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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

While Shu was definitely concerned that he had brought in some weird thoughts into Takeshi’s head, he tried to think nothing of it and just hoped Takeshi was just a little too hungry to think straight. Waving around a little as he waited for the food, he slowly moved towards Takeshi, smiling up at him, “How do people normally remember a lot of things? I don’t need to remember a lot of things, I just get told stuff and I remember because I’m doing the stuff when I am asked”, he smiled, tilting his head a little, “I just eat food! I never did all those things when I was in the jungle because I just ate things. I never made fire before!” There was always going to be the usual strangeness coming from Takeshi’s world, just as many as Takeshi could see in his, but he was fairly open to hearing about everything Takeshi could tell him and he was happy to listen. Giggling a little, he let out a sigh before looking up at Takeshi, tilting his head a little, “Ooh? Goofy? I thought I was goofy”, he spoke, trying to think about how it might transfer to other people, “Why is it a bad thing? She’s happy and that’s good, I mean…not everyone’s been happy lately, so it’s good! I’ve not seen the other one around much, though”.

Viral didn’t like walking around like this, his eyes staring up at Vegeta every so often as if reminding himself that he was still there and still mocking him. He preferred being up high and not down low like this, even if him walking on all fours he didn’t come much lower than Vegeta’s chest when walking. If Vegeta put a collar on him for acting up then he would be completely done with this, however. Looking up at Vegeta, he grumbled lowly and shook his head, “I’d just throw you at the nearest scientist, get them to give you artificial limbs and be done with you!” he huffed, looking down to his paws, “Stabbing me in the head will put me out of my misery! This may be all fascinating to you…but I have very serious conflicts about this…” He didn’t think he could be as happy about it as Vegeta obviously was, but if this was his idea of control then he better have some clothes ready for him when he changed back, whenever that was. Groaning a little, he lowered his head as he walked, “Look at myself? I’m big and furry, I still hurt after that session too, but I don’t know how I’d do in battle where it really matters”.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"If you repeat things a lot it can help you remember. It's like most of what I was taught by Master Xing, we went over things until I knew them, plain and simple. Other stuff, like flying, is sort of... Muscle memory. You know, like riding a bike, you never forget." A quick look at Shu and Takeshi was reminded that phrase was probably well beyond his brother. Darn, and that was pretty much the only clever one he knew too. "If you want to learn how to make a fire then I can teach you. It's really easy, especially if we cheat and use Ki. Even without it though it's quick and simple." There wasn't a whole lot of reason to teach Shu how to prepare a fire anymore. They didn't really spend a lot of time out in the wilderness and he wasn't living in the jungle, so there was no reason there to know how to do it. They didn't have a fireplace at his house, so it would kind of be a waste. In perhaps the mother of all transitions Takeshi went from talking about food with Shu to his opinion on Yumi and Choi. Shrugging his shoulders at Shu's rebuttal the older boy placed his hands in his lap, looking down at them with a frown. "Yeah, they're happy, but they're never around for us anymore. I mean Choi I don't really care about, but we've seen Yumi all of... Twice since getting on here? And that was what, to eat? And then once or twice on Earth. We used to hang around with her all the time and now she's doing something else, doesn't that bother you at all?" Maybe it was a little selfish, but Takeshi wanted his friends around. "I don't know what Kai has been doing either... Maybe we should find him."

Vegeta smiled thoughtfully at Viral, quite enjoying his rebuttals more than he probably should. "You've really thought mauling me over haven't you? I don't know if I should be surprised or worried." He knew after all the threats were purely out of frustration, Viral wouldn't do anything to him. He also knew should anything ever happen to himself the Beastman would lay on him heavily in the same way he was now. "Stabbing you in the head would not only ruin everything we're working towards, but it would mean possibly killing a friend. I'm not capable of that, no matter what my bout of anger might have suggested. You should know that." Save perhaps for their newest addition there wasn't a single person on this ship who in good conscience could 'put Viral out of his misery.' If he wanted that for himself then unfortunately he'd have to go without, because no one would give him that. "If you want to find out how you'd do in a battle we can always look for someone? I'd fight again but we already had our go of it, and it might as well be against someone different. That is provided you're willing to try fighting."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was certainly curious over everything Takeshi had to say, especially over what he was describing. He had never thought about any of those things, nor did he know what riding a bike was, “Oooh? What’s riding a bike…? Can I do that?” he asked curiously, staring at him thoughtfully. Takeshi sure did go on about a bunch of strange stuff, especially when he seemed to think that he was just getting the hang of being a part of Takeshi’s world. There was just so many things that he still didn’t know, all of them sounding equally as important to know as the rest. Giving Takeshi all of his attention, he stared in wonderment at the thought of going to learn how to make something that was downright dangerous in his old home but made tasty food, “You will? And it will be okay…? I’d like that!” Feeling all excited, he didn’t think all that much when Takeshi started questioning Yumi’s and Choi’s friendship, tilting his head a little as he tried to think about it, “She’s happy though, and he’s happy…but I do miss her too”, he sighed, scratching his chest, “I think his brother would be lonely because I would be lonely too if you went away! I was lonely when you went away before. I’ve only seen you since being on the ship this much”.

Viral had problems with accepting himself before and this was just even worse, especially with all this teasing. He was having a hard enough time preventing himself from getting aggressive and now he was made to walk like an animal while trying to prevent all these urges from getting the better of him. It was really hard and the embarrassment was high, but there was no other way to go about it and all he had to do now was be able to meet someone without trying to kill them. With his ears drooping low, he looked up at Vegeta before grunting, shaking his head a little, “I want to maul you every second you’re around me! But I’m not going to…but it’s still hard”, he growled lowly, letting out a sigh, “’Possibly’? I was hoping for a ‘definitely’. I feel like a pet…” Feeling a little fed up with himself, he grumbled and growled away to himself before looking up at Vegeta, frowning a little, “I’ll probably kill them. Incase you didn’t notice I have claws and not fists! I can barely ball it up into one! I would be better fighting dinosaurs…or demons…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"We can teach you to ride a bike if you want to, it shouldn't be too hard. Only I've never done it, so... I don't know who's going to teach you." Takeshi had never ridden a bike before, he never wanted to either. He couldn't drive for that matter, for the same reason. Yumi or Vegeta probably knew how to do it, and if not they were kind of out of luck. "I know they're happy and all, but still... It's just weird I guess, her not being around, you know?" They could always ask to do something later, if she was free. It was selfish wanting to keep Yumi around and he knew it, but he was a bit worried about making her angry if they tried pulling them apart too. Relationship stuff was just stupid. Peering through the glass of the oven a bit impatiently Takeshi sighed, resting his elbows on his knees and his chin on his hands. "Maybe we should go ask Kai if he wants to do something? I do kinda feel bad if he's been all alone this whole time. Even worse if he's stuck with Kabocha."

"So I assume my taunting isn't helping your case at all? I suppose it's pointless now anyways, it's clear you're in control of yourself." It was agitating Viral, but not angering him to the point of losing control. Smiling apologetically Vegeta folded his hands behind his back, looking the Beastman over curiously for a moment. In all his momentary excitement there had been one rather large oversight; Getting Viral back to normal was going to be troublesome. They had a decent idea how to initiate the change, but reversing it was another matter altogether. "We're short of demons and dinosaurs unfortunately, I don't think we'll be fighting those any time soon either... But what about Saiyans? Shu and Takeshi would probably be more than happy to spar. We can always ask them to help, or better yet..." he paused, smirking seeing a familiar face at the end of the hall. "We can have the new kid fight with you. I don't know how strong he is, but it'll be good practice either way, don't you agree?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu certainly felt confused, feeling a little happy that Takeshi was offering to give him some help when it came to riding a bike, but he still didn’t know what else there was to this whole riding a bike thing nor did he know what a bike was. He really did enjoy learning new things, but he had no idea what most things were that were normal in Takeshi’s world, “Ooh! Yeah! I don’t know what that is, but I want to learn sometime!” he spoke up, bouncing a little on his toes. He barely knew what he had to be excited for when he had no idea what it even was, but any activity with his brother was a nice activity and it kept him from feeling too lonely. Not feeling too sure to how he was supposed to react to Yumi not being around much, he let out a sigh and pressed his fingers together, “I guess so, I do miss her sometimes”, he frowned, looking up at Takeshi, “What if we asked if she wanted to hang out with us again? Mister Viral must be missing her being around too”. Letting out a sigh, he lowered his head a little before looking back to Takeshi, giving a little smile, “That would be nice, but we got to cook food too! If we leave it might burn and that would be a bad thing, but being alone is a bad thing too…”

Viral growled lowly, shaking his head, “Maybe just now…but I don’t know about later…” he grumbled, feeling uneasy, “I’ve never felt so much pressure to be in one state of mind…” It really was difficult, especially when this form had come out because of pain and aggression so feeling nothing but that made it hard to concentrate. Just because he changed form didn’t mean he still wasn’t feeling the pain from battle, his big difference right now being it was all spread out and distributed across his body rather than being in focused areas. He wanted relief from it, it was making him angry, but he probably wasn’t going to find that relief and would have to instead figure out what he was supposed to do while in this form. Feeling oddly trapped, he slowly moved with Vegeta, giving him a glance before looking down the hall as well. It was that kid, the freeloader who saw him in the middle of his change. He didn’t know how he felt about fighting that kid, especially with a good set on claws. Slowly moving behind Vegeta, he growled lowly and crouched down, “I’d kill him…and he smells of meat still…he even smells like the bug-kid and fruit…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

There was yet another thing to add to Shu's 'List of things to learn'. At this point Takeshi couldn't even remember everything he had told his brother he'd show him, there was just too much. Really at this point it would probably be easier just to go into the city and let him learn himself. Shu could observe and they could answer questions as they came, that seemed the simplest way. The little Saiyan became fairly bummed out as Yumi was brought up, Takeshi didn't think his brother missed her too. Hm, well it wasn't as if she was really gone, they could go see her now if they really wanted to. Granted they might be interrupting something but she wouldn't mind would she? While she and Choi had one another there was another matter altogether; Choi's twin brother Kai was all alone. He could be with his father, sure, but was that really any good? Saiyans weren't usually very close to their parents, so it was a little unlikely if they were doing anything. "Yeah... It would suck if the food burned, wouldn't it?" Takeshi pondered for a moment before a small smile crept across his lips. Striking his own hand with a fist he gave a soft 'Aha!', looking at Shu knowingly. "We'll finish cooking, then take the food and go see him! We can find out if my cooking is any good then too!"

"For something so difficult though you're doing an excellent job of keeping yourself composed. If I didn't know any better I'd almost think you weren't having any trouble at all." Vegeta supposed the true test of his competence would be putting Viral around others and seeing how he handled himself. Thus far he had been lucky, the Beastman had struck out at him maybe all of once, and that was in a passing, split second moment too. It was hard to tell if Viral had truly stopped himself or had subconsciously recognized who Vegeta was, they had to find out. Doing so put the volunteer in danger of course, he recognized the risk and knew it would be tricky. They could circumvent all of that, however, if they found someone who didn't have much of a choice. Someone, for instance, like the latest addition to their group. That troublesome Saiyan kid was wandering around just in front of them, goodness knows where he was going. Hm, maybe he'd be the ideal subject for them. "Hm? You think you'd kill him...?" Vegeta mused, tearing his eyes from Haku to look at Viral. "I disagree. You seem plenty aware of yourself, I think you could hold back. Besides, even if you tried I'm here to restrain you, so there's no real immediate danger to him. Bothersome as he may be I won't let him be injured... Too badly." Putting it bluntly the Saiyan was a coward, so getting a cut or two might do him some good. "Hey, kid! Wait right there!"

After lugging around all sorts of food the only thing Haku wanted to do was shower and get a change of clothes. Maybe after that he could get some food and, well who knows after that. If nothing else he could explore the ship a little, just get a better idea of what it was like. Never did he imagine he'd be on one of these ships, even if it was technically not a Saiyan ship anymore. It would be interesting to see how the king's more favored soldiers lived for once. It would be sort of hard to get anything done right now, by the sounds of it he was being called again. Immediately placing the voice as being Vegeta he continued to try to walk away as if he hadn't heard, hoping that it would be let go. A second and third call told him he wasn't getting out of this one, so reluctantly he stopped in his tracks and turned around, eyes widening seeing Viral first and foremost. Not realizing who it was immediately Haku yelped slightly, holding out a hand and gathering Ki, aiming it at the Beastman uneasily. "W-Who the hell is t-that?! What do you w-want now?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu had a lot to learn about the world and did hope he could learn as much as he could, but it was certainly pretty difficult when he was often travelling and away from those things. It would be nice if he could have some time with Takeshi or the others and learning how things worked and what was normal to all these people, just so he knew what he was supposed to know and whether it was good knowing it in the first place. Letting out a sigh, he slowly lowered his head and slowly rubbed his neck upon the thought of Yumi. He would like a hug from her sometime, feeling as if he was missing them now that she was always busy. Looking up to Takeshi, he frowned a little as he nodded before giving a smile when Takeshi seemed to get an idea, tilting his head, “Ooh? Okay! How much longer do you think it will take now? Poor Kai all alone and maybe by himself…he might like some food too if it’s cooked properly! How does it look?”

Viral really didn’t know if he could do this and would rather he had something artificial to hit around, even something that was prey possibly. He didn’t know how he would handle fighting someone on this ship, the thought itself was a worrying one when he could easily lose control and end up in a worse condition than he was already. The thought of attacking the kid would probably set him on the bad list for everyone since it’d mean dragging around a corpse if he killed the kid. Growling a little, he looked to Vegeta, “Who says you’ll be able to restrain me?” he questioned him, watching as he moved to get a hold of the kid. This was just going to turn out bad and he knew it. Reluctantly following after Vegeta, he looked to the kid when he yelped and threatened him with an attack, growling lowly as he slowly stood up, “I am Viral and you’re going to fight me!” he growled, raising his claws, “I won’t kill you, but I need practice and you’re the closest Saiyan who isn’t the medic here…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"It shouldn't take very long at all, I don't think. Heck, it's probably even done by now." It had been cooking for a good few minutes after all, and they were relatively thin steaks so they should be quick. Sliding off of the counter Takeshi went to the oven, pulling it open and poking his head into it. Cringing slightly from the heat he prodded at one of the steaks carefully, smiling as it felt cooked through at least. "I think they're done! Time to eat!" Pulling himself out of the oven he grabbed a cloth to handle the pan, fishing it out and setting it on top of the stove. From there he searched around a bit and grabbed a platter, one by one taking the steaks and placing them all on it. Sniffing at the steaks he smiled, giving Shu a thumbs up, "They smell awesome, I hope they taste half as good. Now let's go find where Kai is." He could be in his room, with his father or somewhere else entirely. It was a pretty large ship after all, he could be more or less anywhere. "You've got a good sense of smell, don't you? Sniff out Kai or something, I don't have any idea where he is."

First the Kaesstrian and now this, sigh... So much for getting a break. Vegeta was really keen on having him do all sorts of things today apparently, and this time it wasn't delivering food. Looking at Viral uneasily Haku watched as the Beastman stood upright, amazed at how big he was. At least he could sort of place what Viral was, he looked like one of those large cats they had on Earth. Sort of anyways, he was certainly different. "Y-You want me to fight you...? As in... R-Right now...?" Ooooh.... This wasn't going to be fun at all, was it? Just the size disparity alone was enough to make Haku extremely nervous, never mind what kind of strength he might have at his disposal. Swallowing nervously he gave Vegeta a silent look as if pleading to get out of this. When it didn't seem as though he was going to be allowed to back out of it the young Saiyan raised his fists halfheartedly, shaking ever so slightly as his eyes held Viral's massive form. "F-Fine... I'll fight you... B-Bring it on..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu watched Takeshi curiously, staring at him as he delved deep into the oven and pulled out the food. It was awfully exciting to see the food coming out of that thing and see it all cooked and looking nice. Bouncing around Takeshi, he moved back a little and smiled happily at him, feeling all excited and hungry, “Oooh! Yeah! I hope he’s somewhere close by”, he sighed, looking to the door. He wasn’t sure where Kai might be, he’d probably be somewhere and somewhat knew he was, it was just a matter of seeing if he was there and feeling sad and eating between the two of them if he wasn’t there. Tilting his head, he looked to the exit and frowned, “I don’t really know what he smells like, but won’t he be in his room if we haven’t found him yet?” he asked, looking back to him, “I mean, if he’s not here and if he’s not with his brother then wouldn’t he be there…?”

Viral probably should feel bad for having to beat up this kid just to show he could maintain control, but however he was supposed to hold back his claws he had no idea. It was an awfully big risk to both him and the kid since if he became too dangerous Vegeta would have to do something about it whether he liked it or not. Staring down at the kid, the scent of raw meat was not lost on him and only furthered the urge to slice him open. This would definitely be interesting if the kid accepted the request, he sneered at him, “Hmph! I thought the Saiyan race were natural-born warriors…” The kid was such a coward for no reason; it’s not like there was any worry to what the afterlife might hold for him if he did die. Staring at him, he moved unsteadily towards him as the kid tried to find a way out of it before finally accepting the challenge, “’Bring it on’…? Fight me with honour! I need the practice!” he growled before lowering down to all fours again and simply trying to pounce and bat him with a backhand, “My form should be treated no differently to any other opponent!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"He shouldn't be too hard to find really. I mean think about it, if he's not with Choi then he's probably with his dad, and if not there then in his room. So that makes... What? Two places?" Plus there was the intercom system on the ship, so worst case scenario they could use that to find where Kai was. With the platter in hand Takeshi led the way out of the kitchen... And more or less stopped outside the mess hall. not too sure where they should even begin to look. Perhaps Shu's nose could help them, he was a bit of a wild boy after all, surely his sense of smell could lend them a hand. Or... Maybe not. "I don't know if he's in there, he might be. I can't think of where else he might be if not there." Wandering around, maybe, though even then Takeshi couldn't imagine why Kai would be doing that. The twins' room was a bit further than everyone else's, so it'd take them a moment to reach it. Nodding his head for his brother to follow he started on their way, resisting the urge to try a piece of his cooking. "I really want to know how this turned out, I'm starving!" Takeshi whined, glancing down at the still steaming slices of meats. "They smell really good... I hope they taste as good as they smell."

Haku was meek, he knew that and didn't tend to do much about it. But he did have a bit of pride too, even if he was usually too hesitant to defend it. The bold, cocky kid that T'charrl had seen the day before was a rare moment of overconfidence. Now that he was made aware of how strong everyone was that arrogance kind of was gone. It was a delicate balance between wanting to save his skin and saving face, and right now the latter was winning out. "W-We are warriors! And don't think I'm weak!" he retorted, frowning. "I'm just n-nervous is all, I'll fight you!" What was this honor crap Viral was going on about? It was a spar, what did honor have to do with anything? Jumping at the Beastman's growl and again when he was abruptly attacked. Gasping at the pounce Haku jumped away to avoid it, still having to block due to Viral's long reach. Catching the paw with some effort he began running on instinct alone, letting his training take over. Attempting to pull Viral in after grabbing his arm the kid tried to punch him wherever he could reach, not holding him but trying to deliver as many blows as he could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu tilted his head a little, scratching his chest as he thought about all the different places he could be. They would probably be best looking in his bedroom since that shouldn’t be too far away and he didn’t want the food to get too cold. Shu followed on after Takeshi, looking back at the kitchen to make sure nothing was left unnoticed before they were off. Going out into the corridor he did give a look around, wondering if he should try and sniff him out like Takeshi suggested. Looking around slowly, he sniffed around before shaking his head, sniffling a little, “Ooh! I don’t think I can find him myself…there’s so many smells around”, he frowned, following after Takeshi, “The food does smell really good…I hope he likes it too! I mean, I hope he’s happy enough to like it since he’s without his brother…ooh, do you think they can tell what each of them is doing? Cause they’re the same…I think. They look the same! How do you get that…?”

Viral was going pretty easy on him, feeling hesitant when he could easily kill the kid if he was this weak. He was well aware what his own strength was and the kid was nothing compared to him. Going in for the attack, he pounced but missed and immediately decided on a backhand. The kid sure was jumpy and it was annoying him, finding it a little difficult to deal with when he just wanted to fight. Growling when he caught his paw, he gave him a glaring at when the kid pulled at him only to try and punch him as well. His arms were long and all the kid could reach was his arm when he pulled back before using a bit of momentum to propel forward and try to smack him one with his paw again before standing up, kicking out with a strong knee, “Hit me with your best shot!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Takeshi had been joking about Shu sniffing out their friend. He wasn't a bloodhound, and there was so much stuff on this ship anyways he doubted even a dog could pick up Kai. Props to the little guy for even trying though, he was willing to try if nothing else. "It's fine, he's probably just in his room, not like we need to go far then. And if not, hey, we'll call him." All they needed to do was find a panel and use the intercom, easy enough. Vegeta had shown everyone how to use it in the event of an emergency, and while this wasn't exactly an emergency... Eh, it kind of was. Food was pretty important, that could qualify as an emergency. Looking at Shu before shrugging his shoulders Takeshi smiled slightly, "How would I know? Maybe they can, maybe there's some weird twin thing they can do. They've always been able to fight and do things without talking, so something has to be up." Hm, and more than once Takeshi had wondered if he and Shu could do something like that. Sure they weren't twins but they were brothers, just like Kai and Choi, maybe that was all they needed. "You're asking the wrong guy that, I have no idea," he added, shrugging his shoulders. "That's like asking why we look so different even though we're brothers. I don't even know which way is right. Are we supposed to look different, or the same like them? It's real confusing..."

So this wasn't a one sided battle, not at all. Haku came up maybe to Viral's waist, perhaps a little higher. To top that off he was twice as bulky to boot, and probably stronger just in general. The fact that Vegeta was prompting him to do this was just beyond stupid, but he didn't exactly have an excuse to get out. At first the Saiyan was pretty determined to just evade and not be hit, really not wanting to find out what one of those blows felt like. Avoiding being pounced on and blocking a sweeping paw he tried to retaliate with some punches, only managing to hit Viral's arm. In a quick motion for his size the Beastman backed off before coming back in, this time successfully striking Haku down. He hadn't even hit the ground when the knee connected to his side, knocking him away and to the floor. Groaning painfully the Saiyan got to his feet, really not too enthusiastic about this right now. "T-This whole fight is stupid... I hope you k-know that..." he grumbled, taking his hand from his side. Really not knowing how to approach this he dashed right on in, and when he got close enough he darted around Viral, stopping hard on one foot before lunging back, trying to drive an elbow into his back to unbalance him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was definitely a little confused when it came to trying to understand twins, especially when he had never encountered them before. He didn’t know if one felt lost without the other or how they communicated so well, they might even be the same person in two bodies for all he knew; however, he did know that they had very different personalities and didn’t act the same way. If he and Takeshi were like that then he would definitely feel more than confused because he wouldn’t know whether he is himself or Takeshi. Trying to shake off the confusion, he frowned as he looked up to Takeshi, tilting his head slightly as he too questioned the twins, “Ooh? Weird twin thing? Maybe…” he sighed, scratching his chest, “Don’t we look different because I’m younger? Did you look like me when I was your age…? What do I look like? Do I look like you? I don’t really know what I look like”.

Viral could easily beat the kid in battle; it was almost an insult to put him up against this guy as practice. His attack was pretty solid, managing to hit the kid away with his knee as if he was a ball. Growling lowly, he stared at Haku and slowly stepped forward and hissed at him as he instead started to mock this little training session. It was such arrogance to think of such a thing, that it was all stupid. Insulted and angered, he raised his paws as he watched the kid make a dash straight back into battle. Throwing down his paw, he missed the kid by just a little bit who immediately went behind him, ramming an elbow into his back. That one sent a pretty good tingle up his back, sending him on alert as he immediately spun around, trying to grab hold of the kid in an attempt to pin him down with an angry snarl his claws coming pretty close to Haku as he was soon finding Haku’s smell to be slightly overwhelming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The deal with Kai and Choi wasn't something Takeshi could even attempt to tackle. They almost knew what one another was thinking by the looks of it, he'd seen them fight without even batting an eye at one another. While they were visiting Kai they really ought to ask, to get some idea of how he did that. If it was a unique thing to them then that was a shame, but otherwise Takeshi would love how to do it himself. If he and Shu could communicate like that then they'd make a really powerful pair. The slew of questions from the little guy gave his brother a moment for pause, sighing softly and shaking his head with an exasperated smile. "We look nothing alike Shu, most people don't even knew we're brothers usually. I mean look at us," he began, reaching out and grabbing a bit of his sibling's hair. "Your hair is red, mine is black. Your eyes are green, mine are brown. I'm tall, you're short. We're definitely not twins, and aside from both being Saiyans we don't look all that similar at all." If it wasn't for the fact everyone they'd battled had called them siblings then he and Shu probably never would have known to begin with. Smiling a bit Takeshi patted Shu's shoulder, "Even if we don't look alike we're still brothers, right? It doesn't matter whether we look the same, we had the same parents, so that's what counts."

Haku was being swatted around like a plaything and there wasn't much he could do about it. Viral hit pretty darn hard, and the soft, padded paws did little to alleviate the strikes. After tumbling to the ground he summed up just enough courage to go in for a counterattack, dashing headlong towards the Beastman. Rather than take him head on the Saiyan dashed around him, promptly leaping back into his opponent and driving an elbow into his back. Landing flat on his feet Haku smiled proudly, rather pleased he'd managed to land a good solid hit. That smile didn't last too long, rather quickly turning into a look of worry when Vital turned on him, snarling and not at all looking pleased. Gasping as he was promptly set upon he couldn't do anything to save himself from being pinned, the massive front paws holding his arms on the ground. Now this was really, REALLY not fun. Being snarled at and having those razor sharp claws awfully close to some vital spots was not at all exciting. Grunting as he tried to free his arms Haku lifted up his legs, kicking up with both at Viral's stomach to try and force him off, intending to run back afterwards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu never really thought about it before, nor did he really know what he looked like. He never looked at himself and he couldn’t really see what his face was like so he had no idea whether he was the same as his brother. He knew of some differences like his size for instance and what he could see from his hair, but everything else was a mystery. Bouncing a little, he smiled up at Takeshi before he looked down at himself curiously before letting out a squeak when he was grabbed at. Taking hold of Takeshi’s hand, he giggled away before feeling at his face, “They’re green? Ooh! I really am different!” he spoke, looking down at himself, “I’m still really hairy, though…and you’re not. Maybe that’s just because of Father, but I still feel different to other Saiyans”. Feeling a little sad, he sighed and looked back up at Takeshi, giving a little nod, “I guess so. I guess I should wonder what Mother looks like the most…umm, where is your friend’s room…?”

Viral was definitely becoming more aggressive in such a short time and could use quick reactions to attack Haku, his great size doing nothing to his speed. He was able to move quickly and easily managed to make a grab for the kid behind him, pinning him to the ground under his huge paws. Snarling at his prey, he eventually stopped to give Haku a quick sniff before moving to open his mouth as if to bite into him until suddenly a force pounded his stomach. Withdrawing with a grunt, he rubbed his stomach with both paws before he noticed Haku had in fact got to his feet and tried to make a run for it. Growling lowly, he bent forward as he dug his claws down before lunging forward, aiming to catch his prey with a heavy pounce.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"You are different t other Saiyans, because you're nothing like them," Takeshi retorted, smiling amused as Shu grabbed his hand. "You're your own person, that's why you feel different. You're night a mindless soldier like them, you know? So be glad you're different." This whole brother thing probably wouldn't work out were Shu remotely as nasty as their Father's men were. Takeshi would admit that he himself was no saint, he'd done plenty of bad things himself, but they were far and few between. Plus those weren't entirely his fault, when he got mad he just sort of... Lost it. Other than that neither of them were anything like the jerks they had fought, not by a long shot. "I bet Mother is really pretty, don't you think? And she's probably really nice too." She had to be, moms were supposed to be like that after all. Then again he had met plenty of Saiyan mothers that weren't exactly affectionate, some of them he had to fight during his training, they were scary ladies. But their mother was human, which probably meant she was nicer than that. "Kai's room...? It's really close, and he's your friend too." The twins' bedroom was in fact just at the end of this stretch of corridor, and finding the door unlocked but closed told them Kai was certainly inside. "Hey Kai! Open up will you?"

Haku had a fairly good idea of what he was getting into, expecting some typical sparring, nothing more. Pouncing on him and trying to eat him however did not fall even remotely in that range, and he wasn't going to have any of it. It only took one time to make him want to throw in the towel, very unsettled at the prospect of becoming a potential meal yet again. With both feet he kicked the Beastman away, quickly scrambling to his feet and trying to make a break for it. A heavy weight slammed into his back soon after he'd started off, being slammed to the ground again with a yelp. Now pressed on his front he had to turn his head to see what was happening, eyes widening in silent fright seeing the Beastman on top of him, fangs bared. Whimpering faintly Haku tried to pull himself free, not going anywhere under the Beastman's sizable form. Figuring he had to get out another way he raised a hand backwards, gathering Ki and preparing to blast him away. "G-Get off of me! Don't e-eat me!"

Damn it all, this was getting out of hand. So much for letting Viral handle himself, clearly he wasn't ready for this. The moment that Haku tried to blast the Beastman Vegeta had sprung into action, trying to put an end to things. Knocking the younger boy's hand away firstly he grabbed Viral by the shoulders, using Ki to push himself and his friend off of Haku, driving him a good bit back before pushing him into a wall. Frowning as he released the Beastman he glanced back at their youngest member, feeling slightly sympathetic as the kid curled into a ball and was visibly shaking a bit. Sighing somberly he turned his gaze back to Viral, shaking his head slowly in disappointment. "You had it... And then you lost it..." That more or less undid all of the progress they had just made in his mind, they had to start again. It had been a fluke, nothing more, Vegeta told himself. No way could tempering Viral's ferocity be that simple. "Viral, I order you to relax. I don't want to have to knock you out, I won't have you terrorizing everyone else on the ship, even that kid."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu gave Takeshi a little smile, feeling a little better but also a little confused; if he wasn’t like other Saiyans then that meant he wasn’t like Takeshi either, but he had to be like Takeshi since he was his brother. Looking to his hand, he tilted his head before looking back up at him, “Ooh! My own person! I am a Shu then?” he asked curiously, smiling. He didn’t get to meet many Saiyans even when he was on their home planet, his experience was mainly around other races who were scientists as well as sometimes the odd Elite or two. It was often pretty fuzzy, mainly because he was drugged up a lot, but he could still remember that experience. Letting out a sigh, he slowly tilted his head as he thought about their mother, still feeling a little indifferent to meeting her but pretty curious at the same time. She was an oddity to him and he wanted to know why he was left so far away from Takeshi. Looking around at the other doors as they passed, he looked to Takeshi as he called out for Kai, feeling a little curious as to whether he was even in his room. After a brief moment, there appeared to be nothing until the door finally opened.

Inside was a pretty dazed looking Kai as if he had just been woken up, he was even in clothes that would be worn for lazing around. He didn’t know why it had to be Takeshi to call on his door, he had hoped it was someone else when he had first been woken up but of course the tone of the voice had told him otherwise as he looked between the pair, “What…? Why are you here?” he questioned them, giving his eye a rub before noticing the food, “…Is this for me or are you just carrying your lunch around? Or whatever time of day it is…” Feeling a little suspicious of visitors, he slowly backed away from the door, leaving it open incase they really did want to visit him. He didn’t know why they were here or why they had brought food with him, but in the back of his mind he had a sneaky suspicion they wanted him to check to see if they had made food properly by themselves.

Viral didn’t let the kicks put him off and was immediately straight in for the attack, pouncing straight back on the kid with high intent to keep him there this time. Snarling toothily, he watched the kid struggle to break free from his hold like a wounded animal. Ignoring it for the most part, he opened his mouth and moved to grab Haku’s neck before there was a sudden force as his body was suddenly shoved off the kid, his shoulders forced back and away against the wall. Viral was left a little startled and dazed from the movement, growling lowly when Vegeta let him go and he was free to move again. Raising a paw, he moved to get it back onto the ground, slightly rolling to the side as he stared at Vegeta with fierce eyes. Growling lowly between breaths, his ears twitched as he slowly looked away, his breathing becoming more spaced out before he shook his head. Letting out a few coughing growls, he pawed at his face before shuffling a little away from Vegeta until he wasn’t growling anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

They might be Saiyans, but that didn't mean they were like Saiyans. Saiyans from Earth were inherently better, Takeshi was pretty sure of that by now, both in terms of strength and just being a good person. Giving Shu a smile he nodded his head, "You're not just a Shu, you're the Shu, the one and only," he replied, chuckling lightly. "Which thank the gods you are the only one. I don't know if I could look after two of you, much less three or four. And I doubt enough fruit exists in the universe to feed more than one of you." He was teasing, obviously, though multiple Shu's would certainly make things... Interesting. Kai's room as they came across it was sealed off but the door unlocked, so someone was probably in there. Taking a shot in the dark Takeshi simply yelled through it, wearing a smile as he waited for someone to come to the door. It didn't take long for Kai to answer their call, and he wasn't too enthused with their being here. Oops, maybe they had woken him up, though why the heck was he sleeping while everyone else was awake? "We're here to visit, that okay?" he asked, a little tease in his tone. Stepping inside as room was made for them Takeshi smiled at their friend, offering the food over. "Uh... For all of us, I figured. I cooked it but I have no idea how it'll taste. So... Want to be a guinea pig?"

Haku was done with this ship and this whole group. T'charrl had nearly eaten him now, twice, and now Viral was looking to attempt the same. He might have been at the bottom of the food chain with the Saiyans, but never as literally as this. Being left powerless in the position he was in the boy's only saving grace was when Vegeta at last intervened, forcing Viral away and off of him. It took Haku a moment to even react, much too frightened to move at first. Finally gathering his wits he curled up slightly, closing his eyes as he took breaths to calm down. Maybe he wasn't cut out for all of this, he could always be some sort of crew member and not have to fight. Only problem there was he had no skills, what was he supposed to do? This whole thing just sucked big time, he didn't want to be here anymore. Exhaling shakily he lifted his head up off the floor, glancing over to see Vegeta berating Viral. Were he not so uneasy right now Haku might actually enjoy seeing the Beastman getting told off. As it stood he was too focused on just keeping himself together.

"Viral, stand down, you're out of control," Vegeta said sternly, losing all amusement he'd had previously. No one, including this straggler was going to be put in danger by Viral, certainly not while he was under the Saiyan's care. They had to fix that, he had to overcome this addiction to food he had to maintain his power and sense of mind. Even as the Beastman moved and lifted a paw Vegeta kept where he was, more than ready to try and subdue Viral should he attempt to go for Haku again. Thankfully his agenda had changed by the looks of it, either that or what was being said had gotten through to him. Relaxing slightly as the situation was diffused he rubbed at his forehead exasperatedly, closing his eyes. "Even if you did have control, you lost if much too easily. We can't let you fight when you're liable to go wild on the drop of a hat," he remarked, watching Viral closely. "I think you're done training for the day. Let's get to your room and we'll work on changing you back, we don't need any more surprises today."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu was certainly pretty happy with being the only one of him, smiling up at Takeshi as he gave him that odd little bit of reassurance. He didn’t want someone else to be just like him so he was alright with that, but having a twin did sound a little interesting. Giggling, he bounced around Takeshi, giving him a smile, “I would eat all the fruit! I love fruit, except poisonous ones but I don’t eat them anyway”, he spoke quickly, giving a nod, “I am smart and know not to! Not many are smart and know not to”. With Kai finally opening the door he gave him a curious look, finding it strange that he was probably asleep. Everyone else was awake and active, but he was tired looking and weary. Giving him a little smile, he walked in with Takeshi, giving the food a quick look and nodded quickly, “Guinea pig! What’s a guinea pig…?”

Kai was a little curious but he was also a little startled by the fact that they were here with a plate of food when everyone else should had been up and awake. Moving around to let them in, he sighed and rubbed his head slowly, trying to wake himself up, “…You’ve never cared to visit me before”. In fact, Takeshi never cared about him or his brother and he and Kai knew that, but Choi was still determined to consider him a friend and a teammate because it was their first group since being drafted. Staring at him suspiciously, he looked down at the food before giving Takeshi a confused look, not really understanding what he was supposed to be, “Hmm yeah, whatever a guinea pig is, but I’m guessing an experiment?” he questioned him before taking the tray, “Well alright, I’m sure we’ll find somewhere for this”. Looking around his room, he sighed as he instead wandered to the middle of the room and sat down, placing the tray down in front of him, “Didn’t think anyone would want to see me, so I guess this is a surprise”.

Viral was struggling to combat against his aggression and ferocity, his mind quickly going back to an animalistic state during that battle. He may as well have been fighting a steak rather than an actual being. He had struggled to retain control again on Vegeta’s orders and easily showing he was weak-minded and unable to keep himself together. Finding it hard to pull back, he soon calmed down and managed to pull himself together. Taking a few deep breaths, he looked back to Vegeta slightly before growling, looking away from him and slowly pressing his paw into his chest. It shouldn’t be considered his fault, he didn’t mean to do any of that and he wasn’t the one who wanted to do it in the first place. Feeling bitter and confused, he looked away again and began his way down the corridor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Shu probably knew all there was to know about fruit, of that Takeshi was certain. He was also certain his brother would have no idea how to explain half of it, going about it in his usual peppy, strange way of putting things. Such was his charm, his older brother mused, it's why people adored him so much. "If we ever go to the jungle then you can show me what ones are good to eat," he replied, smiling, "Maybe we can visit the jungle you came from sometime and you can show me what you used to eat." Right as the words came out of his mouth Takeshi almost wanted to retract them. Being out in the jungle with Shu probably meant playing with all his little monkey friends, and crawling around in gods knew what. The jungle also played host to a number of bugs, all sorts of nasty things, none of which he wanted a part of. Shuddering at the very thought of it he promptly went to Kai's door, knocking on it and hoping he was in, wanting a change of subject. Thank goodness their friend came to the door, albeit it looked as though they had just woken him up.

"Hey Kai, just the man we were looking for!" Takeshi said, smiling as he held up the dish. Right away Kai wasn't looking overly enthused about this, questioning why they were here immediately. He supposed they were sort of here to have him test the food, but it was also just to give him some company. They normally didn't do anything together, at all. In fact while they were in a squad the two of them, Takeshi and Kai more or less avoided one another. That was neither here nor there though, Takeshi was going to try to be a little friendlier. Using the 'guinea pig' analogy to describe what was wanted the Prince frowned when both his brother and friend questioned it, looking between them before sighing softly. "It's... Ah, never mind, don't worry about it. Yeah I want you to test the food, I have no idea how it came out." Kind of a lame excuse to come by, he realized, though not entirely untrue. Seeing Kai take the tray and sit down in the middle of the room Takeshi stepped in a bit further, looking around curiously. His last comment really bit a little, making the Saiyan frown and look at the other boy sympathetically. Taking a seat on the other side of the tray he smiled slightly, motioning for Shu to join the,. "Nothing wrong with some friends dropping by, right? Unless you want to go back to sleep?"

If this devolved into a fight there was no telling how it might end. Vegeta had absolutely no desire to fight Viral right now, not in his state. Never mind what might happen physically, the repercussions afterwards would probably be worse. Being as firm as he could he demanded the Beastman back down, trying to diffuse this through words alone. For a moment it didn't seem like it would work, Viral was still on a feral high and was liable to lash out. Eventually his sensible side won out, and with a reserved growl he backed off. Vegeta allowed himself to take a breath of relief then, keeping a careful watch on Viral as he began to walk off. He should chase him, but... In good conscience he couldn't just leave Haku laying there as he was either. Sure the kid meant nothing to him personally, but Saiyan or not it was more a matter of principle than anything. Sighing softly he walked over to the Saiyan, leaning over to help him to his feet. There was a little pushing of hands as he was grabbed, but Haku calmed down when he realized who it was. "You're alright, relax." Vegeta said, looking back again to see Viral walking off still. Sheesh... Well this hadn't turned out as he had hoped.
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