Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fury’s knee impacted Kanitah’s nose with devastating impact, but he wasn’t finished yet. As he dropped to the ground he carried his momentum forward into a downwards driving ‘super-man punch’ similarly at Kanitah’s face. With both feet on the ground he opened up with everything he had, an insane energy driven flurry of punches and mix-ups, throwing hooks jabs and crosses to the body and face and every other available option. There wasn’t anything calculated about it, no precise strikes to specific weak areas, Fury just unloaded a pre-practiced combination to unleash as many punches at his opponent while he was reeling.

After about five seconds of constant blows raining down upon Kanitah, in which time Fury could have easily launched over fifty punches across Kanitah’s body and face, Fury would have to accept that he couldn’t continue his combination at the risk of being countered and badly hurt himself. To finish off his vicious combination he would launch a pushing wave at his foe to drive him back and launch a powerful front kick.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

Immediately after the striking knee to his face, Kanitah was railed with a volley of punches being thrown with no calculation. These were violent blows that rocked his entire body, and as Fury belted them into him he was pushed back even further. It was about this time that the engine had finished its machinations and he was free to move, but not before his face was bruised, bloodied and swolen from Fury's relentless onslaught. The punches continued to fly and the ground that he stood upon was torn apart as he slid across it. With Fury's reckless barrage of punches suddenly halting, Kanitah finally opened his eyes and saw Fury's hands unleash a blast wave to push him away. Deciding to escape Fury's range for a moment, Kanitah hopped just before Fury's blast was unleashed. The full weight of his blast struck him in his exposed chest, scorching him with its heat and sending him backwards just outside of Fury's kicking range.

The blast dissipated after it struck him and Kanitah slammed his feet back to the ground, teetering slightly as he stabilized himself. As his feet met the ground a small crater was formed underneath them, the force of his feet stamping the ground was comparable to a Boeing 757 crashing . With a sharp exhale from both his nose and his mouth, Kanitah spat and shot blood to the ground. Apparently a tooth had been knocked out of his mouth, because a tooth was in the small pool of blood on the ground. As he assessed his face's injuries, Kanitah noticed that his right eye had almost entirely swolen over and his left ear had been cauliflowered. A huge welp was on his right cheek and at least two punches had been struck to his throat.

If he hadn't had the engine online already, his throat would have begun to swell shut. Panting slightly as his vision blurred together into one uniform color for a second, Kanitah swiftly raised both of his hands and turned his hip, repositioning his feet so that his left leg was leading. His vision collected itself, tunneling back to Fury.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Any reluctance to fight in his usual unrelenting style had passed now as Fury reconciled the two sides of his character, or rather they had aligned for a short period of time. He cut short his kick as Kanitah flew out of his range and instead pushed off the earth with his right foot in an explosive energy driven stride forward. As he moved his left hand was somewhat behind his body, glowing blue as he manifested one of his most dangerous energy weapons. The energy glaive, as he called it, began to materialize even as he continued to pursue Kanitah, though he was quickly cut short by the explosive landing of the smaller man. The force knocked him back, almost off his feet, but he used his abilities as a sort of stabilizing agent and instead slid backwards about ten feet instead.

The energy glaive kept building in his left hand even as he stopped his backwards momentum and re-asserted his forward momentum with a similar energy step. Charging towards Kanitah again he was prepared to react in two ways depending on his opponent’s movements, but if neither came to pass something different would occur. Should Kanitah still be stationary Fury would close the distance between them before suddenly jumping into the air about five feet from Kanitah’s position, moving too fast to be conceivably caught even by the trained warrior. However if Kanitah moved and closed on him Fury would instead slide low at the last moment and collide with Kanitah’s feet. Fury was relying on the unexpected and unorthodox nature of both attacks to see them through, because for now he was outclassed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

Firing off of the ground like a rocket, Kanitah burst into a tremendous sprint. Edging near the absolute limits of his running speed, Kanitah's body was sore from the effort he had put out during this fight, but he pressed on. At such high speeds, the distance was not only negligible, but hardly noticeable as he rocketed forwards. In his foe's left hand there was a blade of energy with killing intent literally emanating from its glow. Just a few steps after first bursting into his sprint, Kanitah raised his arms above his head and leaned down all the way horizontal. Shoving off the ground like some kind of humanoid rocket, Kanitah spiraled towards Fury at high speed. Lines of air were cut behind him as he launched himself.

With both arms forwards and a bit of spin added, Kanitah had a lot of similarities to an ICBM. If Fury dodged, Kanitah would straighten out his arms and catch himself on the ground. Then return to his assault on Fury. If Kanitah struck Fury, it would carry three times the force of the ruinous charge. As both of Kanitah's elbows are directly in front of him, the rings there would serve as the medium for this multiplication.

The impact would carry such tremendous force that the energy released from it would cause the wind behind Fury to be visibly shoved aside, blowing the dust away and bowing the grass that lays there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fury charged, and Kanitah moved with him, causing Fury to launch into his pre-planned slide across the ground. Surprisingly his alien opponent had decided to launch himself off the ground, but Fury had the foresight to raise his energy glaive up into the air as he slid harmlessly underneath the flying man. The effect of this was that the sharp energy-crafted weapon would be drawn into Kanitah’s path potentially cutting whatever side of him was facing the ground as they met, aided by the significant momentum both warriors were carrying, it could very well open him up, or it might get stuck in his body and wrenched out of Fury’s hand. Regardless, Fury was coming out of what could have been a dangerous collision with no noticeable injuries and potentially doing catastrophic damage to his opponent, mostly due to luck and his original plan of sliding. His own momentum would carry him about ten feet across the ground, after which he would roll and push himself onto his feet to judge the damage he had caused, if any.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

Unhindered by Fury's strike, Kanitah continued to sail forwards another seventeen meters before placing his hand on the ground and stopping himself with angular momentum. Kanitah's weight slung towards the earth and he brought his other hand around to counter balance himself. Both of his knees hit the ground with substantial force and cratered the ground below him, causing him to drop a second but softer time. A noticeable chill was in the air to him, he thought maybe night was beginning to fall for a moment.

It was much worse than simply night falling, Kanitah looked to the sky and saw no moon. The sun was still high in the sky, so he looked down. A steady ooze of blood was flowing from a freshly opened wound in his torso. Running from his left pectoral all the way down past his belly button, a clean cut that would have entirely gutted him if the engine hadn't been in the way. The cables that run through his chest and stomach were sliced open in several places and the skin had peeled apart to expose them to the air.

The cold was the blood flowing from him, and there was nothing he could really do to stop it. Not with Fury still conscious and on the attack.

Crouched down with both knees to the ground, Kanitah wasn't in the most opportune position for combat. Only the distance between them was keeping him safe, and knowing how quick Fury is. Kanitah was ready to react at the drop of a hat.

With his right hand clenching tightly around a handful of dirt, Kanitah dug into the earth. What he had done before was about to be repeated, but before he couldn't do this. With every pound of force focused into his right hand, Kanitah clenched that ball of dirt until it was as hard as stone. Extending his fingers again and clenching repeatedly to add mass to the hardened dirt ball.

Fury can shoot beams of energy. He thought. I can't do that, so my only ranged option is thrown objects. I hope that I can throw this hard enough.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Contact, that’s gunna hurt.

Fury slid across the ground a few more feet and then stopped, friction effectively killing his momentum. With a twist he pushed himself nimbly onto his feet, wincing slightly as his broken rib sent out another sting of discomfort. Kanitah was some distance in front of him and down again, blood evident as it poured down his chest from the cutting wound Fury had inflicted with his weapon. The Fireen barely allowed himself a moment of satisfaction at his opponent’s misfortune as he launched the glaive like a discus, trying to strike down the man before he could recover. It was aimed for mid-torso.

As the energy-discus left his hand on its deadly path the Fireen followed it, charging after his own attack, focused and dangerous.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

Letting his body weight drop down, he shoved the ground with both his hands and his feet. Launching himself directly upwards and over Fury's discus of energy, evading his foe's projectile by putting himself in an advantageous position. As Kanitah rose upwards into the air he contorted his body, much like a cat contorts itself mid fall to catch itself. Drawing back his right hand along with the rest of his torso, Kanitah spun himself around in mid air before releasing the sphere of rock hard dirt in a curveball trajectory. Aimed at Fury's lower body. With a downwards angle and a wide curve added to the throw, it would hit somewhere on Fury's hips or his upper thighs. While the ball would likely explode once it struck, it would still feel like a cannonball colliding with whatever part of Fury's body it strikes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The energy disc hurtled past Kanitah and dissipated, but Fury had already relinquished his control over the attack, his charge was the next move.

Kanitah was indeed fast, but with such scant distance between them jumping into the air and spinning was asking for death. Fury immediately caught on to Kanitah’s intention to carry out another of his super jumps, and reacted nearly as fast as he charged forward. He bounced off the ground with his right foot, energy easily propelling him through the air on a collision course with Kanitah, who although certainly strong couldn’t actually fly in a literal sense. Fury could hurtle himself through the air at speeds up to 150mph, and he used that now to catch up with the jumping man. Kanitah could have conceivably outpaced him with his incredibly strength, but he hadn’t tried to jump into the atmosphere, he was trying to spin round and remain within a realistic throwing range.

Because of this, Fury was almost sure to barrel into him just as he completed his revolution, rendering the rock throw pointless as the Fireen slammed his right elbow up and into Kanitah’s head or body, depending on what was convenient considering the strange movements the other man was attempting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

With his body spiraling in the air after his strange contortion, Kanitah didn't hear the sound of his dirt-ball colliding with anything. Instead, he felt Fury slamming into his side elbow first, with enough force to snap the three ribs at the bottom of his rib cage entirely in half. Blood was force from the open wound on his chest and Kanitah was sent careening upwards into the sky, without the ability to fly, course correction was impossible. So he was at the mercy of the machinations of his flying foe. This left him hugely open, and though he would hit the ground shortly he was still vulnerable to immediate punishing assault. Kanitah hollered as he flew through the air, feeling the blood rush to his feet and the top of his head as he careened skyward.

A bit of numbness running through him as pain, bloodloss, and fear continued to make themselves known to his brain. The old Pundambayan veteran was, reasonably, starting to grow concerned about his own demise. Concerned about who was going to stop Bita before she did something reckless and stupid.

Concerned about who was going to tell his wife to stop setting the table for him.

In this kind of situation, normally Kanitah would stand back up and continue to fight. But right now, he can't particularly stand up. Because he's flying through the air, so he's forced to think about this while also facing the eminent kiss of the ground upon his body.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fury drove himself into Kanitah with a crashing impact followed by the ominous splintering of bone. Blood splattered the beserking Fireen’s face and ran down his dark-blue mail armour as he gritted his teeth and delved deep into his energy reserves, which were starting to flag once again. He always was reckless with his power.

To the casual observer, Fury seemed completely in control of the situation and despite suffering minor injuries had done a serious number on Kanitah. However, somewhere back in Fury’s mind where he stored information he wasn’t willing to deal with, and it was quite a large vault of terrible actions and thoughts, was the belief that Kanitah could turn the tables on him at any moment. Fury had felt the power of his machine before, and he had been able to release his true power in the Unbridled form of the Void before in order to survive Kanitah’s true strength, here he was unable to draw the right motivation to follow suit. With that in mind, it wouldn’t take much for Kanitah to land a heavy blow on Fury and break his body, possibly beyond survivable levels. It was a bad situation, Fury needed injury and rage to unleash his power, but he was unable to muster the rage and any injury Kanitah inflicted on him could easily kill him outright.

So, there was only one option really available to Fury. He had to throw everything and the kitchen sink at the bastard before he counter-attacked. Launching Kanitah into the air was the perfect opener to such a high risk high reward strategy, because in the sky, Fury ruled. As his elbow made contact, Fury drew deep and sped after him, his left hand driving upwards in a fist to Kanitah’s body, as he quickly skirted around the man while in the air, throwing a right hook at Kanitah’s side even as the Fireen tried to get behind him. Fury’s attacks, if successful, would probably rag-doll Kanitah through the air, setting him up for the next vicious volley. Once Fury was behind him he would slam his left knee up, effectively driving it into Kanitah’s spine and shooting him up and forward into the air.

By this point, if Kanitah was still at Fury’s mercy or was just thrown to the ground by his knee would be difficult to deduce.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

Aside from a bit of frantic struggling, which will be detailed in a moment, Kanitah really couldn't do anything aside from get ragdolled through the air. Flying was one of the things that he would never really have the advantage of, unless he were fully armed. Any foe that had air superiority would always have the upper hand on Kanitah, and he fully accepted that. With that in mind, he wasn't entirely helpless in the air. With how much force he puts out and how much he actually weighs, a bit of mid air course correction isn't outside of his reach. Though it was always awkward and painful, especially in this sort of situation.

While he was thinking of his wife and a dish of Pundambayan meats and a vegetable that bears a striking resemblance to pumpkins but with a taste similar to cheese, Kanitah was struck in the side by Fury's right hook. Forcing him away from his foe once again, though it was very much evident that Fury was attempting to get underneath him. This was not, actually, the first time that he had been juggled in the air.
With Fury positioning himself below Kanitah, and Kanitah now spinning because of the force put into him by the punch. Kanitah lashed out with both of his legs, aiming in all directions with random interval kicks, each carrying enough force to snap a human like a twig. A frantic, mid-air, spinning death kick. Though it made him look like a horse's ass, it was just about all he could do.

While he's spinning in the air, he foot might smack down on the crown of Fury's head, or maybe it'll clip him in the shoulder. Hell, it could miss entirely and he could be careening towards the nearest tree. With no way of telling while he's flailing about in the air, he won't know until he, or his kick, lands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fury’s right fist impacted with Kanitah in a crashing impact that sent the smaller warrior flying, at which point he unleashed his counter which seemed to involve a lot of flailing. Despite the relatively ineffective nature of kicking without anything to push off or any stability what-so-ever, Kanitah’s sheer strength advantage forced Fury to pull back rather than completing his combination. The end result was that Kanitah was able to flail all the way to the ground, where he would inevitably crash into the earth.

The Fireen’s eyes narrowed as he pursued his foe to the ground, waiting for the moment when his foe’s momentum would drive him into the earth with a predatory glare. Considering he was spinning out of control on the way down it was unlikely he’d be catching himself, so Fury intended to capitalise on his disadvantage and pursue him, dropping down quickly after the warrior only a second behind him as the earth leapt up to embrace him. If he had been more adept with his energy abilities he might have been able to finish Kanitah then, but his options were limited and so once again he relied on brute force, ploughing down directly on top of Kanitah with an armoured boot to the spine or face, depending on how Kanitah landed. It was a potentially risky move, but Kanitah was disadvantaged so Fury was hoping he’d have significant time to land and drive his falling momentum into the already stricken man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

Despite all odds, ignoring all logic and reason, and even a little bit of physics. Somehow, Kanitah landed feet first on the ground. Facing upwards towards the foe who was coming towards him. It was so stunningly impossible that he just froze there, not even bothering to react because he was thinking about it all. For a moment, he thought to himself; Huh. Before a big metal boot slammed directly into his face, plowing Kanitah backwards into the ground. The force carried by Fury's foot and downwards flight made Kanitah slide across the ground like a skateboard on concrete. Earth and grass were torn apart to make way for him, Fury's boot still pressed against his face.

Incredible pain rolled across him, blood spilling from his now crushed nostrils. Kanitah's jaw had broken on the left side, the right side was only just faring a little better. His nose was entirely crushed and a few teeth were knocked loose inside of his mouth. If Fury's boot weren't crushing his face, he would have let out a scream. This, however, is just conjecture.

Lying there on the ground, Kanitah arched his back and raised his hands upwards. Kanitah's inability to move was a harsh inconvenience, and the only thing that he could do right now is hope for a grapple on Fury's ankle. Really not much else he can do from this position.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fury slammed into Kanitah with his significant metallic bulk, driving him into the ground and doing terrible damage to his face. He would have grimaced, if it wasn’t for the fact that he was the one causing the hurt Kanitah was suffering. The Fireen straightened up, having fell into a half-crouch on his unstable perch with his right foot resting on Kanitah’s face. Unfortunately, before he could deliver a follow up stomp that could very well kill his foe, Kanitah arched his back and threw Fury off balance again. It was this that resulted in Kanitah amazingly managing to get a hold on the Fireen, his hand grappling his armoured ankle. The added bulk of Fury’s armour on top of already very beefy limbs however meant the hand was not all the way around his ankle, perhaps reducing its effectiveness.

“Just fucking give up Old Man.” Fury took the time to shout in frustration, trying to yank his right leg out of his foe’s vice-like grip and hop away from him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

He had somehow managed to catch Fury's leg, that was more surprising than landing on two feet. The obvious follow up to Fury's kick was to carry his momentum forwards and simply smear him across the ground, but he had instead stopped. This allowed Kanitah's hands to find a loose, but certain, gain on his leg. Though Fury violently tugged his leg away from his grasp, the Pundambayan refused to relinquish his grip. His bulk was pulled along with Fury's leg, his fingers finding province on the metal boot that surrounds the Fireen's foot. It wasn't much, but it was enough to give him leverage.

With all of Fury's tugging and jerking, his boot was repeatedly smacking into Kanitah's face. Pressing the already crushed bones of his nose into eachother, Kanitah's mouth was allowed to open for a second to release a pent up scream of rage and pain. Without any proper way to defend from this position he was forced to improvise.

Digging his gauntlet clad hands into the sides of Fury's boots with a sharp inwards pull, Kanitah began to crush the boot itself. However, he wasn't aiming to crush his leg. Kanitah rolled to the right, pulling his elbow down towards his stomach while rolling over. This movement relied on Fury's already awkward posture to topple him over and give Kanitah a proper grapple on his leg, as well as giving him the dominant mounting position. As Fury would land on his left hand side, putting the two of them into a T-shape on the ground with Kanitah being out of his foe's arm's reach.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Fury felt the metal around his foot begin to crush inwards on his flesh, he realised just how strong his foe was. Dangerously strong. His teeth gritted in pain as wave upon wave of screaming nerve signals ran from his damaged ribs and slowly broken foot, but he ignored them all as he was trained to and set himself to the task ahead. Kanitah began to roll, holding tightly to Fury’s leg but having gripped him at the foot he had made his task far more difficult. Like lifting a chair, when lifted from the very bottom the weight of an object grows more difficult to up-end, and Fury was offsetting any movement with his left leg firmly planted on the ground to the right of Kanitah. Then, Kanitah made the mistake of drawing Fury’s leg downwards by drawing his hand to his stomach, the natural result of which meant Kanitah was on his side as Fury’s right foot slid off his body and touched the ground, planting firmly on the earth. It left Kanitah looking like a melodramatic lover clutching his beloved’s leg, ineffectually being dragged along the ground without any sufficient leverage to stop the Fireen.

Though Kanitah was certainly strong, he wasn’t in a favourable position to topple Fury even with his greater strength. He’d be better off trying to hook his legs out from under him rather than topple him entirely with brute strength alone. Fury however had no intention of letting him do this, using his new access to Kanitah’s face as he turned around to slam his left leg at him in a low kick that barely saw his foot leave the ground. The gauntleted boot would probably impact Kanitah right in his injured nose, and Fury hoped it would be enough to make him let go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

Unable to resist any longer, Kanitah took the kick to the face in whole. Blood sprayed from his face as he was kicked aside by Fury, his left hand had simply let go of Fury's boot and his right hand had torn off the siding of it. He was no longer clinging to Fury's leg and simply lying there, chest heaving slowly. His right hand clenched tightly around the shard of metal in his hand. Evident that he was gripping to anything, just for a bit of comfort.

Lying there on the ground, Kanitah could barely see out of his left eye and his right eye had entirely swollen shut. Everything ached from his head to his toe, so much of him was broken and battered. A loud grunt escaped him as he put his left elbow to the ground, trying fruitlessly to prop himself up. To look Fury in the eyes. At most, all he could do was lean his head forwards.

It wasn't much, but he was pushing the ground with his feet to slide backwards. Fury's kick to the face had taken more out of him than he would have liked it to, he didn't have the strength to kick himself away. If he did, he would have just kicked the ground to have some sort of escape. Not like it would have mattered much anyway.

"Poda kuwana chisa, Itaroknos. Chi ho rana soma ohk bohr ka oda mani iyah."("Just finish me, Fury. I'd rather die in battle than an old man anyway.") The words came out in his native language, his translator had been broken. Lying there on the ground with most of his blood outside of him, he didn't really take notice. As well, the words were slurred by his missing teeth and broken jaw.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fury regarded the injured man before him with the grim determination of one experiencing the pain of multiple damaged areas around their body. However, what the Fireen was going through was nothing compared to the suffering he had inflicted on his foe, and he had fought through it all. On his homeworld this man’s achievements would be recorded for all time, he’d be rewarded with medals and awards that would keep him in money and fed for the rest of his life. In a just world Kanitah would have struck down his foe with a mighty blow, overcoming the pain and hardship he had faced, for justice and good.

This was not a just world.

“Die with honour.” Fury told him in his own language, an old saying reserved for finishing off dying opponents. Even if Kanitah’s translator had been working it was unlikely to have been able to communicate his words, Fireen was a dead language, and a dead people.

The skeletal face flashing before Fury’s eyes gave him the strength to draw himself into the Unbridled Stage, energy leaking from every pore as his strength increased ten-fold, shifting the earth at his feet and washing over the fallen warrior below him. Fury raised both hands, the energy spear forming between them shining with such intensity that one could be forgiven for assuming Fury had somehow captured the Sun.

“Good Bye Kanitah.” Fury told him at last, throwing all his weight down on one knee as he plunged downwards with the energy spear, aiming to drive it through Kanitah’s heart and unleash the power stored within.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

Sweat and blood soaked his brow, nothing important was left to say. The Firemen has won, because he made mistakes. Excitement and fear clouded his judgement, his actions too flashy to actually work. Fury moved over him, a spear of deathly light forming between his hands. Not much to do but wait for the hand to fall.

Kanitah didn't close his eyes, no, he just watched the events unfold. As his blood loss slowed his senses he watched the blade fall upon him as Fury knelt to the ground. Putting himself right on top of Kanitah.

Strangely enough, he didn't feel anything but a slight pressure. His eye watched the rod penetrated into his heaving chest. A joke tickled at him as blood shot from his mouth. All he could do was laugh as his last thoughts weren't about home, his family, or even the successor to his word of power. They were of a shitty joke that had no punchline.

Doctor, doctor, I believe I have come down with a case of certain death.

How can you tell?

The man doesn't reply, because he's dead.

It was a stupid joke, yeah, but at least it was some sort of comfort.

As he lay there, choking on his own blood and laughing, he raised his right hand up to Fury's chin. Finally closing his eyes as his laughter turned painful, and he was still laughing hysterically. It was growing more violent and painful as the amount of laughter leaving him grew. The old man didn't know why he was reaching out, nor did he know why he was laughing so hard. Logic sort of sails out the window as your brain loses oxygen.

Laying there in his final moments, he didn't really expect Fury to be the one looming over him at his deathbed.
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