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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Just before the time ran out, Luna would have had to let go of her weapon that was grounding her, and she put her arms up in front of her face. She shouted in pain as the fiery tornado buffeted her with sand and an increasing number of glass particles. She was glad she had thought to put on her solar armor, or she'd be in worse shape than she was already going to be. As the tornado continued, she sunk deeper into the sand pit, coughing and shouting in pain whenever something hit her hard enough. All at once, however, the bell rang to end the event and the attack stopped. It was finally over. Luna wasn't sure whether or not she was considered by the games master to have lost that second small fight or have lasted through it, but she wasn't worried about that. She looked around for her attacker, hoping they'd be merciful and help her out, instead of just leaving her there. "Help?" She managed to get out, meekly.

@Joshua Tamashii
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Dragon Fang Hotel

Nero - Eve - Time Lord

Ayame quietly watched Eve as she got her food from the Time Lord and made sure Eve wouldn't see her staring at her by averting her gaze to something else. Her plan was working perfectly but she didn't consider one single thing, Nero. Her face reddend once again when Nero commented on her open mouth. She immediatly covered her mouth with both of her hands and turned her head the other way. She calmed down slightly when Nero pushed the plate in front of her. Her face was however still red when she looked over. She furiously looked at Nero with a pout on her face "I-it was an accident!" Ayame glanced over her food and quietly muttered with her head low "T-thank you for the food..." a warm smile was on her face as she grabbed the knife and fork and began to dig in cutting little triangles from the pancakes and immediatly eating the triangles up. The amount of pancakes stacked on top of each other was huge. It took her some time to even eat a small bit of the whole stack of pancakes but she was getting there.

Nero began with talking to Time Lord which never could have been a good thing in the first place. Ayame began eating slower and slower and eventually stopped with eating once a major discussion broke out. Ayame left the fork hanging in her mouth and quietly listened to the discussion. It was fairly hard to follow the two and most of the times it seemed like they were using difficult words and tricks for Ayame not being able to follow it. Once Nero was finished talking the spoon he was holding turned to water. Ayame panicked and began cleaning up the mess Nero had made without any complaints. Time Lord continued. She kept quiet and glanced over to Eve from time to time when she was cleaning up the mess on the table. There was something weird happening. The speeche of the Time Lord was a little strange. From the discussion they were having he suddenly turned to talk to Eve in a happy tone. Ayame raised an eyebrow and sat down on her chair again.

Ayame was still looking over at Time Lord squinting her eyes a little in suspicion and was expecting for Nero to say something but was rather surprised when he kept quiet for so long. Ayame glanced over at Nero and didn't know what she was saying. Nero looked really nervous and was even sweating a little. Did Time Lord cause this much damage to her comrade. She gladly sighed again once he began talking. She smiled lightly at Time Lord once Nero mentioned her and was glad Nero was trying to befriend the Time Lord by giving him a warming handshake.

Both Nero and Ayame turned silent once Time Lord only continued the discussion and didn't even accept the handshake from Nero. Ayame shook her head lightly knowing this was the wrong thing to do. It could finally have ended the problems between the two of them could finally have ended but no. Nero whitdrew his hand and soon pardoned himself. Ayame stood up bumping her chair over while she was at it. The chair hit the ground and Ayame tried to stop Nero but could only poke her hand out to him "N-nero..." Time Lord sat down in one of the chairs as Eve went after Nero. Ayame stood still for a moment still hoping he would comeback with Eve but after a minute or two nothing seemed to be happening.

Ayame just only noticed the food and broken plate on the ground and franticlly started working on cleaning it. Her mind was still high up in the clouds making her only latter realise that the broken pieces of the bord were cutting into her hand leaving several bloody cuts in her hands. She kept on cleaning and dropped the broken plate onto her own. She trew a few coins onto the table for anything that they had broken and left in a hurry. But before she completly left she had to do a small thing. Ayame had never promised to do these kind of things again but it was usefull most of the time. With her magic she had complete controll over any object that you could think of. Ayame took controll over Time Lord his chair and looked him right in the eyes. The look in her eyes could tell that she kind of regretted what she was about to do but he completly earned this punishment. Ayame made the chair bend the two back legs so that the chair would fall backwards. As soon as the chair started to fall she left the hotel and the back legs of the chair would return to normal again.

Ayame soon left the hotel of course not really thinking it had succeeded anyway. He must have had a way to escape that fall anyways so she didn't really mind if it failed or not. Scaring him was enough for her to call as a payback for now. Dropping that subject, it was timd to find Nero and Eve. She glanced around the area for a bit but couldn't immediatly spot him. She walked a little more and eventually spotted the two of them together with another person that she didn't know. Ayame ran rowards Nero with her arms wide open and small tears in her eyes ready to comfort him. She came closer and closer and eventually she balled up her fist and punched him in the stomach as she tiptoed and whispered in one of his ears "I'm sorry, both of you... Got punishment." She still kept on hugging him, snuggling her face against his chest and her hands stuck on his clothes. Ayame eventually left him alone and returned to her familiar spot behind his back.

To tired to edit grammar T-T
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Crocus Park

The Necromancer stood by, watching Nero quickly turn the nice grass into solid stone and reaching towards the stranger in an alarming vicinity. Eve quickly took another step closer towards the two, but stopped once again. She was second guessing herself once again in her ability to do anything helpful, and was almost stuck inside of an infinite loop of self doubt. She was actually missing her attitude from her past life. Sure, it would lead her into many situations in which she would blow up in dark energy, but at least she wouldn't take no for an answer to make people feel happy. However, it seemed that Eve did something right during her crisis of trying to help her friend out.

When his eyes finally saw her, his posture of frustration seemed to slowly change into something much calmer than he once appeared inside of the park. Eve saw this and her feeling of anxiety quickly drained from her body as Nero started to make his way over towards her. It felt pretty nice to see Nero this way again, and she needed to work on trying to make Nero feel truly happy, even when she was not around. However, as he said some pretty comforting things and a squeeze towards her hand, this was good enough for now. Eve gave a big smile towards her newly revitalized friend, she was just about to give a nice big hug to Nero before she heard someone else running towards the two and Gabriel that Eve had legitimately forgot about.

Her head turned towards the newcomer, and with closer inspection, the newcomer appeared to be another friendly face towards Nero, Ayame! It was always a nice plan to surround him with people that enjoyed his presence. Eve waved towards the little girl and turned back to answer the question of her apparent silence. However, that was quickly cut short as Ayame ran straight into the Genie, and her eyes caught the gut punch towards the poor boy. Eve winced at the sudden blow towards Nero, but her face soon turned into another big smile as she found the snuggling of the chest quite adorable. After the huggling had ended and Ayame was back in her normal position of hiding behind Nero, Eve gave a little chuckle with a thumbs up towards Ayame and turned towards Nero to answer his question. The Necromancer pointed at her neck and made an 'X' symbol with her arms trying to signal that she couldn't speak. And yet again, Eve needed to find some other way to communicate rather than trying to play charades with everyone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Ryan walked over to Michael and Zephyr and looked them up and down. "How are you doing Michael, Zephyr?" He looked at his watch and his eyes widened. "Ahh crap! I missed the last match! Does anyone know who won?" Ryan looked at the two of them and shook slightly. He could almost feel his wallet emptying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Cecilia Lenin – Frenzy Park


Ah, a potential ally! As such individuals as Arivaderci and Xyster showed that guildmaster Sanders was happy to take unusual beings under his command, so long as they could respect the chain of command and what it meant to be a soldier, and as long as they got along at least passably with the others. Cecilia offered Argus a hand, after shifting her sword to her off-hand, and a slightly skeptical but still congenial smile. The effect of the corrosion went totally unnoticed. His own flirtatious grin unnerved Cecilia somewhat, but she could put that aversion aside to be polite. “Hello then, Argus. I'm Cecilia. Still pretty new, only been in a little more than two months, but I can tell you a few things if you're wanting to join us.”

After pointing the exhausted Thor in the direction of the nearest tent, the young knight took Argus on a brief tour of the campsite, pointing out certain tents and giving a quick overview of the individuals that owned them. She was, however, careful not to stray out of the line of sight of any of the other people around, or to disclose much about her guildmates' abilities. All the while, she remained oblivious to the degradation of her straps.

Her tour concluded with an explanation of how one would get into the guild. ”To get in, you need to overcome existing soldiers at challenges they set. It's most often combat, because that's important. You work your way up; beat a C-rank soldier, and you get to challenge B-rank, and so on. Our grading system is a little different from other guilds. We grade on overall effectiveness, not raw power. A wizard who could destroy and entire castle with a single fireball, who would also be knocked unconscious in a single hit, is C-rank, for instance. Higher ranks means not only greater power, but also ability to cover weakn-!”

At that moment, the weight of her armor tore the now-threadbare straps apart, and it fell to the ground in a great clatter. Cecilia's eyes widened. S***ting hell!” she sword vehemently, and grabbed at the falling metal. Her greaves, gauntlets, vambraces, and pauldrons all tumbled onto the ground. Only the helmet remained, a product of its craft with hinges instead of straps. The next instant, her bodice collapsed, only to reveal a sight no-doubt disappointing for Argus. Beneath her outer wear Cecilia, like most knights, wore a cloth shirt and breeches The shirt itself was far tighter than her baggy, yellow, black-striped sleeves and pantlegs, but it remained a lackluster show for the mischievous demon, particularly since it revealed that Cecilia wasn't very well-endowed at all. The knight, however, wasn't paying any attention to Argus. She was cursing to herself, repeatedly and with great fervor, about the armor. ”Good God, this stuff was so expensive! I took such good care of it! How did I let it break!? I'm a failure as a knight!' After a few moments, she seemed to take notice of Argus again. Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment, not for being seen in a tight shirt, but for looking like an incompetent fool. ”I...uh, sorry. It's...I get angry sometimes. Find Zander, he'll show you the ropes.” Gathering up what pieces she could carry, Cecilia rushed off toward the makeshift repair tent, the metal making a tremendous racket as she sprinted in panic.

Nero the Genie – Crocus Playground

@liferusher@Invisible Man

With Eve on the scene, Nero felt no need to pay any heed to Gabriel's presumptuousness. Glad to see that his brief streak of bitterness hadn't brought her down, he was more than happy to give her a hug, but paused before he could do so -instead putting an arm around her waist- as Ayame rushed up. As she approached, he realized that she, too, had been upset by his departure, and reached out his other arm to put around her shoulder. Instead, he was greeted with a surprisingly solid slug to the stomach. ”Blaghaga!” Wincing, he guessed that Ayame must be upset that he'd left her alone with strangers. Better ways to say that than with a blow to the belly, kid, he thought, but said nothing, just chuckling instead along with Eve. He grinned helplessly as the young girl clung to him. When Ayame attached to his back, he moved slightly so that she was standing next to his side, and enveloped her shoulder with free arm. ”It's fine, it's fine. I'm the one that oughtta say sorry. For a second there, I forgot how much you cared. Pretty foolish of me.” All thoughts of the Time Lord, of Gabriel, of anyone vacated him as he stood there between his two favorite people in the world. Once again, he could only marvel at how simply being next to these girls, particularly Eve, made him feel. A new thought struck him: [/i]is this love?[/i] What a quaint idea! As if a monster such as he could feel love. Still...

The tone sounded that signaled the end of the first event. People began to emerge from houses, eager to resume their day. Acting quickly, the genie snapped his fingers, and the petrified grass turned back to normal. Nero glanced back at Eve as she pantomimed her muteness. ”No voice? Huh. Did the Law have side effects, I wonder. You know, I could probably find a voice for you. It'd be a tough trade, but it'd be worth it. We could make it today's adventure!” He straightened up as if to start walking, but stopped when he remembered something. ”I know you guys have at least had something to eat because I waited a while before talkin', but if you want to finish your breakfast, I'll come back inside with you. We oughta let Time Snored know that everything's fine. If we don't, he'll get paranoid.” The choice was Ayame's and Eve's to make.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

It wouldn't be unheard of for a new magic to be beyond her ability. Especially early on. So what Tidius suggested sounded plausible. "I guess that makes sense. But she's..." She points to the newly formed spirit before being interrupted.

The spirit looked at Ariel and spoke. "Ariel, is that you? You've grown up." After a moment she seemed to realize something herself. "Hm, looks like I have as well." Glancing at Tidius she paused. Seemed he could see her and she waved a hand a bit to see if his eyes would follow and they did. "Can he... can he see me?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Argus Leandros

Argus followed Cecilia, noticing from her behavior how that she didn't seem to trust him all that much, though with his appearance he very well couldn't blame her. At least she didn't try to kill him or anything drastic as that, as were the reaction of some simpler folk he'd met. As she explained the methods for joining, Argus couldn't help but crack a smile, enjoying how oblivious the woman was to his little prank. The smile only widened as the armor fell apart and she set to cursing, though he did feel inklings of guilt as she blamed herself for the destruction. As she set off for the repair tent, Argus took a second to stop her, snapping his fingers to bring forth a bag using his requip magic. Reaching into it, he pulled out a 40,000 jewels and a small nugget of gold that was worth about another 5,000 from the pouch and handed them to his soon to be comrade. It was the majority of the money he received from the last mission he’d done solo, but since he was (hopefully) joining a guild soon, he’d be able to take harder, better paying jobs soon enough anyway, so it wasn’t that big of a loss in the grand scheme of things.

"Sorry about the armor, this should cover the costs, or at least, enough that you won't be taking as much of a hit to your bank account to repair it. I hope to see you again later, so don't hold too much of a grudge . . . actually, hold a grudge, it'll do us both good if we're ever on a team together." With that confusing sentence, Argus requipped a small, dark grey lacrima into his hand and threw on the ground, causing a puff of thick grey smoke to engulf the two for a few moments. When it dispersed, Argus was gone sprinting off towards the place where there seemed to be the most activity: around the giant whale man.

“Now how the hell did I miss that on my way in here? Well than, if this Zander guy is going to be anywhere, it’s got to be there right. If not, at least I’ll get to talk to the whale guy. That is definitely something you don’t get to do everyday.”

Destination set, Argus quickly made his way over to where the giant fish was, briefly witnessing the departure of what looked like a woman in a cloak. He soon arrived on the scene, seeing several other people around as well. Slowing down to a walk, he approached the guy who seemed to be talking to the anthropomorphic whale.

“Hey, I’m looking to find a guy name Zander? I’m trying to join the guild and was told he’s the guy to talk to about it. Oh, and my name is Argus Leandros, a pleasure to meet you all.” He gave a wave and a smile to all around, before turning back to the giant fishman, letting out a low whistle at the sight of him. “Anyone want to explain why you’ve got a giant whale man around, or is this just normal guild stuff?”


@Invisible Man

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Michael flinched as someone approached them, looking up and seeing Ryan. He glanced away again. Michael only really knew Prince and Zephyr well, anyone else in the guild was a stranger to him, and therefore terrifying. "t-t-t-the e-event is over, not the b-b-b-buh-battles" he stuttered out, looking down at his hands, hoping that Zephyr would take over.

Curious, Tidius stepped closer, "My eyes see fine, thank you. How do you know Ariel? You speak with an odd familiarity with her, given that she has never summoned a spirit before that she knows off" He said, studying the spirit and waiting for her to answer, wish t know more before he continued.

Such a...diverse magic. So alluring, tidius still didn't get his hopes up that this could be the answer to his problems.

Time Lord

Time Lord gave a sigh as Eve left, and he stopped Ayama's 'punishment' on him, freezing the chair in mid fall with a simple time spell. He moved chairs, and sat at the table for a moment, dropping his head into his hands. For a brief moment, he looked incredibly young. In that moment, you could tell his age, somewhere between 13 and 16. His expression was sad, and pained, but the moment passed, and he rose knowing it would be better for everyone if he wasn't here when they got back.

He left a folded piece of paper behind, by eve's place. I'm sorry. If you want me, just call my name, little Eve. he hesitated, before signing his name, Parker. He would answer to Time Lord, as well of course. He sighed, and headed out the hotel, going out through the kitchens, he moved smoothly, looking up as the first event seemed to end. He gave a sigh, the slight wind fluttering his hair, and stood there a moment. For the first time in a long time, he seemed lost. He didn't know where to go from here. He shoved his heads in his pockets, and rocked back on his heals.

Moisture glistened in his eyes, and time Lord continued to walk, There were two people he could talk to now, and he decided to go with the easier of the two, he headed to the arena. He was a fool for expecting he could have even a few hours of happiness. He only hoped he had done enough, to make the future easier on all those he cared about. He knew he wouldn't be around to see it. but my spells on Eve will last, until I'm no longer here. If they are broken, I'll be able to know, to be there in a flash. I can still look after her, even if I can't be with her

He moved to the arena, through the crowds, searching for where Dragon Fang would be.


Her, any sort of master? That was a laugh. There were better people suited for Master status, and Penny knew she wasn't one of them. She pushed those thoughts aside, and listened to Trinity. Penny frowned, she hadn't gotten much further then the magic council library, and with a jolt, Penny looked away, remembering that had been where they had had the whole killing conversation. All in all, that hadn't been a good day, and to think the complications from it could still effect things now. As Trinity continued, speaking about love, Penny doubt that was the power she had, more, iti seemed, like she was helping Karn. Penny gave a soft sigh, and said softly, "It does. The trouble is, you have to accept that love for it to be any good."

Penny wondered how the master could deal with everything, it seemed like there were so many currents in the guild, and if you didn't pay attention to one, it would be swept away. Karn and whatever was wrong with him, Trinity's kidnapping, miterha's disappearance, and on top of that, the games themselves, or in normal times, keeping track of members and their jobs. As S class, Penny felt the need to help Master Jamie with it all now.

The funny thing was, she would have done it even without the S class status. She hadn't wanted it, but her she was anyway. The only difference was, the Master seemed to think she was better watching over the guild the doing something, sending Damian for action. "Just stay safe, okay? Maybe don't go out on your own while we are here. There's a lot going on, and I doubt crocus would be happy if we tore it apart because of all that" She said, with a smile, glancing to the lacrima screen, which should have been off, but was showing the scene between Master Jamie, Jarvis who had just appeared, and Amelia.

"Oh, for goodness sake." She started down the steps, to the lower platform of the arena, and just as the Games Master was heading off the arena, she flung a fireball at him. "Turn the damn Lacrima off! You think Amelia want's to have this displayed!" She pointed to the screen in fury, as Games Master Sheldon dodged the fire ball.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 days ago


GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME?! Nolan screamed in his head while trying to main a poorly executed poker face. Beads of sweat ran down his head and his face had turned into a red tomato in less than a second. Her warm breath against his ear sent a cold shiver of death down his spine and for a second he saw a bright white light at the end of a dark tunnel. If there was a time that trying to hold a cool composure would be almost impossible this was the time. He sighed in relief when James erected a barrier of light to keep the two of them separated. Hell he didn't care about Jame little comment after that. As long he was separated from the crazy lady then he was happy.

"Well hellllllllo Marlene. Lookin' good!" Dalton said with a wide grin though was soon brought to a frown and gave James brief glare at separating him from the beauty. He sighed and sat down back on Nolan's lap, watching the games finish up. A large shadow crept up from behind the trio and he turned to see what it was. His eyes widened wide enough to make his sunglasses look puny. It was a towering figure that was taller than three mages by a long shot with two horns protruding from its head with a massive spiked club in its hand. "AHHHHHHHH! WHAT IS THAT?!" Dalton screamed and hugged the side of Nolan's head.

"...Did you really need to scream?" Enma, the oni, said with a dead pan expression on his face.

This...this was so...SO COOL! Skull armor, sun armor, giant airships, gunners, summoning spirits! This was so damn cool that he could hardly contain himself! He was supposed to be writing about the fashion choices the mages picked, but he found himself writing about the actual events happening in the games themselves! How could he be writing about fashion when people are literally blasting solar energy at each other?! Holy crap this was the second day of the games too! Just how much more awesome can be packed into this?! It was too bad that his sister wasn't there to enjoy it herself. She would probably be having a field day with all of the stuff going on!

"I must say that this was an exciting round! I can't wait to see what else we're going to see soon! We're seeing so many other kinds of magic and yet we've hardly scratched the surface! Oh man I wish I was apart of the games, but alas I'm not in a guild." He said the last part with a hint of disappointment. It certainly would've been fun to be participate in the actual games, but he would have to join a guild. It's not like he wasn't planning to not join a guild. If anything he's using the games as a chance to see which guild appealed to him the most and then join.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marlene Evangeline

Marlene giggles as she looks at Nolan's face. Yup, she got him alright. She got him reaaaaaal good.

"My my," she says, "Your face is as red as a tomato. How adorable, fufu!"

She then winks in response to Dalton's response. Marlene was planning on probably seducing him to be with her when suddenly, a barrier of light separates her from the other two. She yelped in surprise, which turned into a frown of disappointment. She looks up to see the Paladin looming over the two.

"Awwww I didn't mean to cause such a distress, Marlene answers innocently, "We're actually good friends you know? Just wanted to pull a small prank. Nothing wrong with that right?"

That was just a small lie for him to go away. Hopefully he'll take the bait, but if not, oh well. She'll approach Nolan and his Exceed some other time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

She seemed somewhat surprised hearing that Tidius could see her. It took her a moment to collect her thoughts. "Well I... I'm Fiona. One of Ariel's imaginary friends. At least I thought I was." Clearly something was different. Reaching out she picked up an object. "Oh my goodness. I'm real? What happened?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt

Zephyr waved at Ryan and nodded at Mikey's stuttering explanation. "Pretty much what Mikey said, the event ended and it was to crazy for me to keep track of it. All I hope is that I get called in for the battles today, I'm practically sitting on adrenaline." Zephyr said laughing as he then looked at Mikey. "By the way I meant what I said about challenging you everyone if I don't fight today." Zephyr said with a straight face showing he was dead serious about the statement. Zephyr would look at Ryan and pat the seat next to him. "Well come on now sit down, also might wanna invest in a new watch..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Delsin Jones and Amelia Averyonna

@Burthstone @Caits

Delsin sighed as time ran out. Jumping down from the building he was on top of, he made his way over to Luna and the sand pit. He pointed his gun at her and fired. The bullet would hit her and do nothing other then teleport her to him. He glanced down at her and shook his head before walking over to Master Jamie.
"Is she okay?" He asked, looking over at Amelia

Amelia just stared up at Jarvis blankly before finally passing out.

"Get her to the medics, ASAP. That blow to her head looked nasty. Possible concussion." Delsin said.

Joshua Tamashii

@Amaya Tamashii

"My face is telling me that that was the closest to home I've been in over a decade." Joshua said."As for your past, I only know what you've told me. That you grew up near Mount Hakobe. After that, you speak little of what's happened to you. Like me, I can guess that there was some tragic incident that you wish to never speak about."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Luna would make a small gasp as she was teleported next to Delsin, and she'd shake herself before sitting up. Her forearms would have several small cuts and burns on them, as would her face, but none of them looked like they would scar. She'd sit on her knees for a moment, before slowly standing up, just usig her feet. "Th-thanks," she'd murmur to Delsin before carefully walking around the sand pit and to a wall to lean against, closing her eyes for a moment and resting. She wondered if the contestants would all be teleported back to the Arena or if they would have to wait for someone from their guild to come get them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Ryan sighed in relief as he sat down. He looked at Michael and Zephyr and began to speak. "I don't think I've introduced myself to you Michael. I'm Ryan." Ryan tipped his cowboy hat and then frowned. "I'm not going to be betting anymore today. Not if it means I have to wear more stuff like this." He explained.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo looked around as he was put in the maze along with the others. Honestly Angelo was getting annoyed with battles like this where his opponent was himself. Angelo had to find a way to get out of here and at least make it to the end he couldn't afford to loose until he got to the championship so Angelo kept walking through the maze and unfortunately he stepped on a trap and he had to jump out of the way of the stones that would crush me.

Then Angelo stepped on another trap and ended up releasing some salamanders not exactly ideal but Angelo had to make due as he dodged their attacks before jumping over them and striking them both down with lightning making them crispy. Angelo sighed loudly I hate this maze! Angelo yelled out annoyed as he kept walking looking for a way out...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

games master Sheldon
GM Sheldon returned to the arena after sometime. He soon had the attention of the crowd again, and grinned "well! I have reviewed the event and these are the scores! This is unusual, but after some debate, I have decided to give Amelia, of Phoenix Wing A, the full ten points! She showed true loyalty and kindness to her guild, stepping in when Miss Sasha was unable to participate, and that shows great character. Do not fear, though. Luna of Iron Enigma always gets ten points for such an amazing time in the maze! Xyster of Frenzy plant gets 8 points, for stepping in and preventing chaos when that air ship crashed, as well as for her battles in the event. Nash of tough love gets 7 points, again for helping save the city from damage by preventing the airship causing havoc! Delsin of riders blade receives six points, Ammy of dragon fang receives five, Angelo of Phoenix wing B recieves four and merlina of pirate lord three! What an exciting event! The battles will start shortly!"


Michael squirmed slightly, but managed to say a "n-n-nice to m-m-meet you" with barely any stuttering. Michael found it hard to speak with people he didn't know, but more so guys. He shifted just slightly closer to Zephyr, choosing familiar over strange. He hoped Ryan didn't take any offense to it. "I didn't think you c-c-could b-bet on the g-games" he said


That as interesting. Clearly, the girl had had some form of this power as a child. Or that was the conclusion tidius game too. "fascinating. Are you sure you were imaginary though?" he asked, glancing to Ariel wondering just how far her powers ranged. It was getting harder to think of why he should give her back to her guild.


Without a word to Jamie, Jarvis knelt and gently picked up Amelia, not wanting to cause her any pain. Jamie bowed her head, and didn't say anything. There wasn't really anything that he could say at the moment.

Jarvis started to the medics, trying not to jostle Amelia too much
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

"I'm sure she was. I made her up when I was 7. I stopped believing she was real when I was 10." She looked at Fiona. "Sorry I guess." Seeing that Tidius was looking at her, Ariel scratched her head. "Maybe the spirit took the form of my childhood fantasy. Because I know she wasn't real."

The newly formed spirit shrugged a little bit. What was really going on left her quite confused. "When you were 10 was the last time I remember anything. Until now anyway. What's this about me being a spirit?" One of the other clouds wavered slightly as it seemed ready to take form and Fiona disappeared. Seemed Ariel couldn't handle more than one spirit an once and some fatigue began to show. The cloud turned black and white then swirled around to form the second spirit. The result was more peculiar than the last. This spirit had a child-like stature, black and white fur and hair, dog ears, and antlers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Arena Stands-Iron Enigma Seating

Damian had started for the Iron Enigma seating the moment he was sure Trinity was safe. Melina had asked that they watch for Iron Enigma, though it was more warned them to. Even said they'd take Mithera to try and find out where she was. And Damian had dismissed it, had hoped that with their participation in the games, they would play it smart. He had been wrong. And now he stood at the foot of their seating area. "Iron Enigma, I would have a word with your Guild Master." His tone was one that gave no room for debate or deceit. If they were smart, they'd know he was on to them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Layle Kvothe

The excitement of the moment died down, and Layle felt vaguely disappointed at being unneeded and it turning to, he felt, an anticlimactic ending. Although, he perked up as he realized there were other mages here that are strong enough to stop a giant airship from crashing. Wow, I wonder if that kind of power is normal or if it is unusual... His stomach rumbled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten for awhile. First to get something to eat, then to find a guild! He prioritized. Using his magic, he inconspicuously slipped away.

Ferrin and Valak

Ferrin and Valak applauded with the rest of the crowd at the amazing performance of all the mages. They were surprised at the airship incident and at the announcer's subsequent decision. Valak quietly got up. "Where are you going?" Ferrin asked casually. "Food. Want some?" Valak said. "No thanks, just some water." Ferrin replied. Valak nodded and moved away.
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