Avatar of Zerofighter


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Name: David Markova
Powers: SUperhuman abilities, flight, control over his blood(can use it to make weapons, like swords, shield, axe bades etc) however usng his blood will hurrt him more. He also turns ino a werewolf if his hunger for blood increases, or if the fullmoon is out
Species: Vampire half werewolf
Relationship:No family
Personality:Kind, quiet, shy, quick thinking,willing to put others over himself
Other:Despises the woman who made him a vampire, wont reveal what she did and how she made him a werepire.
is this still open?
Frost screamed and his body changed to his 1 form. "Damn.....I still cant go past this for yet. If I wan to be stronger...I have to achieve past this form." Frost knew he couldnt transform right now. He wasnt ready. Even if he tried, the ammount of Ki it would burn through would be to much. For now he would have to train with this form. Frost began thinking, but thought to himself *Dusk...were grew up like brother. We couldve ruled the universe with a iron fist. And yu betrayed me!*

Mizune nods following Dusk. Listening to his story. "HUh? That sucks. Family reunions must be awkward.." She joked with a small laugh. SHe then saw everyone's looks. "Yea...bad time for jokes." SHe turned to Frost "So how is this training going to go down." Mizune asked looking around the ship. She heard the robots attacking and said "We have to stop them!"
I think we can, I met this guy earlier, and he didnt seem." Mizune said turning to Shen with a small smile, She then turned to Dusk and rose a eyebrow. "Well can you tell us what were going up against. I mean if Im being drafted, I would like to know why." She then turned to the troop. "No armor for me. This weighted armor is enough. thanks though."
Mizune looked seeing Dusk. "Hey! Youre that Dusk guy! Nie to see you again." She rose a eyebrow and asked "Why are you bringing youre men here?" She looked at Shen. "Thats awesome. I wan to train to. i love training. Im a sayain after all. No one trains better then us Sayains." Mizune then turned to Soi. "Umm...sorry for the outburst I ha earlier...

Frost looked at the direction of where the power levels were. To many for him to challenge alone. He needed to train. Train and master his transformations. "I need to train my power...If I want to prove I am the strongest in the universe. I need to master my forms." Frost walked into the training chamber and told the scientist. "Activate the shields. Max power.." Frost let out a deep breath and began powering up. The Ship began shaking as he began changing. "I...will master this form!"
Mizune eyes were white. It looked like any moment she was going to kill them all. She looked at SHen in the eyes. A energy ball formed in her hands. She looked as if she was going to blast him. Then she saw her mothers body and relaxed. Her expression changed. THe anger was now gone. She sighed and panted. "Wh-what just happened here?" Her movement was shakey, her body still getting use to the ammount of power she just released. "Did we win?" She fell over on the tower. "Is anyone else hungry at the moment?"

Frost jumped seeing the hand. "You dare lay a hand on me! The true emperor of this universe! Yes I know very well whose power that is. The scientist on my ship tells me it belongs to that monkey girl." A troop came to Frost panting. "My lord! We found him! He is heading to some lookout!"
Frost cursed "We cant go there. I could handle that traitorous bastard, alone. But all those people there. I would get beaten. I need to train. More. My family has a problem....we use to much energy then I can make." Frost slammed his hand to a boulder and turned to the man who touched him "But by the tone of your voice, it seems like we may have a common enemy."
Oh my bad lol
I used this character for another DBZ rp, and i had her mom's name as Grail XD
Grail cursed as her attack missed. "Bastard! Why do you keep running? What scared of fighting a sayain woman?!" She asked, looking areound for the guy, but then she froze hearing a scream. It was one she knew well. "Mom...."
She froze eeing the robot grab her. "Dont you hurt her!!" She screamed at the robot.
Grail struggled, but froze as the force of the robot knocked her out.
Mizune froze taking in the shock at the sight. "you....you bastard!" She screamed out, her power level rising far. The lookout building shook. Her eyes were blank white.

Frost was heading back to his ship, but froze sensing a large power. "W-what....what power is?" Frost growled, making a tight fist. Slamming it to the large boulder. "Dammit! Im lord Frost. Ruler of the Frost Demon Empire! I cant let my power be beaten by this trash!"
I dont know
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