Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gregory Vale -- Crocus Streets
Gregory smiled for a moment, before giving Carrie a soft laugh. "I'll give you credit, you know how to call a bluff. That or you're willing to sacrifice your personal reputation for what you believe in, which is also respectable," he'd offer her his hand, to shake. "Well, seems that concludes our meeting here. I'm sure we'll see each other again, Miss Carrie. Though there's a decent chance it may be through a prison lacrima," he seemed oddly sincere for the master of a Dark Guild. Even if she was a Telepath, it is unlikely that Carrie would detect even the faintest glimmer of malice or insincerity in Gregory as he held out his hand.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Samir Saron

"I see." Samir answers with a nod, "Also, I'm just wondering, I'm heading to this Ramen place I usually go when I'm here. It's just over there across the street. Whenever you've finished training, perhaps we can talk and eat there? After all, it seems like a hard-working person such as yourself should refuel once in awhile don't you think?"

This was also just a little offer just to get to know Damian a little better. Again, she still has missed out on a good deal of things before she came back on her mission, so she should get in touch how Phoenix Wing it doing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Secluded Park

Damian executed a double spinning slash, dispatching the last of the imaginary sword wielders and their blades dissipating. Sighing, he sheathes the pair of blades and rests them against a bench. "Well, I can't say I'm keen on the idea of taking a break too soon, but I suppose I can long enough to eat." Removing a lacrima from a pouch on his belt, he drops it in the middle of his camps and a dome raises. This would keep anyone he hadn't invited into his camp and training zone from getting in and stealing things. As he inspected it, he found himself once more amazed at Jarvis' skill with lacrima. Turning to Samir, he smiles. "Well then, shall we?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Samir Saron

The Heavenly Archer smiles back and nods, giving the OK signal.

"Indeed." she says as she escorts him to the Ramen restaurant, "So you've been really training hard these days. Is this how you usually train or do you have some special role to play in the Games later?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 1 day ago

Cyare Staunton

@Plank Sinatra

"Excellent. Where would you expect her to be?" With her attire settled, Cyare set about a few small in-place stretches to work the lazy warmth from her body. Rotations of the shoulder, a few minor stretches of the back, neck, things of that nature. Just enough to keep her moving and get her ready for activity again. She kept her gaze directed, more or less, at Ferrara while she waited for the answer.

"If she is blind, she likely would not have gone far, correct?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Ariel - GMG Phoenix Wing Stands

@CirusArvennicus@Prince of Seraphs@Lugubrious
Fuming in the background for a moment she watched as the Ice mage continued to act oddly. Apparently she had a scar from some incident in the past. And them she began to interact with Fleo. Or about as well as she could apparently. If Ariel had any Spirit magic left she probably would have changed to it from confusion. But since she didn't Ariel was left to latch onto anger. "Hey! Back off will ya." While Trinity took to consoling Fleo, Ariel stepped in between Fleo and Elizabeth. If something didn't change shortly then the Fire personality was liable to make her do something rash.

Much like Fleo though, Ariel found a distraction in Nero's appearance. She hadn't seen him in a while. In fact she'd forgotten about him. As she recalled he refused to split apart her magics, which she now knew would have been futile anyway. As they spoke though she realized they were talking about Karn. That got her full attention and her anger died out instantly. What were they planning to do? Like that Ariel switched to a magic none of them had seen before. It was distinctly different from the others in that her color didn't just change, but also some of her physical traits. Her clothes and eyes turned green, parts of her skin became rough like the bark of a tree, her hair became leafy, and several flowers sprouted and bloomed in the sun.

The changes didn't seem to bother her in the slightest as she stepped over to Trinity and Nero. "Excuse me. I couldn't help but overhear. I'm not sure what you may be thinking of trying, but I have to advise caution. The two Karn's have to stay together for now. Splitting them apart too early may harm them." Her tone and body language was a lot more calm. Her hands were folded over one another in front of her. It almost sounded like she was speaking to them as children.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Ramen restaraunt

Damian shook his head as they walked into the Ramen place and were seated. "No, no special role. It's only a little more intense than what I normally do for reasons I won't divulge just yet. What about yourself? Enjoying what you've seen of the Games so far?" He got a simple bowl of ramen, he didn't want to over eat while training the way he was.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silvan Haven
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Silvan Haven Interstellar Paladin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[@natsume-honnaji] @lunarlors34 @raijinslayer @Expolar

Lux Harken

The light mage was not about to let the monster get away from him. However, he did have to take a moment with the pair in his protective spell. The mother would likely die if she did not receive medical treatment soon. While the likelihood of a quickly raising amount of casualties prevented him from staying and providing the necessary help it did not mean he could could not make sure she lasted until somebody else could arrive to help.

Lux ran his hand along the barrier as he charged past, changing it's properties as he did so. The light inside the barrier changed as he did so. The much softer shade indicating the from protecting the occupants to reinforcing them. Blood loss slowed and the pain in the mother's lower half started to become much more bearable.

Having done what he could Lux continued on down the street at top speed. The sight of a building collapsing made him grit his teeth as he realized that he would not be able to close to short range in time. Reaching inside his mind he grabbed an image and wrapped it in magic. The words of the freeform spell bursting from his lips.

"Light Make: Spears!"

A series of bright yellow boar spears formed around him and shot off towards the abomination. Even if they missed none of the spears would hit any of the nearby civilians. If one did hit it would pin the monster in place while the purification magic woven in would burn away at the very magic that gave the beast life. Whatever the case it's attention would be on Lux rather than the helpless pedestrians.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 12 days ago


Nidhogg looked up to see Shiro approaching him, a light smile crossing his face as he did so. He took the towel in hand, but didn't do anything with it, as he was clean enough at the moment, so the creature wouldn't be slowly tortured to death.

"Well, it's glad to see you, and tell your Mistress that I don't mind her- Hello." Nidhogg turned to face the creature as it began it's attack, laying down quite a fierce barrage upon the necromatic mage before seeming to burying him underneath a pile of rubble. As Shiro began to assault the beast, however, Nidhogg's current meat puppet would suddenly bend over as if pained, letting out an eerie groan the resonated through the small square, it's body twisting and crawling as the flesh began to melt and rot, before transforming into something different. A new figure now stood in it's place, bulky and intimidating, with a cloak of living flesh writhing around it as it let out a haunting roar.

The beast would wait to see the results of Shiro's attack, before charging forward, shifting it's arm into a large mass of spiked bone, swinging it around to smack it into the beast in a powerful strike to the side. If it hit, the creature would be sent flying into another nearby building, only to be followed by the undead horror as it let out another roar, transforming both of it's hands into a pair of viscous claws and would attempt to claw the shadow beast to death. Meanwhile, the ground beside Cody and Dawn would burst in a spray of concrete and dust as a sizable spire of bone arose from the street, quickly unfolding like some morbid flower to show Nidhogg in his Defense Form, which he morphed out of soon after his appearance. He cracked his neck a little, his red eyes filled with an unnerving amount of glee as he shifted into his speed form, dark wings bursting from his back as midnight claws and horns grew with them. A sinuous tail would sprout as well, flicking about gently before softly curling around the little girl's cheek, wiping the tears from her face.

"Don't worry, little one, I'll be sure to make sure that creature doesn't hurt anyone else." Nidhogg said, his gaze shifting for a moment, a singular moment, into one of genuine kindness and compassion. In this mother and her daughter, he felt like he saw something flicker across his vision, super imposing upon them. a possible future, or a vision of a past that he wasn't quite sure he wanted to think about right now. But as soon as it came, it left, and the mischief and excitement returned. He shifted his gaze to the two next to him, than to the current status of the fight. "Well than, it seems we've got ourselves a bit of excitement here, don't we? No need to look so glum about it, as far as I can see, there's only been one casualty . . . unless some people where in that building that got knocked, in which case one of you might want to handle that, cause I'm afraid this monster is more than covered. Sorry, better luck next time."

Nidhogg would give them a fearsome fanged grin before vanishing in a burst of speed, his meat puppet backing off the creature once it had been assaulted by another mage, only for him to appear above it, his hand transformed into his Assault form, like a gauntlet of darkness that pulsed with dark energy as he slammed it down, hopping to turn the creature into paste, but not planning on it. As he made his attack, however, the area around them would burst into a barrage of ivory spires coming from the bone tunnel he'd crafted underneath the street in order to appear behind Dawn and COdy, melding into each other to form a dome around the entirety of the battlefield, an attempt to keep the creature from escaping by cutting off it's avenue of escape. Civilians were in the process of being grabbed by small but strong flesh creatures, getting dragged out of the dome so that Nidhogg wouldn't have to deal with the blow back if he accidentally killed one of them. Everyone would be thrown into darkness, and a few buildings would be slightly bisected, but over all the damage wasn't too bad.

After the attack, he'd hopefully be able to back off, the light from the other mage's light spears casting a haunting glow on both Nidhogg and his beast as they circled the shadow creature.

"Hey, Bright Boy, light it up as much as you can in here, try not to leave a single shadow this thing can escape to. Oh, and do be sure not to finish it too quickly, yeah? It wouldn't be any fun if we killed this thing so easily, and your magic really does make that a high plausibility, yeah?" He smiled at first, but inside Nidhogg was screaming in pain as he held one of his hands behind him. It twitched ever so slightly as the purifying nature of the boy's magic attempted to spread through him, only for him to quickly subdue it by pushing a powerful surge of necrotic energy into the limb. The light spears that would've possibly kept the creature contained have likely been broken by the impact of his attack, something which the dark mage wasn't to upset about. In actuality, he was glad for any excuse to continue the fight, as it was really getting exciting. Well, except for the one mage who seemed quite set on the idea of killing this creature as soon as possible.Got to keep an eye on that one, his magic is . . . dangerous. But more importantly, it's likely to be effective against the creature, and I doubt that someone with magic like that will react positively and cooperatively to my simple request. A pity, truly, but such is life.

Shaking his head, Nidhogg got into a ready position, tucking his wings in for now as he got ready for the monster's next attack. it be a pretty disappointing monster if it had died already, and that would certainly make it so harder to explain the dome of bone to the Rune Knights, who would find that the dome would only allow them to phase through at a rate of one per minute.

@Natsume Honnaji


@Silvan Haven

@Prince of Seraphs

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Samir Saron

Samir by then had also received a bowl and they continued to talk.

"Yeah, the Games are quite good," she responds after taking a bite out of her Ramen, careful not to make any slurping sounds, "However, I've just wanted to take this day mostly as a day for me to see Crocus again ever since I left for my job. I think I'll watch the games later today or tomorrow. I know Marlene is still taking it steady so I may quickly stop by and see how she's doing."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Caasicam
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Caasicam made mostly of bees

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Kaia Iona

She smiled in thanks towards the general direction of Sir Inspired's voice. She probably wouldn't have to remind Angel again, he had tendency to realize after a few minutes, but they might want to invest in some thicker paper. She could read just fine herself, thank you, just needed a little help sometimes.

Kaia tilted her head to the side with a frown. "Wait they have baths here?" It was still pretty early, right? Angel was probably still there, seeing as she moved around faster than he did in the morning. It was amazing that he'd even woken up before her. "...You wouldn't happen to know where those are?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


As Thor had expected Karn dodged the lightning bolt by burying themselves underground. The bolt flew past the platform just above the spectators onto one of the walls. Thor didn't frown a bit and kept their cool. The last bit of elrctricity around her dissipated into her body and the ground and got the static around her lowered again. Zephyr got her attention for a moment as Thor turned her head towards him. Thor gave a small nod showing him that she knew what to do. Zephyr seemed like a whole other person. Like more focused on the actuall objective rather than messing around. This was a little more trustworthy to her perspective so she decided to not him as much as before but let him help her to get these two phoenix wingers out of the ring.

Thor looked back at Penny again, she had already started preparing for another fire attack at Thor. The fire began swirling towards her. It lacked speed, when you have attacks that are mostly not to be seen by the eye it gets easy to dodge these kind of things. Thor didn't bother to move and rather defend.

"Force field"

Two transparent shields erupted from her hands blocking the attack of Penny. With the fire near her Thor wasn't able to see Penny in time but could move her arm up just slightly to at least block it. Thor hadn't made the force field strong enough for being able to block a slicing attack. The flaming wing cut into the arm of Thor leaving a deep cut. Thor gritted their teeth and closed the nerves towards her arm for the moment. Thor kicked up her foot towards Penny and tried kicking her full on while she backflipped on one hand away from Penny. When Thor had some time they healed part of their hand by accelerating the cells around the wound. It was a quick job and only blocked the bleeding for now but it would last. She was at least happy that Penny didn't hit any nerves otherwise it would hurt a god damn lot more.

Thor looked back at Penny once more and noticed she had gone to hee so called phoenix form, well Thor could do that too.

"Electrical whip..."

Thor held out their hand as a whire of electricity formed from her hand. Thor immediatly whiped it towards Penny and continued to do so moving forward when she was to far from Penny for her in order to hit but she kept swinging with the whip to drive her off the platform or shock her to death instead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Silver Fox@Caits@Joshua Tamashii
Zephyr Hardt/Loki

Oh he dodged? That seemed pretty impressive to do, Loki looked at the ground and smiled when he popped up attacking. Loki more so brought his arms up to block it and laughed as the attack pushed him back with his arms burning from the attack. "Three fire users? Man this match is on fire isn't it? Hahahaha!" Loki said at his own joke, before looking at Karn who was being odd which was amusing in itself. Was he talking to himself? Oh well didn't matter. Loki would vanish into the ground before his head and left arm popped up in front of Karn with an orb in his hand. "Didn't see this coming did ya?" Yet that was merely the diversion., it was the portal that opened up behind him with him other arm reaching to grab him from behind and throw him over the edge. Of course if the orb also hit, that would just help throw him out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsume Honnaji
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Natsume Honnaji Angel among Demons

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Robin looked on as a series of unexpected events befell the monster, which of course payed no attention to his attempt to antagonize it. He watched as the beast was attacked thend ran off. He couldn't make heads or tails of where the beast went at first at least not until he saw another building off in the distance being destroyed. "Right, looks like the usual attempts won't work with this one, I'll have to resort to old fashioned slashing to get rid of this guy...well I better hurry on over there."

Robin opened his robe and held his hands out, as he held his hands out two large metal blades shot out and hovered just barely over the ground. Once out Robin put a foot on each and put on a pair of goggles he had beneath his robe and leaned forward putting both hands at his sides palms facing behind him. "Here we go! Accelerate!!" With this one word he shot off down the street at high speeds racing to the beasts location. As he waved his way between people, through alleys, and down streets he noticed someone fighting the beast and shortly after he noticed a dome surrounding it. "Looks like I have to step it up a notch. Accel times two!" At these words his speed increased to that of cheetah running at full speed. He raced towards the now closed dome and put his arms in front of him in hopes of shielding any damage he may take trying to break into it so he may deal with the beast inside.

@Expolar @Raijinslayer @lunarlors34 [@Silva Haven]

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Carrie ignored Gregory's hand, staring back at him. "Yeah. I'll be sure to be careful not to drop it and let you out" She didn't know if she could walk away quick enough. She didn't particularly want to shake Gregory's hand, as she could feel her own shake. She wouldn't show that weakness, and instead she turned away, "My reputation will hold. Perhaps you should be worried about your own, Gregory"

Carrie had a few tricks up her sleeve. She'd made sure the true story got out and not a fabrication created by Gregory Vale.


Penny thought of the training she had done with Damian, and she couldn't help but smile. Penny's own natural talent, while hampend on the ground, was still quite effective in dodging. As Thor began to whip at her, Penny began to move. Penny's main goal was to move closer to the middle of the plateform, and she dodged, jumped, twisted and ducked away from the whip, essentially trying to keep Thor moving as she herself moved.

Any chance the whip had to hit her was blocked, as Penny formed a sword of flame, which as she had just perfected not even a week ago, now stayed solid, but generally only for an attack or two. It was still enough to save her, and that's all that mattered.

If Thor wanted to whip it, Penny could to. As she had a brief respite, she formed two whip, and began to whip back at Thor.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Ramen Restaurant

Damian nodded, leaning back and resting his hands behind his head. "I poked my head in on her before I left the hotel last night. She was passed out. Hopefully she still is, that fight with that Frenzy Plant mage kicked her ass."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Samir Saron

"I'm surprised she even survived an attack of that magnitude." the archer responds while scratching her head, "I mean, I heard she technically won because the opponent... Argus was it?... like, drained all of his energy in that one attack? I don't know what kind of punishment he received, but I hope he doesn't come by and prank our guild again, otherwise he might just piss off somebody else."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dinner between Nero, Ayame, Sayatchi, and Malice.

Note: This happened the previous day
Summary: Dinner between the four and malice gets a nifty trick.

Malice's sobs would die down when Nero made an eye patch appear on her scarred eye. She sniffled a bit before giving him a quick hug and heading on in to the restaurant as well. Yet as they took their seats, Nero used his magic to make propeller caps fall on their heads. She took it off her head and frowned at it, she would have yelled at him but he did just make her an eye patch after all, so he got off from a scolding. Their waiter would arrive to which Malice shrugged. "A simple salad and glass of water is fine with me."

They arrived in front of the restaurant, Ayame was put down again from Nero his shoulder and the first thing she faced was Malice. Ayame lightly titled her head at the person in front of her. Who was it? She didn't know anyone that looked like this. Only then she realized it was someone she indeed knew. It was Malice without eye patch. Malice soon realized her eye patch was gone too. Ayame covered her eyes like she hadn't seen anything so Malice wouldn't feel as bad that someone saw her scar that she had been hiding up till now. Sayatachi tried comforting the little girl but nothing seemed to make her day any brighter. Until Nero did his own little tricks. He gave her a whole new eye patch that looked even fancier than it did first. Ayame opened her eyes again and shyly smiled at Malice for everything being alright again. She then proceeded to head into the restaurant with the rest of them.

Ayame was awed for a moment when she saw the luxury restaurant they just had entered, it was so pretty. They seated themselves and almost immediately she saw the cheeky smile of the genie that was planning something. Ayame could only gesture no to him with her teeth pressed tightly onto each other. A childish propeller hat was put upon the three of their heads. Ayame blushed deeply and pouted at Nero. She forcefully pulled the hat from her head and placed it next to her on the seat. She looked down at her lap for a moment with her pout that still lasted. Soon the waitress arrived at their table as Nero placed his order first. It sounded really expensive what he ordered, it made her feel a little low just knowing she wouldn't be ordering something so delicate as them. Malice took the easy way out and ordered some salad. It was about Ayame's turn, she carefully went over the menu and a big smile was plastered onto her face when she saw the word pancakes. Ayame's face reddened when she saw the waitress patiently waiting for her order. She looked down at her lap again as smoke was created from the heat of her face.

"P-p-p-pancakes a-a-annd-d c-c-c-ola p-please"

Ayame only whispered her order. She panted quite heavily and hid the sides of her face with her hands. What the hell was she doing being embarrassed like that in front of everybody?

The two waiters quickly write down the orders, repeating what they heard in the process.

"And anything for you m'lady?" they then ask Rainbow Majesty.

Sayatachi was somewhat surprised at what they wanted to order. This was a fancy restaurant, not a cheap little joint! Never the less, she was sure that they'll give them what they want. Taking one last glance at the menu, she smiles as she finds what she wants. While it does look quite simple, its a newly formed dish that she heard about from some of her friends. It was an utter delicacy, one that was rumored to have an explosive foodgasm. Was it true? Either way, she might find out soon enough.

"Furikake Gohan for me." she says while licking her lips.

"Oooooh," one of them cooes, "What a lovely choice! Anything else?"

"I believe that will be all, thank you." Sayatachi replies with a wink.

And with that, the waiters bow and head into the kitchen.

Nero clasped his hands together and rested them against his chin, his black eyes sparkling through his squint to regard Malice. The idea of mischief practically oozed from him, but soon both ladies would know just as well as Ayame that this Genie didn't offer snake oil. "So it's power you want. That's something of a specialty of mine. One of my magical Laws enables me to augment someone's magical power, but it's only temporary, and has a backlash. Just like the rebellious young teenager seeking off-the-books stimulation who only finds out after his drug high that a truly awful low follows on its heels, my Law of Augmentation hurts after it helps. Since you are a friend of Aya's, however, I would not presume to give you anything of the sort." He endeavored to bring about a feeling of exclusivity and camaraderie to gain Malice's trust. Nothing would suit him better than to inspire the notion in Malice that he saw her as no fool, and would bargain with her respectfully and fairly.

Ignoring Sayatachi on the outside, he nevertheless considered his words carefully when he continued, "Truly, yours is a special case. Many of those who seek power are those who've never tasted its tantilizing sweetness. Many others have plenty, but crave more. You, however, are cognizant of your abilities and limitations. The control of animals is a fine magic--for a circus performer. You want only to be able to compete as well as the others in these Games to bring honor and fame to your guild. It's an applaudable reason, and for that I will give you something special."

Nero unclasped his hands to rummage through his pouch, and after a second of searching he produced a strange doll. On first glance it appeared to be a black goat, but a closer look revealed too many eyes, too many horns, and too many legs. In fact, the feet of the monstrosity themselves looked like baby goats, each as deformed as harmless plush could possibly be. The Genie's smile gleamed as he waved a hand over the plush. "This is an 'artifact' of significant magic power. It's a horrible monster transformed into a doll by a famous and handsome dark mage not too long ago. Even still, it's full of magic. Behold: the Law of Manifestation." A magic circle appeared around Nero's wrist, and like a practiced surgeon he reached into the plush, his hand disappearing inside of it. For a few moments Nero sat in concentration, only pausing to gasp in pain as something hurt his invisible hand, until he yanked his limb from the plush. His sleeve and glove sported new tears, but between his fingertips was a single, puke-yellow eye, with a minus-shaped pupil of midnight black.

Staring at it, he chuckled. "Ah, there's the little devil. This thinamagoober is a physical manifestation of the Black Goat's magic power. Or, some of it, at least. Malice, dearie, I can implant it into you, and you will be able to use the magic at will, though it might take some gettin' used to. Best I can guess, it'll be Flesh Smithin' magic. Now, I know it sounds gross--and it will be. You'll be able to stretch and enlarge your limbs, grow horns, eyes, or bitin' mouths wherever you want, and attack with great strength. But it's power, pure and unadulterated, and it won't affect your mind at all. Plus, you can undo it. Sounds like a fair tradeoff, right?" Like the self-sure gambler, he rolled the crystal eye around in his palm.

As the waiter took their orders and left, she would sit in silence yawning a bit while making sure the eye patch covered the scar perfectly. As soon as she finished making sure, Nero would begin to speak about her power wish. He stated he had this Magical Laws that enabled him to augment someones power temporarily. With the side effect that after it ends, it shall hurt quite a bit. She gulped a litt unsure now about this kind of wish until he stated he wasn't going to give her that. Which caused her to become confused on why he mentioned it then. Well he was a bit odd but she had no reason to doubt him and as such just nodded slowly.

He started to speak about people and power, those who wish for it and those who have it but just want more. The he mentioned her case were she was aware she was pretty freaking aware of her limits. She frowened a bit at his expalnation of her magic being fine for a circus performer. "But my army of bears...." She mumbled silently while being somewhat shifty eyed. He had some ideas as to why she wanted the power. Honestly she just hated being weaker than others and wanted to win no matter what. So it was somewhat of a selfish desire for her.

Then he showed her this ugly goat.... thing, according to him it was a horrible monster sealed into a doll by a famous and handsome dark mage. That last bit made her a bit suspicious, but why was he showing this doll to her? Wait Law of what? Then he put his hand in it. She was just silent and slightly freaked as with each gasp he made, until he pulled his hand out with an eye.

So that eye contained magic of that black goats, and he wanted to impant it in her? It would grant her the magic just like that? Every magic took some getting use to, but this sounded too good to be true. Yet everything he said was like a beautiful melody to her. Even if it was a trap or trick she couldn't hlep but want it despite the gross features it would give when using it. "One question only. If you have to implant it, does that mean you would have to implant it here?" She would ask pointing at her eyepatch covering her one eye.

Laughing, Nero shook his head. "Hee hee, no. It's purely symbolic. I just reach inside you and let it go, and it becomes metaphysical again."

"..... " She was silent as like an instinct she covered her chest as she stared at him. "Reach.... inside me? Will that process hurt? Cause I feel like reaching in a persons body hurts." She did move her arms away from her chest, but still felt like that was too.... dirty to do to a female.

Ayame quietly grabbed onto her hand with two of her own and gave a shy smile at the girl.

" D-don't worry, I-it will o-only f-feel a little w-weird."

Ayame would grab her hand causing Malice to be a bit startled but would fall for her cuteness and would rub her head smiling. "Well if you say it will be okay, then I guess I'm willing enough. Although I better not sense any other kinda hidden desires Nero...."

A look of impatience crossed Nero's features. He gripped the marble between two fingertips as if to drop it on the ground. "Oh, paw-don me. I hadn't realized that your power wish would be less important than your sense of privacy. I'm sure once everyone find out how chaste and proper you are, they'll be as much in awe as of the strongest mage around." To counter his mockery, however, Ayame offered Malice reassurance, and it apparently did the trick. Nero grunted before saying, "As if you had the slightest clue what I desire. If it bugs you that much, fine. Open wide."

Gripping the marble eye, he lunged forward before Malice could so much as react. Like a man reaching out to hail a clab, he smacked his palm into the girl's forehead, implanting the marble within in one smooth motion. Instantly the manifestation dispersed, the magic flooding through her. Unfortunately, the great sorcery did in fact create physical feedback. A small, sharp pain would surge through Malice's gums, and unbeknownst to her a second set of teeth, all pointed fangs, grew on the inside of her cheeks. Whenever Malice gave a gleeful or malicious smile, her mouth would open far wider than normal, baring the fangs from ear to ear. In the meanwhile, though, the change would be difficult to detect. Nero, as ignorant of the alteration as she, leaned back casually. "There you go, princess. Easiest thing in the world. Practice changing your body tonight, and you'll be in fightin' shape as early as tomorrow." He put his hands behind his head.

"I want power, but I'm still very much a female! Us females do tend to care about our bodies and how stuff is implanted in us thank ya very much!"" She said frowning a bit before getting a bit uncomfortable where this conversation was heading. What was he about to do? Wella s she thought this he lunged at her in a public resturant and smacked his palm into her forehead. He used that to implant the magic in her yet still giving her that slight red mark on her forhead. She pouted and rubbed her head before flinching a bit as she rubbed her mouth. She was unsure why her mouth hurt when he hit her forehead, yet assumed it was just some side effect.

Yet nothing else happened so she looked for any shocked expressions before smirking at a sucessful result. Nero would speak about practice altering her body tonight and she should be good for tomorrow. Yet curiosity got the best of her and as a result she raised her hand and looked at her palm. She focused a bit yet a mouth would open up on her hand with the sharp teeth, and tongue. She stared at it as she focused it to lick its lips while openng its mouth and closing it.

Satisfied she would let her hand return to normal before giving everyone that Malicious smile of hers which bared her new fangs for all to see. That quickly vanished when she saw some people at the resturant looking at her oddly. ".... I know were an odd group but you'd think with a council member here they wouldn't look at us oddly... " She said unaware of her new purdy white teeth.

The dinner would go on with no one telling Malice about her new feature she had going on, and after a while of eating and chatting, they would part ways because the curfew was still a thing. Malice would thank them once again before going off to the Pirate Lord hotel, while the rest went to wherever they were going to go
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn || Crocus || Game Stadium


"Yeah, we could probably use a little breeze." Edo-Karn briefly took control with a smirk at her pun. Punning Zephyr's name. Stumbling a bit as the platform suddenly tilted. Karn took control as the ground shifted and he had to keep his footing while his opponent popped up in front of him, the feminine boy looking at his opponent curiously as he came into close range. With a smile, Karn transformed into the large Eastern Chimera form. "Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor!" he roared, his whole hulking form erupting into a barrier of golden flame. Tail lashing about and lashing at the portal. The orb hit him and his body was forced back and he grimaced a little at the hit to the chest, digging his claws into the earth to stop him from going too far towards the edge before charging. Speeding at Zephyr like a train on fire, he opened his jaws when right up to him, saber fangs glowing like he was about to bite into his opponents skull. Of course, Karn wouldn't go that far, as that would be too lethal for a competition, so instead it was a fakeout to make a possible flinch instinctively before lowering his head and going for a flame covered horned headbutt.

"Eastern Chimera Tail Slam!" Karn said, his long tail stretching out longer to form golden flames shaping a tail before slamming it down toward on top of Thor, though landed behind the electric mage and made to swing behind him to possibly get closer to Penny's attacks. It was possible that he'd hit Penny, but he trusted her skills enough to be able to avoid getting slammed out and not that hurt.

He wanted to end this quickly, as the platform seemed to be getting worse.

Prince || Crocus || Game Stadium


"Mhmm so it does. Odd as they usually run safety precautions. It looks like it's just getting worse to. They might have to end this event due to safety. Or the platform collapses already and disqualifies everyone. At that point, everyone will have no choice but to jump/fly to safety." Prince mused as he watched the event. Karn was at least holding his own. The blonde was lucky there was no water wizards in the event though. Edo-Karn would of probably been on her own then.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gregory Vale -- Crocus Streets
"I'm sure your grip is good enough, but I figure I'm probably not number 1 on the list the council doesn't want roaming the streets, so it might be quite a while before we meet again," he'd turn away as well, figuring the conversation was basically over. "Try to avoid doing something so stupid you get hurt, it's so uncommon for decent people to find themselves in places where they can make things better." It was here that he walked away, leaving Carrie to head to the games. He took a different, longer path, to intentionally avoid meeting her at the entrance to the arena.


Grant Vale -- Grand Magic Games Stadium
The Blood Wizard groaned as he forced himself to sit up the second he opened his eyes. He hadn't anticipated suffering quite that much pain from that little guy, or the two forcing him to burn out so quickly. He wouldn't underestimate them next time, assuming they were lucky enough to get a second chance. He took a deep breath before standing up from the infirmary bed, waving off the nurses that came over to him to ask him to keep lying down. He was fine, his magic allowed him to rejuvenate rapidly enough that no permanent damage had been suffered, save maybe a scar. He was going to have to get a change of clothes though. He made his way back up to his guild's seating so he could watch the rest of the match, and maybe learn a weakness or two of the pair that had defeated him.
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