Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SevenStormStyle
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SevenStormStyle Not an Authority Figure

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sepia - Arriving at practice. A young, brunette faunus approached the practice range quickly, hoping she wouldn't be late to her first class at Beacon. She grinned excitedly at the thought. Imagine that! Her, a student at one of - no, the best school for aspiring huntresses such as herself. The idea seemed to add to her already infinite energy, and she arrived in front of a young woman in... some sort of armor? Tilting her head respectfully, Sepia apologized for her apparent tardiness. "I'm sorry that I was late, professor. I just received word of my acceptance and came as quickly as I could." While waiting for a response, Sepia mentally compared her attire with that of her superior's. Battle armor and an expensive, short, frilly dress. Oh well, at least she'd remembered to bring Orthus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Agent B52
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Agent B52

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Marcus blinked as he recognised the professor’s voice and immediately swallowed dryly.

“Yes ma’m.” Marcus acknowledged her commands and dismounted. One of the other students, a new face with striking emerald green eyes, made a remark that caused him to wince.

“Yeah, funny you should mention that.” Marcus replied uncomfortably.

The entrance exams obstacle course was a prime example of a challenge still based around the idea of hunters as purely infantry. The rules had only specified that participants had to stay inside of the bounds and complete the course in whatever way they saw fit. While many an obstacle had been designed with more than one way to overcome it, ‘complete obliteration’ had not been one of them. Probably. Outside of miss Iderson, the other referees were too busy frothing at the mouth or staring at the wreckage to give Marcus a straight explanation about that particular detail. He had not stuck around long enough to find out the specifics. Once miss Iderson confirmed that he had passed he promptly vacated the area before the other referees could strangle him for what he had done to the course.

He still did not know if he was even allowed to go back there anymore.

Still rather than dwell on the past it was time to get himself a rifle and start the lesson. Marcus felt more at ease inspecting the weapon, checking if it was loaded or not and other busywork. Not that the heavy bolt action needed attention. Gunmen often joked that this particular design was dreamed up by two drunks on the back of a napkin. Simple, reliable and with enough oomph to knock an Ursa on it’s ass with just the shockwave of the bullet.

Armed once more he stood at the ready for further instructions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Rowan Iderson, Practice Rowan tapped on her scroll, opening a new message from Professor Ozpin- Sure enough, she had a new student. She tapped a few more times. "Welcome to Practice, Sepia Russet. Your excuse checks out, and I've emailed the ground rules to your scroll, alongside a video message from my aide. If you need any equipment like a rifle or have any questions, ask me." Her eyes went over Sepia's clothing and she frowned slightly in distaste. "Your clothing is completely unacceptable for what this class expects. You have ten minutes to retrieve running shoes, a suitable shirt, and pants. I suppose a 'combat skirt' can be dealt with, but Esther may not think the same–and she'll be handling a large amount of the more basic training. In case you do not have an acceptable outfit, I'm arranging for a set of secondhand combat clothes to be sent to your locker. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get the rest of the class on the obstacle course. The clock is ticking." Rowan tapped twice more on the Scroll, then compressed it and put it back in the holder at her hip. "As Esther said, we're running the course first and doing target practice after. No weapons or equipment are necessary for your first run, which you should be thankful for. They're heavy and restrict movement. The prescribed course is simple. Esther, care to explain it?" Amaranth Desire, PE Amy took off after Diamond. The other girl had always probably been faster than her, and normally the hawk Faunus would have been more than willing to let it slide. No reason to set the bar for herself high on the first day. But she and everyone on Team BAST were living on luck and borrowed time until they could prove that they could compete on the level of everyone else at Beacon. To that end... Amy pushed herself as hard as she could, practically sprinting on the last lap to pass Diamond and finish earlier than her–and hopefully everyone else, but there was no telling if someone in the class was some kind of fanatic athlete. She turned to Diamond as she stopped at the end of the run, trying to cover how much exertion she had put herself through, though she couldn't mask that her chest was heaving. "I would have to interview? Now I'm the one who's hurt."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The thug was happy with her time. All that jumping over rooftops and various other fun activities from her past life left her with quite the stamina. All the more surprising when Diamond saw Amy zoom right past her on the last stretch. Taking a few seconds to pay up the oxygen debt, she looked at the birdbrain curiously. "You got something to prove?" she asked. Chuckling at her question, Diamond shook her head. "Two year's plenty time for people to change. I meas just look where we are. And you have to agree a contract and an employ are different things. Who knows, maybe you'd hate the new good me?" the ex-thief said with the most insincere of innocent faces. "Tell you hwat, let's go someplace nice to eat on the weekend and catch up, hm?" she winked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Priscilla Montgomery, Practice Oh god, late again..! Priscilla couldn't be late again. The pink haired girl ran to her next class trying to not show up late like she did with the Grimm Studies. As she ran her mind drifted off to thinking about Robert and how cute he was, also waiting for their little date to come up. "Uhhhh."Priscilla breathed heavily, entering the class-room and seeing a few students already there. Thankfully she wasn't the only one late, trying to be slick Priscilla squeezed in-between the students slowly. Now paying attention to whatever was happening in the classroom. Priscilla looked down at her clothing checking out if she was wearing her practice clothes, but the only thing she was wearing was comfortable shoes, a combat skirt and a suitable shirt. That was good for the practice right...? Hopefully the professor won't say nothing about her being tardy.~
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

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Kuhaku Shiro - 5th Period, Practice Class As the bell sounded, Shiro huffed in disappointment. He was hoping to have had time to learn more or at least make a few adjustments to his weapons. But alas, what could have been done? The drama from earlier had interrupted class and sapped too much time. Sighing to himself, he quickly pieced together his weapons and returned them to their 'Ready' state. Sheathing his sword and slinging the combined armaments onto his back, his Scroll vibrated. Blinking, he removed his Scroll as he headed out of the class room and his mood visibly improved seeing that Ms. Sabella had responded to his text. Quickly reading it, he raised a brow and made a face. Her response was a bit odd, but smile returning, he responded. To: Sabella, Mokuren From: Kuhaku, Shiro Subject: Ostrich? O.o "Aww, shucks. You can just call me Shiro, we're all friends here. No need for formalities, if you don't mind me just calling you Mokuren that is. What did you mean by 'someone like myself'? I'm no one special xD Do I seem interesting? I don't think so. You seem more interesting than lil' ol me." Sending the message, he pocketed his scroll and jogged off to his next class. Practice, if he remembered correctly. From what the class sounded like, it seemed like it would be easy. After all, how difficult could 'Practice' be? He imagined it to just being a class where he could play around and maybe work on his sword swings with some light sparring matches with the other students. --- He was dead wrong. Standing there, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face, he second-guessed his decision to sign up for this class. It was a lot more serious than he thought. As the Professor and her aide introduced themselves and explained how the class would be working for the rest of the year, it was nothing like how he imagined. Upon hearing the rules of the class, he carefully removed his weapon from his back and unsheathed his sword. Grabbing the slide/spine of the blade, he racked it back a few times to make sure the chamber was emptied. Immediately, Ms. Vanhomrigh's eyes snapped to him and shot him a death glare as he cleared his weapon. Swallowing dryly, he sheathed his sword after checking it. Setting his weapons against the nearest table, he decided it would be best that he keep his hands off of his equipment. You know, for his own health's sake. Returning to where the students were congregated, he quietly awaited further instruction. Best not to do something he wasn't supposed to do, when he wasn't supposed to do it. Though he was faunus, he was sure the two women could easily snap him in half. Esther Vanhomrigh - 5th Period, Practice Class A vein pulsating in her temple, visible underneath the brim of her cover, she ground her teeth audibly. She did not approve of how some of these students dressed themselves. What was with the younger generation and their odd choice of attire nowadays? Lowering her head, she adjusted her cover once more. Not satisfied unless it sat perfectly aligned on her head, though it didn't need adjusting. Looking over to Mr. Goldstein, she snapped at him. "Mr. Goldstein! Return the rifle to the weapon rack! You'll be doing the obstacle course first, firing range second. Or are you already so lacking in the attention span department?" Her voice boomed. Sighing, already done with most of them, she turned to the rest of the students. Removing her Scroll and expanding it, after a few quick swipes and taps, she sent a to the students. After sending the file, she collapsed and pocketed her Scroll. "Ms. Russet, I suggest you get moving and change into appropriate clothing. As for the rest of you, review that video to get a basic understanding of what you'll be doing at the O-course. Once done, get your fucking asses over to the start of the course and get into lines of two. Since you are all just starting out, we'll give you a maximum of 5 minutes to complete. If your weak little bodies can't complete it in the time given, you'll run it again until you do. If you consistently fail, you will run it until we're satisfied. Just know that I'll only be satisfied when you either pass out, or throw up your lunches. Later on in the year, you will run the course with the added weight of your weapons and the time windows will get smaller. NOW GET A FUCKING MOVE ON AND QUIT FUCKING DILLY-DALLYING, YOU LITTLE SHITS. COME ON, LET'S GO!" She clapped her hands a few times at them, to stir them awake and get them moving. If only they knew she was holding back some, otherwise it would be a flying table to get them going. Her hawk-like eyes saw Priscilla weaseling her way into the class. These children were testing her patience, she was sure of it. "Ms. Montgomery, how nice of you to join us! Care to spew out an excuse as to why you were late on your first day of class!" She pointed a stern finger at Ms. Russet. "Your classmate there has a valid reason, so what's yours! What were you doing, sucking the face of your boyfriend? Get to the front of the line, you're going up first on our obstacle course!"
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SevenStormStyle
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SevenStormStyle Not an Authority Figure

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"Sure thing, Professor!" Sepia replied cheerfully, and with that, she turned and sprinted in the direction of where she'd been told that her locker would be. The sound of angry yelling reached her from the way she'd come, and for once she was glad to have arrived unprepared. Although, the last part didn't seem so bad. Growing up in a lodge in the middle of a large forest had allowed her to become remarkably fast and endurant through "roughing it" and training as much as possible. True, she wasn't very strong in the way that meant lifting or stopping heavy things, but she was pretty sure that an obstacle course wouldn't be too difficult. Arriving at her locker, Sepia quickly grabbed a plain pair of black shorts and a brown tank top with a pink paw print on it. After changing into both these and replacing her high heels with a pair of sneakers, she made her way back to practice where she did as Professor Vanhomrigh said and got in line.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

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Robert listened to Ms. Vanhomrigh respectfully, he knew people like her and he knew that there would be consequences if she thought for a moment that she wasn't being given the respect she deserved. Priscilla's tardiness soon confirmed that. He wasn't really sure how to respond to the teacher's comment about her reason for tardiness. Object and point out that he had not only been there on time, but that they hadn't kissed yet. Just keep quiet and not try to provoke Ms. Vanhomrigh's ire. Or maybe volunteer to go with Priscilla. There were two lines, meaning that they probably would have everyone go two by two. Robert chose the latter. He strode over to the front of the other and got himself ready, shooting Priscilla a thumbs-up to let her know he was cheering her on. The signal to start was given, and Robert took off. He jumped over the first obstacle, then approached the pull-up bar. He jumped up and grabbed it, but slid off almost immediately. He tried again, hung on for about three seconds, then fell face first on the ground. Good thing he didn't have his glasses or visor on, it wouldn't have been good to have broken them this early in the school year. He got back up and tried a third time, saying out loud, "Third time's the charm." Finally, he got his leg over it and rolled off successfully, sprinting to the next obstacle. Robert made it through the next few obstacles easily enough. When he made it to the balancing beams though, he lost his footing and landed on his junk. He began to slide off the beam, holding back any cries of pain, when he wrapped his arms and legs around the wooden log. Robert got himself upright again and continued on with the course. Every obstacle afterwards was not really noteworthy, except the winces of pain with every time he lifted his legs. When he approached the second pull up bar, he groaned and pretty much went through the exact same thing he did with the first one. Finally, he reached the last obstacle, the ropeclimb. Robert made it about halfway up before losing his grip and falling. Of course it wasn't that easy for Robert, he just had to get his leg tied up in the rope and dangle there for several seconds before falling on his head. He tried again, this time making it to the top and back down with no problems. Robert approached Ms. Iderson and Ms. Vanhomrigh after walking off the course. "Ta-da. Ms. Iderson, Ms. Vanom... Vin... Ma'am, how'd I do?" he asked, still rubbing his crotch as if doing so would somehow alleviate the pain. "Please don't be over five minutes. Please don't be over five minutes. Please don't be over five minutes," he silently pleaded.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Professor Pavel Vorosky - 5th Period, Survival
Pavel watched as the students began to come in, again, offering each of them a seat and some food. Most declined the food, but no matter, more for him. Once Ineko came into the room and sat down, Pavel's eyed lit up. "Ah! You remind me much of the Exoskeletons in the Zone. A shame I never got to wear one." He said, "Exoskeletons could take bullet after bullet, it was unbelievable, but radiation and anomalies..." He continued, "I once came across a mangled mess of flesh, bone and metal. Poor man must have stumbled into a Vortex. Imagine that, an entire person, and 15 kilograms of metal and machinery compressed into something the size of a small wheel." Pavel said, adding emphasis by estimating the size of the mess with his hands. Pavel quickly looked at his watch, "It's about time comrades." He pointed out a broken window, "One meter out is a teleport. We will all be jumping through that in a second." He explained, getting up and handing out large industrial metal screws to each student. "Now, do what I do, in ten second intervals. Understand? You, Exoskeleton boy, wait ten seconds after I jump through, then jump. The person after, wait ten seconds, then go. Yes?" He explained, rather quickly, getting in position. He fitted a gas mask onto his face, picked up one of the old assault rifles laying around, and strapped a tactical vest onto himself. "If anyone does not want to do this, quit this school now. If you cannot jump into the unknown, you are better off making bread for those who can." He said before sprinting towards the window, halfway there, throwing the metal screw through it. One meter away from the window, something flashed brightly, everyone hearing a strange wub sound, the screw was gone. A second later, Professor Vorosky leapt up, and through the window. A flash, a wub and he was gone. In an instant, he landed on grass. He rolled out of the way for the next person. He stood up afterwords, patting himself down and looked around. It was a familiar place, a large river in the middle of a forested area, where he was, a clearing. In the clearing, there were painted rocks lying around, several green painted rocks laid out in a line. Logs were strewn about the clearing, offering seats. Campfire linings were also around, with charred wood in them. He stretched, waiting for his students. Back in the classroom, a piece of paper detailing the instructions on how to get to where the rest of the class had gone lay on the ground in plain sight. Students not perceptive enough to find the classroom, or the paper, were out of luck, and would miss the first day of this class.
Ineko Irandi - 5th Period, Survival
Professor Vorosky's story was a little strange, some terms went over his head, but he understood the moral of the story, Ineko thought at least. There were some threats out there that armor could not protect against. Then the professor looked at his watch, and handed him a large metal screw. He gave instructions, then leapt out the window, and then disappeared in a flash of light. Ineko's jaw dropped. What? He paused for a second, then remembered his instructions. Ten seconds. Two seconds had already passed, and Ineko scrambled up from his seat and got in the same position the Professor did. He did exactly as he did, running, tossing the screw, then out the window. Ineko closed his eyes as he leapt through. He felt an impact, then opened his eyes. Dirt? Grass? He heard running water. Ineko looked around and saw essentially what was a campsite. He then understood what the ten seconds were for, and got out of the way of the landing zone. Ineko was speechless. How did we get here?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Greyson watched both stunned and amazed at what just happened seeing their professor and the other student just go through the window but the professor said that if you cant face the unknown just go into baking bread for those who can and Greyson took that as a personal challenge. Greyson wasn't going to get shown up or told he doesn't have guts so he waited counting down when the last person went in and Greyson charged the window "no guts no glory!" Greyson yelled throwing the nail in and then quickly jumping through the window and when he came out he pulled out his sword "come get some!" Greyson called out then he realized that their were no grim or anything trying to attack him. Which made Greyson feel stupid for getting ready to fight as he put his sword away realizing that he was just trying to intimidate everyone "okay now I just feel stupid for getting ready to fight" Greyson said softly going over to the teacher and his fellow student waiting on the others to follow suit...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Agent B52
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Agent B52

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Marcus jumped as if shocked and immediately placed the rifle back down in the rack. He had misunderstood that they were to run with the heavy weapons strapped to their backs. Still he would not complain about a lighter load. Determined not to make an ass of himself further on in class he grimly got ready for the practice obstacle course and waited for his turn. He nodded once to the other trainee next to him, then concentrated on the course ahead. While he had absolutely no problems with jumping over the small log wall or pulling himself up, actually throwing himself over the iron pole proved troublesome. After a good dozen seconds he finally managed it and hurried onwards. The other obstacles proved much simpler. He had the muscles hardened by years of smithing to simply brute force his way past the lot of them. Admittedly he had all the elegance of a beached whale, but flexibility had never been his strong point anyway. He panted as he staggered away from the rope, hands practically on fire after sliding down as fast as he could. Probably on the good side of three and a half minutes. Decidedly no more than four. Marcus could not help but grin. To push himself to the absolute limit and come out the better for it was exactly why he came to Beacon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 39 min ago

Abel -=- Survival
Fifteen seconds into the class, and Abel was already hearing new things, even though Vorosky was merely making conversation. Though at the back of his mind he would have expected that the professor would have begun the official lesson by now, he was plenty interested -for now at least- in the things that Vorosky had to say. Zone? Anomalies? Vortex? The unknown terms sounded exciting and dangerous to the guardian, whose knowledge of the extraordinary was limited by the faculties available back at Pallisade. The full impact of the professor's mention of an unfortunate exoskeleton-wearer being grotesquely compressed escaped him for the moment. Abel, having spotted Gren, tried to catch his eye, but the faunus seemed just as intrigued with Vorosky as he did. “Man's seen some serious stuff,” he muttered, not wanting to waste what he would have said had Gren been listening. When Vorosky got down to business, however, Abel was initially more confused than enlightened. Sure, he knew what teleportation meant, but for such a thing to both exist and imminently happen to him? A tinge of worry crept in among his thoughts. The shred of doubt gave way, however, when Vorosky declared the ideal occupation for those with second guesses about the unknown. No way I'm pussing out of this. He seized the Ampere and leaped to his feet just in time to watch Ineko toss a screw, jump, and disappear into thin air. His heart began to beat faster, but whether it was out of trepidation or eagerness he didn't care to discern. Next, a kid Abel only remembered as being in the same team as Robert went, belting out what seemed to be a personal motto before making the jump. In the instant after the guy disappeared, Abel began to count out loud to signify that he was going next. “Ten, nine, eight, seven...” He grabbed a screw and lined himself up with the portal, knees bent and ready to sprint. “Six, five, four, three, two...” Abel took off running, and only a few feet away from the window he pelted the screw in. It vanished, and the sight caused a fresh surge of adrenaline to rush through the guardian's limbs. “One!” He growled, and sprang off his feet, pivoting his body until he was performing a flying thrust kick. Rather than breaking like any ordinary problem, the rift merely sucked him up. It was all over in a split second, which meant that the only description Abel could conjure up for the experience was 'nauseous'. He tumbled onto the grass, head spinning and too concentrated on keeping his lunch down to try and make his landing graceful. He quickly righted himself, though, looking around at the three men already waiting in the picturesque, fairly pleasant clearing. A scowl momentarily appeared on his face, daring any of them to call him out on his clumsiness. “Alright then,” he burped.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 4 days ago

Oswald Connoly- Survival Oswald paid careful attention to the professor, who explained that they would be teleporting somewhere else. That came as a massive shock to him. In his life, he'd never heard of anybody other than him being able to teleport- and now the entire class would be doing it? Oswald couldn't help but feel a bit cheated: this was his domain, had been since he discovered his semblance. The fact that it was only in one specific place, and presumably lead to another specific place, was only a small comfort as he watched the other students head into the portal. He wondered how many would be disoriented. The first time he'd used his semblance, he almost passed out from the sudden change in perspective. After a few students went through, Oswald decided that this was his time to go. Tightly gripping the screw in his hand, he counted down from ten in his mind. At three, he started moving. At two, he tossed the screw through the portal. At one, he leapt through the window. His eyes blurred for a short moment, but other than that, he was fine. Walking over to the professor, Oswald couldn't hide his curiosity. "What...was that? I've never heard of anybody but me being able to teleport, and...we all just did it. This is weird." He still wasn't sure of what to think, but for now, he'd keep his less pleasant feelings to himself. No point in getting bothered about it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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Sapphire Rode - Physical Education

Sapphire took in a couple gulps of air trying to steady her breathing and the shaking of her body when someone stopped. At first she assumed it was some worried soul about to offer her help. She'd likely accept grudgingly and shrug them off after they helped her to her feet. That was before she realized who it was that stopped. Ivan, she couldn't stand the sight of his face and in all likely hood he'd only stopped because she'd been running directly in front of him and her collapse had impeded his ability to move forward.

Sapphire heard him ask tentatively if she needed help but what spoke to her a hundred times louder was the fact that he was staying just out of her weapons range. Some much for a good Samaritan. She didn't want his help no matter if she needed it or not. It had been a minute or so since she'd stopped running and the pain in her chest has eased significantly. She got to her feet slowly testing her body to make sure that it was functional. "I'm fine, you're losing the race." She said giving him a look that would scare a dragon. She clapped him on the shoulder. "Next time you want to help someone be more concerned for their safety less that they want to hurt you. That form of self preservation is not an attractive quality in anyone let alone a hunter."

After she was done speaking Sapphire pushed off of Ivan's shoulder giving her a burst of speed. Her rib still hurt like hell but anger superseded pain allowing her to catch up to most of the group just before they reached the finish line. She can in just behind most of the class but she was content in the knowledge that Ivan at least had gotten a worse time then she had.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

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Daniel - Survival

Daniel took his time getting to his Survival class, using his Scroll to guide him. Upon reaching the class, while noting that there were already quite a few students who had arrived, he immediately started wandering the class. The old weapons, the cans which were filled with some unknown substances, the guy strumming a guitar, they were all not what he had been expecting. Then again, there was a lot in this school he hadn't been expecting. Still, it wasn't exactly unpleasant. He walked over to the cans, wondering what could possibly be inside them. Deciding not to examine them more closely, he then went over to the pile of old weapons and wondered what they were here for. Some of them didn't seem like they could be used for their original purposes anymore. He then walked over to the cans, wondering what could possibly be inside them.

Then came the announcement that class was starting. The teacher explained that they would be jumping out a window to teleport to some unknown location, then jumped out of it himself, leaving no trace of him. Daniel, curious, wondered where that would lead. He grabbed a screw and waited his turn to go, then took a running start before throwing the screw in and jumping in head first, whooping as he did. Rolling on the ground to make a quick recovery, he quickly and smoothly got up from the ground. Well, this was certainly an interesting experience. Perhaps he could actually have some fun with this. He also wondered what those green rocks were for.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sarina Tala Dei Sarina could care less about Grimm studies. After all it was a simple class to her and missing a day wouldn’t affect her. Though she wondered what she could do now… Sarina walked down the hallway to enter her dorm room which was entirely to herself. She sat down on her couch. Her mind was in state of nothingness. As time passed by she lied down on her couch to eventually going to sleep. -- Sarina Tala Dei - Survival Waking from her nap, Sarina realized she was going to be late for Combat Practice. It did not stress her out; so long she arrives to class. With her weapons by her side she traveled to Survival arriving late as Vorosky. Sarina knew the drill. Broken window, teleport… she did this before last year. She grabbed an industrial screw and jumped through the window going into the teleport…feet first, a mistake she made during her first year. I hope no one is in front of me as she made the same mistake again. Yet as she got out of the teleport she noticed a man directly in front of the teleporter. She yelled “watch out” and her quick thinking came. She immediately unsheathed Arbiter and threw it to the ground sticking into the grass the blade just a few inches away from Daniels back. As she descended she used the hilt of Arbiter as a pedestal as one of her feet landed on the hilt of her sword and then immediately placed her other foot upon Daniels left shoulder. Nonchalantly Sarina said “Glad my feet didn’t collide with your head? If it did, you’d be like the guy from last year who had to stay bedridden for a week.” Monotonously she said “Sarina, assistant of Goodwitch. You must be Daniel.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SevenStormStyle
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SevenStormStyle Not an Authority Figure

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Once her turn arrived, Sepia launched herself from her starting position with as much speed as possible, hoping that the extra momentum would make some of the obstacles a little easier. The first log was no problem, and Sepia didn't have as much difficulty with the pull-up bar as some of the other students did, but the balance beam proved to be more of an issue. When swinging herself up onto the thicker log part, her tail got snagged on something, costing her a few seconds to get it free. Once standing, she ran down the logs and over the jumps easily. When she got to the wall, Sepia pulled herself up and over, noting how the edge pulled up on her shorts. "I guess ditching the skirt was a good idea after all." The rest of the course went by mostly uneventfully, and Sepia thought that having to get over the few logs right in a row was kind of fun, actually. As she started sliding back down the rope, however, it slipped out of her grip and she landed on her rear. Hard. Hoping that no one had noticed, she quickly jumped up and walked back to where the other students who had finished and the professors were waiting. "Ouchouchouch."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Darn it... how could the professor just see her fro- well she wasn't that far from her but still. Priscilla bit her bottom lips blushing a bit as the professor called her out. She was going to be in a lot of trouble that just happens when you are late to class. "My excuse...? I don't have one.. I was just... I g- wasn't paying much attention to the bell and I ran to the bathroom to change before coming here. Well, I didn't exactly change, I just changed my shoes to a comfortable one for the obstacle course and stuff." Priscilla spoke nervously, now going to the front of the line. She had no boyfriend to begin with, well Robert wasn't really her boyfriend but she wanted him to be. Priscilla turned her head noticing Robert giving her the thumbs up, she smile at him knowing that he will always have her back on everything and that was just the reason why she was so attracted to him. "Okay, okay. I'm going.. don't need to be mean...gosh." Priscilla tied her hair up to a ponytail, now running to the obstacle course first jumping the log, successful now heading to the other obstacle course jumping and grabbing onto the pole trying to get herself up, but couldn't because of her wearing a skirt. Her body fell, falling down on her back while looking up at the pole, sighing. She failed. Now to hear the professor scream at her, the others laughing and Robert probably laughing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sangue Naga - Survival Out of all things, a portal was not something Sangue expected to confront. Though her surprised remained hidden behind her stoic face, her stiffened body could at least send hints that she had second thoughts about jumping through a portal. At the very least, throwing the piece of metal that now rested in her free hand seemed harmless for her standards. After all, she flung around a piece of metal that was literally attached to her, so she did not feel unfamiliar with the idea. With that said, Sangue mindlessly threw her nail into the portal before jumping in… …only to land on the ground face-flat, her claw digging into the grass as it dangled behind her. The woman struggled to get up, using her only arm to pry herself shakily off of the ground. It took her a few seconds to notice that the Apophis Claw awkwardly extended itself, remaining still on the ground. Blinking with her barely open and unscarred eye, Sangue retracted the claw back to her shoulder, turning back to pay attention to the class she now attended in. Things seemed awkward so far. It was to be expected of a school filled with odd things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 10 days ago

Jack Orpheus | Survival He wasn't late to it, since he kind of got there right after the last class. Everything went by fairly quickly for him, mostly because he was more interested in how unique this classroom was. Back in the city everyone would think you were an absolute nutter to hold a class in a room like this, but considering the subject matter he liked it. When his turn came for the portal he picked up his share and entered wordlessly after the ten... Or nine... Okay, he counted a little quickly. It was roughly 7 seconds for a normal person, he tried his best to slow down. As he appeared in the campsite, he stepped away from the portal and surveyed the surroundings... Campsite, logs, coloured rocks? Possibly for zoning or marking... But they were neatly lined up. Was this what they were to make use of? He watched the other students come through too. Some a bit more ceremoniously than others.
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