his lips.

“Perhaps, before I leave the city you and I can make something. After all, it's been far too long since I've given myself a gift,” he chuckled and then made his way from the workshop, beckoning that she follow. He had not failed to notice the crumbs on her clothes—clearly she'd thought that she might not be able to finish the meal he'd offered her. Poor lass.

“There's more bread if you're still hungry. Feel free to eat some, just not all of it. I've a few preparations to make before I head out. Don't leave and don't pocket anything—though I doubt you would.” He smiled at her, waving her towards the kitchen before he headed away before turning a corner and passing out of sight.

He would be gone for only a few minutes as he got together proper clothes to be seen in the public eye, as well as some coin, a waterskin, and a few other items. Before he joined her back in the kitchen he retrieved his staff, strapping it to his back. He'd only taken maybe ten minutes, but when he reappeared—taking another slice of bread to munch on, he appeared far more alert and ready for his day. His golden eyes falling on his gauntlets, the penin gathered them up and then fastened them on either hip, where they hung, fingers pointing down along his thighs.

Finishing his slice, I'on took up his tea—which was still somewhat warm—and finished it before turning to Male'dai/Nimbus. In a good mood, he found himself smiling at the woman. “I hope you've eaten your fill,” he said with vigor before he walked passed her. “Time to go. I want to see what sort of explanation these men could possibly have for the situation I found them in just yesterday.” He hoped it was better than he thought it would be. Perhaps he'd have his new companion come near enough to hear, but not draw attention. Perhaps in the room next to theirs at the inn.

He wanted believe that the interaction would go smoothly, but it was hard to say with those two. Especially the veiled one...he'd caused them plenty of undue stress, that was certain.

Perhaps it would be easier this time.

Absolute chaos.

These were perhaps the two best words he could think to describe the utter mess that their mission had become. Hand firmly gripping Sofia's even as the carnage of the strange monstrosity continued. Even as the many clones of, what had it been, Overrun, spread throughout the warehouse. A frown had knit his brow and it only deepened as Headhunter managed to take out what he presumed was the original Overrun, for the tide of clones did not cease in the slightest. Several times he opened his mouth only to find that he had nothing of value to add, even despite his power.

Then a tall clone approached them and something inexplicable happened, he found himself face-to-face with a devil as handsome as himself. Blinking twice, he squeezed Sofia's hand slightly, tapping a code out to his adoring fans.

One of them spoke through comms directly to Sofia, "If you are separated from Chatterbox, the code to make sure it's the real him is 'Purple Venom.' If he responds with anything but 'Green Fever,' it's not the real Chatterbox." The message was then relayed to the other Jacks purely as a safety precaution. Taking several steps back, dragging Sofia with him as he did, the performer drew his gun once more as he felt what could only be the tug of his power.... How strange and disconcerting it was to be on the receiving end.

Taking a deep breath, despite the clash of titans, he raised his gun and aimed it directly at the tall Dean's head. If the heroes were fighting with lethal intent, then so could he. A smile worked its way onto his face as he fired the gun, aimed first at the knees—two shots—then at centermass. He would wait a moment before aiming at the head—provided he could do so from the Dean's new position—before firing.

Hopefully this would demanifest whatever his copy was. If not, his eyes would—for the briefest moment—fill with fear as he laid them upon his doppelganger, before becoming once more unreadable.

"You cannot be allowed to live," he would say regardless.

Fear continued to creep its way into his body, clawing at his mind. Meanwhile, several cars began making their way towards the facility, one from each cardinal direction. Anything that they could ram through to get onto the property, they did.

Evelyn Chambers – Tulpa

Each strike was an additional blow that she felt to her emotions. Tears began to run down her face behind the mask. She swallowed hard and wailed quietly with each strike. Then something far more painful than anything had any right to be burned through her mind before becoming a stinging discordant buzz. The world went white, her thoughts blanked out and she tried to scream, but couldn't. A hoarse squeak came out instead. Slowly, too slowly, she felt the pain recede and it was only then that she knew that her projection had demanifested...and that the clones had stopped hammering at her body. She ached everywhere, like that's all she was made of. She opened her eyes, and breathed in—both hurt. Slamming her eyes shut again, a booming voice rang out. It took her a whole five seconds to realize that it was Reynolds and—furthermore—that he had told her she had to get up.

Trying to push herself up, she winced and then cried out in a small yelp of pain, stifling the sound at the end as she clenched her jaw shut. Instinctually she reached out to her projection, its existence coming into focus for her. Its silver light surrounded her for the briefest moment...and then she recoiled as hot pain shot through her skull.

She blacked out for a few seconds, waking up again to Reynolds pulling her to her feet. She gripped his shoulder and managed to force words out. "I...I can walk. Just, stay with me, okay?"

The man nodded, face hard. He was clearly intent on getting all of them out of this safely. Using him as support, Evelyn managed to pick up her staff and use it as a crutch while they made their way from the warehouse.

Testing the link between herself and her projection, all she felt on the other end was a burning, electrical sensation. Her head throbbed as the memory of what her projection had done to Lillian resurfaced. She let out a quiet sob at the mental image and ceased trying to even guide her projection, withdrawing her mind from her link to the apparition. She didn't want to think about it, she didn't want anything to do with it. She wished she could make it go away.

As she limped her way towards the warehouse's exit with Reynolds a deep numbness set in, the cold detached feeling only interrupted by the throbbing of her various wounds.

Two missions.

Two failures.

That was what she was, huh?

A failure.

A guilty, ugly, evil...failure.

"Fuck," she swore quietly.


Gathering his wits, Outsider turned slightly, though it was not required for him to keep track of the cape's location due to his form's various senses. With Kyoshi's actions taken—and a car flung at some point apparently—Outsider moved. The small figure was falling down towards the building their ransacked HQ was in. Feeling irritation rush through him, then anger, for a moment, he very briefly considered outright ramming into the villain. However, hearing Kyoshi's words brought him back from that point. Instead, before he hit the villain he released a series of small, weak pulses as he extended a single tendril vertically upwards from his similarly vertical form—as he was flying straight up. The tendril passed the cape by and, upon releasing the pulses, rapidly slowed his fall. Then Outsider dodged to the side and used one of his arms to catch the villain, tightening his grip.

To decrease the chance that the cape could use his power, he began channeling energy into the hand that clutched the cape. However, before he could release the energy a small explosion buffered his shield and his fingers opened. The kid, while roughed up, was weirdly unblemished considering what had been—in some cases—quite literally thrown at him.

Then, another explosion rocked him, this time a bigger one, on his 'head.' The shield projected him from the heat and the pressure, but fucking hell that was loud. Wincing internally, his body reacted, tendrils shooting out towards the kid, but he moved, propelling himself with explosions to reposition.

"Slippery, but not enough," his hollow voice said in a low roar. A brief flash of anger followed by realization hit him as he realized what it meant that the kid wasn't more thoroughly damaged.

He had some kind of resistance to damage...and for Outsider, that was more pro than con. Twisting in the air, tendrils splaying out in an instant, all four arms extending out to his side, he released pent up energy in a powerful shockwave. The kid was blown away and while normally he may have recovered swiftly and retaliated, he found himself unable as the massive alien serpant of the hero's second vessel slammed directly into his stomach.

Outsider noted the electrical signals from the cape's body alter, and similarly felt some of his momentum countered by what he could only describe as a series of micro explosions.

On striking the villainous cape, Outsider released an additional blast of force from his body, pulling up abruptly as he did so. The villain was thus blasted downwards at pavement at a particularly high speed.

Body hovering midair, several stories above the villain, Outsider kept his senses tuned onto the kid. He was definitely still alive, which was good. Hopefully he was out of commission though. He didn't want to do damage to any infastracture in fighting him after all.
Raelis Vaerkturian

Blade and shard alike met by the resistance of the purple projection, the knight narrowed his glowing eyes—which shone from deep within his helm. The tip of his blade lodged—intentionally—in the solidified energy, Raelis wasted no time. Through the transparent shield the blade could be seen to glow and ripple before an incandescent heat erupted from the blade. Far brighter than the blinding burst from before, the explosive light did more than sear the eyes, as it channeled heat in focused, cascading rays, which struck forth in radiating waves.

Stance braced, Raelis bent his knees further, and then pushed forwards, wings releasing pressurized air backwards to increase his acceleration. Extending his wings slightly, the wing armor was pulled to it, where it was once more fastened into place. With the cutting, burning light having almost certainly destroyed the shield, Raelis found his path free—as he'd intended it. Devene energy continuing to build and cycle back to his body in blinding funneling tendrils, Rhay's Chosen pressed the attack—continuing the thrusting attack from before, but with more vigor and momentum than before.

Their environment, having been set aflame, continued to create additional heat as the fire rapidly spread from Raelis' location.

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