Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Gaius Ignis, The Palace

The girl awoke shortly after he had cut her free, which was quite the feat she took quite a beating, she asked why he didn't take her to forum,he spoke quickly, and urgently. "Because you've suffered enough, and because my job as a guardsmen is to protect all of the emperors family. Now do you have a place you can stay that's safe, a friends perhaps?" The guardsmen was a cool as a cucumber he knew what he was doing, he knew he was probably going to be charged with treason, and probably fed to the beasts in the coliseum, unless he thought of a plan where both of them could walk away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•Ÿπ•¦π•˜π•˜π•π•– π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The girl nodded. "My friend Pentalius Noctura offered me his hospitality, though I doubt he expected me to call upon it so soon." She frowned for a moment. "But... once this comes to light, you have nowhere to go. Unless..." She trailed off for a moment while she sorted through ideas in her head. "Well, I've got an idea... Don't know how well it will work but it's something. Take a sheet and put splotches of red dye on it. Ideally that would be blood, but don't hurt yourself for it. Wrap it around some rocks so that it's like the shape of a body. Make sure you have some of the blood on your hands and sleeves before you go out. Then take the rock bundle, carry it to the river, and dump it in. Report to my father and tell him that you tormented me until I expired and then you dropped my body in the river to leave my soul eternally wandering." She gave a rueful smile. "Oh, and for the blood..." She rummaged around on one of the shelves of the storage area until she produced a large undyed bedsheet. Then, gritting her teeth, she opened a shallow gash in her forearm (with the knife she had hurt her father with and had managed to retain a hold of) and let her blood run into the sheet in large spots. She then held her wrist out to Gaius. "Rub the blood onto your hands, so that it gets around your fingernails and into the creases. Don't rub it in too much; leave some of it spread over the surface." He must think her mad, but she'd do anything to ensure that her rescuer would not meet a gory death. That was hardly a fair repayment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nona simply giggled as Aemilia caught her drift, nodding as she mentioned Evandrus. He wasn’t Nona’s cup of tea, but the thought of a match that would hurt one’s sister was appeal. ”Oh by the gods do it,” Nona whispered, obviously wanting to live through Aemilia at the moment. Getting back at her husband and hurting Secunda in the process? Oh Nona could only imagine. Now if only she could get that lucky. Sure, she could buy a boy, but she would rather have one enamored by her. She almost got too lost in her own thoughts before she recognized Aemilia speaking about the games. ”Yes, Octavius… my he would be lovely to sit with and catch the eye of,” she said thoughtfully, the two girls smirking and plotting on how to hurt others while getting a little happiness of their own. Her mind could just reel with the possibilities. ”I personally would have to make sure it was someone strong you know, the total opposite of Crispus. Someone that would really get under his skin because he could never truly compete,” she said, her voice almost like a snake’s.
Ateret made her way to the docks, still distracted a bit when she hesitantly entered her father’s work room. He was particular about being interrupted, but as she peered in, two men were leaving and her father seemed to be putting away a scroll. She stood back, politely nodding to the two men who were too busy talking amongst themselves to notice her really. After they’d gone, she entered, forcing a smile on her face.

”Father?” she said softly, hoping he would be glad to see her. Marcus turned around and smiled as he saw his daughter, obviously in a better mood than he had been this morning. Not to mention, seeing Ateret dressed up properly instead of in common clothes with a dirt streak on her face made him happy as well.

”Daughter, you look as if Sol himself kissed your hair this morning,” he said, walking over and kissing her forehead. ”What has brought you? I’m about to leave to head for the collesseum presently so I hope it is something quick?” he asked, making time for her but also needing to follow the men that had just left. They had reached an accord about Ateret’s future marriage plans and he had to bring the lucky lad in on the deal.

Ateret was pleasantly surprised by her father’s demeanor, but then again, perhaps seeing her give an effort by dressing this way did indeed make him this happy. And if it did, shouldn’t she continue? After all, it wasn’t too much of a hassle was it? Now she was conflicted, between making her father this happy and her own wants. Unless of course, this was about something else. ”Well… what has you in such high spirits, Father?” she asked, a dark eyebrow raised, clashing slightly with her golden hair.

”I’m glad you asked,” Marcus grinned, moving back over to his work table and pulling out a piece of parchment. ”Do you know what’s listed on this paper, Ateret?” he asked. She shook her head no of course. ”Your dowry. And I have found a suitor for you whose owners have agreed to the terms pending his agreement, which they have pretty much guaranteed,” he spoke happily, folding the parchment and holding it.

Ateret’s eyes widened and her lips parted. Of course she knew this day was coming, when her father actually married her off, but for some reason she was still surprised. ”Ow-ow-owners?” she stuttered, confused. Was she marrying a slave?

”A gladiator my dear. If he doesn’t get killed today, perhaps a free one. He has quite the reputation,” he said pointedly, as if proud to marry her to such stock as a brute fighter. Ateret was still in shock, just standing there as Marcus breezed past her, kissing her forehead again. ”Alright dear whatever you had come to me for will have to wait until the next meal time. I have to go.” And with that, the merchant left, leaving the headstrong girl staring after him, unsure what to do with herself next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Gaius Ignis

He nodded and took the dagger from Ameiliana, all of this cloak and dagger made him feel dishonorable, but if it was to keep the lady safe he would do it, while he was fulfilling Ameiliana's idea he spoke to her "Then go to Noctura and whether you tell him whats going on or not, is up to you. I will come in and check on you both when I change positions with the other guard everyday, and stay out of sight. Can you do that m'lady?" He asked not trying to sound overly bossy, he was worried about her she was a member of the emperors family and it was his duty to make sure she was safe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Lord Pie 3.14159265358979323

Member Seen 29 days ago

Tainus Fulvius

His body ached and he felt like he was covered in a thick layer of dirt from head to toe. He had been travelling for a long time now, it had only been a few days but already it felt more like weeks to him. He rode slowly now, Rome in sight, its grand sprawling profile greeting him like an old friend. He longed to once more walk her streets and visit her temples, her shops and the many many distractions that existed everywhere when he was younger. He would soon arrive at his own villa, for only the second time since he had bought the place quite some time ago and he was eager to see it, eager to rest and recover after the long trip. He wished he was coming here for a more pleasant reason, but the emperor had forced his hand with his own actions. He could afford no such luxuries, at least not to begin with. He would have quite some time before his men arrived in the area, approximately a week or so to find out exactly how the political landscape lay and who would likely lend him their support or oppose him.

His horse trotted slowly down the long winding trail that lead to his estate, it was thoroughly fatigued but could sense that the end was near and so moved with a slight spring to its step. As Tainus approached he spied several children playing amongst the vines that lined the road, their parents likely being those who were employed and resided under him. He regretted that he had met few of them, most of them being employed via messages that he had sent back and forth over the years. As he approached the main villa he grinned softly, he had forgotten just how beautiful it was here, the scent of grapes and olives carried lightly on the breeze mixing with all number of plants and herbs that reminded him fondly of his youth. As he dismounted from his horse a young woman approached him from the main house. He stared as she approached, she had long dark hair luscious and flowing with a face which contained a natural Roman beauty. He examined her loose fitting summer dress which revealed her shapely form and long legs, feeling his pulse quickening as he did so.

β€œMay I assist you traveller?” she asked, her voice soft and almost musical.

He took a few steps closer as he unclasped his travelling cloak to reveal his Legate armour before introducing himself β€œSalve, I am Tainus Fulvius. I have returned from Gallia Belgica - I would have sent a rider but I needed to travel immediately, I trust everything is well here?”

She had seemed shocked for a brief moment however soon regained her composure, bowing slightly before she said β€œOf course, everything is as it should be. I shall arrange for your quarters to be prepared immediately. I am Severina - My husband Priscus is not here today, and will likely not be back until late, but in the morning he would be more than happy to discuss the estate in detail with you if you need.”

He nodded as he made his way towards the villa’s entrance, that would at least give him the rest of the day and evening to settle in and recover from the long ride. He recognised the name Priscus as the man who had taken over the running of his estates after his old friend Spurius had passed away from some sort of illness.

β€œThank you Severina” he said β€œperhaps if you would be kind enough to dine with me tonight, it has been quite some time since I have last been in Rome. Also if you could keep the news of my return as quiet as possible, I’m afraid the circumstances that bring me here require this.”

She nodded and watched him for a moment before he added β€œand Severina, if you could bring a few bottles of our finest vintage from the cellar I would have some with the meal”. She nodded once more and turned as he entered the villa. He seemed much better than what she had pictured, the great Tainus Fulvius of Gallia Belgica, the barbarian conqueror who had now returned. It sent shivers slightly down her spine, it was exciting to have a man of such power and influence so close.

Tressa Corcoran

Tressa finished her shopping as quickly as she could, luckily there were no further incidents as rushed from the agora square and back towards the house. She dreaded to be outside, she dreaded returning to that place, she felt completely trapped no matter where she went. She simply hoped that the rest of the day would pass quickly and she would be left alone to her cleaning tasks.

As she stepped through the doorway into the main hallway of the lavish villa she paused at the sounds of raised voices, a heated argument obviously occurring in the courtyard. The guard who had been following her sauntered forwards to observe whatever was happening whilst she froze on the spot, it very quickly became clear that it was Varinius arguing with his wife about her once more. There was the sound of a slap and a woman cried out, moments later she was storming her way directly towards her, her face bright red and fury in her eyes. For a moment Tressa thought that she was going to attack her, but she simply shoved her out of the way before storming out into the street.

β€œTacita!” her owner bellowed from the courtyard, clearly angry that she had left. As he emerged from the courtyard and locked eyes with Tressa and for a moment stared angrily at her, she suddenly felt very afraid, and so quickly broke eye contact before making her way into the kitchen. She placed what she had bought on a counter, hesitating for a moment at what to do next. Another slave made her way over to the counter before collecting the produce and giving Tressa a pained and sympathetic look before she moved away.

β€œTressa” came Varinius’s voice calmly from behind her. She knew that tone, she was being summoned to his side for one reason or another. She blankly made her way over to him, avoiding his gaze as she simply stood before him.

β€œGet ready to go out” he instructed, his tone being somewhat pleasant ,causing her to look up in surprise β€œI want you at your best, we are going to the colosseum”.

She again hesitated for a moment before she quickly responding β€œOf course Varinius” and turned, still uncertain if she really wanted to be caught in the middle of another fight. But as always he commanded and she obeyed, if he wanted her to accompany him then she couldn’t exactly refuse. Several minutes later she was dressed in finery and had been sufficiently made up by the other women, as she returned to Varinius he smiled and gazed at her for a long moment, the look in his eyes being soft and caring. Moments like this were rare, but they had happened before. Once he had used to hold her all the time, whisper into her ear and tell her he loved her, spin tales about all the things they would do together. That had been quite some time ago, and she had come to learn that what he said were nothing but hollow words, these Roman’s clearly not knowing the meaning of the word love. She did her best to reciprocate his affections however, preferring a content and smitten Varinius to his usual self.

He soon began to speak about himself, telling her of his work and of Rome, as always he did not ask about her day. He moved onto the game they were going to see, a glorious fight that was being attended by everyone – according to Varinius. He joked about the new fighter who had recently arrived in Rome, winning peoples praise, everyone talking about how he may win his freedom. β€œHe will be gutted like the rest of them” he jested β€œthere is no way that he can defeat the best of Rome’s gladiators, some of them come from the best families, and I hear he is simply from some slave pit in Hispania somewhere.” She nodded along to his words, before he suddenly remembering something and said β€œoh, and he is from Britannia originally apparently, maybe he is related to you somehow?” he chuckled at his own joke. Tressa however was only reminded of her brother, a painful memory that she resented. There would be little to no chance that her brother was even alive let alone here in Rome, also by now they would both be very different from the last time they saw each other. No, he was simply being insensitive as always. Tressa continued to nod along as they made their way slowly towards the grand colosseum through the many streets of Rome.

Ansgar Corcoran

Ansgar sat eating the bowl of tasteless oatmeal quickly, occasionally adding in a small piece of dried fruit for some flavour as he did. He had spent the morning preparing himself, sharpening his sword and making sure that his protective gear was all in order. He didn’t want to take any chances on this day, and so ate alone, focusing his mind and body on what was to come. He felt ready, he felt focused and like any man who stood before him today would surely die by his blade rather than prevent him from becoming a free man.

His mind turned to what waited for him on the outside, what kind of life he may have as a free man in Rome, after all he assumed he couldn’t just leave if he wanted to, or maybe he would be able to. There was also the matter of this marriage to think about, and exactly what would be expected of him in this arrangement. What was the woman like, he wondered. Was this her choice or was she like him denied any say in the matter. She was apparently the daughter of a very successful merchant family, but he had to wonder at the situation that lead her to a marriage with himself. He worried that she would not be beautiful or that she would be very un-kind, but Lentulus had assured him that her father had spoken positively of her appearance and personality, but of course what father wouldn’t when arranging a match for his daughter.

He turned his thoughts away from what he could not control and back to what he could. Standing he moved up and away from the table, leaving everything where it was. It was time to don his armour, time to prepare himself for the short trip to the colosseum where his life would be once more in his own hands, and hopefully this time it would stay there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•Ÿπ•¦π•˜π•˜π•π•– π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The girl looked at the guard. "I'll stay out of sight as long as I possibly can. The cold weather's a good excuse, I can draw my cloak around me and cover my hair and face with a fold of it." She gathered it around herself, wincing as she had to lift her arms over her head. She meant to go to the window and clamber out of it, but she paused before she got there. Aemiliana turned and kissed the guard on the cheek. "Thank you, Gaius Ignis, for giving me a reason and a way to live. May Mother Rome guard you and guide you for eternity." Then she clambered out the window, dropping lightly to the ground and blending seamlessly with the crowd. She thought to check the academy again; chances were she'd find Pentalius in the library. She checked the position of the sun, smiling as she realized it was probably about lunchtime and so she would be able to catch him. Keeping her cloak drawn around her she wandered down the street and into the library. She took the exact seat she'd had before, against a wall in the corner, and picked up a book. Ironically, it was the very same book she needed to read for class. She opened it to the Hippocratic Oath, which she read every time she opened a medical book, and started reading, only to find her breath hitching as she read the line "I will first and foremost do no harm." She felt tears coming. I broke my oath... I hurt my father; I would have killed him if I'd had a longer knife. Primum non nocere. Doing no harm is first. I was so absorbed in my misery that I forgot my oath. Then she mentally slapped herself. Get it together, get it together. Watch for Pentalius over the top of the book. No one can tell who you are as long as you stay wrapped in this cloak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Pentalius Noctura, The Acadmey

Perhaps through sheer dumb luck Pentalius just happened to walk into the library, and grab a book off a shelf, walking back towards his favorite spot he saw her, where he had seen her last, the cloak was a dead give away as he had worn it last he should recognize it, so he walked toward her "M'lady i didn't expect to see you back here so soon, did things go well?" He asked he sounded a little concerned, but he didn't outwardly show it.

Gaius Ignis, The Palace

Gaius received a peck on the cheek and a blessing for his troubles, following through with what the empress had told him he wrapped rocks up in a bloody bundle, and walked through town he tried to avoid running into large groups of people but he wanted some people to see he was carrying a bloody bundle and that he dropped it into the river, so when these people were questioned they would say they saw a guardsmen drop a body shaped bundle into the river and walk away as if nothing happened.

Returning to the palace covered in blood a couple of slaves reacted badly and avoided him, others wondered what was going on but he walked into the throne room still coated in blood and bowed at the emperors feet "Great emperor, the prisoner awoke and struggled so i ended her life, i apologize for how quickly i took it, but the body has been disposed of." He said his head bowed. His brothers in arms watching him like a hawk, he thought he would break under their glare but he stood his ground and kept to the act.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•Ÿπ•¦π•˜π•˜π•π•– π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aemiliana looked up at Pentalius and rose to her feet. "I did not expect to find you coming here so soon, Pentalius. I'm afraid things did not go so well as I hoped, but I would appreciate if we could find a more... discreet place to converse. It would not do for these things to become public knowledge." She forced a smile. She also whispered to him, "And could you please dispose of the 'my lady'? That's part of what I need to talk to you about."

Gaius and Aulus Vitellius
Aulus and Gaius exchanged a long glance. Finally it was the emperor himself who spoke. "I suppose that solution will have to be sufficient. Though I do wish the prisoner could have suffered more, after she struck myself and my honorable son with a blade. Be cleansed, and resume your guard duty by the time the sun is three hand-widths over the horizon." That would leave him an hour, ample time to get the blood off of himself and get into a new uniform. But then Gaius thought of something else to ask. "Halt, Ignis. With what weapon did you end the prisoner's existence, and in what manner?" Given the stabbing attempt, it should have been with the blade that she tried to kill her father with, which was too small to reach someone's heart. So she had to have died by bleeding out or by getting her throat slit. It was a clever test to see if Ignis was telling the truth or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Pentalius, The Acadmey

"Alright, my villa should suffice for what you need." He said and beckoned her to follow,he was curious as to what was really going on but he didn't speak to her the whole walk to his villa, the city was busy like always at midday but no one payed two students any mind, finally they arrived at his villa and he opened the door wide enough for Ameiliana to walk through before him.

Gaius Ignis, The Palace

Gaius felt a lump form in his throat and he was nervous but it didn't show on his face he had always been a warrior who could keep his calm even when enemies descended upon him, reaching back he pulled out the knife the empress had used it still had blood on it, but it was a mix of both the emperors and the girls, "She hid the blade on herself because one of my brothers did not check her well enough, i could of lost my life." He said his voice radiating calm he continued on "So i used it on her until her eyes closed for good, but she deserved much slower for what she did to you lord emperor." There was nothing to betray any kind of emotion to his voice but silently in his head he prayed to the gods that he would buy it and let him go clean up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•Ÿπ•¦π•˜π•˜π•π•– π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aemiliana walked into Pentalius's house. She took off her shoes, mindful of the clean floor, and took the moment that she was fiddling with the sandal straps to organize her thoughts. She decided to just say it outright. "The reason I didn't want you to call me my lady is because my... my father thinks I'm dead. He ordered me to be killed, one of the guardsmen saved me, and if my father hears so much as a rumor that I am alive he will kill the guardsman. I... I drew a knife on my father... I-I cut him, and I threw the blade at my grandfather." Tears started streaming down her face again. "I was mad. I've been as good as a slave for the last seven years, but I've... Every little thing I've done wrong I've been viciously punished for. He's so kind to my older sister, lavishing gifts upon her, and he treats me like scum. Every day he yells at me, has me beaten, because I'm too slow at falling to my knees when he passes, or I don't avert my eyes fast enough when he looks at me. I couldn't bear it. I'm not a violent person, Pentalius. I'm not. But I was mad, and scared, and I wanted better for my life. I'm sorry to throw myself upon you like this" she added. "But... You're the only one who's ever told me it's okay to be smart. You're the only one who looks at me and sees an actual person with actual feelings. You've shown me kindness, when I thought none existed in the world." She bared her forearms, indicated long scars down them. There were criscrossed knife scars on the backs, from one of her beatings when she had dared to talk back to her father, but that wasn't what she was pointing at. "I tried to kill myself, multiple times. I didn't want to live in fear the rest of eternity. But then I decided to take him with me. I've been planning this for about three weeks, but I never anticipated the sort of trouble I'd get in for doing it." She wiped her eyes on her sleeves, somewhat afraid of Pentalius's reaction.

Aulus and Gaius Vitellius
After another long moment Aulus nodded. "Very well then. You have been dismissed." ((Sorry 'bout the very short post, but I'm not sure what else they can do.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Pentalius, Noctura Villa

She really went all out, told him everything about her life everything that went on, Pentalius felt sorry that she had to live that kind of life, that kind of torture no one should endure. "It's okay now when my father arrives tomorrow, I will tell him about what you've told me and knowing him he will offer you a home here. And as long as neither of us tell another living soul you will be safe, my home is now yours." He said he was taking this thing in stride, he was helping somebody who needed him. He stooped down a bit so he could wrap Ameiliana in his arms "You're safe here." He said again.

Gaius Ignis

"Thank you lord emperor." Rising up from his knees Gaius turned and left and headed back for his barracks to clean up and change, if he spent any longer in that room he probably would of told everything out of fear. The barracks was quite packed with off duty praetorian's who looked at him covered in blood and made jokes about it. cleaning away the blood was like a snake shedding it's skin he felt renewed. Changing into a new uniform, and re-buckling on his gladius he walked out of the barracks and stood in his position just in time for when the emperor told him to come back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•Ÿπ•¦π•˜π•˜π•π•– π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aemiliana gasped as Pentalius wrapped his arms around her. Then she relaxed against him, feeling the reassuring beat of his heart. "I'll work for you. I'll clean and cook. I can manage the finances; that was the one part of my work my father could find no fault in. I can weave or sew or make medicines. I'll earn my keep here, I promise. And after this blows over I'll leave, if you want me to. I won't burden you overly." Aemiliana realized she was mumbling and decided to shut up before she talked Pentalius's ear off. She also became hyper-aware of how close the two of them were standing. She flushed slightly, glad that she had the hood of the cloak up.

Aemilia glanced at the position of the sun. "Why don't we head to the palace and get ready there, Nona? You can borrow one of my dresses. I'm thinking the gold one with the dark embroideries for myself, and maybe the green one with the cloth-of-gold trim and embroidery for you? Green is certainly a fabulous color on you." Realizing what they had been talking about, she giggled. "I'd almost suggest a gladiator then, someone brave and strong and handsome. Meaning no disrespect, but Crispus is hardly a catch. I'm personally leaning towards Octavius, if I could get him away from Aurelia. I don't know why she bothers dragging him around. I could do so much better for him, not to mention I'm from a far more powerful family." She raised her eyebrows a fraction of an inch. "And I've also heard that he's quite good at what men do, if you catch my drift. I certainly deserve it, after being completely deprived for the last year."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Pentalius, Noctura Villa

Pentalius shook his head "You don't need to do any of that, this is just as much your home as it is mine, for once in your life relax, let yourself feel at home." He said, he to was vaguely aware of how close they were at that moment and he let Ameiliana go, he was red from embarrassment "Le-let me show you to your room." He said, he felt like a fool and probably looked like one the way he stammered. Nonetheless he manged to lead Ameiliana to her room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
Avatar of Marcus XVI

Marcus XVI

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The Villa of Marcus Cornelius Falco, roughly half a mile north from Rome

When you grow old there is no need for needless shows of courage on the battlefield, no need for marching in rows with other men that too have a head full of hair and delusions of grandeur to come. There is no need to bother with politics - unless of course they dare to bother you first, then it's a completely different matter. Not that he was bothered by politics at this point. However on this particular morning Marcus Cornelius Falco felt old - not needlessly so, but old nonetheless. He had slept till noon and woken with a rather nasty pain in his right shoulder. He had dreamed of his youth, his time in the legions - more exciting times. Begrudgingly he had gotten out of bed, done his morning routines and gotten dressed.

It had been well past midday when he had finally managed to make his way to the garden of his villa - if you could really call it a garden with it's very few trees and slightly unkempt flowerbeds. Even the fountain at the back of the garden seemed somehow bleak today. Marcus yawned as he sat down with a jug of wine and some bread. His stomach grumbled - not for the lack of food, but more for the amounts of wine he had devoured last night while gambling with some old friends of his. Silently the former consul began going over his schedule of the day - there wouldn't be much work for him, mostly because he adamantly refused meeting too many a people during one day. He remarked to himself that there would indeed be much more work for him if he'd allow more people in, but no... That just wouldn't do.

Marcus Falco paused his writing to glance up at the sky. The days were getting colder. He sighed and shook his head. "I wonder if there are any news from Rome?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FinDragon


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rome, tavern

Amphion and his men had been away from the seas nearly three weeks now. His small fleet was waiting in Ostia, and his men along with himself had nothing better to do than sit around drinking all day and night, possibly spend their time in questionable company and gamble. It was something, but Amphion personally was growing weary of it. He needed something else to do. He downs another ale and mutters quietly."I've been stuck in this place for too long. If something doesn't happen soon, if someone doesn't give me something to do, I'm just going to go on ahead and do whatever I feel like. What's the point of fixing up a fleet if you don't get to use it anyway." He looks around the tavern, one of the few his men had taken over, and shook his head."And them..soon they are just bunch of drunkards and will forget how to sail a ship. They'll do no one any good then." He makes up his mind and gets up."Hey, everyone, send the word out. Get up your asses, we are returning to our ships right now!" He hiccups loudly and succumbs back to sit down."Alright. We'll go in three hours. Up up up, go, now!" He orders and mutters."Oh, and everyone pay UP!" He adds, before doing so from his own part. He lays his head on his hands and a smile forms on his lips, not too long before they'd be on the seas where they belong again.

In three hours Amphion and his men were ready at the outskirts of Rome, waiting for the last remnants of those who were going to come along to show up. Amphion was anxious to leave by now, all this land, this city, people, they annoyed him greatly. He had patience to wait for ten more minutes."Alright, this is it men. Let's go, the rest of the people are not coming." He announces, and turns."Move out!" He orders, and all of them begin to head towards Ostia. they had quite a way to go, but each one was eager to get going. They moved like a large mob at the side of the road with no formations and speaking, laughing and joking around loudly, anyone who'd by pass them would easily figure out that they were not a Roman legion, or then they were the worst one and the most undisciplined one yet."Remember, we are going out to the seas now, behave like it. And even if we do not find a ship to loot or a fleet to raid, then by the seas we are going to go there and fish!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nona smiled at her friend, picturing herself in the green dress she’d suggested. ”Oh yes, it is isn’t it?” she cooed, thinking of her own lovely dark hair resting against it, tossing her white and gold laced handkerchief to the perfect strong gladiator who would whisk her away for a night. Then she could throw it in Crispus’ face. How satisfying it would be. She coughed softly and brought the back of her hand against her lips to do so. She blushed mildly and glanced at Aemilia before forcing a smile. ”I swear if another servant touches me without washing their hands properly I will slice them from stem to stern!” she laughed, moving a bit of her hair.

As the got to the palace, Nona considered Aemilia’s words and grasped her hand in compact. ”Yes, let us take what we want. You will have Octavius, and I shall have the most handsome gladiator I can find. We both deserve it. Oh, why couldn’t WE have been sisters?” she moaned softly, as she had many times, lamenting how the gods had chosen her to live.

She walked with Aemilia to get dressed, having the palace servants dress her in the green frock. ”Watch it!” she hissed at one and smacked her, who had accidentally pinched her when pulled it down over her. Nona made a β€˜humph’ sound but then smoothed her face, turning a few times for her friend. ”Well?” she smiled ever so slightly. She certainly looked like she could have been royal. For his her nose got any higher she might have gotten a nosebleed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After her father had left, the shock finally was replaced with anger. ”BY THE GODS!” she cursed angrily, grabbing a few scrolls and tossing them across the room. She growled as well, eyes like fire and face getting redder. ”I am NOT some ox you can hook up to a cart and expect to pull just because you tell me to!” she shouted, ripping the gold cord from her hair along with all the carefully placed combs to keep it piled up. Her curtain of wavy blonde hair fell down her back, and she ran her fingers through it vigorously, making sure every piece of jewelry had fallen from it. One of her father’s servants had seemingly heard the commotion and ran to the doorway, looking at her with wide eyes. She might have resembled one of the lions of the fighting sand. Her hair her mane, eyes fierce and teeth and nails bared.

”M-m’lady?” he questioned, looking like he wanted to run.

”Does it look like I want to be bothered?! Shoo! Be gone with you!” she said, and the man gladly obliged, running off. Ateret huffed loudly before falling into her father’s chair and placing her head on her arms that were folded on front of her.

Several moments passed wherein she took deep breaths to calm herself. So. She was to marry a gladiator. Could be worse right? She visibly cringed. Many gladiators were known for beating their wives, or leaving them and being womanizers after their time in the coliseum, as they craved the attention they once had, having trouble settling into mundane, everyday life. Then again, Ateret wasn’t one for everyday life either. Perhaps she could befriend him. Try and get him to think of her as an equal. Maybe if she showed him how she could fight as well, he would at least respect her. She was NOT having the same kind of marriage as her sister. She needed a friend first, and lover second. She had no idea if this gladiator was stupid in the head and just good with his hands, but she had to hold some hope that marrying a fighter at least gave her the slightest chance of being able to be herself around them.

With that small flicker of hope, she sighed and stood, readjusting her dress and shawl before leaving her father’s office. She passed another servant before leaving the docks and pointed back at where she’d just left. ”Do not let anyone touch that mess until my father has seen it,” she threatened. The man nodded vigorously, leaving Ateret headed for the arena with shoulders slightly slumped.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•Ÿπ•¦π•˜π•˜π•π•– π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aemilia, The Palace

Aemilia looked her friend over. "Lady Venus would be jealous of your grace and beauty. Certainly the other ladies will be too." She herself looked splendid in a sleeveless gold dress with finely detailed purple embroideries. She wore ruby earrings, gold bangle bracelets, and was at that moment having her hair put up under a sheer golden veil. "The gods certainly cursed us to undeserving families." She stood gracefully. "Shall we to the Coliseum? I should like to be there before the crowds; It is hardly dignified to try to jam yourself into six inches of space because you were the last to arrive."

Aemiliana, Noctura Villa
Aemiliana flushed very pronouncedly, then stood and followed Pentalius through the house. It was the kind of place that she would love to explore; lots of hallways and plenty of little rooms. She just about squealed when Pentalius showed her to her room, and she saw on the desk a sheath of paper, a wax tablet, and an armful of her favorite books. Then she frowned. "How did you know that I'm reading Cicero? And Musa and Celsus and... Andromachus? Gods, how did you get your hands on that?! It was only published a year ago! I couldn't get a copy of it, even when I used my father's name!" She wondered just how long Pentalius had been paying attention to her without her knowing it. For him to know her interests so well... Goodness. She knew that everyone paid attention to the emperor's daughters, simply in the hope of marrying them, but almost no one, save her teachers, knew how much she adored medicine and the sciences.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rome, near the colosseum

Marcus Falco had had an uneventful day thus far - so uneventful in fact that he had decided to break his old habits and actually show himself at the Colosseum. This was so out of the ordinary that his manservant - a Greek, some years older than his master, a former gladiator and all around well adjusted fellow - Cato was ever so slightly taken aback by such a sudden change in daily routine. Still the two had made the journey - by foot, not that Marcus disliked carriages or riding, but in his opinion it was better to walk than cause too much of a ruckus in other ways.

"Ah, old boy, since you have such a sharp mind remind me again how you managed to beat those two Germans in your last match..." Marcus winked at Cato and knocked himself on the forehead "My memory isn't what it used to be you know, keep forgetting little details like that, but you have still all your fishes in the basket - or should I say figs in the tree?"

The tall Greek rolled his dark eyes - somehow that little gesture made the handsome, seemingly scarless man seem somehow very lewd and barbaric - as he took a deep breath. "Well, I really hate to brag, but only one of them was any good on the sand - the other was just a beginner in comparison. You have to believe me - I was there." He spread his massive arms and let out a hearty laugh. "You were there too, remember? Anyways..." The funny thing about Cato was that over the years Marcus had never heard him exaggerate any of his accomplishments, on the sands or off, he was admittedly intrigued by his friend's stories every time he heard them. The former consul smiled almost longingly as he thought of the few first years of them meeting. Those had been rough times for both of them...

Marcus was returned from his thoughts by the all too familiar "...Then by Juppiter's bollocks I stabbed the other fellow right between the legs - that's how I won my last fight on the sands." Cato lifted his hands to the air and made a little bow to an imaginary audience before the two men patted eachother on the shoulder - Marcus took his time to nod and congratulate the Greek on his story well told - and the two made their way to the stands of the colosseum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Pentalius, Noctura Villa

He smiled when Ameiliana found out what he had gotten her. "I just know what you like." He said, he was being kinda vague he had always had a crush on her even before he knew she was an empress, maybe it was her scent or her eyes he did not know, being wrapped up in his studies didn't really give him time to pursue her. And she seemed to have her eyes on someone else at the time anyways, "If you need me, my room isn't far, and Kat is running errands for me right now but she will return and you can have her help you out." He said and walked away.
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