Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Tyler - Fitness Center - Scarlett He turned to watch Scarlett as she paced about the room. She started asking questions, which prompted Jace and Tina to share a look. "Tremblay," Tyler said, clarifying her question. "We'd understand if that was the case. I've been in those kinds of deals before." Not on this side, of course, but... "They're still dangerous," Tina said, not even bothering to deny it. "We still have to be careful when we go outside, okay? They don't like new people, especially." Nodding, Tyler looked back toward the pool. They admitted that a little easily, perhaps indicating there was more going on that they weren't letting on to. He thought back to his own past experiences, and wondered just exactly who this Tremblay was. A dangerous man, it sounded like, but so was Reggie, after all. Perhaps Tina and Jace wished to give them over to this group, but Tyler took some solace in the fact that they'd tried to keep this deal a secret in the first place. "They usually bring two people," Jace explained. "Sometimes three, sometimes four. They... might not like it if we outnumber them." --- Jon - Baton Rouge Streets - Matt He stopped, aiming his rifle across the street. The fitness center where they did their deals was in his sights, and as far as Jon could tell, the group they were to meet with were waiting inside. "I see two people. Looks like them." He turned to Jackson, placing a hand on his back so he'd lead the way. "Matt, if they get uppity, feel free to get a little dangerous with them. We never know when things could go awry." Doing as he should be, Jackson started leading the way. His heavy arms tensed as he balled his hands into fists. The man felt he was more intimdating during these deals without a gun, for whatever reason. Perhaps he'd one day get killed and save Jon a headache. One could only hope.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Scarlett - Fitness Center - Tyler "Tremblay." Scarlett repeated the name quietly as she looked away from Tyler to the other two. Once her assumptions were confirmed, she slowed down her pacing and took a deep breath to calm herself down but still kept spinning the long blade in her hand. She had just escaped the grasp of a murderous thug a few days ago, only to end up in the backyard of another. "What kind of stuff do you provide them with?" The young woman asked with a bit of suspicion and curiosity, her eyebrow raising as she gestured to the bag Tina carried. "You would think that these men would have everything they need."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

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Matt-Baton Rogue Streets-Jon Matt nodded along with his two companions. This seemed simple enough, just a normal deal. It wasn't hard, he'd done it before. He looked at Jackson, then back to Jon. Giving him a look of agreement towards Jackson. Matt could tell Jon didn't like Jackson to say the least. Well, Jackson wasn't too painful to be around. Not like some people, the suffering some people brought to his mind was unbearable. "So, Do these people do this regularly?" Matt spoke, perhaps for a small bit of idle chatter as they made there way down. "Then again that really doesn't matter...things can change so quickly..." Matt tilted his head to side as they walked to the fitness center.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Jon - Fitness Center - Matt "They do this regularly. You want to stick around these parts, you have to provide for the rest of us." As Jackson paused at the entrance, Jon adjusted his hold on the gun. He wanted it out in the open-- they weren't be messed with, not now, not ever. "And Jackson, don't do the talking." The man nodded, stepping inside. --- Tyler - Fitness Center - Matt/Scarlett/Jon Tina looked annoyed. "Supplies," she said. "Food, water. Everyone could use more of that." At the look on Tyler's face, Tina shook her head. "We have the greenhouse, so we can spare." Further discussion was cut short as this apparent group entered. The first guy to enter made for an imposing presence as he towered over everyone in the room. Behind him came a man brandishing a rifle, the expression on his face looking ready to cut a stone in two. The third guy looked-- Instantly, Tyler turned away, back toward the pool area. Jesus, not again. Another man from Outpost, this time Matt. Tyler couldn't guess as to why he was here of all people. Hoping he hadn't been seen, Tyler pretended to be mostly uninterested in the deal. He looked away, trying to give the impression he was only here to be a bit of muscle. Don't let them do all the talking he'd told Scarlett, and it seemed that, unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to assist her now for fear of Matt saying something. The last thing Tyler needed was this Tremblay group thinking he was anyone special. "It's all here," Tyler heard Tina say. She felt her move across the room to hold the bag out to the three men. Someone took hold of it and said, "Search it, Matt. Make sure it's all there."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Scarlett - Fitness Center - Tyler/Matt/Jon Scarlett didn't quite believe Tina. Part of her wanted to believe that she was telling the truth, but by the frustrated look Tina was getting from Scarlett's questions, she felt as if there was something else. Any hope for further interrogation was cut short as the doors they had walked in through opened. Scarlett finally stopped pacing and spinning her blade, her eyes running up and down each man that walked in. She hardly remembered that Tyler had mentioned about not letting Tina and Jace do most of the talking. She needed to know what was inside the bag now. The tone of voice that Tina had given her was like a challenge and Scarlett accepted it. "I agree." She spoke up, not looking at either Tina or Jace. "We should double check that everything is in there. Better safe than sorry, right?" Scarlett's voice held her typical cheeriness; yet she did not smile as much as she usually did. She merely put up a friendly façade and bluffed to be able to see what was in the bag. Her eyes cut quickly to Tina to see her reaction before turning back to the man. Whether Tina and Jace took this as a sign of disrespect, or lost whatever trust they had put in Scarlett, she did not care. Last time she checked, they had helped gather much of the supplies in the last runs and it should have been a mutual decision of what supplies to give away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Abram - Baton Rogue As Samantha left the room to speak with Turisa, Abram turned to Leah, who was finishing off a can of beans. "You're alright that we leave for a while and you stay with Jess and Turisa?" He asked, and she nodded in return. "Yes, sir." "Respectful - I like it." He smirked. "Could you do me a favor and explain the situation to Jess when she wakes up?" Another nod. "Good kid." "Mr. Abram?" Leah questioned. "Hm?" "How... How do you know you can trust them - or even me for that matter?" Abram stopped at the question, allowing it a bit of thought. "Well, Leah, when you've been on the earth for Forty-Four years, you generally pick up a few things about people and can usually judge people's character rather easily. Also, I spent 8 years as a military cop, so reading people was my job." He laughed lightly. "Were you paying attention on our way into the neighborhood?" He asked. A third nod. "If something happens while Samantha and I are gone, I'd like you, Turisa, and Jess to try and make your way towards the gas station right off the exit. Do you remember where that is?" "Yes, sir." "If we come back and you girls are gone, we'll meet you at the station. Tell the other two when they come down." He instructed, warranting a fourth and final nod from Leah. He had a good feeling about this girl. She was calm and level headed and seemed like she could handle herself decent enough. When Samantha returned, he smiled to Leah then left to pack his bag. Abram received a Quarterback-worthy throw from Sam and clasped his fingers around the keys. When they were on the road, Sam informed him of their need for fuel, to which he nodded. "I'd noticed that too. I told Leah to rendezvous at the gas station if something went wrong, so I think we should stop there on our way back. I'm hoping we can get our hands on a pump of some kind to get the gas from the station's reservoir. I hate siphoning from cars." --- Emma - The B&B - Enrique/Trey/The Pack Emma woke with a small headache, rubbing her temple gently. She reminded herself of her predicament and surroundings as she slid her feet off the bed. It was slightly chilly, as the hotel's electricity was faulty and the heating system was down. She thanked God that the blanket and comforter on the beds were thick. A knock resounded on her door, followed by Trey's voice. "You decent, kid-" Before he could finish or she could respond, Enrique opened the door. He marched towards her, producing her pistol. In fear that she was about to be shot, she flinched and jumped back. To her relief, he threw the gun onto the bed. "You're coming with me," He said, as if he was going to continue. However, he didn't, but rather walked out of the room, silently beckoning her to come. She was unsure of his intention - For one, she thought him crazy. He'd given her a loaded pistol and not bothered to threaten her away from firing it at him or Trey. While the thought half-crossed her mind, she thought it best not to act rashly, if she fired at one of them, the other would retaliate quickly. She picked up the pistol, and inspected it - It was a common gun; nothing special. She dropped the magazine, checked that it was full, and slid it back in. She glanced up and saw that Trey's brow rose as she chambered the first round of the clip, then tucked it into her waistband. She picked up her jacket and zipped it to her chest. Trey regarded her warily, seemingly surprised that she was acquainted with pistols. She walked past him and met Enrique at the doorway outside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

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Enrique-TheB&B-Emma "I have some bottles and cans set up around and on that stump down there, I want you to shoot at them. Hit as many as you can, way I recall being taught to shoot that pistol was the same way except my father had the advantage of several spare magazines. You have one, each magazine holds seven bullets. The pistol will kick back since its .45 so dont lock your elbow or you'll fuck it up pretty badly. I assume by how long you've lived in this world you've got some experience with a gun. So you know to aim away from yourself. After we pop off a few shots we'll move on to close quarters, you'll be training with Colton, he's the closest to your age and will likely go the easiest on you." Enrique walked over to the girl and as he spoke ejected the clip and checked the chamber, she had already chambered the first round. He smirked and handed it back to her with a spare clip in his hand he stood slightly behind her and to her left, away from her assumed dominant hand so that if she tried to turn back and shoot him he could easily disarm her. "Be gentle with the trigger, that gun belonged to my father." He said coldly, he recalled his father well but didnt bother to go into detail, he said the same thing his father said to him when he was little, "Empieza!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

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Matt-Fitness Center Matt entered and carefully flicked his between the group. You wouldn't expect them to be giving them these types of supplies. It was certainty surprising, many things weren't in this place. Matt have a small smile on his face, seeming to constantly flick his eyes between the three. Matt grinned, "pitiful" was what they seemed. Hanging on for protection. Matt grabbed the bag carefully before searching it suspiciously. "Well...It seems to be it. Nice stuff. mmm~" Matt sneered as he stood up. His head turned to one of the women. "I think not, You surely know what's in the bag. You should probably not talk I think! Your voice annoys me. I'm just kidding, but...it seems the supplies are...legit." Matt smirked as he closed the bag. Matt looked at the three again, the three-... Four, there were four people. One in the back he had missed, tch. He seemed to fade into the back. Now why would he- Matt almost laughed. This really did seem to be a tiny world, so small. Thomas...Or Tyler, what ever the hell he was being called now. "Well, this has been a pleasure. Some of you surely have...people you need to go back to. Perhaps little children. A little girl perhaps. This why we do this, keep you safe. especially them." Matt smiled before turning around. He paused and seemed to frown, but wait...Thomas hadn't been exactly nice the last time. "You know...Thomas, It's not nice to do what you did. Don't hard feelings, but you led many people to their deaths. But, I guess you found a new little group. Nice of you, after doing what you did. Hows Katie? Hope she's doing well" Matt turned around to Jon and Jackson. "You've guys know where I've come from before haven't you? This guy really helped me, for a bit...Funny how you find old 'friends'. Now isn't it" Matt faced twisted in annoyance as his eyes focused on the group.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

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Emma - Bed and Breakfast - Enrique She followed Enrique to the back of the building, spotting the stump which he pointed out. His words boggled her mind - What on earth was he "Training" her for? She was their captive, their prisoner. She decided it best that she play along, and took the gun back from him. She took aim at the objects. She fired two shots that weren't aimed very carefully; one striking the bark of the stump bellow the targets and the other embedding itself into the ground. A laugh came from behind and she saw Berkley standing in the doorway. She found herself Extremely irritated by the man's presence. She shook her head, and returned her attention to the cans and bottles. She aimed slowly and carefully, lining up the perfect shot at a glass bottle. She fired and sent the glass splintering. By the time her clip had emptied, she'd hit her target with the 5 remaining bullets. She promptly turned to Berkley, who wore a neutral expression, and flipped him her middle finger. Laughter broke from two other scouts who were watching from the side of the building as Berkley's lip curled into as look of disgust. She turned to Enrique, slightly gratified at ticking off Berkley. "Why train me in anything? I'm your fricking prisoner, and we both know that I half-wanted to shoot you when you gave me this gun." ____________________________________________________________________ Andrew and Zoë - The Road - Scouts Andrew listened as the larger guy responded to them, seeming to be the leader of the group. When he inquired of Metairie, Andrew nodded. "Yeah, we know our way around Metairie well enough." He said, truthfully. He'd attended several soccer camps in Metairie when he was a teen, and his several times gone with his Dad when he often visited the city for work business, so he knew it about as well as he knew New Orleans - Baton Rogue, however, he could navigate like the back of his hand. When the man said that their friend had been kidnapped, Andrew's brow rose. He knew that people were desperate in these days, but they'd only had a few encounters with hostile strangers. His mind was plagued with the thought of what he would do to get Zoë back if she'd been kidnapped... He shuddered to the thoughts, but he knew he'd shoot down every person he saw if that's what it would take. "Listen, I think we can help each other out. We've got knowledge of the area and car space - as I see that you guys are rather cramped. If you're willing to let us, we'll do our best to help you get your friend back." As he delivered his proposal, Zoë found herself slightly alarmed, but she didn't stop him. No, she didn't think that they could be of much help, but she knew that Andrew wasn't stupid. She may not have liked it, but he was her husband, and she would follow him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Samantha - Baton Rouge - Abram Sam had only given Abram a few opinions about where to go as he began driving, but other than that, she had kept quiet as she stared out the window. It wasn't until they passed the gas station when she finally decided to speak up. "So.... What's your story? I can figure that you have some type of training by the way you carry yourself. But, if I'm going to be spending some time with you and the girls, I think it's only fair if we all start to know who we are. Right now I kinda have to trust you... I'd like it better if I could trust you because I want to. Not because I have to. Am I making sense?" Samantha often found herself rambling about things when she had too many thoughts in her mind and didn't know how to say it all. She turned to look back at the passing buildings and slumped back into her seat, wondering how far Abram would be going. "How long have you been with Jess? Were you two in a group before this?" Her tone was a bit more serious now, her heart heavy with the memories of her own group.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Wilson was crawling through the suburbs of a town he did not know the name of, and didn't really care about it all too much. He approaches a large white house, and tries the door. It was unlocked. He slowly opens it, then silently enters. He keeps his knife in hand, keeping an eye and ear out for any walkers, or people for that matter. He slinks into the kitchen, and starts sulking around, quietly open and closing drawers and cupboards to look for anything of use. Scissors, duct tape, a box of nails. Some painkillers and... Pregnancy control? He smirks a bit at the thought. No need for those and he puts them back with a swift movement. He hears a clatter in the living room, and immiediately stops moving. He barely even breathed. He turned around very slowly, and observed a single walker. The amount of growls suggested more in the bedroom near by. He waited until the zombie was looking away, then sneaked over to it. He rises, again, silently. He grabs it by it's shoulder and slams his knife into the back of it's head, then slowly, carefully, lowers it's now motionless body to the ground, without a sound. He walks into the bedroom and stabs the walker there in the forehead before it can react. In the bathroom there was a pottery wheel and some clay, along with the tools needed. He took the clay slicer, which could easily be used as a choke-cord, and tucks it like most would a pistol for ease of access. He takes a few food items and a gallon of water that was in the fridge. After that, he starts walking out of the suburb. He was ready for another walk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Danny - The Road - Alex/Rob/Zoe/Andrew He could practically feel Shannon glaring daggers at the back of his head. There was no way she'd be for this-- probably a few of the others wouldn't be either. Still, with two locals and an extra vehicle, they all had to see that this was a good deal. Too good, even, making Danny wonder what they were playing at. Dumb idea to try and trick a group with just two people, but perhaps they had another goal in mind. "And what do you get in return?" Danny asked. "Inviting what could be a pack of thugs along-- albeit a pack of thugs with a kid amidst them-- with nothing in return doesn't strike me as a fun time." He relaxed a little, looking down the road. "We'd love your help, of course, I'm just curious as to why we're even having this conversation." --- Jon - Fitness Center - Matt/Scarlett/Jon He waited while Matt looked through the bag. "There's no need to take any of it out, just look through." He gave the girl that spoke up a look, trying to identify her. They'd never brought her along before, and the usual pair looked pretty spooked that she'd even spoken up. If he didn't know any better, he'd think she was signalling for some kind of ambush. He tensed up, his hands gripping the rifle fiercely. Though, after a few moments passed with nothing out of the ordinary, Jon allowed himself to relax. Matt appeared satisfied that everything was there, which seemed to prompt him into speaking to the group-- or, more specifically, to the unassuming man at the back of the group. Jon almost hadn't noticed him. When Matt mentioned a little girl, the man's head flipped around, anger apparent on his face. Jon thought he was going to come at them, but it seemed that man had some restraint. Thomas, Matt called him. "He helped you?" Jon asked. He continued to look at the man named Thomas, who seemed to try and become unassuming once again. The others-- Tina and Jace Jon believed they were named-- were now giving the man a questioning look. Ah, it seemed this was new info to them as well. "He on our side...?" Jackson asked, and Jon felt like rolling his eyes. Jon shook his head and found himself licking his lips. This encounter was making him feel a bit on edge. "Why don't you tell us how he helped you, Matt? I think everyone here would like to kn0w--" "It's in the past," said Thomas, quickly. "Just leave it, Matt."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Katie - Apartment / Baton Rouge - Liam, Elyse, Adam They kept her distracted so that she didn't notice her daddy had left until he was gone. Katie tried not to make a fuss about it. She needed to stop being such a baby. Just because he left did not mean he was not coming back. At least that was what Elyse said. Katie wasn't sure, but kept her anxiety to herself. She tried playing with Liam and her kitten for a bit but her heart wasn't really in it. She kept watching the door expectantly. Elyse noticed too because finally she spoke up and got the kids' attention. "Liam, Katie, I could use some help making dinner for tonight. Liam, please peel these potatoes for me. Katie, could you go to the storeroom and look in a big brown box and bring me back three onions." Katie made a face. She didn't like onions. But her daddy had told her that she needed to eat whatever was made and not complain. When you went through times without food, you learned to eat things you didn't like just so your tummy wouldn't be empty. So without comment Katie went down to the storeroom. It wasn't just having to eat onions or her daddy being gone that was making the child so serious and not as talkative that day. It was what he had said about her learning to shoot a gun. She hated guns. Guns killed people. A gun had killed Lauren. The memory of her face exploding still gave Katie nightmares. She didn't want to make someone's face explode. She reached the storeroom, but as she opened the door she realized someone was in there. Someone who was at the one of the shelves... stuffing things in their pockets... "Adam...?" Katie asked, unsure of what she was seeing. He couldn't be doing what it looked like he was doing. He wasn't like the smelly mean men her daddy used to have around. This was Adam. He was their friend. ----- Jessalyn - House/Baton Rouge - Others Ben's fussing woke her up. It was his 'mommy I want to eat' fussing that was the prelude to his 'feed me now' howl. "Okay baby boy, I'm coming," she said, getting up from the mattress on the floor and stretching. She went to the crib and scooped the fussing baby up and cradled him close, going to the rocking chair to get comfortable while she fed him. Jess had basically claimed in nursery as her and Ben's room. No matter how long they stayed here, and she hoped it was a while, they would have their own space for her to feed and change Ben. He certainly seemed to favor the disposable diapers and his little bottom was looking better since she had discovered the can of baby powder, and thanked God in heaven for it. And least she wouldn't have to worry about baby food for a bit. She was his portable milk machine. As long as she was fed, he would be fed. Jess rocked slowly and gently, covering the feeding with a baby blanket in case anyone walked in. She didn't think the girls would mind but Abram might get uncomfortable. She wondered where everyone was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Adam - Apartment / Baton Rouge - Katie Rushing. He'd heard Caleb lingering outside the door just a moment ago, but thankfully his destination had just been the washroom. He felt stressed-- way more stressed than usual with more people around. He hastily reached up to one of the shelves and managed to bang his hand against it, causing the pill bottles sitting on top to drop to the floor. They spilled all over, just as young Katie happened to walk in. Adam stared at her for a moment, unsure what to say. Then-- "Hey, Katie. I'm just trying to clean up this mess I made. I'm really clumsy." He started to gather the pills, only now remembering he left the trap door open. He turned around to find it open to Katie's prying eyes, a white bag apparent in behind the wall. He reached out quickly, moving to close it. "D-Don't mind this."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

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Matt-Fitness Center-Tyler/Jon/Scarlett and other pathetic people Matt thought for a second, sure he could of just left it as it was. But Jon was already rather curious right now. Why wouldn't Matt answer, why wouldn't he? Matt looked Thomas straight in the eyes, he ruined a good thing! Everything was going straight and he just had to ruin it. Nuisance. "Well, You see here Jon...Thomas was an old friend of mine in Outpost. Appeared out of nowhere! But seemed to really want to help me. So, of course I let him help. We helped each other to the top. Then when everyone trusted him, he took all the scouts..told everyone that crazy people had his daughter, and went to lay attack. Which led to many deaths, of course those crazy people turned out just to be normal human beings. I mean sure they had his daughter. But she ended up there. Not their fault. Of course, off he left. Leaving Outpost crippled, but he's fine. Fancy seeing you here isn't it?" Liam Peeling potatoes....just peeling....potatoes...Doing just that...peeling potatoes....right...potatoes are being peeled. I wonder where Katie is....I mean, how long can it be to get three onions...Onions......how do they have onions? Liam looked around, he was not being looked at. Just, gonna slip to the back. It couldn't hurt, if Katie could be kidnapped going to the toliet then she could be kidnapped now...just a quick check. Liam sneaked quickly to where Katie went off. He peeked through the door, the scene he saw was rather interesting. "Umm, Adam what are you doing?" Liam turned to Katie. "Do you know what's going on"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Enrique-The B&B-Emma Enrique smiled when the girl hit the targets after she was laughed at. It meant she fed her skill with anger, and in the world they lived in that was gonna be necessary. When she had finished firing he walked up to her and took the pistol from her hand. He smiled when she questioned why he bothered to train her, to trust her with a gun and such. "Well since you didnt turn around and try and shoot any of us I know you have common sense, while you may not like us we arent bad people. Sylar killed my woman, so I killed him. Tyler tricked me into killing for him, so if I find him I kill him. The Pack here is more about vengeance, a balance between our animistic side and the humanity that drives us to continue. I'm bothering to train you because you're a part of the next generation, the people that have to live through this world." Enrique gestured to the men behind her and the house, "Me and mine?" He said rhetorically, "We adapted, and you and yours are gonna be living through this world. I figure if y'all are trained you'll last. Besides, The Pack needs pups in order for us to continue." Enrique ejected the empty magazine and reloaded it. He aimed his pistol down range and selected a can to the left of the stump, he squeezed the trigger. A metalic pang came from the can and he selected a new target, a bottle resting against the stump, he shot again, it shattered. He selected a new can to the right of the stump and shot twice, one skimming the top of the can and the other landing dead center. He went back to the original can and shot it again, he found a bottle on the stump and shot it. The last shot struck a can far to the right of the stump. He ejected the magazine and handed them to the girl, then the gun. "Tell Berkley to fill those up for you, I expect you'll want some more training with that gun." Enrique said taking a knee next to the girl, "I'm not trying to be a bad guy, I only ever wanted to keep my people alive. The people I've killed have only been in interest of keeping my friends and family alive. That's what our Pack is, if one of us is in danger we all fight to keep them safe. If you want in you're welcome to it, once you get La Pistola filled up come find me." Enrique stood and patted the girl on the shoulder as he walked off, he made his way to the front of the B&B where they had everything from the trucks stashed, keys, fuel, food, ammo, and guns. He picked up a shotgun, rather light and relatively compact in his hands and loaded it. He walked into the kitchen and set it down waiting for Emma to come in. He began carving away at the table, making a little mural of a Dia De Dos Muertos skull towards the center of the table.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Tyler - Fitness Center - Scarlett/Matt He wanted to strangle this man. He wanted to gut Matt and watch his insides spill upon the ground. He wanted to watch the color drain from his face while Tyler stared at him, grinning. He wanted to-- "They wished to keep my daughter from me," Tyler said, his voice calm and collected. He felt renewed somewhat, like he was channeling himself from a few months before. He felt strangely like he was back in the catacombs, talking to Lynn, his insides churning at the waste of a human being she turned out to be. Just. Like. Matt. "It was a rescue operation." He looked to Scarlett for a moment, trying to convey to her his pain. Of course, with him so incensed, he knew he probably just looked furious. "We were all regular people once, Matt." He turned back to Matt and his crew, his hands balled into fists. "You were. I was. All of us. But they were keeping a man's daughter from him, their minds--" He reached upward, mimicking the side of his head exploding outward. "They were addled by paranoia. You don't do what they did, not for any reason!" He almost leaped at Matt then, his brain sending warm waves of adrenaline pouring through his body. What made him stop was the odd look on one of the men's face. The one not named Jon, the big one, looked oddly impassive. Recognition of the situation at hand was clearly not on his mind, and it was as if he was watching something on a stage. Tyler believed, strangely, that this man would kill him without hesitation if he moved to attack them. Tina and Jace shuffled awkwardly on their feet. They'd probably have a lot to ask once they got back, but they were holding back in front of these people. Tyler wanted to shut up so that they could all move on, but something else Matt said caught his interest. "Outpost was fine when I left," he said. "It still had--" He looked down, finally feeling his anger ebb away. Damn it, he was feeling a lump in his throat now. "They still had Rudy. Still had Enrique. I'm sorry, Matt, but you used them as well. I just wanted my little girl." The man named Jon let out a breath. "Jesus, well then. You done here, Matt, or would you like to taunt these people some more?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Scarlett - Fitness Center - Tyler, Matt, and others I forgot Scarlett had kept her mouth shut as the men were near the bag and checked it. That man's comments had annoyed her, and once again she was glad her short tempered sister wasn't around. Still, her grip tightened around the blades' hilt to the point where her knuckles turned white. The fact that she still didn't know what was in the bag had her even more frustrated, but there was little she could do. Tyler had mentioned not letting the others do much talking but he wasn't helping now. What was he doing? The young woman glanced back to where he was and frowned as she noticed he had been paying little attention to the transaction. It didn't seem to matter though, for soon the main man who spoke took an interest in Tyler and began speaking to him as if he knew him. "Thomas?" Her voice was low as she asked the question to herself. She listened as the man spoke vaguely of what their past had been like and she looked at Tyler for answers. It made her upset that these men knew about Katie. They were dangerous and had horrid intentions by the looks on their faces. It made her stomach uneasy just to think that the young girl had been near anyone like them. Scarlett began to become more uneasy as the minutes went by. She didn't like the look on the man with no weapon. Who in their right mind would walk into a situation like this unarmed? She quickly tried to find something else to look at and turned to Tyler once more as he began to speak. Everything the man named Matt had said, Tyler confirmed, but elaborated. He seemed a bit different as he spoke, but Scarlett justified it by thinking that the mentioning of Katie made Tyler angry. As she watched his movements, she took a few steps closer to him, fearing that in any moment he'd do something irrational. If he was telling the truth, then he had nothing to fear from Matt. Of course, Scarlett now had questions of her own for him, but she decided to stay quiet and keep watch in case the situation escalated. Once she was close enough to Tyler, her eyes returned to the three men and Tina and Jace. She expected some sort of argument to come up later with Tina, but hoped for the best with the three men from Tremblay. The last thing she needed was to have a bunch of thugs after her again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Zoe and Andrew - The Road - Scouts/Danny/Alex Andrew took was relieved when the men seemed to relax a little. "What do we get in return?" He repeated. "Well..." He said, searching for an answer. "Well, I do believe there's some truth in the saying 'Strength in Numbers'. We've been alone for almost 4 months - Just me and my wife, and I've been wanting to try and find a larger group." Andrew shrugged, not exactly sure what else to say. "I mean - If you wanted to kill us, we'd be dead already... And you were right - I'm not dumb enough to threaten a truck full of men." Boldly, he stepped forward and crossed half the distance between him and the guy. "We're just offering our help - you don't have to accept." He extended his hand, hoping the guy would cross the distance left and take their offer. "I'm Andrew; this is my wife, Zoe." Emma - The B&B - Enrique/The Pack Emma handed the gun over to Enrique, watching as he undid the clip. She pondered the name "Sylar", as he spoke like she should know who he was. She found herself searching the Myriad of people she'd met in the last two months. Then she found it- Sylar from Outpost. She didn't know he was dead, but she guessed Enrique had taken great pleasure in ending his life. She followed his instructions and went inside, finding Berkley. He met her eyes with a look of disgust, which only pleased Emma. "Enrique wants you to fill these clips up." She said dryly. He took the magazines from her hand and opened his bag, producing a box of shells. He slowly filled the ammunition, and practically threw the two clips back at her. As she turned around and left without word, he muttered, "Not a bad shot for a piece of Jailbait." His "compliment" threw her off-guard, and she was unsure how to respond. In turn, she didn't say anything, but rather walked away. When she found Enrique she sat the gun - La Pistola - on the table. "Now what?" She asked, blandly. Abram - Baton Rogue - Sam The man listened as Samantha spoke. "Training... wasn't as much of an impact on me as the experiences I've had. I joined the US Army at 21, and ended up spending time as a Military Cop, a Grunt soldier, then later as a special forces operative." "I served 6 tours - 2 in Iraq, 4 in Afghanistan." He said, slightly nostalgic. "Yes, Jess and I were in a group... we've only been on our own for about a week now. The group's leader - One of the soldiers under me in my squad, and my best friend - was shot and killed. The other 4 in my squad were also murdered about two weeks after the outbreak. In the group, Daniel - the leader - had a 14 year old sister who was there too, watchin' him die... She left the place almost a month before I did, with a young girl about your age and a boy her age. "Jess and I left because we've been trying to find our friend, Floyd." He glanced at her. "But, don't think that just because we're newly acquainted that I'll double-cross you. Besides, I'm 43. You're - What? - 23, 24 years old? You could outrun me without a problem." "I promise you that you can trust me as long as you don't give me a reason to not trust you." He smirked a little bit. "I was a sniper for almost 12 years- If I wanted to kill you, I would have shot you by now."
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