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All of you cowards out here afraid to lick doorknobs cause of a little virus. Shame on you.


Credit to mah boy @REKAIGAN for the badass mask he drew for me. You da real mvp.

zelosse#6215 on Discord.

Disclaimer - I work long hours every week with usually just a single day off, so at times it's likely for me to be overwhelmed with expectations and just shut down for a week or so.
Please be patient!

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Hirasawa, Adrian

Location: Shrine


The only logical response to his own self loathing and shame, albeit one he was too disorientated to recognize at the moment to recognize, was to manage another groan. Unfortunately in his current frame of mind it was impossible to do even that much as the world spun around him. Recognizing he had been spoken to elicited only the barest amount of cognizance, staring dumbly from beneath the bone helmet at the funny newcomer. It took a few moments for him to speak as Adrian put his hand to his head.

"Window. Family. Revenge.." Weakly spoken and slurred but a response at least.

When Kaede came to angrily pout, the world came back into crystal clear view for what felt like the first time in hours despite only having been a few minutes at best. Adrians only response to her scornful gaze was another weak croak. At least the moth thing had sense enough to know when he should apologize.

"Sorry, sis.."

It took a bit of time for him to be peeled off the pavement, the monstrously oversized moth wings shrinking into his back as he struggled to rise. With the added mass returning to his body it was redistributed as muscle mass. Now less than a lanky brat he was at least, hopefully, a tad more intimidating. Though there was always the question of whether or not the jingling ornaments worked counter to that end. One of which had fallen off the right horn and lay on the ground.
Scooping it up and retying it, he turned to the newcomer.

"S-sorry for startling you, I'm sure. Probably not every day you see a bug splatter on a window so amazingly." Adrian flashed a smile, unaware of the massive cut stretching from his chin right up and under the mask. It bled only slightly but not enough to be all that painful. The sensation of its presence would arrive soon enough.
When Kaede went back into the store, it was all the shapechanger could do but shrug. Of course she hated his constant watching, as a blossoming young woman it was clear the girl wanted her privacy. All the time.

Adrian couldn't stomach the thought of her getting hurt and felt responsible for at least making sure she got to and from a destination unbothered. Or at the very least only meaningly bothered by his overzealous and overprotective nature.

"It isn't my place but would you like to step in and have a slice? As an apology for.. y'know."

Hirasawa, Adrian

Location: Shrine

Footsteps receded below him as the maiden who cared for the shrine finished their various chores, unaware of their guest resting comfortably in the baking hot sun atop their roof. Adrian was often a visitor to the place as it was a ways away from anyone he knew. Family rarely visited any place with religious roots and thus was perfect to take his ease at.

At the moment he was little taller than a toddler, stubby arms and legs sporting a reptilian skin matching the roofs colors. The great wings of an insect, a moth, were bundled tight below him acting as a blanket to lay on. His usual headwear, a horned skull decorated with a few nicknacks he had borrowed from hisnsister for a bit of color, danged from tight knots on the horns. From time to time they made a soft jingling noise as he shifted.
School hours were nearing a close but he had skipped on the last few classes before summer break had begun, getting a headstart on his relaxation.

The low buzzing in his pocket woke him from his quiet comtemplation, signaling an hour left before Kaede was off school as well. Personally he felt his younger sister did not care for his presence, his overprotectiveness, but Adrian was determined to hover over her even if she didnt want it.
It was a brothers job to protect his sibling.

Rising up with a groan and a stretch, the massive wings on his back unfurled as he grew in length and his skin shifted back to human flesh, pale but unblemished.

"Good nap.." mumbling quietly to himself, readjusting his clothes to fit properly after his shift. Now closer to 5'8". His weight and height, everything about him, was capable of alteration thanks to his powers. "I bet that girls gonna bail and head somewhere before coming home again."

Whether or not that was true, meant Adrian would have to investigate.
With a great leap he rose high into the air with flaps of his moth wings and took off in a gentle glide. If he needed speed he could take on the wings of larger animals but there was no reason for haste.
Off into the distance he flew, the strange patterns on his wings drawing a few eyes.

Gliding high in the sky, his eyes roamed the crowd for Kaede but couldn't locate her by sight alone. It only took a few seconds for his nose to reconstruct into a canines and replicating their sense of smell.
The various odors of the city came alive but his practice with the senses was keen and soon found her scent wandering away from the path home.

Pizza place?

The trip took a great deal of time. Several times Adrian had to land and continue on foot, the heat adding to his exhaustion along with the energy of flying, but eventually caught up to Kaede as she sat down at, of course, a pizza spot.

Nestled at a seat near the wall, Adrian swooped in and..


Flew right into the tempered glass window right at the front of the store so hard it rattled the others next to it, Adrians foot was still on the frame while his body lay in a crumpled heap, wings spread out across the ground as he groaned.

"Uuurgh". Was the only thing he could say, the world spinning around him. Yet another graceful landing..
@Seirei No Hai@Rune_Alchemist

This is quickly turning into a gaggle of inconveniences. Mirt mused with more than a twitch of annoyance.

The mission from the Mistress had barely begun in earnest, the seemingly simple part having passed smoothly, but now there was some unknown stranger speaking of lost children and stolen propert. As if a cart was such a grand prize. While the two demi women prattled, Mirt searched the cart for a sign of ownership and sure enough there was a symbol of claim etched into the wagon.
Which meant it had to belong to someone with money, with influence, and their own lackeys to deal with problems.

Lackeys like the woman who had threatened them with her sword. As a princeling in his own country, albeit from a time long ago, the situation was somehow more vexing for the added trouble. 2 servants and a prize fighter by his side, with more hostesses coming from the Darkened Honey, the entourage lacked something.

Clearing his throat, Mirt paced forward and rested a hand on Mie's shoulder and offered a serene smile. It lacked any form of hostility and his body language was equally unthreatening.
His posture turned defensive upon turning to Elque.

"My underling," Referring to her only because she has mentioned him as a benefacotr, "Has overstepped in speaking of private matters. You, who accuse us of theft without proof of ownership, must serve another. Bring us to the true power behind your emboldened authority or leave."

The more important issuendealt with, Mirts face softened considerably as he offered a deep bow of respect before continuing. "As for the young girl you speak of. I will need more information if we are to find her before harm may come. You have my word. I am Mirt of no house, first warrior of Aier'Sun. We will find this girl for you no matter how our current business ends."

Hopefully the sincerity would be enough to sway a meeting with someone in charge. Perhaps two deals would come from this one.
-Harl and the Bloodied Falcons-

Eyes roaming the smoke, only the occasional stifled scream of a dieing inmate was any indication that the armed group inside had met their foes with success. Many of the voices were ones he had become familiar with in his time amongst the death row prisoners. Hope to escape had been so close and now it was slipping away, as ill-fated to succeed as the rabble was to escape in the first place.
His only solace was the fact that the bugs had not come first. Blissfully ignorant of the threat swarming many levels below.
A face appeared briefly in the smoke before vanishing back. Harl licked his lips nervously in anticipation.

Hawke burst from the smoke and shield to the shock of every Bloodied Falcon member in a headling rush, Harl gripped his weapon with renewed fear and calm and began to shout orders for his casters to stop him, but a wave of compulsion washed over his body to rob strength from his limbs.
His mind knew the order was not his own but robbed of protection there was nothing he could do. Turning on his heel he grabbed the castee who had put up the screen and drove the knife deep into his heart in a single swift motion, tossing the corpse aside to strike at the next in the line.
Two others similarly turned on their friends and allies in a sudden confusing rush, laying out two more with heavy blows to the skull with their pipes.

Harl felt the magic compelling him and became lost in the madness.

(7 falcons remain. 2 mages remain. 3 falcons under mind control)

MEANWHILE, in the corner of the smoke was Scar and his surprising guests. Both men did not appear to understand as he spoke to them, but truer was they could not communicate well enough to respond. The two spoke simple words only and relied on a complex series of hand signals.
Both brought hands to the air as their invisibility faded with contact and shook their heads with vigor, trying to sign "friendly" over and over.
The man on scars left spoke up but the words were heavily accented.

"Escape. Escape!" Neither of the men showed fear of any kind towards Scar, merely a reluctance to fight. Both kept their hands up to show non-hostility
If anyone made a move to attack them however, their tense muscles twitched as they prepared to explode into motion.

(Scars dagger belt is missing 2 throwing knives)

(Note: None of the remaining Falcons are watching Hawke advance, focusing on Harl and the betrayers. 2 men are seperating from the main group and are attempting to cast a spell.
Gods below, with so many video games its hard to choose one.

Kaitos hands were numb as the flute, back in its place within his coat, was all but forgetten as great lung fulls of air were sucked in desperately as he struggled to overcome the lingering terror. What a fool to have offered aid to someone that could have crushed him like an insignificant bug. It was too mucb and Kaito knew it, fumbling with the guitar he had put down to help Mari. That action coupled with his naivty coulf have been the final nail in his coffin but the support of Hikaro and Houki had saved him.
Their bravery and sacrifice were the coin paying for his chance to...

chance to what.. run? They'll feel it too. That horrible weight. That terror..

Knuckles clenched tight at his side, Kaito scolded himself for the weakness and disappointment no doubt his grandfather would feel. Everyone deserved better and Kaito had failed to deliver, but it wasn't over yet.
Scooping up the guitar and amp, now facing towards where the woman had sped off to, the music came alive. Whether it was from fear or courage he could not tell.

"the spirit never dies, let the music take you higher
I know what it means to burn
That's how I began to learn
So never give up, never give in
Rise from the fire if you're gonna win
Sing with your soul, soon you'll be old
Fight the demons inside you
There is no limit to what can be done
Climb every mountain with power so strong
Dusty roads on the way, leaving the past behind you!"

The amp volume was turned to its maximum, the sound of his voice couldn't carry without a microphone but he threw his voice far as possible, dreading the fact that he had to sing but ignoring the voice of doubt in his mind, focused on nothing but the noise. The harmonyof music flooding the air.
Hopefully it was enough to take the edge from that scary womans oppressive aura.
POWER CHORD buzzed in his chest as the performance began and with luck, Kaito could pass it on to one of the students fighting ans throw in to the support efforts of the dummies.
One step at a time.

@TheWindel@ERode@Sho Minazuki
The Heist - Featuring the Sly Fox, Mie Yukima. The Elder Monk, Mirt. The Paradoxical Cleric, Anyon.

“You’re not a great salesman, are you?” Mie snickered. The old monk really wasn’t doing a good job of selling this little venture. Pros and cons. Pros, it’d probably be fun and there was a chance she could get some money. Cons, it was probably dangerous, and she might get in trouble. Hm. So no real Cons either way.

“But,” Mie’s usual smirk didn’t leave her features. “I’m bored so I’ll humor you. I could use a bit of fun, and what better way than to swindle someone out of their money. So what’s the plan, boss man?”

“The plan, dear fox, is to find this warehouse and take our cut.” Mirt grinned, feeling 30 years younger than he was, as the mischievous nature of their new mission crept up on his sensibilities.

The seal belonging the the letter was addressed to a Larchmond family, powerful merchant class turned royals after their great grandfather seized swathes of city land and began stockpiling anything they could get their hands on. Years down the road that warehouse operation had become a force to be reckoned with, complete with its own privatized security force and a list of suppliers from across the city from the tip of its crown to the soles of the poorest citizens shoes.

They dealt something to everyone.

No doubt the fox girl would know these were top brass they would likely be robbing.

“There is an order for foodstuffs, clothing, medical supplies, and weaponry. If I’m to secure the position as a third-person supplier for this family I’ll need someone who knows their way around a business transaction to get me through the door.” Even as the words left his mouth, Mirts hand was on Mies back eagerly pushing them forward. No doubt Anyon would follow but if not there would be time to send a message for where they would meet up. She was critical to bare-knuckle part of this trip.

Midway Worries

Initially, Mirts confidence was at its absolute limits when foot met pavement to go to this golden quarter warehouse but since then it had deflated considerably. Mostly because Mirt, a foreigner to the city, did not know where anything actually was, and thus needed to over rely on Mie for assistance.

“Apologies for my blunderous sense of direction. The city is larger than I knew.”

"You sure you're not just a senile old man?" Mie retorted. This little venture was starting to sound dangerous. Right up her alley, really. The Larchmond's were some of the elite of the city. Trying to rob and trick them was a fool's errand, but she could respect a fool if they showed her a good time.

"Fine, fine, I'll lead the way though." Mie sighed in a playfully annoyed manner. "Just make sure you buy me a drink later. Golden Quarter's this way." As she took the lead, the fox kept her ears open, making a quick checklist. Blade? Check. Vial of poison? Check. A merchant could never be too careful, and going unarmed would be a death sentence in this day and age.

"So tell me...what do you know of the Larchmond family? They're some of the Elite of this city. Getting involved with them on a business level is certainly good for profits." This warehouse would be easy enough to find. She knew what storehouses looked like. Guarded, locked and supply wagons. "I wouldn't be surprised if they have any shady business practices behind the scenes. All good merchants do, heh!"

“From what I hear, it is quite a vast bit of shade. We are taking supplies to some sort of gambling arena. Properly barbaric. Wagers made in the hundreds, and now in need of resupply.” Holding onto the unsealed letter, Mirt couldn't escape thinking it had all been a little too easy. Finding a courier at a brothel? It was a bizarre city.

As the three strolled leisurely through the rumbling trade district, the elder of the group felt a twinge in his heart as workers went about their business without even a sideways glance.

“For a moment this place reminded me of home. Dozens, hundreds, of my people performing their duties day in and day out without a thought. Eager to be started, eager to finish. All to find a piece of happiness for themselves.” Of course in his homeland the work was usually of martial training, hunting, preparing clothing for the harsh winters, and endless prayers to their gods for what meager warmth the glorious sun could provide. Here in this foreign land the sun beat the ground with an intensity Mirt couldn't have ever fathomed. “Were you raised here in this city, Mie?”

"Gambling house...?" Mie's ears twitched in thought. Now that...actually sounded like something she could get in on. Huhm. Maybe she should let the old man get in over his head? The Larchmond's certainly wouldn't mind a little fox such as herself helping to supply some more...exotic things. Inserting herself into the situation would be easy.

"Ah, no." Mie replied dismissively. "I was raised in a small village out in the countryside. Moved to Kararagi to learn business and a bit of self defense during the war. Since things have calmed down a bit, I came back and work out of the capital a lot, at my sisters place. People here are usually eager for exotic goods from Gusteko, Kararagi, or Volakia. Makes me a nice little profit." A rather brief overview of her life, and certainly not telling of the whole story, but for Mie there simply wasn't much to say about it. Digging up the past got no one anywhere.

"...If I may make a suggestion, though." She quickly changed subjects. "If it's a gambling den you intend to shut down, would it not be better to give this information to the guard? No reason for yourself to get involved." She paused, a grin forming. "...I also know some people who could clean it up quite...nicely."

“You misunderstand our intentions madam,” Mirt glanced at the looming buildings as they approached a polished iron gate seperating the various businesses from the dozens of warehouses lining the area. “I am here to shut down a piece of it,” Hooking his thumbat Anyon trailing behind, the lithe woman had already begun various short stretches as a predatory grin spread upon her face. “She is here to teach these men manners,” His index finger came to rest pointing idly at Mie, the two of them standing side by side, “And you are here to swindel every fat gambler with a purse of their coin, take everything of value you can carry, and get these greedy pigs to bet against Anyon. By the time they get wise we will be long gone with their fortunes.”

It was a simple enough plan on paper but the process would be straining and Mirt, his homeland rife with gambling on a warriors prowess, was no stranger to the subtle art of raising someones expectations about a fighter before blindsiding them when the coins were stacked well out of his favor.

Though he had never participated in the gambling part. Mirt had often been the fighter being wagered on.

Larchmond private warehouse, building C - Anyon / Mirt / Mie

Like most every building, the warehouse in question looked pointedly cheap. Run down disheveled. The bricks were crumbling and the paint was cracked or overrun with graffiti, its roof showed it had taken a beating from its dozens of years in the elements and looked close to collapse.

At its front gate was a single armed soldier in leather armor with a longsword on their belt, the handles grip was worn out from use. Their eyes roamed the newcomers top to bottom looking for weapons or hidden threats. Finding none or not fearing their use, the guard called for them to halt a respectful distance away with an upraised hand and a shout.

“Halt! Stand and state your business.” The mans hand casually rested on the hilt of the longsword. Likely it could be drawn in an instant.

Mirt, impersonating a haughty nobleman, merely gave an indignant shrug and a roll of his eyes, ushering his ‘servant’ to answer the question for him. Before they had approached, Mirt had given Anyon orders to stand behind him and let Mie act as his voice, passing the letter and giving the fox woman the passcode he had taken by force.

How greedy.

Mie couldn't say she didn't like their intentions. Take from the rich, line your own pockets. The whole 'teaching them manners' thing, was likely just an excuse. The fact they were being honest with their more human desires was amusing. Was she wrong? Perhaps, but that thought was neither here nor there. They had soon arrived at their destination. A single guard was the only thing standing between them and their destination.

Play time, ufufufu~

"How rude." Mie took a few steps closer to the guard in question. Half of deception was merely looking and acting the part, something she believed she was quite skilled at. "The fact you do not recognize one of Lord Larchmond's associates is disgraceful. I suppose I shouldn't expect anything else from the uneducated grunts. You're merely doing your job, afterall." A pause. The Fox coldly walked closer still. Didn't want to oversell it too much. Waving a hand dismissively, she gave the password."'Cattail'"

Suspicion turned to dust in the face of the thrown name. The pass code had been correctly stated and the guardsman, bowing to his superiors, stepped aside and blew a series of whistles that received a reply moments later from the other side of the massive doors.
Close to 10 feet tall and just as wide, the rusty metal doors slid open without a sound on well oiled tracks. Only enough for Mirt, Anyon, and the Fox Herald of his, to walk in single file before the doors closed behind them.

The difference from the exterior to its interior could not have been any more different. From the outside it seemed like a nearly dilapidated warehouse complete with a failing roof.
Inside was a an entirely new structure build within the failing ruins of its exterior. Polished walls, smooth stone floors, rows of stacked product neatly organized along sturdy shelves. Everything was hidden behind wooden crates so as to prevent thieves that managed to get in from identifying the more expensive items without wasting precious time. Often resulting in a swift capture.

The process of acquiring the goods was rather simple. Anyon was told to fetch a wagon and by the time she returned, the items required to be moved had been placed in a tidy stack near the front doors, arranged to be loaded so that the heaviest items were on the bottom and fragile or foodstuffs on the top.
A route had been pitched to avoid scrutinization and within the hour the three were leading a relatively large pile of goods across the smooth stone paths into the city.

The poorer side of the city, far to the outer ring.

Mirt, for all his bluster, couldn't hide his unease and had quietly conversed with Anyon before stepping aside to speak with Mie.

“We picked out some clothing from the warehouse while the others were loading cargo. While in this gamblers ring it is important that you distance yourself from us. A brothel lends their services as eye candy and hostesses during fights, and are treated as all but invisible. Can you sacrifice your dignity to go where we can't?”

There was an unflattering uniform server girls wore but he left that out for now.

"Oh..." Mie smirked upon hearing talk of dignity and brothels. "How lascivious. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you simply wanted to see me in a revealing outfit yourself." She mused, her grin never fading. "But dignity is a funny thing, foolish monk. It varies from person to person, and suffice to say I am unafraid of flaunting my good looks."

Mirt blushed a little out of embarassment. There had indeed been some improper thoughts towards the fox girls looks, and his own eagerness towards seeing the beautiful specimen in something more revealing, but his own pride concerning the Headmistress' request of aid had him constantly checking his own temptations. "I can assure you such was not the case." The lie of it was plain as day across his face.
To his right, Anyon gave a dry and exasperated sigh before chiming in, "I don't have to wear that piece of string do I?"

In the distance, their destination loomed. A clustered gaggle of run down homes. Below their roofs lay a network of tunnels few but the privileged knew of.


Hirasawa, Adrian

Nicknames: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Birthday: (08/09)
Height: inconsistent
Weight: inconsistent
Nationality: Japanese

Appearance: Due to the nature of his powers the actual appearance he takes is never consistent for longer than a few days, as his body can be altered at whim and given animal/insect features or shrink/grow. Everything from the tip of his hair to the bottom of his feet is within his capability to alter. The only consistency is his eyes, sporting a harmonious rainbow of colors that shift out of his control. Decorations and adornments of any kind often hang from his strange choice of head attire.

Personality: Often lax and unconcerned where his own well being is concerned but overprotective of his little sister, Adrian is about as relaxed the rest of the time as a person could really be. Stressful situations do nothing to hinder his genuine good cheer and optimism but does have a tendency to come off as uncaring or cold despite his disposition, often making light of tragedy with an ill-timed joke or comment.

Has a bad habit of becoming an insect-humanoid and haunting his own home. Specifically his sister and her friends, especially the male friends.

Biography: With his powers having blossomed at a young age, Adrians skill with his transformations has been rapidly growing in ease and speed over the years. At the age of 15 he could actively control transformations both minor and major with barely any concentration at all, often performing small mutations without meaning to. It was due to these rapid mutations that he developed a habit of merely roleplaying as whatever he had subconsciously given himself parts of. Most of the time it was insect wings or a chitenous exoskeleton commonly found on insects, sometimes a rams horns or even just a long tail. Tailoring his clothes to his rapid transformations was often a chore but it was a skill he learned due to necessity.

Adrians powers aside, his habits in school was labelled a distraction and the powers only made it worse as children referred to him as something of a class clown. Forced into isolation to continue his studies it was clear the boy possessed a strong mind and excelled in structured, but lonely, environments. Teachers were worried about it making Adrian a loner or pick up poor communication skills with other children but those fears were short-lived. Outside of a classroom he was a total social butterfly.

Sometimes a literal butterfly.

School: Center of Biology
Grade: 2nd year student
  • Exceptional Athlete
  • Cooks for himself and his little sister when parents are out of town. Has taken multiple cooking classes during highschool. Excels at breakfast foods.
  • Seamstress - The nature of his powers made it a necessity. Adrians wardrobe has been manipulated or resewn depending on what 'form' he chooses to take or animal/insect parts to grow. Does all the modifications himself and has dabbled in making his own clothes.

Faction(s): None

Ability name: R.B.A - Rapid Body Alteration
Level: 4
Premise: Creatures can adapt over the course of hundreds of years and subsequent alterations or unexpected mutations to their genetic code that can hinder or help the species adapt to their surroundings.
Description: Kai is capable of altering his physical form and taking on aspects of different animals, insects, birds, or aquatic life at will. Some alterations take longer than others with multiple alterations making his body extremely weak. Overusage reverts his alterations back to a regular human form but is extremely painful as the body forcibly detaches grown limbs/features at a microscipic scale.
This process was described bluntly as "the single most painful experience you can have".

Body mutations or alterations are rarely as profound as a natural bred animals would be.
Example would be giving himself a spiders ability to spin webs. Even with proper alteration the string would be castly inferior to a real spiders.
Example 2 would be giving himself gills. Unlike the previous, the process would be quick and efficient. The nature of the alteration being relatively uncomplicated in comparison to creating poison sacks or other such specially bred defensive mechanisms.
Makin a cs. Im bringin the big tiddy goth girl.
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