Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hours after finishing off the vampire Hank would be back on the road. He has trouble getting over his kills, driving for hours, sometimes days would help distract him from how much doing what he did hurt. His funds were tight, though that will happen when you do a not so legal job on an unregulated rate.

Hank heard word from one of his buddies that some suspected vampires have been traveling to the UK. He has heard rumors in the past about vamps being inside the country, but he never followed up on it because the UK was supposed to be Vamp free. Though he trusted his friend more then he trusted the public eye. He would have to hide the RV until he got back, he would also need a way to get some of his gear over, he didn't have time or funds to reset up a new collection of weapons. So plane wasn't an option, he could take a boat. This would give him the ability to travel with his weapons at a cheaper rate. If he found the funds and the right captain he could even get the RV across the ocean, but it wasn't that much of a priority.

Though having the ability to forge his ammo and explosives would be useful. Also to be able to keep his blades maintained would help.

Hank looks at a photo of him and his family before he became a hunter. "It's going to be done sooner or later, just hold on." Hank has never taken on more then one vampire at a time without back up. He didn't know anyone he could trust, but he had some ideas how to take out a group of them. Though if any were major vamps or one of the older ones he knew the chances were not high of him making it out alive...Or a vampire. Neither of which seemed like a good idea to Hank.

It had taken Hank three days...Three damn days to get a way across the ocean. Or at least to find the boat. He found a way to get his RV on, cost a bit more then he wanted to pay but in the long run it was worth it. The captain would walk up to him. "Do I want to know what's in that thing?"

Hank would laugh a bit. "Not really, But if I get a discount I'll show. Though I may have to beat your skull in then."

The captain would just stare at Hank in fear.

"It's a joke...I have no reason to kill you. Plus if I was I'd use a blade, much more effective." Hank would walk off to the ship leaving the captain in fear. "Also a joke Captain." As he would shout as he got on board.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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Hank would be on the road in Britain, He's never been. You could tell this by the amount of times he almost ran his RV into traffic on the wrong side of the road. He did get the hang of it two police officers later. Thought his RV is barely street legal with all the makeshift "Repairs" on it.

Hank had poor coordinates from his contact, This is mainly because his contacts are in the US Marines, Spying on Great Britain is not something easy to get away with. But they were close enough Hank could sort them out, He knew of several old buildings and structures int he area. All he had to do was decide which one was his target.

He parked the RV off a back road, He didn't know what to expect from these vampires, though he's guessing the chances of one of them being a major vamp are high. Major vamps are a bit harder to kill, older ones have original roots that many religious objects may not harm. Dead mans blood should weaken them, But strong ones it may just piss them off. Silver and Holy water seemed to work well, But the holy water would be debatable in some cases, it still helped with a lot of vamps still so he still cleaned his blades with the Holy water.

Hank had a good collection of weapons. His shotgun was one of his favorites, Great stopping power and a slug will remove heads pretty damn well. His machete was three foot and sharp, sharp enough to remove fingers just by a small force sharp. Hank learned this when one of his buddies decided to get stupid with it. His hatchet was fold up, he could stow it away in his custom pocket on the back of his coat and draw it out in a moments notice. Not as sharp as his machete but the kick and quick access makes it worth it.

Hank also knew a thing or two about home make explosives, Vampires didn't like fire, then again nothing likes fire. But it works great on them. Hank sees it as the common enemy of vampires and Humans, the main thing they hold in common. Fear of getting burned alive. Hank had a few improvised explosives in his RV and parts for more. But what he would use if things got bad for escape would be the small propane flamethrower, they couldn't reach more then five feet most the time but the blaze in that five feet would keep anything with some sense back.

He got on his armor, A modified vest with ridges in it to catch blades, or claws. This would stop his foes in front of him or if it didn't it would disarm them. Giving Hank an advantage over them. His gas mask is one of the few things he keeps from his time int he Marines, with a built in Helmet and Night vision, Vampires could see in the dark, Humans had more trouble. he's run into this problem more then once. The Night vision is new, not as high quality as the one he was used to but it would help. And just one more touch to give him an edge, Sent maskers. hunters use them in deer hunting to mask there scent. Vampires had a stronger sense of smell but it should make it so Hank can't bee spotted as fast, or as precise. It's another theory he needs to test.

Hank left the RV on foot, If things got bad he had some backup plans in that thing that could help him. Though if it got that bad Hank knew it would be a battle to see how many he could take out before they got to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The castle itself was grand and beautiful and decorated with tapestries, but it was also very dark, illuminated now by firelight and the foreboding suspended sacrifices. Mithias heard one of them moan in a slow, drugged death. Surely music to some vampire's ears, but not to his own. Dracula had been cruel, so they said. Likely he would have approved of Bedivere's display in his hatred of humans, but what a world would he have created? Mithias closed his eyes and tried to listen to his own heart, but he could not hear it. Good, evil, justice, meaning... Everything was a blur.

Voices bounced around, one ancient lord after another chiming in on the critical matter. How fortunate Mithias was not to have telepathic perception. So many voices would have been incredibly draining.

"He is against war and obviously against the ursurpers."
"...prefers NOT to follow orders."
"There is no order. There never was."
"I want a decision to be made. Do we go in, or do we not?"
"I disagree, I've seen a lot of these wars, and a lot of us die."
"...when some asshole has to lead a crusade."
"If we don't go, then screw you all and get the fuck out of this castle."
"Who would begin?"
"...so tired of waiting for everyone to get off their asses."
"Either go in in a joint effort, destroy all humans, or just sit back and watch the world pass as we have for centuries, living like worms in the dirt, only coming out during the rain."
"...would stand up, he would have to be convincing."
"What if we moved slowly? What of America? It is isolated by oceans. We'd have it and the UK, controlling one two, three..."
"That's a big country. Werewolves don't like their lands being entered."
"It gives us hope. It is a stepping stone."
"Fuck your stones. There has to be an uprising on a global scale!"
"Gathering members gathering hope. There has to be a growing belief."
"Immortals will lose in the long run."
"I'm saying that given that there are vampires like Gabriel running around, who have the power to do things, yet are too lazy or bored to actually make some meaningful difference..."
"We convince them to unify. We need a leader... we should never have let Dracula die."
"This is no longer fun. They will simply recede back into the shadows when this becomes, God forbid, 'work.'"
"Then fine. We remain as we are, punish Void and Magnus, and let the humans eventually hunt us all down."
"Overthrow them on a worldwide scale, which starts the hands of Armageddon..."
"Yes. Time to dust off our weapons and return like Christ and baptize the world in blood!"
"Jesus was not a vampire..."
"What would kill so many humans? We need Void for that..."
"Either you, or Magnus has to make that speech."
"Let us resurrect Dracula. I know Natasha would aid us."

And the thoughts and words go on and on.

One thing was for certain, the revolution would never get off the ground without a leader. Failing would likely result in the elimination of all vampirekind, yet suceeding would result in something just as terrible, a world ruled by vampires where all humans were born as slaves.

Mithias found his attention dragged back to the single human in the castle, his dull grey eyes looking forward in awe from the shadows. He didn't have any weapons, but the weight in his pocket appeared to match the shape of a phone. That was reason enough to be suspicious. Mithias' voice in his direction likely startled the human. "You realize, you cannot leave here." He stated dryly to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hank wished he parked the RV closer, or went back to it after the first two locations didn't have crap. He walked Miles in his armor, with his weapons and gear on his back. Not only was he getting ready to fight multiple vampires he had to do it tired and hungry. Though maybe the Adrenalin would help. Or the hollow point slugs loaded with refined wood crammed inside them. Though his last suspected location was in sight, a castle, a big one. He's hoping their isn't more then ten inside, but he knows it's more then likely twenty too thirty. Could it be more? Unlikely, as far as he knows Vampires don't group up in as large of numbers. Fear of being wiped out and such. If hank was smart he could take them out one at a time.

He got down on the ground and started to cover himself with mud. He's hoping between this is the scent mask he should be able to do some nasty work once inside. Though if things got bad he could try to outrun the vampires for about 2 miles to get back to the RV. "ya right." hank would think out loud as he started walking to the castle. HE couldn't walk into the front, or the back really. But old castles like this normally had a decent size drainage system. He could try to work his way in from that, or at least cause enough trouble to walk in from the front.

"Sigh, show time." Hank would start looking around for a way to get inside with this shotgun in hands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

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As she entered the command tent, Katya noticed it was distinctively empty. had anyone from Kilo Point Base actually survived. there was a body of what looked to be one of the newer recruits they'd just had shipped in. Killed in their prime, the Rookies didnt even have a chance to fire there rifles yet. Katya walked over to the body and turned it over. she grabbed the soldiers dog tags. Private Caleb Jackson. taking off his dog tags and laying him to rest on the ground with a sheet over his head katya heard a faint voice. coming from a radio near the coffee machine. Katya picked up the radio. Kilo Point Command tent come in over. Kilo Point command tent do you copy over. "This is Corporal Katya scarecrow Moreno. I need EVAC and maybe MEDEVAC. nearly the whole base has been wiped out. as of now My CO is MIA." Say again Scarecrow. your the only one left. dont worry. we have EVAC choppers on the way, Hang Tight if your CO knows what hes doing he'll contact us as ASAP. Command out. so this was it. Katya, for all she knew was the last Remaining operative inside the KILO point base. she hoped to god the CO would Contact her or atleast Command.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The grim crescent moon shows face,
A sickly yellow sickle of the night,
Peeking through the heavens grace,
Waning away the waxen hours bright.

"Gather enough monkeys and given enough time, they too will produce the Bard's Work." Muttered Bedivere under his breath.

Here were the hundred monkeys. All gibbering and jabbering about who has the biggest. A show of politics, intrigue and fine manipulation. Normally, Bedivere would leap into the fray here, but the arrival of so many interruptions had already began to undermine his authority. That, and the fact that many of the vampires gathered here are his elder, and his own power is merely brought from being under the shadow of a greater force which was his siress who had all but disappeared from the world in her isolation. The Battle began as the flurry of words and opinions flung by, aimed like bullets to kill. So let us begin with some friendly fire.

"Gabriel. I speak to you in earnest. You are in my seat. Lest you be merely an illusion and neither present nor in my seat, I would dare say we best not attempt to figure out for ourselves using the scientific method shall we? Or perhaps you would rather me use a Razor which belongs to Occam, or rather my own blade? Stand aside and behind your façade of the mind all you want, but read mine Gabriel, and you will see that I can see straight through you." A passive-aggressive suggestion, back perhaps by a cold stare at the supposedly drunken old blood. Reading Bedivere's mind would not end so well for the trickster, given the amount of pure anger channeled towards Gabriel amongst other things which he would let the old blood be privy to should he delve too far. It was almost an open invitation really for Gabriel to learn just how much Bedivere wanted Gabriel disposed of as he was far too much of a wildcard to be of use for the greater good of Vampire kind.

Then he turned his attention back to the assembly.

"The Old Churl brings up a good point. Humans rule the planet? Technology alone is not the reason why, but also the strength of Mortality. You see my Lords and Ladies, Old Gabriel is in fact correct in stating that when pushed to the wall, the humans would rather band together like cornered dogs to bark and bite than to go quietly into the night. For this reason they will win, and for this reason they have won. For look at us, we Old Bloods who each stand for the various bloodlines of our Kind. Look how we squabble amongst ourselves, each vying for greater control over another. This is why they will win for they are Mortal, to our immortality.

We have grown weak in our immortality, and began to do nothing more than be content, but each seeking more power for his or herself knowing it will last through the ages. We plot against each other, and with each other against each other, a twisted society of backstabbing ingrates and foul friendly fiends. Imagine now, if we were mortal we would do the same certainly, but no longer would we be in it alone for when the humans come hunting us down, they should find them striking against our bloodkins. Yet, our immortality has made us weak as we fear not death per say, but mortality in itself. We only desire to outlast the rest of us, every vampire for his or herself. Is this not true?

Look here, at Gabriel, far older than most present here, and perhaps dare I say more powerful. But look at what his unlife has come to? Nothing more than a game for the individual, a boring existence relieved temporarily by wine and probably Cheap women. Should we follow in his example and be nothing more than a living corpse which, has no purpose left in the world? Should we be so concerned over our own lives that we do not actually live it beyond preserving it? What good is a fire which does not provide heat nor light but only consumes. I pity vampires as he, for given his amount of power, he does nothing to achieve his ends.

In contrast now, Lady Natasha here, Her Father, Dracula. Yes, while he was young, he was indeed a vampire lord of vision. He sought to expand his borders, his influence and his control. His children, Natasha if you would not mind, carry on his legacy of blood, and to this day see to their late father's goal. Now, I am certain that The Old Coward here Gabriel would use him as an example to the end result of scaring the herd, but I now as him, how long before the Herd realize their own Strength? How long do we have then to hide and be hunted? What is one year of life to anyone here? Speak now, if you have not lived long enough? Speak now if you still count the years and days to your unlife. Shall they end our lives in a year Gabriel makes the bet? I would take his wager with my own life to his, such that it would please him if even in his long-awaited death does he get the last laugh.

What say you Gabriel you old Codger? Care to put your life where you mouth is? Or would you rather shrink away and let the Vampire Council see your Cowardice beyond your veil of deception?"

One dynamic speech, executed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hank screwed up, He got inside but barely. Then once inside those Anti scent things hunters use for deer hunting didn't work at all. Now his shotgun is the only thing between him and the vampire on top of him, Only if he shoots it inhere everyone and everything ill know he is inside.

It's hard to say hold old the vampire is, this one is male. Looks to be late 20s early 30s. Hank was on the floor with the vampire on top of him and the shotgun between them both. Hank moved to the side forcing the vampire to the floor, But he got back up faster then Hank could react and pushed him into the wall. Hank had barely enough time to turn around before the vampire tried to gut him. Only...he didn't. The modified armor served its purpose. His claws were lodges into Hanks armor. Hank Drew the machete of his back and would swing it into the creatures arm. It would fly clean off as he hissed in pain, He was free from Hanks armor but he was weaker now, and disabled. The creature charged but Hank had enough time to draw his hatchet and land it into his gut. Though The vampire was still stronger and kept going. When it stopped he looked at Hank and tried to remove the hatchet. But he couldn't get the leverage to pull it out with one arm. Hank still has both arms, and the machete. He would walk up to the creature blade in hand, The vampire got ready to defend it self not knowing what to expect from the human.

Hank leveled the blade of his machete, This is where his marine training would kick in, With mixed martial arts and rifle training. Though a rifle isn't the best weapon against a vampire. They charged each other, the vampire going low to avoid Hank and get him from underneath, hank then sidestepping catching the vamp forcing his own momentum into the wall. As the Vampire was fazed he only had enough time to see the blade run through his skull. Hank is guessing the vampire didn't see much fighting. he was sloppy, Cocky, Didn't think ahead. It cost him his life.

Hank would kneel by the vampire. "I'm sorry it came to this. I know not what you did, or if you deserved this. Your masters on the other hand do deserve this. You my friend were an obstacle. I am sorry our paths crossed and I had to do this to you. You wont be forgotten, May you find piece where ever you end up." Hank would leave the scent blockers on the vampire, grab his gun, and run off. He didn't have time to do the rest of his traditions, the screech from the vampire would draw attention. He was getting ready for a fight, But now the element of surprise was gone. Now he was in war all over again. Though this time it was personal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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With all eyes on lord Bedivere, but one vampire had placed his gaze on Martin instead.
The monster stared at him and stated there was no escape. But Martin didn't intend to escape.
This was just the vampire he was looking for, and as weird as it may sound, things are going to plan.
He politely gestured for the old creature to come over to him into the shadow, but didn't wait for him to do so before he started talking.
Relying on the Mithias's vampire senses to hear his whispers regardless.
"It is interesting for someone as old as you to draw attention to my mortality, as my flicker of existence should mean so little to you.
The real question you should be asking is not about my awareness of mortality, it should be about why my reasons being here are of interest to you."
Martin made a small polite bow.

Lord Bedivere's speech ended and a silence befell the crowd. Martin too looked up to catch a glimpse of the vampire elders who were all giving an impressive display of poker faces.
The silence was eventually broken by a crashing sound echoing from in the castle. To Martin it was faint, and he could barely make out some screaming and stumbling. However Martin guessed the vampires and their senses would have a better idea of what just happened.
He lifted his hands a little and shrugged.
"Whatever that is, it isn't my doing."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hank's running down the hallways of the castle for his dear life, he's never been so scared in his life. No that's a lie, His first encounter with a vampire was scarier. He's not sure why but he knew he was screwed here. Sure he had the shotgun but against an army of these creatures how long would he last?

Hank stopped for a second and grabbed the homemade flame thrower, it wasn't much, and the castle was made of stone, But the furniture wasn't. Hank turned around and set what ever he could on fire behind him, he would keep doing this as he advanced. Maybe the smoke would slow them don, maybe the flames would buy him time, What the hell was he thinking?! He threw the flame thrower into the fire when it ran out and kept running. No way he could fight all of them.

It was getting hard to breath. He was tired and carrying too much gear, that and his gas mask, that thing was a pain to breath in. He ditched his pack carrying only his basic weapons and a couple of improvised explosives. he set fire to it hoping some of the supplies would go off buying him more time, He was running out. Then he passes out, he was still working harder then he could handle and the gas mask wasn't helping...He fell on the ground out cold.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Mithias clasped his hands casually behind him as he listened to Martin, but he didn't move from his place near Bedivere and Gabriel. He didn't need to. He could hear the human perfectly fine before and/or after Bedivere had made a mockery of his father's example. Mithias kept his mouth shut however, as everything Bedivere had claimed and brandished of his sire's folly was, up until this point, rather true. The old vampire knight was admirably sharp when aroused. His seething hatred smoldered at the seems of his time-honed self control, sheer terror at the mere thought of it breaking free. Eloquence was a lamb's wool over Bedivere's rage, and the more intense it was, the more focused and razor sharp its edge. The more controlled he appeared, the more dangerous Bedivere truly was. His words rang true like a bell struck in a fury.

Intense as it was, there was still this unexplained human among them, right next to them, underestimated and meek as a mouse, yet potentially the most dangerous being in the room. Mithias' mind completely abandoned the vampires for a moment and focused on Martin. Young, healthy, servant clothes, communicator, tracker? gps? explosives? ... By his answer, Mithais knew, "I see. You already expect to die..." He found no holy symbols on the human, but he could still have been Purge, suicidal and ready to martyr himself. Mithias took a step closer. In his eyes, the innocent expression of a hunter, lips parted just enough... He froze as the sounds of crashing and screaming echoed over the stones. Mithias paused, watching Martin's reaction. "You should answer that question then."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

hank tried to stand, he did. Truth be told he wasn't in his prime condition. Added on that he was carrying more then he should have been. He wanted the will to fight, He wanted to live...But he was too weak...he could hear a voice though. he tried to focus with both his eyes and ears but was too weak to make out anything.

Hank would try again at standing, this time disoriented and still out of focus, but he stood. he couldn't tell if the person in front of him was human or not...Or even if he was still human. What he knew was he was standing...If he could stand he could run, if he could run he could live. He turned around and tried to run, It turned mostly into a drunk stumble more then anything but he was moving. He knew his way out, that's where he was going.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Martin grinned wide, as if he didn't notice the dire tension around him.
"I represent someone who intends to secure the blade known by you and I as Contagion.
My original intend had been to complete this task back in the America's, but complications arise, and so I am here with an offer of trade."
He plucked the phone from his pocket and swiftly flicked through some files.
"I have a wide range of information you might be interested in, and this one artifact I know you'll consider."
He directed the screen at Mithias to show him an image of a slab of obsidian stone. A detailed sun carved into the surface, carved around it a confusing and alien description.
"Have you ever heard of the Exile Stone?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hank made it back to the RV, he has no idea if he was followed or not, but he's inside. He set down the shotgun and grabs a revolver from the glove box. he opened it up revealing four bullets. Silver, these things stop vamps pretty easy, it's not cheap to come by. Especially when you don't have any real form of income. But Hank started the RV keeping the revolver close. His Marine training actually never trained him in Handguns, Handguns are mainly for show in the military now. If you are forced to use one in combat you may already be screwed.

Hank gunned it for the main road, if he was being followed no vampire would dare go into the public streets to attack him in a country that is supposed to be vampire free! Right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The knightly vampire with the long black hair was close now, as close as another human might have gotten to Martin in a casual conversation. An unnerving coolness encircled the vampire, and the air around him felt similar to the chill of putting a bare hand near snow. Mithias took note of the human's strange disregard for his own safety, his enthusiasm for conversation, as if the value of what he had to say would protect him from sudden dispatch. The lad seemed content, as if dying really wouldn't set him back any, and that he was glad to finally get a chance to make his offer. Martin's comfort around Mithias seemed to neglect that fact that they weren't brothers, and for the moment, Mithias also neglected that fact.

More sounds from the stone halls disturbed the acute senses of the vampire. A flicker of light, heat, the growing scent of smoke also deserved attention. Bedivere was going to be furious. Several vampire servants swiftly moved into the hall to try to deal with the problem before Bedivere had them cut off their own heads. Mithias decided it was time to step in. With a glance toward the disturbance, he said to Martin, "No, but you have some audacity attempting to take that blade. It would likely kill you as soon as you touched it. Now, come with me. You can tell me who's thrall you are and about the Exile Stone while I deal with the other intruder." Mithias began walking down the hall, expecting Martin to follow.

The two got closer to the scene of the crime in time to have completely missed all the action. Some vampires were dead, and a serious fire had been started. Mithias reached out his hands toward the flames and calmed them. He passed through the hall slowly, one flame at a time, putting them all out. Servants were scrambling with water and fire extinguishers. Hank's pack was found, what remained of it. Mithias tilted his head and continued outside where he could see some dude running off. The thought to pursue him crossed the young vampire's mind, but he still had Martin to deal with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Martin meekly followed the calm figure with measured step. If onlookers drew the conclusion he was his thrall he would be all the more likely to slip past their notice.
"Handling the artifact is the least of my worries.
As for whose thrall I am. As far as I know I am a free mortal, but I do wo-"
Martin fell silent as he witnessed the diminishing flames.
With feylike enthousiasm he rushed forward and studied the fire.
"Could it be? Pyrokinetic mutations in a nosferatu strain? There wasn't any note like this in your file!"
It seemed like Martin had completely forgotten his reasons to be there. "You aren't of dracul's line are you? How does it work? Do you cathalyse the chemical process? Or can you influence temperatures on a local scale? That would imply you can simulate the sun and..." Martin was visably following a train of thought.
"Then I am talking to one of the most powerfull vampires to date." Martin bowed again.
"Clearly they were right to decide on a trade mission rather than burst in guns blazing. Chances are the vapalm wouldn't even... Oh right! The Exile Stone!" Martin rambled as he absentmindedly helped douse the fire and picked up Hank's backpak.
"So. Many years ago an agent aquired this stone tablet while on an undercover mission. I know very little of it's origin other than the file explaining these runes read something in an ancient indonesian dialect. It apparently has something to do with punishment and exile from the face of god. Or the sun. Suspected this is about a solar deity."
Martin rummaged through the bag.
"I smell gunpowder and several days old vampire blood. That's a classic hunter you got there. Self tought by the looks of it. His motives likely justified. He'll be back here in a minute no doubt... oh, the stone yes.
Apparently there have been attempts to replicate it's mystical effects. For science of course. And I have been given custody of the successful result for barter. You'll like it. It's lethal curse is predicted to have empowering effect on unlife."
While he spoke rapidly and seemingly carelessly he circled the old creature like a pet would. His real reason for this movement was to have as much cover from the imposing figure and shadows. Hunters had the tendency to be unpredictable, and after all this trouble, it would be a shame to end it all on a stray bullet from a human shooting into the darkness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The servants bustled about the hall and nearby rooms, cleaning up. They eyed Martin with suspicion. After all, the human was wearing one of their uniforms, yet they couldn't tell who he was. The human would be considered Mithias' responsibility, for the moment.

Mithias ignored the servant vampires. They were slaves, tragically bound to Bedivere's will. That was the sad fact about Bedivere's line. No matter who he turned, they lost their individuality. Despite the size of Bedivere's family, the old vampire was alone. "I am flattered, human, but you vastly overestimate my capability." Mithias shifted his weight onto one leg as he kept an eye on Martin who he scurried cautiously to the side of the vampire that was away from the exit, where any gunfire might come from. "Within this castle, this very night, the future of vampire-human relations is being decided upon by the elders. We may go to war. If so, Contagion will be returned to its master and certainly used against your kind. If not, it may be sealed away, and its master hunted down." Mithias looked at Martin for a moment, trying to read how much the strange human cared about the matter. He inhaled and sighed heavily. "But I can already tell you. There will be no war. The rebel leader is weak. He doesn't know what he is doing, and very few of the oldbloods still have the mental capacity to work together. Most of them are looking forward to an end to their meaningless existence and would enjoy a good bloodbath amongst themselves before they go." His eyes seemed to unfocus reflectively as he looked back toward the meeting room. Perhaps he was saddened by this. "Even if I could get you Contagion, human, for whoever it is you work for, I am not so interested in your Exile Stone as I am in tracking down the Purge assassin, Kaminokage, and putting an end to the creation of others like him. Now..." Mithias' eyes moved to Martin's cellphone intentionally, then back to his face. "It would be a shame to destroy such a valuable, historical building as Castle Carfax. I would very much like to preserve it." Truly, Mithias wasn't so worried as he implied. It had only been an image of his father sitting in Bedivere's seat, with the real Gabriel still anonymous to even Mithias. Bedivere would likely be able to escape any attack due to the pools of water that were kept connecting each of his properties.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Llusia shifted from the room as noise was beginning to fill at the sound of fighting from in the castle. After watching Mithias and a human, a servant of some sort walk with him into the hall. It was dreadful the whole thing, while yes some vampires raised their hands to let her join the council, she was still waiting for something to come up to at least try and interest her. She attempted to talk to the old blood next to her but she simply was to involved with the council meeting to bother talking to her. She stood and put her hands in her dark red coat, humming to herself and falling into the shadows she quickly saw the commotion outside the halls and then traveled through the building until she caught up with Mithias and the man, and they were having quite the conversation, damn near almost would be called treason to the vampire kind.

She rose from the shadows, her aura forming in the air again "Well well, quite the conversation out here that we're having now aren't we boys?" she held her hands behind her back and watched to two "Now if I understand this whole...ordeal between you two, you're talking about the sword in there yes? And this sword would be the key to killing a lot your kind correct?" she circled the two "I wonder...how might you be human, just out of my own curiosity. Quite the human if you could simply walk into a castle of us and then even get one to..."conspire" with you" she eye'd the two, her unique colored eyes seemingly looking like she was trying to look into their souls.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hank ran out of Gas, he was so focused on getting away he didn't pay attention, now he was stuck on the side of the road with his RV. He went inside of it and made sure the shotgun was loaded, he didn't think he was followed but he entered in on something big, their was a chance, he could't risk it.

The battery in the RV could run the lights and electrical wires for a few minutes on full blast, after that the battery would be dead and he would be trapped inside his moving fort. He was out of dead mans blood, he had 4 silver bullets in his revolver in the glove box, he had few explosives left, then he had his two blades, his machete, and his hatchet. He would wait tonight, then leave in the morning. Day walkers were still a threat but he would rather fight vampires in the day then the night.

Hank sat in the driver seat with just the emergency lights blinking, this at least gave him some light with out draining his battery.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Martin seemed unfazed by the revelations of wars or bloodbaths.
"Truely you can amass enough influence to let me pass through and leave with the blade, so that I might secure it.
So it may be contained and-"
Martin froze up as Llusia spoke. He hadn't noticed her, and even though he always expected to miss things, she caught him mid ramble.
He took a deep breath and spun around to greet her.
"The question of what I am is a loaded one indeed. For on one side I am a mere nameless, faceless, senseless mortal.
But one shouldn't care for what I am m'am. But for what I could be to you.
A broker of power, a brilliant well of information." Martin looked Llusia up and down. "...A plaything."
He grinned a mischievous smile to hide the instincts in the back of his head as they panicked over his position.

"The reason you wish to conspire, is the wide array of things I hold that interest you.
Powers, locations, weaknesses and predictions.
My payment in blades and hours."
Martin bowed again.

"In the spirit of polite greeting I shall give you a free puzzle piece:
You have identified the key, but not the lock."
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