Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Really? You defend someone so-" Her words stilled in her throat as a clawed fingers made of ice wrapped around her throat.

"Shut your mouth, Beta. Here's how things are going to go, your going to go back to your desk and remain there. Or so help me I will skin you alive and make it as painful as I can." Enna's voice was flat and hard, the woman shrunk into herself and found her head bobbing up and down instinctively. Her teeth barred the next minute as a scathing reply rose to he tip of her tongue, the clawed fingers dug deeper into her neck. Stepping away from the wall and the abnormally same hands, she bowed her head and left.

James and Jason met in front of the hotel, their arms full of bags and packages of food. Entering and moving immediately for the stairs, they didn't notice the clerk that slowly made her way to her desk. Entering the room and pausing just inside, both stilled and sniffed the air. Both tensed and shift their gazes around the room, before closing the door and making their way to the small table that was tucked into the corner of the room.

"What happened?" They both asked, turning ton face both Enna and Adrian after placing their bags down. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Adrian snarled in her face, then was quite startled as Enna's hand joined his own on her neck. He could have quite easily focused all of the raging turmoil in his body into his hand, and fried her. But he restrained himself. He knew Enna wouldn't appreciate him killing her. He released her, stepping back to give Enna room to operate. He growled, low and rumbling, fire spearing to dance inside his eyes. He watched her leave, his lips pulling back from his slightly sharpened teeth. He turned and enveloped her in his arms, taking a deep startled breath at the drastic difference in temperature. He began to speak, his voice containing a deeper, more animalistic sound," why is it that every time I do something else something bad happens."

His head turned slightly as the twins entered, letting out a grunt at his question. "Clerk women decided to Coke and challenge Enna while I was in the shower." He stalked over to the bag, searching through them before finding pants his size, yanking them on to be more clothed then previously. @Arista
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Huffing and shaking her head, Enna moves towards the bed and flops down on it. Curling up and calling her ice back to her, she relaxes and allows her eyes to close, sleep taking her instantly.

"Unfortunately we can't move right now. As weak as she is, using her ability might harm her more, for now we have to rest and recuperate. Both of you need it more then we do." Jason offered softly, leaning against the table as James rifles through one of the bags of food and pulls out two large sandwiches. James offers one to Jason before beginning to eat his own, the eldest twin offers the bag to Adrian before moving to the couch and tugging his brother with him.

"We bought clothes and food that should last us until Friday, it's Wednesday now. Enna won't move around much for awhile, I'm surprised she was able to get up and show that stupid woman she wasn't kidding. Just so you know, none of this is your fault, she's obsessed with Enna because her powers are unusually strong for her age. She wanted to break her so she could use her power whenever she wanted, it didn't work and now she has other methods. It's not your fault boss, none of us blame you." James offers honestly as he watches Enna sleep, Jason remains silent but shifts his gaze from the window to Enna was well. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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He turned and gazed at Enna, taking a deep breath. Moving over to the bedside, he reached down to brush his hand over her arm before standing to leave her be. He sighed softly, running his hand through his hair before approaching the window, leaning against the wall and peering out from behind the curtain, gazing down at the street and everything that was going on. He leaned his head up against the wall, taking a deep breath again and letting it out in a puff of air. He could still feel how warm his body was, but he couldn't cool it down. He'd just have to wait to calm down enough to be able to sedate his power.

He closed his eyes, listening to the two twins talk, his nose flaring slightly as they began to talk about how it wasn't his fault. He began to speak, his voice low and grumbling deep in his chest," then why is it that I seem to have no power to protect her. Every time I try, it seems to get worse. I barely get a scratch, and she is bleeding. I attack someone to allow her time to run, and it ends up backfiring and hurting all of you instead. I seem to do more harm then good." His lips pulled back over his teeth, standing to face the window," I'm weak. Everyone just walks all over me. I'm powerless." His breathing began to pick up, his emotions starting to spiral out of control. Flames began to flicker around his hands and up his arms, glaring in self hate out the window. His thoughts were getting to the point of rash now. "I'm going after her. If I can surprise her, I can stop her, and hopefully end all of this." @Arista
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"You leave this room as you are, you'll face the consequences." Enna's voice was harsh, more growl then words. Ice filled the room as her anger, fear and unease freely consuming her. "Things happen for a reason, don't to self-blaming yourself for what's happening to us. Your not weak, anything but that, so stop." By the end her words were muffled by her elongated teeth, her body half-shifted as ice began to coat the room.

Jason and James backed away from the bed, eyes flickering as they watched the mist change to claeed hands. This was bad in many ways, the more power Enna used in her weakened state would backfire and leave her weaker. Both shifted easily and pinned their ears as they sat on their haunches, their tails wrapping around their hind paws. Enna's eyes were closed but her body was tense, her teeth grinding together as her tail swayed from side to side. Her nose flared as her ears twitched at each sound that filled the silence, her body urging her to shift completely and run. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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A startled grunt escaped him at the sound of Enna's voice. He expected her not to hear him. A shiver ran down his spine, feeling the wave of cold brush over him. He turned to face her, blinking at the stage that he had set her into. He opened his mouth to continue saying something, but then stopped, realizing that this was not the time. He just needed to calm her down from her current situation. He slowly approached her, quite unlike the twins as they backed away. He melted the ice that would form on the floor as he stepped, his bare feet easily letting off enough heat to melt the ice, even if it immediately from again as he moved his foot again. He slowly sat down on the bed next to her, his hand running through her hair, not daring to touch her skin. With how extreme the body temperature differences are, they could probably hurt one another. "Come back down.. I'm sorry, this feeling of helplessness is one I have had for years, its why I don't tend to get close to others. I fear losing them, and blame everything on myself." He took a deep breath, his hand slowly combing through her hair, as relaxing to him as it might be to her.

He swallowed hard before continuing," the nightmare I had. You were being hurt, being killed, and I would try to run towards you. I'd try as hard as I could to get close, to help you, to save you. But when I'd try, it seems like I'd take a step back. But when I finally made it, it was too late. The thing had already completed what whatever it was meant to do. And I was absolutely helpless. I just had to sit back and watch until after I couldn't do anything." @Arista
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Enna remained silent, her body slowly relaxing in increments, her ice fading to nothing as his words filled her ears. Her eyes fluttered open slowly and her lips parted on a long exhale that came out in a puff of air. Her gaze locked with Adrian's and she managed a small smile, Jason and James moving to curl around her.

"Each of us has something we cling to, what she's filled my head with is still there. The fact that I just saw my supposedly dead grandmother isn't helping. We're together now so we each help the other the best that we can, we're...a pack." Enna's cheeks were dusted with pink as she shifted Jason away and slowly rose until she was at the edge of the bed.

Enna's the Alpha and for reference Adrian is her mate. Right? James' tone was teasing as he shifted forward and locked Enna's elbow, said girl choked and half-turned to glare at the panther. Want me to help you shower? He asks suddenly, eyes watching as Enna makes her way to the bags and tugs one with her to the bathroom. She pauses just outside the door and turns to him, her eyes narrowed, her cheeks dusted pink.

"No." She hisses before opening the door and locking it behind her, Jason huffs and lifts one paw to slam it onto James' muzzle, the younger twin hisses and turns his head to his brother. His tail flicking happily as the sound of water fills the air a few moments later.

Really? Jason snarls, paw still raised.

Kidding, geez James offers with a wince, Jason raises one side of his maw to show off his pointed fangs before dropping his head on his paws. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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He nodded slowly, sighing softly. "I know, and I wish I could purge it all from your head. She is a cruel human being, and doesn't deserve to live." He closed his eyes, resting his head in his hand softly. He could still feel the heat radiating off of his body, but he couldn't stop it yet. He wasn't calm enough. He watched her sit up, removing his hand from her hair as she did. He ran his hand over his face with a deep breath, before he heard and comprehended what James has said. He peered out from between his fingers at them both, before singling out James, glowering at him. He didn't understand him sometimes. However, he could feel his face burning as well, so he continued to keep his face in his hand for now at least, he didn't want his pink cheeks to be on standby. Once his face had calmed down enough, he lifted his head, a small smile curling his lip at Enna's reaction to what James suggested. He let out a deep breath, stretching his arms over his head before rolling his eyes at the twins antics.

He stood from the bed, rubbing his shoulders. He was very tense, and sore. The shifting had really done a number on his body, not just mentally. he walked back over to the window, cracking it open and sitting on the window sill, enjoying the cold air that came in form outside. It was helping him cool down from his overly warm temperature. He leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes. @Arista
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Finishing and stepping out of the shower, Enna related a breath and reached for the bag she'd brought with her. The water dissapating as she tugged the clothes on and watched her reflection in the misted mirror. Her eyes sported deep black circles, her face was paler then it used to be and after leaning closer to get a better look she noted that her eyes were rimmed with crimson. Stepping away and opening the door, she stepped into the room and placed the towel she'd used on the back of the couch and moved to the open window.

"Weres are a species that can be left unchecked. I'm not the first but it's been a few years since one has possessed the ability to control ice with just a single thought. It's expected and in a way my grandmother being killed played a role in it, our options now are limited. We need a safe place."

There aren't any that are close. James began from his perch on Enna and Adrian's bed, leaning against the wall, she watched as Jason life his head and tilted it.

And at the moment none of us are capable of going the distance. With the term starting she won't attack us as much but that doesn't mean we can let our guards down. The files we picked through are alarming. Enna moved closer to Adrian and after a moment of hesitation, she sat by his legs and curled herself into a ball.

"You never did tell us what those files held. Mind sharing?" Her hair was dropping water down her long-sleeved gray shirt but she didn't care, her mind was spinning and she noticed that something was off. She could smell things trice as far and hear things from the same distance, her muscles twitched every now and then as a scent or sound caught her attention.

A bad sign if anything. It was clear that she'd spent too long shifting from one form to another. And if she remembered an old warning her grandmother told her, if she shifted while in this state, she'd be overwhelmed with it all and lose control of herself. Wincing and pushing the thought away, she focused on the twins as they rose and fluidly shifted back.

Time to get much needed information. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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He listened to what they were saying, frowning slightly as he looked out of the window and down at the street below. They didn't have many places they could go anymore. They were in a terrible position for everything. Everyone was tired, but unable to get the needed sleep because of what was going on inside their heads. He sighed, rubbing his face with his hand softly. When they spoke about the term starting he bit on his lip, a thought entering his mind, and he shook his head slightly. He said," what makes the term starting though more dangerous is the fact that she could send out the older students, using them to find us. There are so many, she could easily find some strong enough to track us all down." He sighed again, shaking his head.

He smiled slightly as Enna approached him, opening his legs and pulling her into the space between them, wrapping his arms around her. he had cooled enough that he would just feel a bit warmer then normal. He had calmed down quite a bit. He leaned his head against her head, not caring about how wet her hair was, just breathing in her scent happily. He knew he was probably gonna get teased by the twins, but he didn't care. With what they were about to learn, he wanted her close. @Arista
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"She knows our weaknesses. She's been watching us for who knows how long, some of the files were just information about us from an early age. Where we came from, who our parents were-" James paused as he noticed Enna's body stiffen completely. This topic was a sore spot, he shifted and leaned against his brother, Jason nudged his shoulder in silent consent.

"-Some of them are recent and some are old. The ones from when she had you and observations she made just after the incident. The rest were noted about each student, what speices they were and the abilities they posses. Some were just drawings and texts in Latin that we didn't have time to translate." Jason paused when James huffed softly and fully leaned on him.

"The older students aren't good at tracking so those won't be a problem. The thing we need to worry about are the others that might come looking for us, Enna specifically due to her rank and species. We have food and I'd suggest we eat and sleep some more, a storm is coming and it should help us."

Enna remained still and quite, her stomach growling softly not drawing her attention from the darkening sky she was watching. Her head fell heavily against Adrian's chest, her legs curling up as both twins rise and move to the bag of still warm food. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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He wrapped his arms around her, gently pressing his lips onto her head as he felt her tense up against him. He let his fingers brush over her arm, closing his eyes. After the twins had finished he said softly," so, she's a creepy stalker that knows everything about us? Fantastic." The last word came out as a low grumble, almost nearly akin to a growl. He buried his face into her hair, letting out a soft huff. How could they handle someone that was far older then them and knew everything. Was it even possible? Noticing his thoughts going back off into dark places, he pulled himself back, taking another breath in of her scent.

"Hopefully we can all sleep without any of our little demons entering our minds, so we actually get good sleep." He pressed a light kiss to her temple, still acting much like he was very glad to have her here, in his arms, and safe from harms way. He could feel her lack of desire to not get up, so he remained where he was, keeping his arms wrapper around her and holding her to his body still. He couldn't lose her. Not like he lost everyone else he cared for. He always thought the evil was outside, maybe the evil was inside all along. @Arista
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jason and James moved to their own bed, slipping under the sheets and instantly drifting off to sleep. Enna rumbled softly and relaxed, her eyes closing and sleep taking her instantly. The storm forming slowly before beginning to coat the land in a mixture of ice and rain, the sounds helping Enna relax into the warmth of Adrian's arms.

The headmistress huffed in annoyance as she scanned the list of students before her. There would he helpful, one of which was a werewolf and Alpha. Soon, in two days time, she'd have her new squad of trackers. They'd soon be back within the walls of her school, very soon. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Adrian let his eyes drift close, leaning his head back against the wall. He enjoyed the feel of Enna resting in his arms like she was now, it was very relaxing for him. He felt as if he would be able to protect her this way. He slowly let out a breath of air, relaxing back into the wall. He let his mind wander for several minutes, though keeping it from entering the dark space within his brain, or anyone's brain. Sleep dragged him under, not even noticing he was indeed falling asleep, just it gently lulling him down to that point. @Arista
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The secretary below was frantically whispering into the mouthpiece of her phone, the lobby empty as the day slowly turns to night. Jason and James awake awhile later and quietly whisper amongst each other, a storm raging outside.

Enna remains asleep, head tilted toward the cool windows as the pitter patter of rain fills the silence. The soft sounds of claws scratching at the door draw both twins attention awhile later, the soft whine and smell of blood jerking them up to their feet. Slowly both moved until they stood on either side of the door, the repeated sound of scratching ceased as they neared, another pained whine had both reaching a hand to the door and opening it.

A small white-gray pup sat just a few inches from the door, blood coating it's fur and its breathing was ragged. Both watched as it slumped to its side, the sound of two doors opening down the hall had both turning to Adrian and Enna.

"Guys. Problem." They murmur quietly, the tense undertone lining their voices jerks Enna awake. She blinks her heavy eyes and wrinkles her nose at the copper-scent of blood.

"Isnide, and close the door." She mutters sluggishly, her mind still fuzzy with sleep, both do as told, James closing the door behind James after he gently lifts up the limp pup. Silence fills the air as Enna tries to wake herself up, both twins silently inspecting the pup as it lay quietly and unconscious.

It didn't feel like a threat, but they couldn't let their guard down. @SomeoneSomewere
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Adrian stirred slightly, his arms tightening from his grip around her waist. His head was now resting against Enna's, each breath bringing her scent into his nose. The sound of the scratching and whining wasn't quite enough to wake him up from his slumber. His eyes opened slightly and drifted close once again. He dozed, then flinched as the twins spoke to them. He jerked awake, his nose flaring and immediately taking in the scent of blood. He sat up, adrenaline flooding his body, releasing Enna from his grip. He looked at her then at the pup, gently moving Enna off of his lap to stand and go and see the pup. He frowned, sympathy pulling at him.

He gently picked the pup up in his hands, walking over to the bathroom. Threat or not, he couldn't let the poor pup die like this. He turned on the sink and began to wash off the pup in order to see, where, if there were any, wounds that could be dealt with a wrapped up. He took a deep breath in through his nose, trying to see if there was any other potentially dangerous scent. @Arista
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"She's weak, her healing factor is working but sluggishly. Let me see." Enna quietly states, stepping up to his side and gently taking the pup from his hands, the twins were setting up a nest of towels for once the pup was cleaned off. The pup stirred slightly in her hands and whined questioningly, Enna stroked her ears softly, turning towards the tub she turns the knobs and shifts the pup to her other hand for a moment.

Glancing down and noting the jeans she'd pulled on ealier, her nose wrinkles as warm water begins to fill the tub. Rolling her eyes and stepping into the tub, she lowers herself and the pup into the water and with her free hands turns the water off.

"Adrian, go with the twins and bring the towels they've set up. I'll clean her off and heal the wounds that she can't heal on her own. I'd appreciate it, I need you here with me." She glances up and smiles at him, her free hand gently cleaning the mud and blood from her fur. The pup was stirring more, tail beginning to wag, Enna wished she could shift and talk to her. At the moment though, the option wasn't one she could take, answering the soft whines and chuffs with her own, Enna relaxes and focuses on the task at hand. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Adrian nodded smiling briefly before quickly moving and carefully grabbing the small nest of towels. He walked back over to her, setting down the towels and sitting down on his legs beside the tub, reaching to gently rub the pup's head in his hand, tilting his head. He was able to pick up on most of the conversation, but several parts were different to him. He had definitely gotten better at understanding how wolves talked, accustomed to the cat and tiger side of talking. Wolves seemed to be much more vocal, while tigers left most talking to hteir body language.

He watched Enna care after the little pup, biting his lip softly at the mothering nature that she just seemed to easily pick up on and use to calm the pup. He moved into a more comfortable position, crossing his legs instead of sitting on them. Kneeling on hard floor isn't the funniest thing to do. He said softly," I wonder who's pup this is.. and why they left it at our door." @Arista
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"We found some food the pup can eat princess." Both twins offered from the open doorway, Enna hummed softly in acceptance while her hands continued gently scrubbing. Her eyes were narrowed and her shoulders had tensed as she'd listen to the pup's story. It seemed even the young of her kind were being subjected to the world of confinement and punishment just as she had been.

"She wasn't left at our door. Wolves have a sensitive sense of smell, by instinct she followed my scent and found herself here. She barely escaped from where she was being held with a few other pups, these wounds were caused by others. It seems even the young Weres are being treated like dirt and confined just because the powers we can posses scare the other people so they try to break them at the earliest age possible so they can be used as weapons." By the end, Enna's hands have stopped and a ache has filled her chest.

The pup lifts her head and whines softly, little pink tongue lolling out to gently swipe across her palm. Enna's forehead is resting on the cool porcelain of the tub and she manages a choked chuff in understanding. This little pup even after going through what she did, still trusts another wolf with her safety. Shoulders shaking as sobs long since overdue take hold. @SomeoneSomewere
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Adrian frowned, sadness forming on his face. He didn't understand how people could be so harsh a cruel. He gently pet the little pup, his fingers brushing of the little head gently. He couldn't bare the poor pup being mistreated as such. Its a little child. Just because of being a wolf. He looked at Enna as she placed her head on the edge of the tub, before noticing the shaking of her shoulders

He moved forward and gently wrapped his arms around her, his hands rubbing over her back, kissing her head softly. He held onto her tightly, not speaking, just giving her a shoulder to cry on and to let it out. he rocked her back and forth gently, trying to calm her down. After a moment he gently kissed her cheek, before speaking softly," we will go around and find all of the places that hold wolves captive and we will free them and protect them from the hardship that they face. I won't let anyone go through this." He rubbed her back, moving his hand to gently run it through her hair. @Arista
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