Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

As Lily alighted, the Hellhound tensed, muscles shifting under his scales as if prepared to jump on her, but as his eyes fell on the scar crossing her right eye, recognition crossed his features. She was delighted to see the Hellhound’s sudden look of surprise before his brows bunched up into the usual perpetual frown.

“Imp,” came the coarse response. “You remain as aggravating as I remember.”

“And you as fiery as I remember,” Lily sardonically replied. “Haven’t changed a bit in… is it fifty years by now?” As she spoke, her eyes roamed his body, noting the few chips in his scales and his wounds before meeting his gaze once more, at which point she added, “Aside from a few new scars… Did that human actually impale your wrist? Really?” The look she gave him was one of disbelief and quiet mockery.

“I wished to see what humanity is capable of these days. Yet here I am, with little more than scratches.” The dog’s lip twitched, showing a row of sharp teeth underneath. Always so prideful, this one, quick to bark back, and just as ready to bite. “If you are doubtful, I could gift you a second scar. Do you enjoy symmetry?” Fenn asked, his question earning little more than a sigh.

Lily scratched her head, as if deciding whether she should be amused or annoyed. She was certain Fenn found her apparent annoyance entertaining, as was his wont. Demons like him tended to enjoy the misery of others, even were they friends. Probably because they had little else to share.

“I prefer it to remain singular,” she admitted at length, letting her arms fall to her sides. She had decided, she wouldn’t be annoyed. Rather, she’d take him down a notch. “And even if you did… It wouldn’t matter much.” The look she gave him could only be described as impish, and before his very eyes the scar that ran across Lily’s countenance faded to nothing, replaced instead by smooth, immaculate skin. “You’re forgetting what I can do, old boy,” she said as the scar returned. “I just keep it because, well, I like it.” And because it, for one reason or another, actually took effort to maintain that particular change, but that wasn’t something she was going to tell him. His ego was big enough as it is, no use making it bigger.

The demon huffed, rebuffed, and gave her a cooler, measuring glance. It really did not fit him, she decided. “Well then. Are you here at the behest of another?” he inquired.

Lily nearly scoffed. She spread her arms wide, pivoting around. “None but my own,” she replied, stopping to face him. “And I don’t think I’d like this if I was. How about you? Foul weather on the horizon?”

Fenn looked over her shoulder, in the direction she had spied the dark fog earlier. “Aye, though not of the kind you speak.” His gaze moved back to her. “Some may consider us both being here an omen. Our kind are attracted to misfortune like carrion birds.”

She turned around just enough to follow Fenn’s gaze. “Or maybe we are the harbingers of it?” A suggestion only, but one that might have more merit than one would initially give it.

The dog bared his fangs. Or smiled. Hard to tell. “Mayhaps.”

“Worth considering I think.” She pondered the matter for a moment, watching the clouds above. “So what now?”

“Ever since I arrived to this city, there has been tension in the air.” The dog gave another one of his toothy smiles. “There is something brewing in the horizon, and I believe tonight is the night the powers at work unveil themselves. I would bear witness.”

“So you want to get into a fight,” Lily spoke in something akin to disbelief. She shouldn’t be surprised, honestly. Fenn was just that kind of person. Always one to want to get into fights, get his claws bloody and the like.

“Indeed!” Fenn let out a bark, and it took her a moment to realize it had been a burst of laughter. “You know me well!”

Unsure how else to respond, the demoness shrugged and replied, “Alright. I’ve sensed some of the same, too. I also noticed a relatively large group of humans wandering the streets, some heading for the park and others going down into the subway systems.”

He nodded. He might have seen or expected as much already. “Demon’s roam the tunnels under the city, searching for something. They carry an odd scent with them. Foul. It lingers here in the surface as well.”

“Scent?” She hadn’t noticed any scent, but she didn’t quite have as powerful a nose as Fenn did, at least not at the moment. Her attention was drawn to the Minion still lying dead on the ground, the sight of it reminding her of what she had seen earlier. “I don’t smell anything, but there is merit to what you say. You noticed the black fog earlier? It coalesced into a being of some sort which spewed forth a small horde of Hideous. What’s more, there was a woman—demon, I suspect—leading it, clad in pink if that matters. I suspect they have something to do with what you’re talking about.”

“No one we know?” The dog hummed, a noise like crunching gravel rising from his throat. “I believe I know where to start.”

“Never seen her before, and I wasn’t close enough to see any details.” The demoness shook her head, pursing her lips. “I’m open to any suggestions you have. So let’s go.”

Taking it as his cue, Fenn turned and began to walk, nose close to the ground.

Ready though she was to simply follow him, there was something Lily had wanted to do for a long time. Like so many human girls seemed to want to ride horses, so too had Lily wanted to ride hellhounds. Or, well, a specific Hellhound.

She retreated a few steps, moving into Fenn’s blind spot, before quickly pushing off of the ground, landing square on the hound’s back, hands grasping at his fur. “Ready and raring to go!”

Fenn froze, ears standing ramrod straight atop his head, before lowering as if deflating.

“Imp.” The word was charged with an odd mixture of weariness and frustration, as if talking to a misbehaved child. “What are you doing?”

“Something I’ve wanted to do since we first met, but never had the chance.” She gently patted him on the head between his ears. “But you were too busy trying to turn me into a bloody smear on the ground, then.” Leaning off to the side, she sought to at least catch one of his eyes, adopting a casual expression. “Should I get off?”

Fenn seemed to struggle for a response. Not used to being asked nicely, she guessed.

“Aye. Get off,” he finally answered with a grunt.

Obeying, Lily quickly climbed off, taking care to avoid the flames. “We’ll have to ride into battle together some day, you know.”

“You have me mistaken for a horse.”

Deftly ignoring his comment, the demoness continued, “Anyway, back into the subway, or you have any other ideas?”

Fenn tilted his head in the direction he had been heading. “I feel we should meet this woman in pink. To follow her trail, we must follow her path.”

Fenn had a point, Lily decided. Going back into the subway would likely result in just wandering around blindly, but going to the source of it all by following the exact same path would, at the very least, lead to clues being uncovered. She found herself nodding, agreeing with the sentiment. “If you say so. Shall we?”

The dog regarded her for a moment, as if expecting another interruption—the nerve, really—and set out through the city’s streets.

Unerringly, the hellhound’s nose nose led them through the path the cloud had taken, until the two demons beheld the Memorial Park, and the monument within. Grates from which water would spring from in better days surrounded the statue of the city’s founder.

Some of these had been moved, their quarry clearly having entered the undercity through them. Lily regarded the openings, then glanced back at the large demon who accompanied her. Would be a tight fit.

Fenn remained unaware of her musings. “She went in through here,” he said, stating the obvious. “Several demons went in as well. Hideous, Hatred… I suspect this black fog you spoke of was in fact a cloud of Mephistos.” A pause. “There is a more recent trail as well. Humans came before us.”

His arm reached down and removed one of the larger grates. “Follow,” he told her before squeezing through the opening. She did as told and fell in line after him.

Illuminated by the Fenn’s flames, she could see that the tunnel they dropped into was more spacious than she had anticipated. She could walk side by side with the Hellhound without being pushed into the wall.

No words were spared between them for the time being. She knew that idle banter would only irritate the Hellhound as long as he was focusing on the trail, and with the knowledge that so many beings prowled the tunnels by then, it was best to remain silent, lest they be found first. The light emitted by Fenn’s burning fur was a large enough a risk as it was. She could only hope those ears of his would alert him to another’s proximity before they came close enough to notice the glow.

Occasionally, the demon would pause before intersections or tunnels too small for him to go through, grunt, and continue down the larger openings. It was not particularly encouraging, enough that she had to resist the temptation to shift forms into something that could better sense the trail Fenn was following.

Eventually, just as she began to feel truly irritated, she caught sight of something odd ahead.

“There was a battle here,” Fenn observed.

Indeed, though no corpses remained, the markings of combat were clearly visible. Cracks spread from a wall where a heavy impact had dented it, and the walls were pockmarked with the impact of bullets. Several spent casings rested on the tunnel up ahead. Lily grimaced in distaste.

“The humans. Heavily armed, I see.”

“Not heavily enough,” Fenn remarked.

“How so?”

“One demon survived.” He offered her a wry smile. “This trail is growing crowded.”

Disregarding what remained of the scuffle, the pair continued following the trail into the darkness.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Mary | Abandoned Subway Forward Base

As advised by Nero, the Order members had set up a small checkpoint at the Abandoned Subway near Memorial park. An important looking Order knight named Rodan directed and supervised while Mary stood awkwardly off in the corner. Even if she was a decent fighter and was a part of the Order, she wasn't an Order knight. So there wasn't really much for her to do while her comrades set up base.

Eventually, everything was set up, and there were some Order members ready to begin searching the underground system of Balour just like Gilgamesh's "Reclaimer" squad. Mary decided she would happily lead half of this squad, the other half being lead by Rodan. Both of them were to report back immediately if they found the ruins, so they could go grab the Field Commander. They were also told not to engage if possible.

Mary's group quickly diverged from Rodan's, since the tunnel quickly split off into a side tunnel. Rodan took the main tunnel, and Mary directed her group into the other hallway. It looked as if it was in deeper disrepair than the other one, danker and more moldy. Hopefully that meant that the way she was going lead to an older area, like, say, the ruins she needed to find.

A few twists and turns later, she and her crew were stopped in their tracks. A small liquid beast was in between them, and the only other direction to go. It was probably a demon, all things considered. She knew Nero said not to engage, but this thing was directly in their way. Surely the fate of the world meant more than orders. She would at least try reasoning with it, though judging by it's mindless nature, it probably wouldn't work.

Mary walked up to the beast, arms open and weapons stored. A gesture of goodwill towards the creature. It slowly turned in Mary's direction, groaning all the while. As it saw her, it paused briefly, before raising it's arm and slamming it downwards onto Mary.

"Hmph. Okay."

The strike was easily blocked by the Falling Leaf Blade, deftly pulled out as the demon winded up. It was a strike more powerful than a full force human, but with Mary's attributes it was deflected with ease. She quickly dashed around to the flank of the monster and stabbed it in the side as many times as she could. Every time she pulled it out, the blade became covered in more blood. The foul stench filled her nostrils, intoxicating her and putting her on edge. The thing swung at her again, this time a bit faster. She easily stepped out of it's range.

"Get back, please." She pleasantly commanded to the soldiers. Since Ascension was no longer common practice, it was best if Mary dealt with this beast in an environment free of people to get in her way. Not that it would matter much since this would be quick. A flick of this wrist, and the Plain Ol' Doll was in her hands, and unloading 3 shots in quick succession into the short blob. It flinched visibly, and Mary decided she would go in for the kill.

She put away both of her previous weapons and pulled out her master's old favorite. The Burial Suit. She dashed forward with it raised, a blank expression on her pale face flecked with blood. And in an instant, it was over. For a second, all seemed quiet, until the being exploded into a geyser of blood, staining the walls and the back of Mary's dress.

She looked at the stain in dismay. "Ah damn." She mumbled as she thought of how much of a pain this would be to remove. But the weirdest part was the blood seemed human. And a quick look behind confirmed the demon didn't dissolve. Infact, it wasn't a demon. It appeared to be some kind of telekinetic construct. It was possible that the demon in the park had made these, and it was guarding the entrance to the ruins somewhere nearby.

Mary pressed on with more resolve. She needed to find these ruins, stat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Nobody made a peep, and few dared to breath, when from the pitch black ahead there shined a light. Still, the sight reinvigorated every muscle, and put a spring in every step and servo. Prepared for a rumble just as much as they prepared for relief, the six operatives of Gilgamesh rushed through the corridor toward the fascinating beacon up ahead. This particular hallway resembled a hotel’s, but long neglected, with every door leading to nothing more than rooms empty but for dust.

Unexpectedly, the passage opened up into a huge chamber with a ribbed concentric circle ceiling. Underfoot the bricks crumbled and chipped at the slightest provocation, and the water-damaged ceiling appeared nearly as defunct but far more perilous in that regard. Brick columns stood like trees in a silent, stone grove, the pattern extending into the shadows. At the room’s very center, a circular hub whose top flared outward into the centermost dome harbored the single beam of light. Instinctively the group approached, though none failed to notice that in a room like this, attack could come not only from any direction, but all of them at once. These worries unnerved the operatives far less, however, than the shadows that appeared to move. Pinpricks of eerie green speckled the ebon void that lay beyond the reach of the agents’ various light sources, yet they remained perfectly still rather than flitting around like fireflies. In very short order the group reached the hub. Into it stepped Otsune, radio primed to try for a signal. Though it seemed like the slightest noise would interrupt the deathly silence consuming the room and invite some instant attack, Otsune whispered into the radio without delay. ”Come in, Albatross. This is Phantom. We are underground, in a cistern connected to an abandoned subway. Supernatural activity is rising. We must be getting close. Mark my position and send reinforcements. Phantom out.”

She finished not a moment too soon. An awful scraping of metal over stone filled the cistern chamber, denoting the arrival of the enemy. Over those portentous sounds came the likeness of an enormous saw or two. Everyone present could guess the source: Dullahans, predictable but tough-to-kill Fiend-class demons. A less subtle disturbance in the shadows indicated the arrival of more Mephistos as well. Quite suddenly, the darkness was alive with the forces of hell. The six operatives fanned out to surround and put their backs to the cistern’s central hub. A single, monotonous word reverberated through the oppressive air: ”Engage.”

Immediately the gun-toting members of the squad began to fire. A fusillade of ice shards from Babyfingers’ endothermic cannon penetrated the darkness, while the yellow of Bullion’s muzzle flash and the brilliant azure of Souta’s fused fire illuminated the vicious faces of demons hiding in the dark before ventilating them. The demons did not obligingly wait to be shot, however, and quickly closed to melee range. Attacking in twos or threes, the Hatreds and Mephistos faced off against the armored knuckles of Atlas, Ell’s screaming mace, Souta’s Silverbeast, Bullion’s bayonet, and the augmentations of Babyfingers and Otsune. Thanks to his Devil Arm, Souta fought with a ferocity nearly parallel to the demon’s. With gleaming claws he ripped through smoky shroud, red carapace, and metallic demonhide. A Hideous whirled its scythe, and after blocking with both hands, he grabbed the scythe and twisted his body. The demon lost its footing, was carried into the air, and abruptly returned to the ground with a Riptide technique. The lancelike finger of a Mephisto shot toward him, and Souta, with claws entangled by the other monster’s corpse, swore and struggled to throw his elbow in the way of his face, preparing himself for pain. Instead, a salvo of torn bricks flew from nowhere to batter the Mephisto, squashing it like a bug against the ground. Puzzled, Souta searched for his savior, but found his allies engaged. He could see Ell on his left and Bullion on his right, both of whom had sustained wounds. The smooth, lethal blasts of Otsune’s Burabura Boost could be heard over the din, and a spray of ice in the corner of his eye confirmed Babyfingers’ activity. Another second’s search found Atlas away from the circle, pinned against a pillar by a Dullahan’s enormous saw shield. Before he could make anything else out, the bellow of Babyfingers thundered over the noise, “We’ve got to go! Cut a path through them!”

He charged away from the pillar into the darkness, and his nearest allies immediately broke off from their duels to follow. Ell cried out as she received a scythe slash to her exposed thigh, but she did not stop sprinting. Good girl, thought Souta as he followed, with Bullion right on his tail. Otsune paused to fire a trio of rockets into the weak spot on the Dullahan’s back, slaying it and allowing Atlas to break free and follow. As one the group charged into the dark, with Babyfinger’s ice trail keeping the Hideous off their tails. Over the hazard Mephistos flowed, but Bullion and Souta fired backwards as they ran. ”Where are we going!?” he yelled as a cluster of fused fire exploded in a Mephisto’s face, splattering it. The next instant he ran into Ell, nearly knocking them both down, and he discovered that the group had stopped. In front of them lay a brick wall, but between them and the wall floated a black, inky apparition with a single green eye. Humans, came a whisper, more ethereal and chilling than any ever made by Otsune. Follow me. It disappeared through the wall, and Babyfingers, after recovering from his surprise, shoulder-charged the bricks. They crumbled, revealing a path, and with great haste the six ran through. Babyfingers brought up the rear this time, and created a block of solid ice behind them to stall the demons for a minute or so. Trusting in the ghost, Gilgamesh’s agents ran on.


The feeling grew stronger and stronger. Gomory would have known that she drew closer and closer to the second seal even if parts of the walls and floor didn’t randomly tear away and hurl themselves at either her or the Fausts. Occasionally, one of the culprits –black spirits that she guessed to be the ghosts of humans- would manifest and become a spectral barrier blocking the way in a feeble attempt to hinder her progress. Even sheathed, her Jiaolong tore through these defenses. Still, they wore at her patience, and one of her Fausts lost its hat to a surprise bricking. When in a rectangular room lined with tombs a dozen spirits manifested, Gomory smiled instead of snarling; the spectral presence could not be far at all. Moving with deceptive grace and beauty she dispatched one guardian spirit after another, and her Fausts raked them apart. So vengeful were these haunts, however, that they attacked in groups with little regard for one another, attempting to bind her and then crush her limbs or her throat with invisible hands. When the skirmish ended, her chest heaved from exertion, but she could not afford to rest. At her command the Fausts cooperated to roll aside a stone blocking the door, and with swagger in her step Gomory entered.

Before her lay a vast cavern, which would have been a bottomless pit about five hundred feet in diameter if not for the gargantuan pillar of rock that lay at its center. From this entrance to that pillar stretched empty space. Less than a meter in front of the demoness lay featureless oblivion, but on the great pillar she could spy something most interesting indeed. In the middle of the platform rested a pile of enormous stones positively brimming with spectral green energy, around which whirled numerous black spirits. Pieces of stone levitated at random in the air. Rather than silence, the entire place brimmed with a low, ominous humming, interrupted sporadically by whispers of despair. The shadow of a smile snuck across Gomory’s face, and she leaped out across the void. Landing on one of the floating stones, she jumped again. The Fausts steadily hovered after her while she leaped from rock to rock, until she stood, a little ruffled but very triumphant, on the center platform. Before her stood the Eidolic Cairn, a wellspring of human spirit energy and the Second Seal of the Apocalypse.

”Hm.” A platoon of ghosts rushed toward her. Gomory rolled her eyes and turned her back. One of them raked its fingers across her bare shoulder, but she barely flinched. Even stranger, she did not attack. The spirits looked at her Fausts, but they did nothing but turn around as well, facing back the way they came. ”Attack me again,” Gomory clutched her weapon, staring at the entrance. ”And I will gladly expunge each and every one of you. But you should not be afraid. We’re here…to help.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Barlour City Underbelly-Reach the Seal in time: Part 1

Wrath locked blades with the Hatred for a moment, growling before pushing it back and swinging his great sword up in a vertical slash. The surprised Demon vanished in a burst of black ashes that the Nephilim was already moving through before they had all hit the floor. He was slow and he was kicking himself for it. He'd gotten caught up in clashing with Hell's Legions again, a feeling he hadn't gotten to enjoy much in the last seven years and not at all the thirty years before that. Foolish, easily bored fool that I am. Uriel's going to be less than happy if I don't secure that seal. He sheathed Rage Bringer and focused a moment as the blades on his gauntlets extended.

Opening his eyes, he reacts just in time to side step a slash from a Dullahan. "Either I'm getting close or I'm having a really bad day." The demon didn't make a sound, simply followed his movement and attacked again. Prepared this time, Wrath ducked and dashed behind the creature, delivering a series of quick jabs to it's back weak point. The blades slashed it up, downing the demon and allowing him to continue his head on rush back towards his indicator.

He wasn't sure what to expect as he got closer, but when he felt he was closing on the strong demonic force, a black shadow appeared, twin green eyes staring at him. "You are not a human, but you are not a demon either. Follow me." It floated in the direction he was going before turning let after a couple feet and he frowned but complied. I suppose this can't be much stranger than living with Angels for fifty years when my siblings kill them on a decently regular basis.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 11 days ago

Order of the Sword - Nero

"Captain Nero!", the man draped in white like his colleagues raised a hand. Never did this man think he would be taking up a more intimate role with the Order of the Sword, he would never be as fine a captain as Credo was, he was more a fighter and lone wolf, and still operates like that. Nero stood tall, he didn't look much different, and the formal white didn't seem to suit him even after so long. Strapped on his back was his Red Queen and in a holster by his leg was the Blue Rose. His Devil Bringer was hidden in a long white glove.

"A-Ah right... Ms. Dahl has taken to the field sir, our scouts report there are small numbers of demons, including a few that aren't native to appearing here",

"I see... So the Seal as I'm told must be back there somewhere... I'll head out", just as he began to walk, a few of the knights stepped up.

"S-Sir! We would like to accompany you!", they were at attention, there were easily several here. There were probably a few more scouting out in field too.

"No need, just me is plenty. I'll take care of anything that reaches that seal, if something is already there I'll take that down too",

"But sir... We need to set up a route for reinforcements... And perimeters and-", his talking was halted as Nero raised his hand again to stop them.

"Fine, but don't get in my way. Stay behind me alright?",

"Sir!", and with that, the knights were off.

Underground Ruins

@Kafka Komedy

The area through the tunnels were mostly clear... According to some reports from the Order members, there was plenty of fighting. Some demon on demon combat took place, or the Gilgamesh guys, and some fighting was done by Order troops too out of self defense, or it was Maria. Neither mattered as Nero swept through any remaining demons on the way easily with just his Red Queen.

From behind Maria she heard a voice,

"I told you to wait, who knows what could be back there... Then again it wasn't you I was worried about", it was the others. Unlike him and Maria, they were all normal humans. Despite his informal and somewhat rough leadership he showed to care for others. He stepped up next to Maria who finally reached a strange cavern... Or rather, structure.

She finally found what looked like ruins, but not the kind you would expect from underground. It was a vast cavern with some ruins as this entrance, along the edges you could spot ruins just like this one, along with just natural openings. As Nero entered first, he saw someone, and some fairly familiar demons around her, along with ghosts. They stood atop a large pile of stones, Nero could feel his Devil Bringer tingling, there was something about that area in the center...

"Looks like we're a little late. Demons got here first...", he said. He wanted to charge in and attack, but he knew more than that now, or rather, he had a duty to those who served him now. A stealthy approach would be taken.

"I'll circle around the back... The rest of you secure that entrance. If need be, retreat without me, I'll be fine on my own", he said, and so he did. Using the ruins as cover he circled around, observing what was happening... The one in the center looked mostly human, but she was most certainly a demon with the way those Fausts were around her, plus those strange ghosts... What were they? If this was the seal, then would those ghosts be protectors of sorts? They didn't look completely friendly to that demon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Barlour City Underbelly-Reach the Seal in time: Part 2

The black smoke, which Wrath figured was probably a ghost or spirit of some kind, lead him down the first passageway, then took a right and another left, indirectly getting closer to the strongest source of demonic energy he could sense. He remained silent, as did his guide, but he couldn't help but note the sounds of battle occasionally reaching him this far in the ruins. Let's see here, gunfire from the humans, the occasional sound of blade on blade or blade on claw and fang, and...flying masonry? OK then.

The ruins were old from what the Nephilim could see, and they'd been here a long time. Of course, the really interesting thing was now that he paid attention, he saw that the various shadows he'd paid no specific mind to were moving in very subtle, very hard to notice ways. Most of them moved towards him ever so softly, like every watching eyes. After another left turn, he saw it, in the middle of a large cavern with a whole lot of empty space around it, a pile of of rather large glowing, green stones.

He stopped in the doorway as the ghost, spirit thing went on to join the others in surrounding a woman in a pink dress thing, with Fausts circling her and the stones. If he had to guess, and something in his gut told him it was more than a guess, he was looking at the Second Seal of Armageddon. And the demons had gotten here first. As he remained just out of sight, he spotted a group of humans, well, two half-demons and humans, across the way doing much the same he was. However, while one of the half-demons, the male, began circling for a better approach, Wrath made a mental note to get a ranged weapon for future encounters with anyone. Still, he carefully moved into the room and started strafing the outer edge on an opposite path of the half demon, preferring not to have any one else out for his blood while he was going to be focused enough on fighting a Demon at a strength level higher than he had faced before, now that he was in close proximity to her. And here I thought this would be a walk in the park. He silently chuckled at his sarcastic thought and continued circling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kosara was walking through the desolate village in the countryside. It consisted of maybe 40-50 houses, but tonight it was devoid of life. People and animals, all was gone and a complete silence reigned absolute. Her sword was already in her hand as she was pouncing around the village with playful smile. She knew they were here, there was a reason this place was dead after all. Finally as she had jumped on top of the well in the middle of the town center, a figure appeared just behind her, swinging a scythe looking weapon.” There you guys are, I was thinking you all were too shy to meet me!” She said as she blocked the weapon and followed with a slash straight through the attacker as more demons appeared. Sloths... she smiled widely and swung her sword once through the empty air.” Since everyone is already dead, I might as well go nuts for once without worrying!” She said with a childish grin and started her most favorite activity in the world – decimating demons with her favorite combat style. The fact they were slow, served perfectly for her to charge up her attacks as she went...

About an hour later, the demon hunter was standing tall on top of the well again, looking at the moon with a happy expression as her phone rang.” Yeeeeeeees!” She answered it happily. Listening to the voice on the other end, she threw a look around the village one more time. There was only one house standing right now and it had a huge hole in one of it's walls.” Yes, I'm free! Will be there~” She whistled and jumped drown from the well and started walking towards the trainstation. There seemed to be a party going on in Barlour and she wasn't going to miss it!

Barlour city

The demon hunter had answered the call to arms from the organization as she thought was right. Sure enough she arrived in Barlour, but what she found wasn't exactly what she expected to. From the get go she had started to work because of the unnatural increase in demonic activity around the city. Things were frankly well beyond normal... as much as a normal was a factor in this world really. She was briefed quickly on the happenings around the city from a handler and off she went to kill demons.

“Aweee... don't be such a downer... you will hit me next time~” She giggled as she jumped over a dullahan and avoided his attack. Demons sure were getting bolder, this thing had appeared in a park.” ...or you wont!” She added as she used the chance to strike at his exposed back. Couple of attacks now, a couple at the next of his attacks and the dullahan was gone.” That wasn't so bad...!” She smiled to herself before she spun in place, taking a look around with semi confused expression.

“Only one dullahan?” She mumbled to herself, looking around the area. The area felt rather barren in comparison of the number of enemies that should appear. It felt almost like the area was left with only a token presence... She knew something else was going down in the old tunnels. Sure there certainly were more demons out and about, but down there seemed like the bigger party. She smiled as she started running towards the nearest entrance into the Subway. From there it was rather easy to sense the huge concentration of energy pulsating from one direction. Sure enough she dashed towards it, running through the metro tunnels until she found herself a a part that was heading away from the concentration of energy. After some stumbling around she found that another tunnel existed under her. She could have probably cut a hole with her sword, but using the gauntlet seemed like less work... Probably the only thing she used it for – breaking walls.

“Hoooriaaaaa!” She shouted as she slammed her armored fist into the ground, concrete crumbling, but not creating the opening she wanted it to... She cringed before smiling wildly and punching it again. Dust and chunks of concrete flying around as the hole was made!(along with even more collateral damage!). Jumping down into the hole, she found herself into one of the many old tunnels so she headed in the vague direction where she felt the energy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zorogami
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Zorogami Sorry for disappearing!

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

KYL-9XX, Inside the tunnels

//Mission_Statement: Find and protect 2nd seal, assist Gilgamesh operatives
//Distance_to_energy_source: Approx. 0,4 miles

The silence surrounding the cyborg would soon be filled with the noise of gunfire. The mephistos stood all around him, waiting for an opening to attack, but KYL-9XX was not about to give them a chance. Thanks to his Chetaah module, his movements were too fast, his shots too many in number to miss the abominations from hell. His mission statement was simple, and it wouldn't take much longer to reach the seal. it was the first time the cyborg had to face supernatural beings, but to him that didn't matter. After all, they died just like hundreds had before to his superior arsenal, they were just a lot uglier than the targets he was used to engage. He took out the first two with a barrage of shots, the third and last one he took on in close quarters. His speed allowed him to reach the creature in an instant, and a few good punches sent it flying against the brick wall, then it slid to the ground. Terminated.

KYL-9XX scanned the area to make sure he didn't spare a single enemy. His readings showed that the source of energy wasn't far ahead, and stowing his gatling gun away he proceeded down the tunnel. A distress signal manifested in his ear. Apparently a troop of Gilgamesh operatives was under heavy fire and requesting assistance. The cyborg weighed his two options: Assist the friendlies taking fire, or keep going and finding the 2nd seal. His calculations decided on the latter option, the troop would habe to wait or get ouf of that mess on their own. After a few more turns, he found an opening with a feint green light shimmering through.

As he entered the room, he took notice of everything inside the massive hall he was now in. In the middle, standing on what seemed to be floating stones, was a woman in pink. The cyborg realized she had shadows all around her, some of demonic origin, others didn't allow for a clear analysis. His readings showed that she stood at the center of the energy source, which meant that she was an obstacle between him and the seal he was meant to protect. Further scans revealed that the woman wasn't the only one present: Two individuals seemed to be circling around the room, conceiling themselves from sight behind stones and rubble. One was emitting weird signals, mixing both human and demonic readings. The other one was even stranger, as KYL-9XX was unable to analyze its origin. Unsure about who was an ally and who was an enemy, KYL-9XX decided to stop and wait for further developments before engaging anyone.

//Located: Energy Source, possible hostiles
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Mary | Ruins

"I told you to wait,"

Mary's head whipped around as the familiar voice came to her ears. Finally Nero had joined her. He was an odd looking man- if he could even be called that. They were of similar age, and Mary was pretty young herself. His pure white attire, large glove included, betrayed his nature. It all seemed to conflict. His natural dislike of speaking, but his odd love of Kyrie and humanity. She wanted to study him, the arm hidden inside his glove. See what really made him tick, get to know him. Scientifically of course.

Tuning back in, Mary heard him mention how he was worried about their human soldiers. He was right, it would have been better if she went alone. It didn't seem there were much Mary couldn't handle in these pathways. Even if it wasn't exactly the normal menu. But that couldn't be changed, and there were more important things to do currently.

It appeared Mary had found it, the ruins that held the Second Seal. But these weren't normal ruins it seemed. They appeared to be caved in, possibly due to the massive power of the seal, or an intentional demolition to make destroying the seal harder. Either way, it didn't seem to deter Nero. He walked past her and into the ruins, Mary following cautiously behind. They were both met with the sight of a woman, attractive, but obviously a demon. She was surrounded by Fausts who didn't seem to attack her, along with... a demon she had never seen before. It appeared ghost like, but unlike the Fausts they seemed incorporeal. Completely. She'd have to investigate these ghosts later.

Nero commanded his soldiers to secure the entrance and be ready for retreat should the need arise. Mary added to their mission slightly. She told them to investigate the odd statue that they had seen. It almost seemed to be breathing, some sort of living defender of the ruins, maybe? She would find out later. For now, she began circling around like her boss. But instead of going around the back, Mary focused on finding an area with as many floating rocks near it as possible. Mary could not fly, so she would need to find an area with much solid ground if she wanted to fight successfully. And besides, Nero would rush in first, so it would be useless to find an area to sneak attack from.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lazo
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Lazo Lazy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Reverberations echoed through the tunnels behind the pair, tickling at the Hellhound’s ears. Fenn paused, raising his head above his shoulders, ears twitching.

“Why did we stop?” asked the demoness who had followed him into the tunnels.

“Explosions. The humans found resistance.”

“Up ahead?” she asked with a mischievous smile. “We could help these hunters. Kill the demons trailing them. It would be interesting. Imagine their faces once they realize they owed their lives to the enemy.”

The dog shook his head. It was not that the irony was lost on him, but in following the tracks, a small suspicion had begun to form. These humans had an odd scent to them. Even when their scent became more distinctive, easier to separate from the trail of the woman in pink and their entourage, there was something else to it. He did not believe there were half-bloods among them, but the scent was strange enough to make him doubt himself. Once they were set in their proper place on the stage, these humans may prove to be interesting players.

Fenn hesitated to interfere just yet. Not to mention there were more practical concerns as well.

“Would you have us turn back?” Fenn grunted as he resumed his march. “They veered off the trail some time ago. If they are after your woman in pink, they should have brought better trackers.”

“I wish you’d told me that earlier. I admit part of me was looking forward to meeting them.”

“I suspect there is little that they could offer us, beyond a hail of bullets.”

Lily shrugged. “Perhaps, but it might be more interesting than meeting this demon ahead. We cross paths with enough power hungry Demon Lords in our trade, and they always sing the same tune.”

Fenn grunted. Wasn’t that telling, that the stronger players ever seemed to play the same role. A comment on the nature of power, perhaps. To flex one’s power was to enact tyranny, and tyranny ever invited conflict. Not because the use of power was inherently wrong, but because it acted as a presence. An occupation of space that demanded a response from other powers, and this was something he held to be true in every realm. The world turned to face you. Many desired such a thing.

He had never shared his companion’s interest in humanity, nor did he wish to. That they espoused virtues one would rarely if ever see in the underworld was not borne of any particular enlightenment of the spirit, but was a product of a short, fragile existence. Being so fragile, confrontation was undesirable for the damage it wrought, and safety was best ensured in groups. From groups, civilization. A survival trait at best, one so inextricably woven into their society that it was nigh impossible to separate from moral context. When conflict came, however – and oh did it come – it was not any less ugly or petty than had it been a demon or angel partaking in it. So what could a group of soldiers say to the two demons that they had not heard before?

“I suspect we have not seen the last of them,” he offered, nonetheless, “or others. We have yet to become aware of all the players.” He paused. “Behold. Shadows dance.”

As if burned by the demon’s regard, the darkness ahead shifted. A greenish tint moved in the corner of their eyes, and then the tunnel was still.

“Neither demon nor human, or even angelic,” Lily commented, glancing behind them. “They’re gone.”

“We must be close.”

“To demon hunters or to demon lady?”

The Hellhound shrugged, a ponderous rolling of his shoulders. “I do not believe either came to these tunnels for the decor.”

Lily gave Fenn a look somewhere between amusement and exasperation. “Never would’ve expected the grouchiest pup to make a joke,” she said, absentmindedly wringing some water out of her hair. “I digress. Which way do you think we should go?”

Pausing before a door, the demon said, “The trail leads in.”

Lily made the fit easily enough, even tall as she was. Turning around, she asked, “Will you find a different way in?”

Stone rumbled as as the large Hellhound pushed forward with little regard for the obstacle, knocking the door off its hinges along with part of the adjacent wall.

“Ah. Right.”

Fenn’s fire added to the illumination of old candles, glancing off the chalk markings lining the interior. The room was octogonal, something the demon suspected served some purpose on its own, and every etching faced the large altar settled in the middle of the room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


With the angels not choosing to pursue the half-demon, Gideon quickly made his way to where he last sensed the humans. He wasn't sure what they would be doing here, but he suspects that they were up for no good. Perhaps they are ones taking advantage of these new rifts? Regardless, it seems as if they are on the move, and indeed moving quite quickly. Eventually, he happens to reach an abandoned subway system, where the scent has grown even stronger. They were here, somewhere underground. Without further ado, Gideon casually walks into the darkness, where he begins to hunt for his human prey.

As he walks within the darkness, all he hears are the sounds of the dripping water droplets, the squeaking of rats, and the sound of his footsteps echoing across the hall. It was rather boring for him, being already used to the darkness of these environments. Yet as he walks deeper, he suddenly hears what may be a faint sound of what sounded like a woman. It was very faint, but his hearing could pick up something roughly to this:

”Come **, Alba*ross. This ** ****tom. We *** underground, in a **stern conne**** to ** abandon** **way. *upernat**** activity is ri****. We **** ** getting close. Mark ** posit*** *** send reinforcements. Phantom out.”

From the sounds of this, this was indeed some sort of military operation. He could trace out the names of Alba~ Alba... Albatross? And Phantom. Phantom must've been the one he was hearing. They'd apparently found a cistern, or so he thinks, and have encountered some resistance, probably from demons. They are getting close somewhere and are in need of reinforcements. They shouldn't be far now. Yet as Gideon approaches the location, he can suddenly hear the echoes of gunfire, and the screeches of its victims. The demons sounded like Hatreds and Mephistos, all which he's familiar with. He begins to run towards the location, often hiding behind walls to make sure he isn't seen by the humans. Eventually, he reaches the location as he hides behind some rubble. He can see the humans fighting it on with the demons as they struggle against them. Gideon would usually join the fight, but was actually curious to see what will happen. Eventually, they seemed to be on the retreat.

“We’ve got to go! Cut a path through them!”

They then began to rush through the demons, slicing any in their way as they quickly moved their way through the tunnels. Perhaps it was time to combat these foolish crusaders. After all, they were merely human with special gear. They then went through a wall as it crumbles before them, with one freezing it to bide time for them to escape.

Not on Gideon's watch though.

As he approaches the block of ice, the demons paused and began to pave the way as the half-demon general made his appearance at last. He slowly approaches the chilling wall as he quickly takes out Lucifer's Wings. Issuing his Four-Shot move, he proceeds to fire his shots at the block, ultimately shattering it into hundreds of shards. The other demons began to stir as they prepared to go inside, however Gideon signaled them to stay where they are. His blades began to form and circle him violently as he slowly and silently made his way into the pathway, with his footsteps echoing through the hallway. He was going to eliminate these vermin... quickly and painlessly.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Barlour city – old tunnels.

The tunnels were not in their best condition, but overall surprisingly preserved. What was most interesting was the distant echoes of gunfire and dying screams that filled them. Kosara smiled as she was running down the corridor, jumping off the walls every now and then, hopping left and right for the fun of it. Wall running and jumping was a very fun thing! Whenever she did encounter a path leading away from the big cluster of energy ahead, she would simply punch a big hole through the walls and into other tunnels. She almost turned it into a dance with a rhythm as she jumps and breaks down the obstacles.

From her estimation she should have had more than about 15 or so more minutes of direct run in her direction before she reaches the energy gathering ahead. She had just broke down a wall in a single jump & punch at that, when her fist impacted into something very hard and a sound of grinding metal filled the area. Dullahans! A huge smirk appeared on her face as the demon charged her and she jumped to the side to evade it as it struck the wall behind her.

The demonic armor was about to turn and charger her again along with one of it's mates when Kosara with a smirk broke the wall next to her and jumped into the next tunnel. In total she could hear the swirling blades of 3 different dullahans. This was going to be fun. She pulled her sword as she dashed towards the only one who was currently on this side of the wall. Using the wall as a stepping place, she neatly jumped above the demon as she was charged. Dashing after him, she slashed at his exposed back before he can turn. The very next moment she jumped back as one of the other dullahans broke through the thin wall, charging at her, but she was already out of the way. Using the hole her enemy made, she jumped into the other tunnel, attacking the third dullahan by again jumping up and around his attack range and attacking at the back.

It didn't take much strikes at the exposed weaker part of the armor for it to be vanquished. An expression of pure joy appeared on her face as she was the one to break through the wall again to attack the other two enemies who had charged at her former location just a moment ago. Once again out flanking her opponents she jumped through the hole one of them created, nimbly finishing it off before repeating the dance with the final enemy. Giggling happily all the way till the creature was dead, she finally turned into the direction of the energy clusters again!" FIGHTING DEMONS IS THE BEST!" She screamed in joy, not caring if she attracts attention as her voice echoes through the tunnels. Then she headed in the direction of the huge energy again for that's where the party was at so she quickly started running towards it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Underground Ruins

Throughout the old subway tunnels a bright blue light raced forth, zooming across long stretches of darkness. Near turns and curves the light stopped, just for a second, before moving again at blinding speeds. For anyone in the dark tunnels, they might have been thankful for the source of light, if that light didn't disappear as quickly as it came. Whatever it was was like the Roadrunner, if the Roadrunner traveled by inexplicable energy rather than running. The racing light came upon an area of tunnels which housed some Mephistos, lurking and ready to ambush their prey. Seeing the thing approaching from hundreds of feet away, two of the minor demons rushed forth with halberd and scissors in hand. Instead of intercepting the interloper, one found itself on the ground, skull cracked, while the other simply vanished without a trace.

Inside the Eidolic Cairn, many had already gathered. There was the demoness, the first one there, and the Fausts which surrounded her. There were the many ghosts. The young commander with a devil's arm attempting to pull off "stealthy" in bright white. The nephilim that identified more with his divine heritage looking for a combat advantage. The cyborg, a man that no longer had an identity of his own, analyzing the situation and waiting for commands. The doll-like woman, analytical but powerful, following her commander's lead. Yet those who would stand in this most hallowed hall were not yet complete, for destiny summoned one more to the Cairn. One that didn't care to keep his presence hidden.

Through the tunnel the blue ring of light sped, finally coming to a complete stop just before the ledge. In place of the ring of light was a man. An old man, but one that commanded respect and authority. His blue and red leather armored robes billowed ever so slightly as he held a Mephisto by the neck. "No hitch hikers! he growled at the demon, squeezing with the power of his gauntlet devil arm, Lammasu, until the creature's neck snapped. He then casually dropped its lifeless body into the chasm at his feet.

"Now then, what the hell do we have here?"


The Ninth Circle Bar, 35 days ago

Akoni sat in his usual seat, sipping from his usual drink. The atmosphere was smoky, the lights were dim, and the company dangerous. But everyone else would just have to deal with that, because Akoni wasn't going anywhere soon.

"Anything new, my oh so favorite customer?" asked the bartender. Akoni set his glass on the bar counter a little harder than was necessary.

"Another scotch," responded the old man with a gritty growl. "You know there's nothing new, John."

"Just trying to get you out of here, man. You need a hobby." John poured another glass of alcohol for Akoni. "I hear that a new job got posted. Maybe go talk to Lady and-"

"Retired." Akoni drained half the glass on the spot before continuing. "And I'll thank you to mind your own damn business. I'll spend my free time however I please, kid."

The Ninth Circle Bar, 23 days ago

Akoni sat alone in a VIP room, drinking his favorite poison. For several minutes he sat, staring into the glass, feeling unfulfilled. At that moment a young man, about 25, wearing an eyepatch and carrying two SMGs walked in holding a dossier. He dropped the dossier onto the table in front of Akoni, then sat across from the retired hunter.

"First lesson, cricket, pick your battles. Never piss off anything or anyone you can't overpower or out think. Now get your pasty ass out of my booth." The older man never looked up as he addressed the younger man.

"Save the attitude old man. I'm here because the Organization has been getting overwhelmed with demonic activity. We're calling in all members to-" The hunter never got the chance to finish, as he fell through a tear in space that spontaneously appeared beneath him. He found himself launched to the side, rolling along the floor.

"Ugh, you asshole!" cried out the younger man, staggering back to his feet. He reached for one of his guns, only to find his holster was missing. The old man held up the belt, then casually tossed the weapons back to their owner.

"Out," he firmly stated, still never looking up from his glass. The young man grabbed his weapons then turned out the door. Using an old, simple cantrip, Akoni slammed the door shut from a distance, hitting the kid on the way out. He stared for several minutes longer before his eyes glanced to the dossier still sitting on the table.

The Ninth Circle Bar, 10 days ago

"So tell me why you're not looking deeper into this?" John asked, cleaning out a glass.

"Not important enough," Akoni answered off handedly, swigging down a glass of scotch. "Increased demon activity in Barlour means nothing. Place is a shit stain anyway. They run through the streets like dogs."

"Are you sure it's just Barlour?" the bartender asked, filling up the older man's glass. "I've been hearing a lot of unnerving stories from some regulars."

[color=dodgerblue]"That's why you'd die five minutes in the field,"[color] Akoni shot back matter-of-factly. "Call me when it's the end of the world."

Barlour DHO Headquarters, 9:00 a.m. today

Akoni slammed the door behind him without ever touching it. He strolled up to the desk of this office looking important as ever, right up to the woman sitting there. She was young, but one of the few hunters that Akoni respected. She was no cricket, she was a warrior. Her name? Lady. He tried casting an identification spell in her presence once to learn her real name, but only got "Lady" in response, which could only mean that was literally her God given birth name, or she had completely cut all emotional ties to her real birth name. It was fascinating.

"I'm glad you finally decided to join us."

"Don't push your luck, Lady. You've got five seconds to say something that catches my interest before I walk right back out of that door." He maintained eye contact with the hunter as he spoke, a pretty rare honor, but he didn't bother censoring the irritation in his tone or his expression. Nobody was worth that much to him.

"How much do you know about the Seven Seals of Armageddon?" she inquired, adjusting her position in the chair.

Akoni's eyes, normally droopy and weary, instantly widened in concern and shock. "More than just about everyone else in this damn organization put together, I'd wager."

"We have reason to believe the first seal has been broken. In a few hours from now, I'll be attending a meeting with our allies, Gilgamesh and the Order of the Sword, to find a solution to this problem." Lady tilted her sunglasses up as she spoke, meeting Akoni's gaze.

"I'll get to work researching a location spell." Without another word, Akoni turned round and strolled out the door. This time his curt behavior and haste wasn't out of elderly irritation, but concern. Lady smirked in her chair.

"Welcome back."

Eidolic Cairn

Akoni's eyes took in the magnificent sight of the underground cavern and all of its glory. The deep chasm, the floating rocks, the central pillar, it all felt so eldritch. So ancient. Then of course there was the woman at the center, heading toward the second seal. Akoni could sense something else, too. The presence of others. His eyes flashed green and he looked around, his life detection spell revealing to him several others around. Good, he had backup. They all appeared to be getting into position. He decided to let them, but the demoness couldn't reach the seal no matter what. While they got the best advantage, Akoni decided he'd make a good distraction.

"Hey there, Beelzebitch!" he called out. Akoni began crossing the pit after her, utilizing his gates to move through space from platform to platform. She looked like a real tough one. Not the toughest he'd ever fought, but at his age, out of practice as he was, probably too tough right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by itano123
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itano123 definitely not evil

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zio the man of Hearts

Scratching his head Zio looked at the result of his attack not long ago, “huh that's not usually what happens when I do that” Zio mumbled as the old dude that was fighting the dog complained like old people do.

By the time Zio zoned in it seemed the old man was content that he lectured enough and was leaving, even telling to him to leave this.
“hey old man thanks for helping me out of my mess i guess but you should go ask an angel if hunters go to heaven because for a guy who was handling the situation you dont look that crash ho…. And he's gone.” waving goodbye Zio laughed as he jumped into the hole he created using Necro to slow the ride down.


Turns out no matter what the fall was going to hurt as Zio learnt as he ‘landed’ on a platform. Looking around the young hunter had no real idea where he was but he assumed it had to be some kind of subway system? Maybe Zio should use shit like that more often so he took that assumption and ran with it… not quite literally though as he wasn’t really too sure if he was right. And in that he started casually following up into the passageways and hoped it would lead him in the right direction.

i can't just let the dog run free if he still wants to get violent can i? Heck this is kinda my fault thinking to himself he took a random path with what seemed to be little urgency compared to his thoughts… and he was still without much of an idea where he was actually going.

“huh maybe i should have thought about this…. Oh well.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zorogami
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Zorogami Sorry for disappearing!

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

KYL-9XX, Hall containing 2nd Seal

//Mission_Statement: Find and protect 2nd seal, assist Gilgamesh operatives

Things had been quite for a while, but someone finally broke the ominous silence that had been ever-present. "Hey there, Beelzebitch!" called out an older man, approaching the woman standing in the center of the room. The cyborg´s scan revealed he was human, but he emitted great power. As he seemed to be an opponent of demonic forces, KYL-9XX assumed they could fight on the same side. Taking advantage of the little distraction, he decided it was time to act and get closer to the seal. Initiating his Cheetah Module, the cyborg could feel his thrusters warming up. He moved quickly across the floor, and jumped over to a floating stone, giving off low swoosh sounds. The woman´s face was turned towards the old man, giving KYL-9XX a perfect opening to start an attack. Taking aim at the woman´s center, the gatling gun slowly started to spin. A few moments later the hall was bathed in light and filled with the sound of gunfire.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

The Hellhound moved closer to the center of the room, where something as oddly shaped as it was familiar to Lily rested on the altar.

“Why are you here, Chimera?” Fenn asked from in front of her.

Lily, curiosity peaked, stepped closer. What Fenn had said had given her a clue, but seeing it up close was what finally made her realise just what—or rather who—was before them. She had never personally met him, but he was certainly someone she had heard about on more than one occasion. This one was a demon much like herself, but not in the ways of his powers. Rather, it was his mindset. So unlike other demons he didn’t appear as one who sought power above all else, but was considered a scholar first and foremost, despite having been said to command legions of demons.

His name was Buer.

Lily’s eyes widened at the sight of him, her surprise showing. Her surprised was soon replaced by a guffaw of laughter. “Oh… that is [i]priceless[/], Buer!” She exclaimed, forcing back her laughter. “Never would’ve expected to you, of all demons, to be down here.” She glanced around, noting the various chalk lines that crisscrossed along the floor and onto the altar upon which the chimeric demon lay trapped. She followed some with her eyes, murmuring indistinguishable words underneath her breath. “And then again, this isn’t simple stuff—” she put a hand on the hound beside her, as if to keep him in place “—don’t touch it, Fenn. If you get inside you’ll probably be trapped here, too. I doubt either of us could escape a devil trap like this one.”

Fenn let out a low growl, sounding like something of a mix between a warning and an affirmative. Evidently he did not like Lily’s insinuation that he was unaware.

“Nevertheless,” the demoness continued, “you’re in quite a bind, Buer. What in Mundus’ Spear-Inviting asshole happened?”

The merriment of Lily did not bring a smile to the leonine face of the captive demon. Instead, boredom ruled there. In the years he spent imprisoned here, he knew solitude and silence as constant companions, but never did he truly despise the lonesome quiet. A mind as vast and accomplished as his could not only reach into the past and postulate about the future, but leaf through his array of knowledge like a tax accountant through reams of manilla folders and, from it, construct a mental fortress in which he was free. Buer’s body never moved, but his scholar’s mind spanned eons of learning and oceans of imagination. Overall, he preferred all of that to laying on a pedestal for the amusement of demonic passers-by.

“Why don’t you ask miss Gomory?” He murmured at last, his voice a gravelly rumble.

Lily’s eyes met Fenn’s. This was the first either had heard the name of their quarry.

The scholar continued, either unaware or uncaring of this silent communication. “She heard the whole ordeal. I imagine you’ll want to help me about as much as she did. Long story short, I should never have deviated from my studies into the whole contracting business. A savvy human and his witch friend trapped me here.” His nose twitched; his piercing hazel eyes provided the only illumination in the chamber aside from evenly-placed bewitched candles, and the great Hellhound. “I must ask you to either free me or get your kicks and move on. Trying to think in an atmosphere polluted by other consciousnesses is tiresome. Though of course,” he added, endeavoring to keep any hope from his snarls. “I would be grateful for your charity.”

Fenn grunted. “The self-pity clogs the air.”

Lily adopted a ponderous look, scratching her cheek as her gaze sought upwards, towards the ceiling. Her lips pursed even as her silence stretched out. It did not take a genius to guess that the reason for her apparent hesitation to decide, was nothing more than a ploy to irritate the ancient demon-scholar.

Her gaze found Fenn’s several moments later, her green eyes twinkling with enough mischief that the source of her nickname suddenly became obvious. “What do you say, Puppy? Shall we be nice? If only for this one time.” She turned back to Buer, smiling. “I wouldn’t mind being the great scholar being indebted to me, after all.”

“Don’t see nothing great about him,” Fenn gruffed, walking along the side of the altar as if circling prey. “Brains didn’t keep him out of this trap. What point is there in helping, then?”

Something, likely the barely repressed grimace on the lion’s face, told them that several choice retorts had come to Buer’s mind. He did not give voice to them, however.

A quiet grunt of surprise made its way past Lily’s lips. That was something to think about, she decided. Fenn—always the pragmatic one—was right once more. Though she wanted Buer to simply be indebted to her, it might be interesting to hear what he had to say. She bobbed her head, a note of mock contemplation in her voice. “Harsh, Fenn. But true.”

“I revel in harsh truths, Imp.”

“An unhealthy lifestyle.”

“Such is truth’s nature.”

She smiled wryly. “An interesting thought, nonetheless.” Her eyes went back to Buer. “What exactly could you offer in return for your freedom?”

The lion-headed demon’s grumble resounded through the chamber. “I am a renowned healer. I can also bind low-class demons as familiars to serve you. I do not doubt that these talents could be of service to you.”

Fenn frowned and glanced back at her. “Are you in need of minions?”

“Honestly? I don’t know… Never tried having minions before, nor did I consider it.”

“You’ve been spared some headaches,” the Hellhound commented. “They get in the way. Can't trust them with anything important. Like children."

“When you’re in my, eh, ‘line of work’ you don’t tend to need them. Humans do that well enough if you just wiggle your fingers and show them a bit of fire.” She shrugged. “Anything else to offer, Buer? Minions, in whatever form of low-class demons, aren’t really of any interest to me.”

Scoffing, the captive demon replied, “Well, there’s my medical expertise, if you haven’t forgotten.”

“We haven’t,” Lily said. “We just care little for it at the moment.”

“Would he follow us like a vulture until we are wounded?” Fenn mused. “The thought is mildly repellent.”

“Having underlings” Buer cut them off, “is more useful than you might imagine; no matter the difference an individual can make, she is still only one, and cannot be in more than one place at once. Numbers make a difference if you want to make a difference. Aside from that, you would of course be able to request a favor me. Back in my manor, I would be able to do far more than I would here.” The lion’s eyes gleamed, as though something had occurred to it. “As well, since I am doomed to be a living battery of occult power for the city, removing me would disturb the humans’—especially the demon hunters’—magic greatly.” He wriggled just a bit in his chains, attempting to crane his face toward Lily.

It was Fenn that answered. “It is interesting,” the dog said, “that you should mention demon hunters. Are you aware of what is happening in this city?”

“Yes, of course.” Buer sighed. “The second seal is here. Not just in Barlour, but near this spot. Everybody who knows anything about Heaven and Hell is headed there, including Gomory, who I mentioned. I imagine they’ll all have a nice scrap. Not a very nice girl, but I do hope she successfully defends the seal. Last thing we want is the apocalypse coming.” His voice had grown dull with a trace of resignation.

Fenn and Lily’s gaze met again at the mention of the seal. The stakes of the game had suddenly climbed much higher than either of them had anticipated. A fierce gleam had been lit in the Hellhound’s eyes at the scholar’s words, and it made the demoness wonder what thought had crossed his mind.

“Defends?” She asked, regardless. That particular detail had surprised her. “What makes you believe she wants to defend the seal? Against what?”

Confusion entered the eyes of Buer. ‘Was it not obvious’, his expression conveyed? “None of Mundus’ demons want to destroy the seals. If armageddon comes, there’s no humans to mess with, no places to kill angels, and no world to rule. Gomory will defend the seal against whatever lunatic vagabond is bent on breaking them. You do know that the first was broken several weeks ago, surely…?”

“Of course we know,” Lily lied out of hand, decidedly against making a show of ignorance. “I wondered as to the assailant.” Just how did word of such things reach this demon’s ears in the first place? He had been sealed under the city for hell knows how many years. Of course, if the scholar was lying, she had made an even bigger fool of herself on instinct, which was arguably worse—

Fenn let out a low, rumbling laugh, interrupting her thought. “I suppose the Demon King may not be quite as desperate for a way into this world as one would think. And this… Gomory”—Using the demoness’s proper name seemed to physically pain him—“An agent of his? You are certain?”

Buer chuckled, trying not to sound too derisive. Though he remained bound, the demons stood in his field now. “See how important knowledge is? My body is stuck, but my mind wanders far. Yes, Gomory is a lieutenant of Mundus, and a terrifying warrior. She moonlights as a talent seeker for hell, turning all kinds of beings to her lord’s cause either willingly or not.”

Fenn let out one of his chuckles. “I would wager this one’s body became stuck while his ‘mind wandered’. Aware of much, but seemingly not self. Or mayhaps the view is distorted by an overinflated ego.”

Lily snorted, somewhat amused. “There went the pot, calling the kettle black.”

Fenn grunted, disregarding her comment. “But if he speaks truth, to see the seals involved...” A lupine smile spread over his features. “This I would witness.”

“From which balcony?” Lily asked, turning to Fenn.

“Is it not obvious?” Fenn snapped, before refocusing his attention on the scholar. “But our business with this one is not yet concluded. Not until a decision is made.”

“You’re right,” she admitted. Buer had her full attention once more, her sharp gaze never leaving his macabre form. She studied him, eyes boring into his in search of whatever hidden agenda he might have. Amicable though she may be, Lily was far from the trusting one. What’s more, some things didn’t make sense. He had said that this Gomory—the lady in pink—wanted to protect the seal, not break it. But protect it from what? She hadn’t noticed anyone or anything else making a move on it, and the demon hunters had only started moving after Gomory had shown up.

Humans were, if anything, predictable, and the few who knew of the seals and what breaking them meant would rally to prevent them from being broken. Humanity was as yet weak, unable to withstand the crossfire between angels and demons. So what exactly did Gomory want to defend it from?

She brought herself out of her reverie, eyes narrowing. “Buer. You seem to know a great deal about what’s going on, so tell me. Who was the one that broke the first seal? And how? You see, it’s quite convenient of you to say that this Gomory wants to prevent it from being broken, and the only ones out there aside from us are humans—demon hunters. Mundus was the one who attempted to achieve total dominion over this realm two millennia ago, and now he suddenly does not want that?”

“Elimination precludes domination,” the dog muttered, seemingly more to himself than for Lily’s benefit. “The Demon King’s interests have always ran in the latter direction.”

Lily shot Fenn a dark look before she turned back to Buer. “Forgive me for being distrustful, but there are a few too many unexplainable circumstances.”

Trying to hide his waning patience, Buer said, “The hellhound has it right. One cannot rule over ashes and dust. I would bet a fortune that there are others in these depths interested in the seal. As for the first seal, I am in the dark. Even to my sight, that event is shrouded in mystery. Angels, rogue demons, humans, something else...who knows? Anyone could have done it. Everyone wants to figure out who.” The demon licked his lips, as if the sweet taste of freedom lay before him on a plate. “Now, I have spilled my guts, as the proverb goes. Will you release me?”

Once more Lily adopted the ponderous mask, crossing her arms underneath her chest. She was silent for a while, then, asked, “What do you think, Fenn? Let him go, or leave him to suffer from his mistakes?”

“Imp, were I capable of trapping his mind so that it could only contemplate these walls, I would. That this one should describe himself so quaintly as ‘stuck’ is deeply insulting. Ennui is all that threatens this Chimera, and perhaps not even that.” The dog let out a rumbling sigh following this pronouncement, the chains wrapped around his arms seeming to rattle as if anxious. “But I am not capable of such, and thus I leave his fate to you.”

“One would think you would sympathize with my fate, hound. Your chains speak clearly of yours.”

“You speak with singular optimism, chimera.” Fenn’s lip curled back in a silent snarl. “As if compassion rather than indifference was borne out of suffering.”

“Your complaint is noted, Fenn.” She smiled and nodded at him, as if reassuring that everything would be alright, while ignoring the short banter between the two males. She then faced Buer one last time, her smile turning eerie rather than comforting. “That leaves only one matter left, Buer. Firstly, I will need to know how to free you. Fenn’s fire, and legs, are strong enough to crack the stone, but I doubt something so mundane as that will simply remove the bindings upon you. And secondly, I am not quite satisfied with a simple promise of help or healing. I want an oath, on your wisdom, knowledge, and power, that you will honor your debt.”

The leonine head scowled, his patience finally stretched past its limit. “An oath? And what would such a thing achieve? Words in the wind you would disregard, for you have surely decided on my fate by now. I have told you enough, promised enough while you two circle like scavengers, making a show of your ignorance. This tortuous exchange has gone for long enough! Free me or begone.”

Lily’s eyes hardened, losing their playful glint. Before their eyes her hair turned from a bright orange to a midnight black, as if a physical representation of her rapidly deteriorating mood. She not so much scowled as glared at the ancient demon, lips pressed in a thin line.

She shot a fleeting glance at Fenn, a look that conveyed a silent agreement: For once, she was in the same boat as him. Her focus then returned to the ground. “If luck has it,” she began, “the Hunters who are probably fast approaching will kill you, rather than using you as a battery.” She let out a breath, eyes closed. When she opened them again the anger was gone, replaced by a quiet calm. “May your life be long, Great Scholar.” She turned, heading out of the room and deeper into the tunnels. She didn’t look to see if Fenn followed, but the light trailing behind her all but confirmed he had.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scrapula
Avatar of Scrapula


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Barlour City Surface: Gilgamesh Incorporated Headquarters

The lobby of Gilgamesh Inc.'s main building was, as always, both beautiful and completely ruined by the local weather. The lobby's gorgeous glass windows, originally intended to allow the sun to shine in on anyone waiting to get in, nevertheless completely failed to let any light in whatsoever. Still, the security checkpoint near the entrance was as bright and cheerful as it ever was. Gene eyed the cheerful little Gilgamesh-sponsored motivational poster saying "Work will set you free!" stuck over the checkpoint's side.
Officer Otis always liked those damn things, Gene mused to himself.

"Looks like you're late again, Mister Smith", said Otis. "HR's gonna have your ass if you don't shape up."
"Whatever," said Gene, sliding his ID across the first security gate's console. "Not like those counter monkeys need my help anyways. Mind if I go in through your office again?"
"Sorry, Gene, today we're on high security. Something about a meeting with another organization. You're gonna have to go through the scanners like everyone else."
"C'mon, man! You know the scanners make my fake act up!"
"Not my problem. Besides, the new scanners they installed today're supposed to solve that issue. They pick up on "extra-normal" contraband too, whatever that means. You can deal with it. Go on through, sir."

"Extra-normal". That didn't sound good. Hopefully it was just expospeak for "drugs and bombs". As Gene passed beyond the bank of elevators up to the offices, he steeled himself for the security terminal leading to the manufacturing sector. The goons there were never as friendly as Otis was, and they always gave Gene the stink-eye for some reason. The terminal was rather sparsely occupied, though Gene noted that the guards there were even more heavily-armored than usual. Helmets with LEDs, full body armor, and even guns rounded out their unusually excessive loadouts. Something important must have been going on.

Gene worked up a convincing fake smile as he worked his way up to the very first scanner. It was certainly more ornate than the airport-standard scanners that were here previously, and it hummed with an energy that hurt Gene's ears.

As soon as Gene passed through the scanner, it erupted into furious beeping. The guards immediately unholstered their guns and pointed them directly at Gene.
"Shit." said Gene.
"Supernatural infiltrator spotted, sir," said one of the guards into their headset. "Orders?"

The fact that each of the guards clicked their safeties off mere seconds later gave Gene all the context he needed. This probably wasn't a good way to start the day. He probably wasn't even going to get any severance pay for this, either.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lazo
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Lazo Lazy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fenn saw as Buer’s features drew themselves inward in frustration, and then relaxed into an impassive expression. The chimera’s four eyes closed, and Fenn knew their exchange was over.

He followed after the now raven haired demoness through the room’s opposite door in much the same way as he had the through the first. Fenn sidled up to Lily’s side in silence, continuing to lead them through the tunnels.

An odd pressure seemed to fill the tunnels’ air as they went deeper, something he knew Lily could feel as well. Trailing Gomory’s scent to find their way quickly became a formality, and soon enough, clearly unnecessary. The path before them was a rubble-streaked ruin, with walls riddled with holes, exposing the packed earth behind them, and shattered bricks lying on the ground by the score. The dust had not completely settled, some motes still flittering in the light. Shadows and greenish wisps of light seemed to shiver at the corner of their eyes as they advanced in silence, the one who had come before them having cleared the path of defenders. What little remained of these merely studied their approach.

Lily, all the while, was not in the greatest of moods. More than once she had hit the wall hard enough to crack the stone. It was at a point where they had just passed a comparatively large group of these wisps that she exhaled, closing her eyes. “So, apocalypse,” she began somewhat awkwardly, never looking at Fenn. “What do you intend to do?”

“You have known me for long enough, Imp.” The answer came readily, mid-stride, as if he had been expecting the question. “I am an old warrior, and Armageddon is to be the greatest war ever to be witnessed. What else would I intend to do but participate?”

“I’ve known you long enough to also know that you continuously seek battles, and that you’re not stupid either. While Armageddon itself may be the greatest war to ever come to pass, it will be the last one.” She gave him a solemn look. “You do realize that if you even survive, the rest of your life will be spent in a wasteland with nothing but yourself for company.”

The dog paused in his march, turning to face her. This needed to be addressed then, he understood, and not another step would be taken until it was settled. “You seem to believe that more than Earth shall be lost to this war, as it must, for it is the chosen battlefield. Yet even if all that remained were ashes and dust and scattered survivors, I do not doubt,” he told her, “that conflict would arise among them as readily as were it a living world. And even were it not so, the perpetuation of violence is not what draws me to this.”

Lily stopped as well, facing him. “Be that as it may,” she replied, clasping her hands together behind her back, “I will admit to not wishing the apocalypse.” She gave him a wry smile at this. “Strange, isn’t it? An age old demoness who does not wish for the apocalypse to happen? But it’s not that I’ve become soft. Quite the opposite. You know me better than any other being in this world, so tell me, what is it I do?”

Fenn grunted, irritated. The humans. She wanted them alive. “Your fascination with these vermin baffles me.”

She met his irritated grunt with a strangely jovial smile. She wasn’t annoyed or angry anymore, at least. “You’d be surprised by what they can do. They are so small compared to us, but they still persevere, and they are so diverse, too. They can be as cruel as even Hell’s own inquisitors, or as benevolent as the kindest angel. To spark conflict, create bonds, sow seeds of dissent, and even watch as they huddle together to face an unknown threat. They’re… so unlike us, and yet so similar in many ways. How can I not be interested?” She giggled—an act so very unlike her, yet still strangely fitting.

“You would oppose Armageddon.” Fenn said. A statement, rather than a question.

“Yes. Things would be rather dull without humanity.”

“What baffles more, is that our paths could be so similar, yet our reasoning so different.”

Fenn closed his eyes. There, he saw a hint of a darkness once visited upon him. For a long time there was little but darkness and chains, punctuated only by blood and pain, though the latter was rarely just his. Moments of release. But when light truly returned and the bonds were loosened, the blood was ancient beyond imagining, and like a blind man who saw for the first time he stumbled back, confused by most of what he saw and finding little beauty in what he understood. But the dog was hardly blind, and some kind of comprehension had to follow. There was a way to things, he believed. To everything.

“If you must, then there are only two ways this can be settled,” he intoned. “We could face each other, here and now. Whoever lives after this encounter shall be in the right, and may pursue their goal. Or…”

Lily blinked, her eyes turning a deep violet. Her smile, too, became somewhat conspiratorial. “I could give you a proposition, that you may fight for me.”

“Has the scholar’s rejection burned you so deeply that you would seek to wrest a vow from me now?” The demon sneered, but there was little humor to be found in his eyes. “Aye, but it is not enough that a battle may be promised.” Fenn shook his head slowly. “I am old for my kind, Imp. There are few survivors from the chaos we are drawn to. The apocalypse will come. Do not doubt this, as the seals need only be broken once. But I do not believe I will survive to see it come to fruition if it does not come to pass here and now. It is no longer enough that you gift me your enemies, for by following you, I will have been robbed of mine.”

“If my enemies will not satisfy you, then how about something never before given? Something that no other living creature can boast to have?” Like Fenn, Lily’s tone was grave, though still with hints of her jovial personality. She shook her head. “I have no intentions of wrestling a vow from you. Rather, I would give one myself. I have lived my millennia long life independent of any faction, of any group, but none can boast to have a debt lying with me. That is what I offer you, Chained Hound. That I will be in your debt, so long as you agree to be by my side in this endeavor.”

The demoness spoke true. Nothing else she could offer would have swayed him, and, he suspected, she had little else to offer. There was a way to things. To them as well. He would not have spoken so before her had he not had a measure of trust in her. Neither would he have closed his eyes, left himself open for her. No hidden blades for them. Between them, the sword would be in plain sight.

“So it shall be. May your worth be judged by the might of your foes, and the truth of your words. Know this, however. Should I ever call upon this debt and be refused, I will not hesitate to settle it with blood.”

Judging by the lack of visible change in her expression or posture, the threat did not faze her. “I have never lied to you. To do so now would be to invite misfortune.”

“Good.” Fenn nodded, steeling himself for what was to come. There was something weary in his tone, as if the conversation had tired him. The dog knew very well that it was not exhaustion, but resignation that filled him. “Then I suggest we move. We have wasted enough time on this debate.”

The matter settled, the pair continued moving along the tunnels, following the path of destruction that hell’s recruiter had left in her wake.

It turned out their debate was not taking place too far from the entrance to the large cavern were even then the players were gathering. Fenn grimaced, letting his flames become extinguished as he glanced into the cavern. There was enough light being emitted from the platform suspended at the center of the cavern, both the source of the odd pressure he had been feeling since leaving Buer’s room, and likely the repository of the second seal. He saw the demoness in pink standing on the platform, as well as several humans beginning their approach.

“What would you have us do?” He asked the Imp – thinking of her as anything resembling a commander was proving difficult – as he studied the spectacle.

“For now,” she said, eyes flicking rapidly back and forth, “nothing. I still do not entirely trust Buer’s words, and I would rather not make myself a target by all the Hunters.” While she seemed relaxed, it did not take a genius to notice that her posture was not one of someone simply watching, but someone preparing. She looked ready to act at any second.

A shout suddenly echoed throughout the massive chamber, her head snapping towards it, eyes immediately narrowed and body tense. All of that evaporated quickly, however, a look of mortification replacing it. “Oh for the love of…” An old human had, for whatever incredulous reason, decided to shout and insult Gomory, and as if that wasn’t enough a Cyborg, by the looks of it, was charging her at the same time, evidently hoping that the shout had distracted her. “Idiots,” she muttered, drawing a hand across her face. “And here I thought only mindless beasts were stupid enough to run to their death like that.”

“Save the judgement for later,” Fenn grumbled. “If the humans are here to prevent the apocalypse, they have jumped to the same conclusion we had. Observe. If you wish to protect the seals, we must ascertain who wishes to destroy them first.”

“I agree. Let us not be hasty. Gomory is powerful, that much I can sense just from looking at her. A few humans should be no match for her.” She pursed her lips, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. “So now… we wait.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Barlour City: Gilgamesh HQ

A lone man clad in the fine armor of the knights of yore strode forth, his attire fiercely clashing with the grimy cement and asphalt surrounding him. Below his boots was a parking lot, housing the cars of an untold number of cubicle drones and suit-clad executives. In front of his face was a massive skyscraper, one built by the greed and lies of the unfaithful. The heretics inside thought themselves an equal authority with Heaven and therefore God Almighty, and that would not stand. Somehow, even the blank bucket helm adorning his face conveyed an expression of divine wrath as he stared defiantly at the leviathan that DARED to raise a hand against divine servants.

No, it had done even worse than merely declare war on our Lord and Savior. The church had many ears. Antonio had heard tell that this so-called business did terrible things to His servants. They performed "experiments". The most innocent beings in existence, guides to humanity, were now used for vivisections, dissections, and torture. If the information held true, their very souls were forfeit.

To claim any being's soul was an unforgivable crime.


The lone warrior of the next crusade raised his fist, a long, golden lance materialized in his hand, giving the faint call of a trumpet.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scrapula
Avatar of Scrapula


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gilgamesh Inc. Headquarters

Gene had faced certain death before, though never in as direct a form. He could survive a gunshot, maybe even a dozen gunshots. Several dozen gunshots, however, would prove to be much more problematic. He'd need a distraction if he wanted to survive the next few seconds. Something to keep these guys' attention away from him, so he could do something slightly less stupid than what he was already planning. Something that would directly take the heat off him and force people to pick their targets before continuing.

"MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOULS, FOR I HAVE NONE. AMEN!" came from outside the room. A few eyes glanced towards the exit.
A few guards turned to face the exit. Something like this. Gene thought, smiling.

Gene clutched at his right arm, as it glowed blindingly brightly. Like a cork being popped off a bottle in a paint mixer, a surge of angelic power blew through the room, knocking the rifles out of the hands of some of the guards and knocking some others off balance. The world slowed down, and Gene sped up.

Gene's right fist collided with the guard next to him like the hammer of God itself, blowing him straight into the scanner. With a sense of agility honed through years of self-training, Gene leaped over the small barricade that the guards had put up to force people into the line of the scanner, and drove his knee into the closest guard beyond it. Gene lunged forward and delivered a withering flurry of punches into the guard just in front of him, sending him crumpling to the floor. Three down, and only five more to go! thought Gene, his mind buzzing with confidence.

It was at that point that he realized those three guards were the only ones on this side of the room. They, being of sound mind and tactics, had anticipated something exactly like this happening, and so planned for it. A hail of bullets thudded into Gene's center mass, hurling him backwards. The will to fight drained away from Gene like money in a Californian's bank account. As his stamina bled away, Gene briefly wondered why these bullets hadn't killed him immediately and, moreover, why they weren't made of metal.

"Infiltrator neutralized," said the most decorated member of the remaining soldiers. "Bring him up to the holding cells-- the research team'll be glad to know rubber slugs work on supernaturals."

"Oh, that's right," thought Gene, as a pair of burly arms wrapped around both of his. "I forgot they took us in alive." Gene attempted to brace himself for a very unpleasant next few weeks in the research labs, and failed miserably before it even began.
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